The Final Protectors

Chapter 43: past and present


"Where is it, where is it?" Amy rushed over without even putting on her clothes, hurriedly carrying a medical kit, and grabbed Evan by the collar who was standing by the side of the road, "I heard that Half of your mentor's head was bitten off by Difu? Where is he? Quickly give me a tour, and then I can send it out for burial!"

Evan stretched out his finger tremblingly.

In fact, Carlos and Aldo originally planned to bring Evan to see the world. In Aldo's view, a guy like Evan is simply trained by the temple according to the standards of a cook, and it is not shameful enough to pull it out.

As a result, as soon as they arrived at the Jason block, the protection circle drawn by Carlos on the back of Gale's hand was activated, and the No. 1 alarm was displayed directly, and his life was suspended, so Evan was naturally deprived of his onlooker privilege until the crisis was resolved. , was brought out with a group of stunned hunters behind the camera to help deal with the scene...and to take air-conditioning on the devastated ground.

Amy squeezed Gal's chin in amazement, holding a small flashlight like a cultural relic dug out from the ground, and endlessly took pictures of him, supplemented by a mental attack: "I said, How does it feel to have half of your brain bitten off in one bite?"

Gal was dizzy from being shaken by him, and felt nauseous for a while, and finally said unbearably: "Please find a straw and insert it from the top of your head into your brain, so you can understand how I feel."

"Oh!" Amy paused suddenly, as if inspired to hit her knees, her eyes were brighter than a high-wattage light bulb, "If Mr. Louis is on the other end of the straw, I would be willing! This is so romantic, let the words in his mouth The rain nourishes my dry brain and soaks my soul, and I will be as happy as a specimen sleeping in warm formalin... "

Gal finally pushed him away, crouched beside him and vomited.

"Who," Amy shrugged calmly, "bring him some antiemetics and a stretcher. I think he probably has a concussion."

After Gal was taken care of, and he was carried into the hotel to rest, Amy slowly turned to the other two people with strong auras. Seeing that the two of them looked relaxed and did not look like they were injured, she asked casually: "Do you need any help?" Can you help me, gentlemen?"

"Yes," Aldo said calmly, ignoring the part-time playwright's therapist's impassioned confession just now, "please help me find a pair of shoes."

One of his shoes was wiped by Carlos's bullet, revealing a scorched black strip, and it was just torn apart. If there were no socks, the toes of this noble ancient archbishop would be bare/exposed in the air. It looks like If he hadn't been so quick to dodge, he would have almost turned into "Leo One-legged Archbishop Altar."

Carlos silently turned his face away, pretending to be innocent.

Aldo glanced at him, a helpless smile flashed across his face, picked up the bullet engraved with the magic circle from the ground, studied it under the light for a while, frowned, and asked his aunt Kong Luo De said: "Who carved this thing?"

Lord didn't know who he was at first, but he only knew that for some reason, both the archbishop and the priest respected this gentleman.

Until... He was just behind the monitor and saw the story of these two men beating a shadow demon to the ground with their bare hands. His outlook on life was subverted at this moment, and he suddenly said loudly in a report voice like a conditioned reflex: "Sir, It's a machine!"

Aldo was taken aback by his loud voice, and it took a while to realize: "Who?"

"No one," Amy said, "handmade things cannot be mass-produced, cannot meet the needs of use, and the quality is uneven. These bullets are uniformly carved by the factory machines under the temple."

The clever therapist quickly took a look at Aldo's more confused expression, and reminded in a low voice: "It's just a complicated device. As long as the program is set, it can shoot bullets according to a fixed pattern direction." Draw a circle with a fixed trajectory, you can understand it as a kind of spinning wheel or something."

Aldo suddenly realized, and then his face became a little ugly, and he lowered his voice and said, "Nonsense!"

No wonder he couldn't feel the energy flow it should have from this standard attack circle, and even Carlos was attracted. He took the bullet and glanced at it, and couldn't help asking in amazement: "You guys? Just use this as a weapon?"

Amy nodded.

Carlos lightly rubbed the bullet on his blade, and a huge crack was scratched out of the magic circle on it in an instant, and the fixed patterns were all scattered.

"Well, not bad," he threw the scrapped bullets into the trash can, and commented very frankly, "the effect is similar to directly holding a cake to paste Difu's face."

"The array has an array leader," Aldo sighed weakly, and turned his hands away, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to help pinching his fingers—these descendants are really... useless Creativity, "Even people who learn the magic circle on the first day should understand that the operation of the magic circle is the function of the overlap between the magic circle and the magic circle. Not everyone can control the magic circle, let alone not human beings at all." .”

Lord asked weakly: "But there is energy input during post-processing..."

"The input energy is dead, the array must match the energy attribute of the array master," Aldo glanced at Carlos—the last time he faced two difu, Carlos accidentally injured himself in the circle because Forcibly going against one's own energy attributes, using the result of the 'anti-array', "The low-level array is not very picky about the owner of the array. As long as the drawing is correct, everyone can succeed, but the high-level array is not necessarily so."

Lord and Amy glanced at each other, and at the same time felt that the temple was weak - they had never heard of the "picking" advanced magic circle that Aldo said.

Aldo looked at this group of people, and he didn't even have the mood to be furious.

If it wasn't for his bad temper that had been wiped away during the millennium's deep sleep, Amy and Lord, who now look stupid, would have been scolded. Maybe the former archbishop couldn't hold back and slapped him. If you shoot anything in the past, even human blood will drip together.

But in the end he was silent for a minute, and said softly, "I'll talk to Mr. Goode about it."

He still has obligations... Aldo remembered, but no rights anymore.

