The Final Protectors

Chapter 39: Shadow Magic Four


Gal recalled that Carlos went from being a "nymphomaniac" to "reminiscing about the old days with a friendly attitude" and "attempting to recruit people into the group", after "failing to recruit people into the group", he "impatiently let others go where they should go", and then So far - the two of them look like they are about to fight, and it feels like this series of changes is simply too fast for people to keep up with the speed of information flow.

What happened just now

This story made Gal understand why even though Carlos and Aldo seem to have such a deep bond and a tacit understanding, the gentleman still has a headache and does everything he can to deal with him, tossing everyone Jumping up and down, you can't get a smile from this person—because he changes his face so fast!

It's so fast that it's doubtful... All his exposed emotions are fake.

The atmosphere around was on the verge of breaking out. Kevin, who was thrown into his arms, held his legs tightly, witnessing the sudden fight scene in horror. Gal looked at the nurse who came not far away after hearing the news and was about to call the police. , finally couldn't help coughing dryly: "I said you two, this is still in someone else's house, right?"

Not to mention someone else's "home", even on the Queen's roof, Carlos can take it apart, and the other one has no concept of right and wrong, good and evil. Listening to what he said just now, don't talk about fighting, Even murder and arson are probably not within the scope of moral condemnation.

Given that he doesn't consider himself a "person".

Just when Gal was already struggling, if the two of them fought directly here, should he fight first, or should he help first regardless, the savior came.

Mr. Louis was really efficient in his work. After he ran away, he quickly dispatched twelve senior hunters, and Archbishop Alfred personally led them to the scene, um, "support".

As soon as Aldo saw this scene, he immediately felt a familiar headache. He rubbed his temples, strode over, grabbed Carlos' hand on the hilt of his sword, and pulled him out of a small part of the weight The sword was pushed back, and he glared at him: "What is this for?"

Carlos saw that the fight was going to fail, so he rolled his eyes angrily, and took a step back, not forgetting not to shame his former boss in front of "outsiders".

Only then did Aldo frowned and glanced at Mr. Douglas, and with a sharp gaze that regarded beauty as dung, he hit the identity of the other party with a glance: "Priest Krystal?"

Mr. Douglas showed a meaningful smile: "It's you."

Aldo knew that this guy was difficult to deal with, so he was silent for a while, and finally he slowly extended a hand to Mr. Douglas, holding his identity but sincerely said: "I hope this time, we will not be enemies in the end. .”

Mr. Douglas lightly extended his hand and shook him, knowing that he had something to say, and sure enough, Aldo glanced at him, and then said: "Unfortunately, I think that Krystal is on our side, compared to the other side." This option is more beneficial.”

Mr. Douglas raised his eyebrows unsurprisingly.

Aldo smiled: "Since we have already cooperated once, we have kept our promise, haven't we? Human Race and Krystal have lived in peace all these years. I believe that this is the result you have always wanted. I know that for As far as your Excellency is concerned, only memory is real, so why don't you ask what the real history is like that you have recorded? I feel that without knowing anything, turning away from past partners and rashly standing on another The stakes on one side are too high, don't you think, Mister 'Sees the Truth'?"

Mr. Douglas was silent for a while, then laughed: "This is somewhat convincing, but..."

He deliberately paused, raised his chin slightly and said, "I think the human race is sometimes too cunning, what do you think?"

"Of course, we have a clear goal and are good at detours. We have sufficient reason, and are safer and have traces than Difu, who has uneven IQ and is easily controlled by desire/desire, so I don't think cunning is a shortcoming," Aldo said as if He didn't hear his subtext aimed at himself at all, and still said flatly, "And you really don't need to make a decision so early, after all, we still have the enchantment now. But I think you also know that for speculation, , Betting when it looks the most dangerous is likely to reap the greatest benefits."

He was playing hard to get, advancing and retreating properly, his tone in the front was indifferent as if he didn't care about the Priest Kleisto in front of him at all, but in the back he seemed to be completely thinking about him.

Mr. Douglas finally realized that if he went on, he might be trapped by this man, so he "looked" in Aldo's direction, and ended the conversation in a deep voice: "Boundary Archbishop, Your Excellency is still able to speak as always. "

"Thank you for your praise," Aldo said with a smile, "Then I look forward to the next cooperation."

Mr. Douglas nodded, turned and left without saying a word.

"Wait, it's not that there are shadow demons..." A hunter who followed looked confusedly at the back of the blind man who didn't turn his head, and asked. out.

"Don't worry, he won't die." Carlos snorted softly, "You can tell by his virtue that makes people feel like a fat beating at first sight."

Hunters: "..."

May I ask how the logical relationship is deduced here

Aldo finally looked at Carlos helplessly after Mr. Douglas left: "You can't always use one method to convince a person."

"That's what he promised me last time." Carlos said nonchalantly.

"What way?" Gal couldn't help asking curiously.

"I pushed him to the ground and beat him. If he didn't agree, he had to continue to eat fists." Carlos shrugged. "In the end I convinced him and forced him to go back to Sara State to sign a contract."

Gal: "..."

Kevin: "..."

Aldo couldn't think of a way to comment on this extraordinary fact, so he was silent for a while, and then put forward rather tactfully: "I think he not only revenged you, but also used this...unique threat method to force him to sign the contract." , and was a little shocked.”

"..." Carlos, "Thank you so much."

Aldo pointedly said: "You can't always treat him as a person. The current Oliver Douglas is no longer the Mr. Heigl in your memory. And... even if it is the same memory, The same person can change."

