The Final Protectors

Chapter 52: Fall into the fountain of memory eight


"Quiet! Be quiet!" Archbishop Mokalos looked haggard, and he even had to support someone to stand still. Even when he was recovering from an injury, he would encounter such bad luck—usually God missed him too.

A large group of people in robes next to them carefully checked the scene, barely maintaining order.

At this time, there was an exclamation from the robed people who were investigating the scene. Everyone looked over there and found an elderly lady carefully pulling out a black object from the ruins. She took the handkerchief handed over by the assistant After wiping it, the black ash fell off, revealing a golden corner of the thing.

This lady is the chief healer, Mutter, with rich experience. She immediately knew what it was, quickly covered it with a handkerchief, and hurried over to hand it to Archbishop Mokaros.

To be honest, Mrs. Mutter's handling is not clever, and anyone with eyes can see that she is trying to cover up.

Whispering voices sounded in the crowd: "What is that?"

"Covered by Mrs. Mutter, but I see a gold border."

"Phnom Penh? Oh yes, I heard gold doesn't burn in fire, so..."

"Could it be... oh my god!"

If it wasn't for Aldo's good mental quality, he should be pale and trembling now—he finally remembered that Carlos' gold medal fell out of the old clothes in the process of eliminating traces in a hurry when he came back last night Once, he didn't see his own from the beginning to the end.

Including them in the temple, there are seven gold medals in total, and what's more, each gold medal is engraved with the owner's name.

Aldo couldn't help but start praying in his heart: I hope that Huoxiemen will be better, and I hope the quality of the gold medal in the temple is not so good... Oh, well, the archbishop has looked over.

See, it has been said that you are usually not pious, and it doesn't work if you hold your feet temporarily.

Archbishop Mokalos's gaze was extremely penetrating, even though his physical condition was already at the end of his strength at this time. He glanced at Aldo silently, as if an awl had been knocked into Aldo's heart.

Calm down... Aldo said to himself, and then he tried to calm his breathing, pretending to feel the gaze of the other party half a beat later, frowned very appropriately, showing a little confusion at the right time, and then calmly and calmly as usual Standing there, he looked like a gentleman, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Only he himself knew that his underwear was completely soaked.

Finally, the archbishop looked away and focused on the gold medal on the palm of his hand. Unfortunately, the gold medal of the temple is of very good quality, and the words on it are all there—"Leo Aldo, grant a Waiting for the gold medal."

Archbishop Mokalos nodded at Mrs. Mutter, turned around and walked out without saying a word, the next moment someone motioned for all the gold medals to follow, Aldo finally couldn't help but glanced at Carlos, but found that he was slow He carefully observed the ruins after the fire, with a brisk expression like that of a fire scene sightseeing group.

In the archbishop's office, Archbishop Mokalos called everyone in except Aldo to speak, and Carlos went through a cutscene, nodding or shaking his head, without deviating from the "script" Meaning—Carlos knew that once he messed up his memory, with that guy's level of involvement in the play, he might really not be able to get out.

It would be a joke if a dignified archbishop was played to death by a shadow demon.

Anyway... these are just things in the past.

He looked at the face of Teacher Mokaros, whom he hadn't seen for more than ten years, and felt a little embarrassed—this was the first mentor in his life, and there might not be any dazzling feats in history, and even his own character was open to question. And he's more of a politician than a fighter.

Under the countless glorious history of the temple, he was born inconspicuously, and died a bit ridiculously—because an unexpected show put himself in it.

But Carlos, who was in his teens, didn't understand the truth that the water was so clear that there were no fish. Now he is no longer naive.

The temple is always the target of public criticism—Carlos looked at the deep wrinkles on Mokaros's face when he spoke, and couldn't help asking softly before he came out: "How is the teacher? Don't be too tired."

The archbishop gave him a surprised look, and asked, "Why are you suddenly sensible?"

Carlos wanted to smile, but found the corners of his mouth stiff.

Only teenagers would find it unreasonable for adults, would think that Priest Lard is a useless wretch, and would think that Mr. Mokaros was so dirty that his last idol would collapse until...