In the middle of the night, the reinforcements from the temple finally arrived. This time, ten gold medals came all at once. Louis came to the scene in person, and everyone except Gal began to search the Jason area.

Evan is used to being a follower, but this time his mentor got down on the ground, and it seemed that he had to follow Archbishop Al—it was better than following the devil instructor Meggert.

At this moment, poor Evan hadn't figured out the horror of Aldo, so he followed him, watching him with great interest as he bent down and drew circle after circle with purified water .

Magic circle is a rare subject that Evan can master. When Aldo drew the first magic circle, he could barely understand the function of those symbols. After connecting together in a weird way, he was completely dizzy.

Then Aldo drew it round and round like this, one ring after another, until finally Evan's eyes turned into mosquito coils.

I don't know how long it took before Aldo straightened up. There seemed to be a flash of exhaustion on that handsome face. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to support the electric pole next to him.

"Your Excellency..." Evan was taken aback, "You..."

Aldo raised a finger to signal him to shut up, and after resting there for a while, he whispered, "It's okay, I'm a little tired recently."

"You don't actually have to do this yourself..."

"Then who's coming, are you?" Aldo glanced at him angrily, and finally sighed himself first, "Forget it, I can't blame you."

Isn't the establishment of the enchantment just to provide eternal protection for future generations, so that they won't walk on the line of life and death every day like my own generation

After resting for a long time, his complexion recovered a bit, just in time to see the small advertisement posted on the telephone pole, Aldo squinted his eyes with interest for a while, smiled and flicked the angry man on it with his finger: "'Give us back the living space', what is this? Difu spokesperson?"

Evan breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, you probably don't have the habit of watching the news. Now the government is in a debt crisis, and the economies of all countries are in recession. Many people have lost their jobs. Probably because of this, many people are protesting."

"Is it useful?" Aldo looked at these brave people in amazement—in his time, people and serfs did not dare to defy the king so openly.

Evan shrugged: "Who knows, there will always be appeasement measures anyway."

Aldo shook his head, and suddenly felt that he had been sleeping for thousands of years, which was not completely useless. For example, those partners who fought with him had no chance to see this magical world, no chance... to meet their former lover again. His mood became clearer, and he happily instructed Evan: "Go and get me another bottle of purified water."

And Carlos was left behind to take care of Gal in their temporary headquarters—in fact, if it wasn't because the shadow demon was eating halfway just now, facing the bright talent carrier who didn't hide his aura, it would definitely be the first time avoid. So the almighty Mr. Flarret obviously couldn't do the search.

Carlos sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed Gal's hair, who gave him a pale, labored smile.

"How is it?" Carlos asked gloatingly, "Has the drool in your mind been controlled?"

"Don't be kidding," Gal said softly, tilting his head slightly in his direction, closing his eyes, giving all his senses to smell, and whispered, "I'm about to collapse, this is my first For the first time, I felt like I was going to die.”

Carlos was silent for a while, and finally got enough emotions, and said with a low face as seriously as possible: "Gal, I always thought you were a worry-free child."

Gal didn't open his eyes, sneered, and said in a raving voice: "You? Come on, what do you think of me as your son? Seriously, I have been a hunter for more than ten years, maybe even more than You're older yourself. Don't you think it's strange?"

Carlos thought about this question for a while, and he really felt that it was very inconsistent. It was difficult for him to maintain a serious expression, and finally he couldn't help laughing: "But in terms of blood, you belong to the grandson of my brother's grandson. Grandson's grandson..."

Gal raised his hand and hit him.

The two laughed together.

"Karl," Gal said suddenly after a while, "do me a favor."


"Train me, you can use any method. You can take out the routine you went through when you were young, and you can use any intensity." Gal said slowly, "I think... I think..."

He said "I think" several times in a row, and the muscles on his face with his eyes closed were tense.

Every normal man would not like to use this way of showing weakness to beg the other party... especially the help of the person he likes secretly. Every word he uttered is like a knife cut on his self-esteem, making him In the midst of dizziness, I can still feel the heart-wrenching pain.

"Wait until you recover from your injury." Carlos said, putting his hand on Gal's head, and said softly, "Now you have to sleep for a while."

After a long time, Gal's frown slowly relaxed, finally unable to resist the exhaustion and weakness, and slowly fell asleep smelling the familiar smell of someone's body.

Carlos looked at him, and suddenly felt that Gal was very much like Brother Chuck in character, gentle and careful, and seemed reliable, but he was so brave at critical moments.

Carlos tilted his head and looked at Gal, who was sleeping peacefully, leaning his elbows on the head of the bed, and smiled softly—it's time for me, a prodigal son, to protect you.

He moved his eyes and glanced at his palm again, and the smooth skin and weird feeling flooded into Carlos's mind again.

Except for one who fell asleep, no one disturbed his thinking. Carlos crossed his arms, remembering that just now, when he was fighting against the shadow demon, he felt his body was more relaxed than ever before.

At that time, Satan's black scepter penetrated his body. Although Amy has been helping him recuperate afterwards, it is not so easy to heal after all. Although it seems that even the scars have disappeared on the surface, only he knows that the darkness The damage from the power erosion is still under the skin, and it hurts all the time.

Especially when facing the mighty Difu, the feeling of pain will become very obvious, it becomes a hidden wound.

However, just now, the feeling of restraint, awkwardness, and even pain has been relieved a lot, so light... Carlos even felt that maybe after a while, he would be able to recover alive and kicking like before.

What's going on

Suddenly, Carlos' eyes fell on the horn of the Shadow Demon that was cut off by himself not far away, and his pupils shrank.

Horns of the Shadowfiend—and those weird dreams...