The Final Protectors

Chapter 4: Summon the drums


Through the rearview mirror, Gal took a look at the trembling young man in the back seat—that was the little apprentice he would take in the next year. He was as tense as a string, with an expression on his face that was about to collapse. —Gal glanced at his unsmiling old friend sitting on the side again with a stomach ache, coughed dryly, and tried to liven up the atmosphere: "Uh, Mr. Gorado?"

"Yes! Evan Gorado is reporting to you, Teacher Xiaoden!" The young man who was named immediately straightened his waist like a coffin board. At that moment, Gal thought he wanted to salute with both feet. of.

Louis, who was distracted, was startled by his loud voice, and turned his head to look at him in silence. Gall felt the boy's neck visibly flinch—Instructor Meiguert really had a lot of power: "Neither of us is deaf, Mister Gorado."

"Yes... yes, I'm sorry, Instructor Meggert."

"You can call me Gal." Gal shrugged, "Don't call me 'Mentor', it always reminds me of the archbishop's old face like an orange peel."

Evan blushed a little, and squeaked like a mosquito: "Please call me Evan, guide... Gal."

"You're in luck, boy." Louie sneered. "Your half-tutor knows a lot about being a babysitter, and you can learn the alphabet song with him if you like, but I'm afraid this guy isn't very good at teaching you other things." s things."

"Yeah," Gal glanced at him sideways, "especially after you have been tortured by a bastard instructor named Meggert, you will understand who is the real gardener."

Louis turned his head and looked at him with cold blue eyes: "Are you fighting for favor, Flower Guardian Xiao Deng'mentor'?"

"I'm stating a fact that the sun rises in the east, source of nightmares, Meggert 'Instructor'."

Poor Evan looked at the two people in front of him with his mouth open, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't pay too much attention to the guy in the back seat who was sitting on pins and needles. Louis lifted the robe sealed in the evidence bag and observed carefully through the sunlight. The beautiful Aro thread flowed under the sunlight, like Like quicksilver: "Aro's thread, the most beautiful silk thread in the world. I did a rough search just now, and there were a total of three wars that alarmed the temple in history, and only one was catching up with the resignation of the archbishop. The battle robe came forward to preside over it, but the respected priest was already seventy-six years old at the time."

"He looked very young, I think maybe not as old as I am." Gal said.

"The most important thing is that the priest has held this position for more than 20 years, and his name will definitely be embroidered on his gown."

Louis fell silent after finishing speaking, and exchanged glances with Gall. After a while, he said, "I have already written to report this matter to the archbishop, and he should be back soon."

Gal drove the car into his yard, stopped to let Louis and Evan, who had been forgotten for half a day, get off.

He glanced out through the drawn car window, the lens on the bridge of his nose covered the light in his eyes, the relaxed and warm smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and whispered to Louis who was standing by the car window: "Just now Based on the information we have, do you think this person is credible?"

Louis lowered his head and looked at his friend who was gentle and polite most of the time—few people knew that this personable "photographer" was actually a natural hunter, strong and calm, and he would strike Difu with a single blow He must be killed, and... He is actually very cautious and suspicious.

When every hunter graduates from the temple, the first lesson his mentor gives him is "At any time, you must maintain a high degree of vigilance and caution, if you don't want to take your bedroll and go to Adorat to sleep Chase shop".

Obviously, Gall is also one of the best in this regard.

Louis hesitated for a moment, and said in the same soft voice: "There are too many doubts about him, and now I can't tell his origin, but... the Arlo line never lies, remember? It is the most beautiful time when the voice stops The condensed silk thread will turn into a stagnant black when it is worn on a person who is full of conspiracy and malice in his heart."

Gal was silent for a while, shrugged, stepped on the accelerator slowly, and drove the car into the garage: "Well, this is a good argument, and I'm a little convinced."

A bird landed at Louis' feet, probably attracted by the robe in his hand, and bravely shook its legs, jumped onto the shoulder of the most terrifying instructor in the temple, and twittered with its tail on its ignorant ass. Call.

And Mr. Evan Gorado standing next to him is probably not as courageous as a bird. The "kind-hearted" instructor Gal went to the parking lot, which caused him to "two-person world" with this devil instructor for the first time in his life. ", his face was pale with nervousness, and his calf was trembling and cramping—it seemed that he was about to have diarrhea from fright.

Louis glanced at him inadvertently, and Evan was like a choked chicken, stretching out his neck ridiculously and froze, Louis exhaled from his nose, thinking that if the graduation judgment was in his hands If it is up to him, he will guarantee that a waste like Mr. Evan will never even think about stepping out of the gate of the temple for the rest of his life.

The rigorous historian sighed inwardly, lamenting again that this was really a peaceful and degenerate era.

Twenty minutes later, Gal arranged the guest room for his only rookie apprentice and sent him away. Then he brought Louis to the guest room where the mysterious Mr. Smith lived. Just as he was about to knock on the door, Amy came out first. Louis Immediately, he took a big step back like a conditioned reflex, and skillfully dodged "Miss Amy" Ostrich Yiren's vigorous pounce.

Amy winked at him coquettishly—this action was not that simple, given that at least one pound of false eyelashes were attached to his eyelids: "Master Louis, you are here to comfort the poor little one who has worked hard all day Amy's?"

