The Final Protectors

Chapter 5: half a therapist


Louis didn't finish his question, he only had time to hurriedly leave a sentence "Take care of him" for Amy, and then went out with Gal.

Sara State is surrounded by mountains and the sea. Although it is already late autumn, the weather is not that cold. Only the sound of sirens from afar echoes the sound of distant wind, and the gloomy sky is somewhat desolate.

The effect of the sleeping pills was still there, John's nerves that were forcibly awakened by the summoning drum were still numb, and he couldn't open his eyes after a while, and he fell into the soft quilt again until midnight, when he was heard by the voices and voices from downstairs. Footsteps woke me up.

The door of the next room was knocked hastily a few times, and John heard Gall's voice saying, "Kelsen is found, he's downstairs, seriously injured, hurry up!"

John struggled to get up from the bed, put on the nightgown that Amy gave him next to the bed—the clothes here were all so strange, he studied for a long time before he finally got every button and buttonhole right, and his fingers unconsciously pressed the plastic After rubbing the buttons a few times, I thought they were like gemstones that had been processed to become light and thin.

After lying down for too long, the wound between his chest and abdomen was pulled by his movements. John gritted his teeth, stood up slowly while supporting the bedside table, and walked out with his feet shuffling.

Downstairs the living room was already brightly lit, and looking down from the second floor, there was a huge... um, maybe some kind of chair? It looks limp—well, whatever it is, there's a man lying on it who looks like he's half-lived.

Amy, who was dug up from the bed in the middle of the night, had a serious face, and made Gall and Louis go round and round.

There was another sound of footsteps coming from behind. John turned his head and found that it was a young man he had never seen before. He first showed a shy smile to himself, and then looked down at the railing. The blood was so visually impactful that the young gentleman only had time to let out a cat-like scream before rolling his eyes, face down, and fell to the ground with a bang.

John: "..."

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground alarmed Gal and Louis. Louis took out a tissue, wiped the blood on his hands vigorously, and said annoyedly: "The rookie you brought has the problem of haemorrhage. It’s getting more and more curious.”

Gal sighed, and finally had some conscience, and ran up to help his indecent little apprentice to the sofa—this guy is so heavy, it's hard to imagine, such a petite and lovely courage and a simple and miniature brain, How did he support such a strong body

"Louis, help me press his wound! Quick!" Amy said, "It's too late to send to the hospital. What the hell caught this?"

The face of the man on the sofa was pale, and it looked like an angel would wave a small handkerchief to give him a one-way ticket to heaven. The ups and downs of his chest were almost invisible, and there was a large area of scratch marks, and six bloodstains lined up very neatly. They were arranged like the teeth of a comb, and the gaps between each wound were extremely narrow. If it was any deeper, the man might have been ripped open.

"Gal! I want to purify the water! Now!"

Gall trotted upstairs to fetch a bottle, and Amy took it and only glanced at it, then continued: "Not enough, take two more bottles—Louis held his wound and didn't move!"

Louis' complexion was not very good-looking, the wounds were too dense, there was almost no place for him to attack, he had the feeling that his fingers had pinched Kelsen's flesh.

"What happened to your friend?" John asked.

"Kelsen's badge suddenly went dark this evening, showing that the location was in Sara State. After receiving an emergency call from the liaison officer, Louis and I followed the badge trail to find him, and found him near the middle of the mountain. He. But depending on the situation, it should not be where the incident happened. I think it may be that Kelsen moved himself in time after the injury. He knew that I had gone home and probably wanted to ask me for help, but he couldn't make it to my house. "Gal quickly told the story of the incident, "None of us saw Difu attacking him."

"Okay Louis, you can let go now." Amy carefully sprinkled purified water on the man's wound. As the blood flowed onto the sofa, a thick black smoke rose from the wound, and the man's bones were almost exposed. out.

Evan, who was placed on the side, finally woke up slowly and saw the horrific scene at close range, which made him pass out for the second time before he had time to express any opinions.

"No, it can't be cleaned! Is it because the purified water is not enough? God, I have never seen such a wound." As soon as Amy stretched out her hand, Gal immediately put another bottle of purified water on his hand, "After the first aid is over He needs to be taken to the hospital immediately, I think he is dying of blood loss."

At this time, Amy's wrist was grabbed by a person. He turned around in astonishment, and met the dark green eyes of their mysterious guest.

John said, "Ruldan—the jackal of the abyss."

Amy was taken aback: "What?"

John knelt down on one knee beside him. This action used a little strength of his abdominal muscles and almost killed him. When his knee touched the ground, there was already a thin layer of sweat on his forehead: "The abyss jackal His scratches are very special, and it is difficult to remove them with purified water. The amount of purified water you poured just now is enough to clean the wounds, and if you continue to cleanse, his ribs will be removed."

Amy froze for a moment: "But... what is an abyss jackal?"

Gal looked back at Louis, who paused for a moment: "That's a kind of ancient difu, and the enchantment has never appeared again."

"Then what should I do now?" Amy looked completely dazed.

