The Final Protectors

Chapter 46: Fall into the Fountain of Memories II


The shadow demon is a kind of difu who is proficient in mental attack, and because of this, there are many special dangers in its world.

If it cannot be resolved quickly, people in the world will easily fall into the huge spiritual swamp it creates, and finally be trapped by their own memories. A long time ago, people called this realm the "Fountain of Memories".

As for why it is "spring"... Carlos guessed that it was probably because the world lord Shadow Demon was drooling beside him when he looked at these memories.

However, no matter how Carlos racked his brains to quote scriptures and imagining drooling shadow demons to challenge the ultimate aesthetics of human beings, in the end all these things abandoned him and retreated. In his empty mind, there was finally only Embarrassing is a word—when he watched his boyhood self holding Aldo who was also one size smaller and kissing him for five minutes.

Isn't your tongue numb, young man? Isn't your chest tight, boy? You... you, you still stick your hands into other people's clothes, what are you doing? As if you knew what to do next!

After a while, the two dead children who were covered with double-sided tape finally let go a little, Carlos was obviously relieved, and the next moment, the familiar green-eyed little bastard said in each other's ears What, then I laughed meanly, like a koala on TV who only sleeps all day long, hugging someone with all hands and feet, and gnawed on it again.

Damn, it's not over yet! Carlos covered his forehead irritably, turned his eyes away and pretended not to see—who is that guy? I don't know.

Aldo next to him smiled softly, and unhurriedly stretched out his hand to hold Carlos who was about to leave: "Where are you going?"

"Do something worthwhile." Carlos said in a depressed state.

"I thought you knew," Aldo said slowly and deliberately, "it's unwise to run around in this kind of 'world within world'. Once you get stuck in memories and can't distinguish reality, it will slowly become Food for shadow demons."

"Wouldn't it be wise to squat here and watch these two little brats radiate their still-yet... what did they call that thing, hormone or hormonal acid?"

Aldo suddenly pressed the shoulder of Carlos who was about to jump, wrapped him between his arms and the flower stand in an unusually ambiguous posture, stared into his eyes solemnly and said: "My hormones are growing. Don't you want to try it?"

"Not at all." Carlos looked very blank, "Could you please not say this in that tone like talking about lemon juice?"

Aldo was originally joking, but looking at his slightly dry lips at this moment, his throat suddenly tightened, his eyes dimmed instantly, and there was a strange desire in his heart... to lick it.

Carlos immediately keenly heard the change in his breathing rate, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes, as if he was eager to explain something, and said quickly: "Listen, people in the fountain of memories will be affected by their own memories. In this situation, at the beginning, there is a vague feeling in the memory, and as this feeling deepens, it becomes impossible to separate yourself from the person in the memory, and gradually you will have the illusion that you are the memory, and you will involuntarily be someone else What you are doing, you will completely forget who you are in the end, get stuck in it, and be slowly digested by the shadow demon, you better be careful."

Aldo raised his eyebrows and didn't refute him, but asked, "Then how do you leave the fountain of memory?"

"Find a flaw." Carlos said, and then he saw that the two little guys who were about to grow together in the corner finally let go a little bit, and were about to walk back side by side, so he quickly pushed Aldo, "Follow up They—memory is a thing of the past after all, and it cannot be completely consistent with the real you, as long as you find that flaw, you can destroy the fountain of memory."

Aldo was taken aback, and understood his implication: "So you mean that the flaw will only appear when your consciousness has been mixed with the person in your memory?"

"If you ask me, I'm sorry that's the only way I know," Carlos said.

"How do you find out if they're all mixed together?"

"Then it's up to you to wake up."

Aldo has no experience of falling into the realm of the world—after all, one of the basic conditions for people to fall into the fountain of memories is that the spiritual power of the world lord Difu is stronger than that of the people in it, and few shadow demons are as strong as this level.

He pondered for a while, and found that he couldn't think of any other better way: "So have you ever encountered such a situation?"

"Yes." Carlos responded briefly.

Aldo frowned: "Where? When? Why don't I know?"

"Death Valley." Carlos seemed unwilling to bring up this topic, and he was silent for a while before answering, "The legendary capital of the undead, I met a shadow demon there, even worse than this one." Strong...Of course, it may also be because I was weak at the time."

"Are you alone?" The days of his wandering were completely blank for Aldo, and Aldo couldn't wait to know more information.

Normally, Carlos would not answer him, but when he found that his footsteps were unconsciously approaching the unopened brat in front of him, he suddenly felt a little rebellious, and deliberately said these words Remind yourself of the past.

"No, the temporary regiment formed by the bounty hunters, including me when they entered Death Valley, had a total of thirty-six people, but after that shadow demon, I was the only one left."

