The Final Protectors

Chapter 53: Fall into the fountain of memories


Carlos was locked in a special room in the dungeon. According to legend, it was specially used to lock up those prisoners with great powers who might escape at any time. kind of honor.

There are strict restrictions inside, all spells are banned, people will have a feeling of suffocation as if their chest is pressed inside, and even breathing freely has become a luxury.

Carlos' limbs and even every finger were tightly locked to the wall, unable to move at all—to prevent him from using the magic circle.

Every brick here is deeply imprinted in his mind, and he will never forget it even if he dies.

Here, Carlos began to recall his entire teenage years, and he found that he was really unlikable at that time-Aldo said that everyone liked him, which is obviously nonsense-even if he really eased the relationship with everyone, it was him who wandered After I came back, I learned how to talk to people and talk to people.

The young master of the Fraret family was born only knowing himself, never knowing anyone else.

His "talent" has been exaggerated by outsiders, like a savior. In fact, what can the bright talent do? Carlos himself felt that, apart from having some advantages over others in spells, it was useless.

But other people just think it's great based on false rumors. What's terrible is that he himself once felt the same way.

When he was a teenager, Carlos was domineering and self-willed. Except for his teacher, Archbishop Mokaros, he ignored him. Even the sword-wielding priest was ridiculed by him many times. Now that he thinks about it, he almost wants to slap himself a few times—that is the chief executive of the temple, the first person under the archbishop, if there is no majesty and cannot order and prohibit, how terrible is that

How did Lard live all those years

Revisiting what happened when he was sixteen years old, Carlos thought silently in the empty cell: If I were Mr. Lard, I'm afraid I wouldn't have to be seduced by Parola, and I would have killed this Flaret. The cub was killed.

That's why once something happened to him, those "friends" who usually hugged him were the first to turn around and betray him... Think carefully, what else is there besides "black sweet powder"

Thieves masks for changing appearance, poison taken from a kind of underground frog, hallucinogens, fake death drugs... Oh, who would have thought that the young master who is known as the son of light with infinite scenery is such a person who never obeys the rules, What about those who like to browse the black market anonymously and often play with these "evil things"... deceitful people

What? Is it for playing

Oh come on, do you think everyone in the world is a fool? This whole thing is obviously a conspiracy that has been prepared for no one knows how long.

Warmth and love have long been outdated, only conspiracy and adultery are the gossip that people love to hear.

At that time, many people questioned, does the bright talent really exist? Isn't it a lie fabricated by the old owner of Flaret with money and power

Carlos laughed at himself, look, what an important lesson Parola taught him, but unfortunately he didn't appreciate it at all back then, his tofu-like mind was filled with "Where is Leo, why didn't you come to find him?" Him" stupid idea.

Leo Aldo was sitting alone in the room with the lights off.

His hands were dug into his palms, and his eyes were out of focus.

Of course he knew what Carl's black sweet powder did, he knew everything that happened that night, he knew that there was no planting, no trap, that the gold medal was dropped by himself, and he also knew that Carlos didn't have any... Dian Dian, I want to compete with myself for the archbishop's scepter.

That's right, that guy is so unreliable. It's already very difficult not to be tied to the bed by clothes straps when he wakes up every morning. How can he have the mood to manage such a huge and complex temple

Aldo felt chills all over his body. He stood up suddenly and sat down again. For a second, he wanted to rush out and tell everyone the truth. He believed that with Mrs. Mutter's ability, he would be able to detect the sacrificial backlash. It is impossible for the fire to burn so cleanly!

Maybe Parola has some conspiracy, maybe it's the human bone box... Yes, they haven't found the human bone box yet, all of this must be related to that thing!

The blond boy stood up for the second time, and this time, he rushed to the door.

However, just as he raised his hand to push the door out, Aldo put down his trembling hand again.

"You are a half-breed..." His lips opened and closed silently, "A half-breed who will never see the light."

This secret must never be known to others, otherwise everything—what he owned, which he had almost struggled to obtain over the past decade or so—would disappear in an instant. This sentence could ruin his life.

It was so hard, so survive.

Aldo staggered a step, his pale fingers tightly grasped the door, and slowly knelt down, his fingernails were deeply carved on the pillars of the porch, leaving a line of shallow scratches.

Carlos... Carlos.