"I said, are you really a healer?" John looked at this so-called "best healer" with a headache. This guy is not even as good as an apprentice who has never left the temple. A hunter who has studied medicine to save himself in the wild It's better than falling into his hands, "Chapter 13 of "The Canon of Olive Leaf"..."

"Ah!" Amy called out shortly, "Yes, there is also a purification circle!"

It was not easy, he finally remembered.

Amy quickly dipped her finger in the purified water, and drew a complicated magic circle symbol on the chest of the man who was emitting black smoke. John watched from the side and blinked—unexpectedly, this was a half-baked treatment in his opinion The magic circle drawn by the master is actually very standard, and even I can feel the gentle power from the purified water.

Surprisingly pure healing power.

After a while, the black smoke had been suppressed, and Amy began to sing in a way that no one could understand. His voice was lower than the female voice, and softer than the male voice. It sounded soothing and soothing. The magic circle on the injured man's chest began to emit a milky white halo, the black air on the wound finally receded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood stopped temporarily.

John relaxed his body, knelt and sat on the ground, leaned sideways on the soft "chair", turned his head to look at Amy, and suddenly felt that this half-male guy was much more pleasing to the eye.

A gifted therapist, he thought, must be someone who is soft and strong at heart.

The rest of the work is routine treatment, wound suturing, medication and bandaging.

It took more than half the night for the injured man's life to be saved. Gal and the others contacted the hospital in the temple. Before dawn, an ambulance drove over and dragged the man who was still unconscious. gone.

"Oh! Look! That white bread can run by itself!" John stood at the window and watched the ambulance go away, his eyes wide open.

Amy yawned and patted him on the shoulder: "Honey, we usually call it an ambulance."

"The car?" John looked at him blankly. "Why did you make the car look like bread? What is pulling the car? Some kind of invisible creature?"

Gal wiped his face and said casually, "It's the engine."

After seeing John's more bewildered expression, he had no choice but to explain with gestures: "It's... anyway, it's a kind of machine that provides energy through a certain method to make the car run."

"Wow..." This mysterious sword-wielding priest from an unknown era tried to poke his head out of the window, but unfortunately it was blocked by the transparent glass, so he took a picture of his handsome face on the window, like "It runs so fast—what is this, a transparent wall? It looks like there's nothing! It's amazing!"

"No! No—Mr. Smith, he's not as strong as you imagined, you can't hit him with your fist!" Gal rushed over and grabbed the man who was trying to smash the window glass of his house.

Well, as Amy said, this... Mr. Priest's curiosity seems to be a bit too much.

And this situation became more obvious during the breakfast process. Mr. Priest obviously couldn't understand the principle of the refrigerator. He watched Amy take out a large bucket of milk from it, and was startled by the cold breath coming out of it. After taking two steps back vigilantly, but soon, like a curious big cat, he came up again.

"Mr. Smith, it's just a perishable food storage cabinet, also called a refrigerator. No... there is no magic circle in it, and you don't have to stick your head in it!"

"And that's a microwave, it heats food, it cooks you in minutes, don't put your hands in it! No... don't turn it over, you can't find that little flame! Ah! Stop it, Emmy He! The egg will explode if heated inside!"

After some twists and turns, John finally sat down at the dining table obediently. Due to his injury, his movements still seemed not very smooth, but this did not hinder his enthusiasm for exploration and research, even if he was held down by Gal On the chair, he still looks like an ADHD child with nails on his buttocks.

"You mean, all of you here live in such an interesting house?"

Obviously, in front of Freshman, the shock and uneasiness that this guy felt when he got the newspaper yesterday has disappeared—what kind of weird age was it that could produce such a heartless priest

"Is this... porcelain?" Mr. Priest looked at the plate with fried eggs and slices of bread in front of him flattered, "I thought this kind of precious vessel from the ancient East would only be used in formal occasions."

"No." Amy mumbled with a sausage in her mouth, "I'm afraid it's local and not very precious, we use it for food every day - didn't you notice yesterday, the toilet too porcelain."

John's eyes widened, and Gal hurriedly stuffed a set of tableware in his hands, in case the priest said something that would disturb his appetite, such as "Your delicate ass/ass can use luxury goods as a toilet".

Fortunately, after picking up the knife and fork, John was completely quiet, and his table manners were perfect-except for the butter in the small plastic box, which made him confused for a while.

"Mr. Smith, were you a healer before you became a priest?" Louis asked.

"John." John chewed slowly and ate a piece of unusually soft bread. He couldn't taste what was in it, but it tasted really good. "No, I'm a hunter."

"But you know the Canon of the Olive Leaf," Louis said, "very few people can master it, usually only the top healers can learn it."

Amy's expression was dreamy: "Master Louis said that I am a top therapist... Oh my god, I must be dreaming, Gal, quick, pinch yourself and tell me it's true!"

Gal turned a deaf ear and dragged the chair aside, expressing to draw a line with fools.

"I have learned a little." John shrugged, "but unfortunately, to become a therapist requires a certain talent, and learning alone is not enough. I have tried to become a therapist, even after completing the basic courses. Internship at Temple Hospital for a day."

Louie: "One day?"

"... Yes, there was a small accident. One day later, I changed from a trainee nurse to an injured patient. After my injury recovered, I was kicked out."