He inevitably grows up and becomes a nasty grown-up too.

The archbishop waved his hand wearily: "Go."

Aldo was the last person to be called in. He didn't even find a chance to collude with Carlos. His palms were full of sweat. He wiped it away secretly at the door, and walked in straight as usual, respectfully Say: "Teacher."

Mokaros looked at him coldly: "Where did you go last night? Tell the truth!"

Aldo was taken aback, and frowned pretending to be puzzled: "Are you...doubting me?"

The archbishop dropped a box on the ground: "Look for yourself."

Aldo said "calm down" to himself twice in his heart, and instead of picking it up immediately, he showed a puzzled expression, first glanced at the archbishop, and then bent down "for no reason" and picked up the box. The puzzled expression changed into extreme shock when he saw the line of his handwriting in the middle of the gold medal in the box.

"this… "

The shock can't be too much, otherwise it will be fake. Aldo knows what kind of person he is usually - he seems to be completely unable to react for two or three seconds, and even subconsciously reaches out to his arms. However, this Halfway through the movement, he retracted it again, "barely" calmed down, and deliberately lowered his voice to cover up the hoarseness in his voice: "This is impossible, teacher, someone framed me!"

"Let me ask again, what did you do last night?" Mokaros said in a low voice, word by word.

how to answer

The situation has changed. Obviously, the statement that he greeted Carlos in advance does not seem very ideal now. The question is what did Carlos say


Why did the archbishop call all the gold medals? Is it going through the motions

Aldo's thoughts turned quickly, and he thought silently: "Yes... If I really did it, and I accidentally dropped the thing, then there is no need to summon all the gold medals. If it wasn't me, someone used this medal to frame me, Then everyone... not only the gold medal, but all of them are suspect, so it is probably because someone has seen this medal just now, the archbishop asked these people to cover up their eyes and ears together in order not to ask me to talk alone, in order to prevent the influence from being bad."

what to do…

Suddenly, Aldo made a very ambiguous reaction. His eyes moved quickly, he glanced at the archbishop, and then he tightly pursed his lips and frowned: "I... am alone in the room... "

The voice stopped abruptly at this point, and then his wandering eyes became firm again, and the eye circles even looked at the archbishop with red eyes: "I know I can't prove it, but please believe me, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

This reaction makes sense, Aldo said to himself in his heart, if the archbishop still wanted to deceive others and didn't directly pick him up on the square, it meant that he still believed in him.

If Carlos said that he was alone last night, well, there is no problem with this statement. If Carlos happened to see the gold medal and improvised that the two were together, then since Mr. Mokaros has always opposed their Love, this subconscious little lie also makes sense.

Sure enough, the archbishop looked at him uncertainly for a while, then sighed suddenly, relaxed his body and leaned against the back of the chair, and said weakly: "I see, Leo, I expect a lot from you. We all understand the matter, but I hope you can have a sense of proportion and don't let me down. As an old guy, I hope you can marry a wife in a proper way in the future, don't... In short, take care of yourself, I hope you can go further .”

At that moment Aldo almost breathed a sigh of relief.

But the archbishop's next sentence completely stunned him: "Parora told me that you were with him yesterday."

what... what

Then the archbishop asked him a few more questions, such as whether he knew who touched his gold medal, and did he remember when he saw the gold medal last time.

Aldo responded in a daze, his mind was full of "Why did Parola lie?" "What's going on?" "What does he have to do with yesterday's incident?"

"Speak out, tell the truth." Suddenly there was such a voice in his heart urgently urging, layer after layer of lies, one day they will be exposed, instead of living like this, don't you want to be honest and frank? Come back, do you expose all the hidden things to the sun

But... who wouldn't want to live that easy and happy life if they could

Until he left the archbishop's office, Aldo did not say the phrase "Paraola lied".

There is no truth. To him, the truth is a bitch, hidden under layers of clothes, and it always makes people smell the rotten smell of her body.

Even if he was just a victim, even if the first night, he was just defending himself.

Coming out of the archbishop's office, Aldo grabbed Parola by the collar, pushed him against the wall, and said quickly in a low voice: "I know it's you, that person is you, what do you want? what do you?!"