Aldo unconsciously carved Carlos' name on the hard wood with his nails. The sharp sawdust scratched his fingers and dyed the crooked name bright red.

He stared at the name with a gray expression like a terminally ill person, as if he had no extra strength to make any expression, only his eyes were full of dying struggles.

At this time, someone knocked on his door, and Aldo's eyelids slowly lifted, saying no. After a while, the knock on the door became more urgent, and someone said softly, "Leo, this is Harry, may I come in?"

It wasn't until the young man at the door got no response and was about to leave that Aldo pushed open the door. His face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and his facial features were too frozen to move: "What's the matter?"

"I... uh," the young scholar who just got the harp armband was stunned in front of this rare senior who could talk, "I just want to see if you are okay... you know... um..."

"What?" Aldo's eyeballs rolled slightly, which finally made his face look a little alive.

"I know it's hard to accept," Harry looked down at the toes of his shoes for a while before he said dully, "but the archbishop asked me to tell you that Carlos has already admitted it, and I don't know... I don't know What's up, I don't believe it's true, you know he's...well, you're on good terms, I mean...the Archbishop means you have to be prepared."

"He recognized... what?" Aldo asked as if out of his body.

Harry sighed, as if he felt that he had lost his mind, and boldly patted Aldo on the shoulder: "Murder, you know, it's a felony..."

Aldo didn't finish listening to the following words, and the words "this is a felony" echoed in his mind. Aldo suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, leaving a notch not deep and not shallow at the corners of his thin mouth, which looked like it was carved by a knife, lifeless.

He gently pushed Harry's shoulder away: "Get out of the way."

"No, wait, Leo, calm down, what are you doing?"

Calm down... He's never been so calm before.

"let me go."

Remembering the archbishop's instructions, Harry shook his head vigorously, resolutely refusing to let go, and Aldo lowered his head and pulled out the dagger.

"Hey, wait, wait, let me let you go, okay?" Harry was just a weak scholar, and he couldn't handle the savage race of hunters going crazy.

Aldo turned around and left. At that moment, Harry was suddenly blessed. He seized this opportunity accurately, and cut Aldo's neck with a knife quickly. Aldo didn't even say a word, and fell down with a bang.

Harry was left staring at his hand in shock, unable to believe that the scrawny paw had just brought down a fabled gold medal.

When Archbishop Mokaros walked into the dungeon, he found that his favorite little apprentice, who had always had the most headaches, was raising his head, not knowing where to look, and his eyes were a little empty.

He coughed lightly and entered the door: "Carl."


Carlos looked at the archbishop who was leaning against the wall and lowered his eyes slightly: "I have said everything I need to say."

"I know." The archbishop asked someone to get on a chair, and then pushed back the others. He sat opposite Carlos and was silent for a while, "Mrs. Mutter told me just now that there was something wrong with the burned place. There are some strange traces... like some kind of unsuccessful sacrifice, and according to Mrs. Mutter's guess, it looks a bit like the legendary Swamp's flower. Do you have any explanation for this?"

Carlos looked up at the old man.

The last time, he was at war with heaven and man in his heart at this moment—what about Aldo’s secret if the matter of sacrifice was revealed? At that time, he always felt that Aldo would not give up on himself, would not betray himself, even if he came to see him, it would be fine for him to carry everything... But he didn't come until it was almost dawn.

However, he still didn't say a word about the sacrifice.

If you promise to do anything for you, you can do anything for you without compromise.

It looks a bit silly, but... this is probably the character in the legend, right

But Leo, you're kind of breaking my heart.

Carlos shook his head according to the recalled script: "I'm sorry teacher, I don't know."

This time, he noticed the flash of relief on Archbishop Mokaros's face—yes, there was no sacrifice, it was just a bad murder with lax discipline, if the temple symbolizes the self-restrained and well-behaved priests, Mr. The scandal of "sacrifice" came out, how should the temple, as the spiritual leader on the mainland, deal with itself

Carlos laughed—look, this is a happy event.

But Archbishop Mokalos quickly became serious, and he asked word by word: "Don't say you are a Templar, even as an ordinary person, reputation is more important than life, do you understand? Karl, Let me ask you again, do you know anything about the 'sacrifice'?"

Once... Like all knights, for the sixteen-year-old Carlos, reputation was more important than life. That was the case in that era. A disagreement, a sword duel, as a knight, can be for two things To die—he guards his allegiance, as well as his own dignity.