Gal: "Ahem."

"Oh!" Amy raised her voice eight degrees and sighed, covering his swollen chest, "I'm so touched, I am so humble and ordinary, and I can get the favor and condolences of Mr. Louis. I must have been truly moved..."

"Believe me, Amy, you are not ordinary at all." Gal interrupted him - how many human beings can there be in this world, no matter how terrible they are as men or women, "How is Mr. Smith?"

"Asleep, or fainted, who knows?" shrugged Amy. "I must say, the fellow's energy is so high that he's trying to start his adventures in your house as soon as the fever is gone." activities, and also had a strong interest in your toilet, and even tried to put his feet in it—of course, I firmly stopped him. So I put a little sleeping pill in the water he drank, and finally brought him down Now, I stripped him naked, and he is obediently lying on the bed."

Gal: "..."

Louie: "..."

These hunters who have been raped by the healer countless come they are not dead yet

"You'd better show some respect." Louis pushed Amy away with a cold face, walked into the room with light steps, and said in a low voice, "Since the gentleman lying down, it is very likely that someone in the temple did not know Famous sword-bearer priest."

Amy's face straightened: "Priest?"

"It's hard to imagine." Gal didn't go in, and looked into the room with his arms folded on his chest, "but I believe that Louis' judgment has his own basis."

Louis walked in, and as he approached, the person lying on the bed seemed to feel it keenly, and frowned uncomfortably, his body struggled unconsciously, but because of the effect of the tranquilizing potion, he still didn't wake up after all.

Louis looked at him and found that he was unexpectedly young... handsome.

One arm of the man fell out of the quilt, his skin was pale, but his muscles were tight, and there were several scars of different shades. Louis bent down and looked, thinking that if he was a time traveler, it should be from before the enchantment was constructed, that is... at least before the era of Archbishop Al.

Regardless of whether he is a hunter or a sacrificial sword, he will never be left with so many "medals" in peacetime.

"Who are you?" Louis frowned.

At this moment, the cell phone in Gal's pocket suddenly rang, and the cell phone rang with a very rapid drumbeat.

They are all familiar with this. It is said that in ancient times, the temple used this drumbeat to convey urgent missions and summon hunters. This tradition continues to this day, turning it into the ringtone of the "temple dispatch office".

Liaisons in the dispatch office are responsible for assigning each task and coordinating the work of the hunters.

Gal went to the corridor to answer the phone, but John, who was unconscious on the bed, suddenly struggled to wake up, his eyes were still dazed, there was a little sweat on his forehead, and his whole body tensed unconsciously: "Summon drum..."

"When the summoning drum sounds, the hunters called knights will crawl over even with their last breath." Louis looked at him, and suddenly thought of this sentence in his heart.

The person who was knocked down by Amy and could not be awakened by so many people talking was actually awakened by a burst of drums, probably because of some kind of deep-rooted habit.

"It's nothing, it's just a phone call." Louis pressed his arm to prevent him from dropping the needle. "Louis Meguert, I am the instructor of the temple. It's an honor to meet you, sir."

John's long light brown hair hung down from his shoulders. He was only startled by the summoning drum, but he didn't really wake up. He looked at Louis in front of him unresponsively. After a long time, he asked vaguely: "Electrical... what is electric? "

"A convenient communication tool." Louie could not help but hold him down and lay back. "Now, sir, please lie back—Therapist Berg, please come and see him."

"Call me Amy, Lord Louis." Amy blew him a kiss.

Louis maintained a dull face all year round without any fluctuations. He said flatly: "I thought Amy was a female name, and the therapist is 'Mr.'."

John's body doesn't have much resistance to drugs, especially anti-inflammatories, and those things work really well on him. Amy found that, in just over a day, the inflammation of his savage wound seemed to have been greatly relieved.

John was lying on the bed with his head resting on the soft pillow. Although he was weak, he seemed to be awake. He looked at Louis through the light from the strange "mushroom" on the bed, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Meg Mr Walter?"

Louie nodded.

"You just said that you are a temple instructor?"

Louie rolled up the cuffs of his normal-looking suit, revealing a harp logo.

"Oh..." John's eyes fell on the mark, his expression softened, and he showed a kind smile, "'Scholar holding a harp', you teach history and difu type studies."

There are more than one kind of instructors in the temple, and different logos are embroidered on the cuffs. For example, the logo of the instructor who teaches fighting is a spear, the logo of the magic circle is a shield, and the pharmacology is the same as the healer, it is a leaf.

Louis lowered his sleeves—it seemed that the person in front of him was familiar with the symbols of the temple.

"I'm sorry, I looked through your clothes without your permission. I guess it's the dress of the sword-wielding priest, right?" Louis said while observing the other person's expression.

John was not surprised at all. The "scholar holding the harp" is usually the most knowledgeable person. If he doesn't even know the robes of the sword-wielding priest, then the temple must be closed soon.

"Can I ask you..." Louis asked, but before he could say the whole sentence, Gal broke in with an ugly face.

"An accident happened to Kelsen." Gal's thin lips were pursed into a line, and he said in a slightly hasty tone, "The badge shows that the location is in Sara State."