The two teenagers in front were bouncing around, and they couldn't walk well... To be precise, Carlos couldn't walk well, jumping up and down like a child with ADHD, while the mature young man next to him could only stretch out one hand and grab his wrist , in case he came up with any strange moves.

Aldo looked at the one in front, and then at the one beside him—this adult version of Carlos was still calm when he was telling the story of his narrow escape.

Aldo still couldn't help but imitate his young self in front and grabbed his wrist, as if only in this way could he be sure that this person was really by his side.

"Where else have you been?" he asked.

I don't know if it was affected by the memory, Carlos let him hold it, as if he forgot to take his hand back: "You should ask me where I haven't been - I have set foot in any place you can imagine Passing...the Devil's Forest, the cliff mountain of Aragutu, and the Kraken Bend of the Shipwreck, I always thought that Tangosi Castle was the most weird and dangerous place in the world, but only later did I realize that it was also a children's playground."

Even though he was being pulled, the young Carlos jumped onto the side rail made of stones outside the flower garden, staggering from side to side and walking on one leg.

Carlos, who was following behind, felt that this behavior was so stupid, he couldn't understand at all how the matter of walking on the flat ground made him enmity with that young self... However, he also unconsciously raised his legs and stepped up the stone railing.

"I didn't do it on purpose, I can't control my limbs." Despite his funny actions, Carlos's words were still very calm, "I think we are starting to remember deeply."

"I know." Aldo understood this feeling very well—under normal conditions, Aldo felt that he would not pull his clothes hard to try to get him off the thing.

He couldn't help but do the same thing as the boy Aldo in front of him... It's just that unlike his calmness, the boy version of Aldo shouted angrily, "Get down!"

Carlos and Aldo, who were following behind, finally couldn't help laughing at the same time.

At this moment, a person suddenly ran over from the direction of the front hall: "You are here! Come on, something happened at the Pilates Bazaar! Leo, Mr. Lard told you to go see him immediately!"

Carlos was startled, and subconsciously reached out to touch the sword... But the blade he had been holding in his hand disappeared without knowing when.

"Lard?" He narrowed his eyes, imperceptibly showing a little killing intent.

"If this continues, we will be separated." Aldo found the point in the shortest time, "Are we following the same person, or..."

He couldn't finish his words, the boy version of him had already followed the visitor, and Aldo couldn't help loosening Carlos' clothes, and followed "myself" to another direction, it seemed that there was no need to choose— But this is obviously the worst outcome. If two people are together, even if they can't control their bodies, at least they can look at the adult companion next to them, and their minds are clear, but...

Aldo tried to restrain his legs that kept walking in another direction, but this didn't achieve any real results except to make his movements look a little paralyzed.

He finally gave up, turned around and gestured to Carlos—be careful.

However, when he turned around, Aldo saw in astonishment that Carlos's face behind him was somewhat blurred, and he seemed to be a little shorter. Only those deep pool-like eyes seemed to be the battle-hardened man who just said to himself, "Dangers Castle is like a children's paradise".

Aldo's heart sank, but at this moment he involuntarily followed the boy himself and turned a corner, and Carlos could no longer be seen.

The hunter next to the young Aldo was quickly explaining about the Pilates market. It wasn't until the two young men's questions and answers sounded clearer and clearer that Aldo realized that he couldn't help but get closer to them. .

Wait, what did he hear just now? Pilates Fair

For a moment, a chill came over Aldo's back, as if someone had stuffed cold snow water into his collar. He regained control of his body and stopped almost immediately.

Yes, he suddenly remembered that the battle at the Pilates Bazaar, as an important political capital, played a decisive role in his obtaining the bishop's scepter, and it was also the eve of... Carlos was forced to leave the temple.

Aldo immediately understood what Carlos said about "falling into memory". The spring of memory is not an ordinary memory, it is the part that a person remembers most clearly and has the most emotions attached to it.

So did Carlos hear clearly just now? Did he realize...

Aldo's heart was almost grabbed.

He has guarded the enchantment for a thousand years, and it is difficult for him to be shaken by ordinary emotions, but only this the place where he repeated the nightmare over and over again. For so many years, he risked his life to experiment with the forbidden time technique , just to save everything before this incident happened!

At this point, Aldo interrupted his thoughts abruptly with strong willpower, because he found that he didn't know when it would start, and he couldn't help but followed the boy himself, and walked closer... he It was almost stuck behind the blond boy.


"Leo, come here quickly, I convinced Mokaros, and I'll leave this matter to you!" A man's high-pitched, sticky voice sounded, which became the last brick to break through all the dusty memories.

As soon as Aldo looked up, he saw the ugly man with a little bald head and small eyes.

That's Lard.

He walked over, and there were no two Aldos in place, and he didn't realize it.