Parola is a young man with black hair and black eyes, who was born in a declining nobleman. He has a "very noble" face. He is as pale as a vampire, and his body is very weak. His bones are thinner than that of a little girl. It is a genetic disease of some kind of inbreeding.

Aldo's pushing and shoving almost killed him. There was a "click" where the bones collided with the wall, and his little face, which was too delicate for a big girl to compare, instantly turned pale.

Parola's lips were trembling, and under the thick eyelashes was a pair of resentful and timid eyes: "I... I didn't, I just..."

"Better tell the truth, you bastard." Aldo grabbed his neck unceremoniously, "otherwise I have plenty of ways to make you..."

"I really just like you!" Parola said loudly suddenly, her voice was broken, and she was a little choked up, "It doesn't matter if you reject me or insult me, I just express my heart! Yesterday I played tricks to get you You stay, but so what, you will be willing one day!"

Aldo subconsciously glanced back at Carlos who was not far away, but the other party just leaned against a big tree with nothing to do with himself, with his hands folded in front of his chest, his face was blurred, and he looked here with a lack of interest, Aldo Do not even feel his gaze.

Parola, who still had tears on her eyelashes, suddenly approached Aldo's ear and whispered, "I saw you yesterday. I saw you outside the priest's residence with my own eyes. You disappeared in a flash."

Aldo was startled, and turned his head to meet Parola's watery eyes.

The thin young man looked at him almost pleadingly: "Trust me, I know you didn't kill anyone, I was just afraid that you would get into trouble, what I said is true, I will never betray you."

Aldo twitched his eyebrows, let go of him helplessly, and walked to his residence in a state of confusion.

Parola stood alone on the spot, wiped her eyes with her sleeve, and covered the smile at the corner of her mouth—look, Leo, I just know you, and if you question me in public, do you really want to know the truth, or is this Also part of your play? I can feel the breath of the same kind in you, and I am the one who knows you best.

He stroked his chest lightly—there was a human bone box there.

What happened after that was what Aldo really didn't expect.

At the scene of the fire, Ms. Mutter found a special box, the outside of which had been scorched, revealing the hidden lining of the dragon skin inside, as well as some incomplete parchment. It was a recommendation letter.

When the archbishop changes, in addition to his own opinion, the priest has reasons to write a recommendation letter according to his own opinion, and the opinion of the administrator will have an important impact on the decision-making of the archbishop.

No one knew that Mr. Lard had written this, including Mr. Archbishop himself, who found the letter of recommendation, protected by a dragon's skin, under a removable floor tile under the body.

The candidate for Mr. Priest is Leo Aldo, and it is confirmed that it is the handwriting of the late priest.

Then, before everyone had time to react, a dozen documents that Mr. Lard stuffed in that day were found in the treatment room of the archbishop.

The strange thing is that the therapist recorded six copies in the diary, but when I looked it up, I found that there were only five copies. Thinking about it, the missing one was very clear—it was Mr. Lard's letter of recommendation.

The person who stole it obviously thought of the possibility of a backup, so he burned down the priest's mansion, but Mr. Lard did not expect that Mr. Lard used a fire-resistant dragon skin to keep it in the secret room. So far, together with Aldo's gold medal left in the secret room, everything seems to point to a well-planned frame-up.

Aldo's previous joke, "I'll be good for you if I die" has become a prophecy.

The matter ended with lightning speed - the black sweet powder detected by Ms. Mutter in the body of the therapist on duty that night, and an "anonymous friend" of Mr. Carlos Frarete reported that he had collected it from the black market The "black sweet powder" is on the right.

The change came so quickly that Carlos was taken away before Aldo could react.

Carlos didn't make any noise, didn't make any excuses, and was too calm, even with a little scrutiny from bystanders. Only when he was taken away, he turned his head from a distance, and from an inconspicuous angle, his index finger was erected in front of his lips, showing him A little smile, clearly saying "shh-"

Don't disturb the situation, no matter how you struggle, what has happened will not be changed because of your choice at this time, why don't you let me watch the whole set as a bystander... and reflect on it.