However, more than ten years have passed, and the word "reputation" can hardly cause even the slightest ripple in his heart. Carlos sometimes suspects that maybe he was born a shameless bastard, but no one else has discovered it before. Just come out.

"I understand." Carlos said softly, "I understand, teacher."

I understand that the honor of the temple cannot be tarnished, I understand that the secret will be buried forever, I understand that this is a dead end, there must be someone who bears these interlocking charges, I understand... your current situation Feeling.

The glory of the temple does not allow the existence of a priest infected with magic, and the future archbishop Leo Aldo cannot bear an "inhuman" life experience.

Mokaros' cheeks were tense, and after a while, only the sound of two people breathing one after another could be heard in the dungeon. The archbishop finally sighed, showing his old age, and said, "My child..."

Carlos looked at him, the old man's lips trembled, but after two words, he couldn't say anything more.

At this time, his body flickered lightly—the spell restriction of the dungeon was lifted, the archbishop's eyes flashed, he raised his hand to stroke his hair, he didn't know what he did, and then there was a thin "click" sound, and the prison Seeing that the locks on Carlos' limbs and fingers were also unlocked, but they were only fastened on them.

The archbishop gave him a deep look, turned and left without saying a word.

Until now, Carlos also suspected that the archbishop actually knew everything.

Carlos quickly retrieved his epee, and fled to the outside of the temple through the secret passage of the underground palace as he recalled. The "buzzing" sound from the epee became louder and louder.

This shows that memories are coming to the last moment. When all the results are doomed, people's emotions will be pushed to the highest point, which is when the shadow demon appears.

Well, since that guy is so deep in the scene that he still can't wake up now, then I have to take advantage of that moment to kill the shadow demon.

At the exit of the secret passage, Carlos picked up the little bear with 2003 written on the back, which was given to him by Kevin's bodyguard, and he laughed silently: "Maybe it's because of you that I woke up. "

Then the dawn began to fall, but the color of the sky lost its former blue color and turned into a dark red like rust. Carlos stood loosely on the spot, but his hand clenched his sword, and the tip of the sword lightly slashed across the ground , It seems to blow out clusters of sparks.

Reputation is so heavy, like a heavy yoke imposed on people—Carlos laughed, and he suddenly felt that he was actually lucky, after all, it was "reputation" that abandoned him first.

The ground shook, and this city of memories was about to collapse. The shadow demon came to collect the food it thought was "cooked". A huge antler rose from the horizon, opened its mouth and let out a silent roar, and the shadow slowly approached.

"Come here." Carlos raised his sword and said softly.

Just as his body had been adjusted to the best angle, Carlos' sword was suddenly snatched from behind unceremoniously when he was about to attack.

Carlos froze for a moment, but Aldo was already holding the epee, whistling and slashing towards the shadow on the ground, swamp-like black blood sprayed all over the sword-wielding person, and his flesh and blood were hard to distinguish immediately.

Aldo pulled out his sword, and suddenly jumped into the air with the power of the earth. His blond hair was stained with blood. The handsome young man seemed to break free in mid-air, and his figure stretched and grew rapidly. With a roar, he inserted the epee straight into the shadow demon's brow.

It's hard to imagine... a person can burst out with such power, and the sword body that is more than one meter long has disappeared, leaving only a short hilt.

The shadow demon's blood shot out like a blowout, as if he wanted to torture himself, and he had no intention of avoiding it at all.

Carlos was taken aback, and threw him aside, and the two rolled out on the spot. The ground suddenly shattered, and a feeling of weightlessness came, and then with a "clang", the epee fell beside Carlos, Next to it lay a shadow demon with a pierced brow.

Aldo split the Middle Realm and the Outer Realm at the same time with his sword.

Well... Carlos thought, this sword is enough to be included in textbooks and recorded in history.

"Are you crazy!" Carlos commented on his last behavior.

Aldo still had scars on his face, but his eyes were unusually hot and dim, and there was actually a trace of madness.

He once had a gold medal for avoiding death. He used it wisely and survived what he thought was the most serious crisis at the time, and then spent a long time discovering that the gold medal itself was the only one in his life. The most important thing ever owned.

But he's an idiot who thinks it's a one-off.