Carlos glanced at him, and the expression that was still burning with blood just now became indifferent at the speed of light, and he raised his eyebrows lightly: "What are you implying, sir?"

Aldo looked at him tenderly and affectionately, but it was a pity that this kind of eyes that can move even a stone could not shake Carlos' rough nerves at all. After looking at Aldo without any pressure for a while, he said lightly: "Then Does it have anything to do with me?"

Aldo's gentle watery eyes were shattered mercilessly, the water wave broke and spread out, but loneliness floated out.

Obviously, compared to his tenderness, "lonely" is a more lethal move. Carlos quickly avoided his gaze, turned around and pulled Kevin up, intending to abduct him back to the temple without giving up.

It was only then that Gal noticed that all of Aldo's fragile expressions were only for Carlos to see alone. Once the person left and the performance value was gone, he would immediately take it back, and then stood at a distance and stared at Carlos. The direction in which he was looking, his eyes were so firm that it made people feel chills all over his body.

Gal suddenly remembered a saying from an unknown country's romance novel circulating on the Internet - you like someone, and you give him the power to hurt you.

But Archbishop Al didn't seem to be moved by Carlos' words at all. Gal even couldn't help wondering, does he really like Carlos? However... If it didn't come from the obsession in his bones, why would he have that firm look in his eyes as if he was bound to win

Tsk, Gal shook his head, so fucking sad - even a rival in love is not qualified to be someone.

Hunters, of course, can't walk away as happily as Mr. Douglas - because they are hard-working civil servants.

In Aldo's eyes, although these hunters are not skilled, they are quite well-trained in their technical work. In just one afternoon, dozens of Difu sensor monitors were placed in the Jason block. .

When the surveillance video was handed over to Aldo through a palm-sized terminal, the demanding archbishop finally raised his eyebrows in surprise, and carefully compared the location and location of each surveillance camera against the map. After researching the scope of monitoring, he finally nodded reluctantly: "Not bad."

Carlos was a little surprised when he heard his comment, and moved over curiously to glance at it from a distance. After a while, he took the initiative to sit opposite Aldo, with a serious face.

"What?" Gal also came over.

"Hmm..." Carlos pulled the schematic diagrams over and looked at them one by one. It took him a long time to let out a sigh of relief, "It's amazing, there are at least three places that I wouldn't have thought of right away if it was me."

"The lawn in the middle of the park and the corner of the sixth cul-de-sac," Aldo asked, "where else?"

"The eaves." Carlos looked at it for a while, and said frankly, "I didn't even realize its purpose at first glance."

Aldo turned over the drawing and looked at it again, frowning: "What's the use of it?"

Carlos picked up a pen next to him and drew two intersecting lines in a very inconspicuous corner of the floor plan: "It should be like this. If we only set up monitoring on the roof, there is a section here that cannot see it. Surveillance is set up in this place, and the front is blocked by a wall, but left and right can take pictures of the direction it came from and the direction it left."

Gal asked in fear: "How do you know? I remember that surveillance theory, as a discipline, was only developed in the nineteenth century. It was established by several generations of scholars under the foundation of mathematical physics and engineering. Even the monitor itself was introduced to Difu after the Industrial Revolution and the development of thermal weapons.”

"We had magic circles for monitoring at that time," Aldo played with a sample of a monitor that he had dismantled in half, "I have seen the books of magic circles in your collection, and it seems that they have been lost... But it is not as accurate as this one. ,nice one."

"And at that time, the defensive formations were all based on personal combat experience," Carlos said, "It is inevitable that there will be omissions... Go back and find me a few books on the surveillance theory you mentioned, okay?"

There are a total of fifty-six monitors in the entire Jason block, which are jointly completed by twelve well-trained hunters, and one has never received any theoretical study, let alone mathematics—he can’t even remember the digits of his mobile phone number The man can actually see through fifty-three at a glance.

Looking at his curious eyes, what else can Gal do but nod

"Great, let's go." Carlos jumped up immediately.

Gal didn't move.

"What's wrong?" Carlos asked.

"Go back and ask Evan to look for you in my study. There are some textbooks and notes I had when I was an apprentice." Gal forced a smile and turned to Aldo, "Your Excellency, this Shadow Demon's defense action can Let me take over?"

Aldo glanced at him, frowned slightly, and said, "I remember what Mr. Goode said about the regulations. Difu above the second level must be cooperated by more than three gold medals, and the number of teams must not be less than..."

How much less

Aldo really couldn't remember, he was quite dissatisfied with this kind of management method that wastes manpower like gang fights, but there was nothing he could do... This group of mutated black fish couldn't even catch the juniors, it was a bit muddy and couldn't get on the wall.

"Please give me a chance, I hope to hone myself." Gal looked at him firmly.

The side profile of the young man looks a little like Carlos, but the front face doesn't show blood relationship, especially that kind of... stubbornness and firmness, which will probably never appear on Carlos' face.

Aldo glanced at Carlos and found that the other party had no intention of objecting, so he also nodded: "If you need support..."

Before he finished speaking, Carlos took Gal's hand, dipped the black tea in the disposable paper cup that the person next to him drank, and drew a magic circle in his palm. I don't know if it was Gal's illusion. The moment his fingertips fell into the palm of his hand, Gal felt as if his whole body was soaked in warm water, extremely warm and comfortable, but his heart beat faster and faster.

"I'll know." Carlos reached out to ruffle Gall's hair, and in his daze, he rarely asked like a competent elder, "Be careful."

Aldo turned his face away, a trace of haze flashed across his face - it's really jealous.