The Final Protectors

Chapter 57: High speed horror


Carlos was also taken aback. At this time, his hands and feet felt bound, and Louis standing in front of him was struggling to raise his hands, but the movements became slower and slower, and finally he froze in the air. Moved.

"Don't struggle, it will get tighter and tighter," Carlos thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Close your eyes, all of you, Kleisto inherits memory and belongs to the 'spiritual race', which is a kind of The 'rope of consciousness' known as 'spider silk', use your consciousness to find the source of that rope and cut it."

"Please forgive me, sir, your sentence is more abstract than my sister's college mathematics textbook—what do you mean by 'use consciousness to find the source of the rope'?"

Louis took a deep breath, and closed his eyes as he said.

"Consciousness control" has become a remote and remote door in the contemporary temple. I am afraid that ignorant apprentices now think that it is an elective course like yoga, which is specially opened for women to control their weight. Although it is still preserved as an ancient culture, it was forced to close most of the years because there were not enough people signing up.

Fortunately, Louis is knowledgeable enough as a "scholar" and has dabbled in this a little bit. However, even though he tried his best to sink his heart, he still couldn't find the so-called, theoretical sense of "consciousness control" .

"Concentrate," Carlos' voice came from the side at this time, "Don't be distracted by Louis, is the spider silk he uses tied to his body, you can find it very easily as long as you pay attention."

For a moment, Louis vaguely felt a very thin line flashing in front of his eyes, but before he could grasp what it was, it disappeared immediately, and his brows furrowed fiercely.

Carlos sighed. He realized that he was really not a good teacher. After listening to what he thought was accurate, the juniors around him all got the wrong idea—for example, they obviously didn’t know whether “consciousness” was a circle or a circle. Bian, but all held their breath for no apparent reason!

Did they think that they could enter a meditative state by suffocating themselves

Three minutes passed, and Carlos's hand hanging unnaturally by his side suddenly trembled, followed by his elbows, knees, feet and even his whole body. The generous "companions", with the expression of collective constipation, finally decided not to give up hope.

"Okay, continue to do as I said, treat it as a kind of exercise, if anyone unties it, just follow the direction indicated by the pen tip to find me."

Louis was holding back and quickly opened his eyes: "What? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find the Temple of Krystal. Take the road above. It seems that there are fewer people." Carlos observed the surrounding terrain and quickly made a judgment.

"Of course there are fewer people there, because it's a highway... wait!" Louis watched Carlos run towards a small Pizza Hut food delivery motorcycle parked by the side of the road, and suddenly called out to him in shock. , "No! You can't!"

Carlos is very self-aware, knowing that the iron box with four wheels can't turn on its own, so he fell in love with this "iron horse"-he felt that he was familiar with this thing, because when he accompanied Mike to play simulated motorcycles in the video game city, he Got a really good ranking.

"Listen, my brother has been kidnapped, I have to save him, I need your car, help me! Please!" Carlos pulled the delivery girl's shoulders and looked straight into her eyes , "sincerely" said.

"What? Impossible, and there is nothing the customer ordered... oh." The delivery girl raised her head, just in time to face this handsome man, and it took only a second to be seduced by the beauty, and she forgot the words He stared blankly at Carlos with a dreamy expression, and his face slowly turned red.

Great, it's a nympho.

After Carlos judged this, he immediately hugged the back of her head and gave her a deep and fragrant kiss without hesitation.

Louis closed his eyes in despair—there are such "wise and illustrious" seniors in the temple, why haven't they closed down yet

Let's go to bed early and go to the history museum souvenir shop, okay

The delivery girl's legs were limp, her eyes were flickering abnormally, and she said tremblingly, "Oh... oh... Of course, of course you can..."

"Thank you very much!" Carlos stepped on the motorcycle without saying a word.

"Wait, sir!" Louie was really going crazy, and he yelled even this sentence, "You can't ride a pizza delivery motorcycle on the highway! Besides, you can't ride... hell!"

Carlos ignored Louie's call, and started the car quickly. Obviously, the real thing was somewhat different from the simulated one. He lost his balance, and the front of the car suddenly turned around in a large arc like a circle, facing the traffic on the side of the road. Electric pole hit.

Let me die—thought Louis the current priest.

Fortunately, Carlos's agility saved him from dying before he started. When he was two centimeters away from the electric pole, he stopped abruptly, and then swayed crookedly on the road for a while. He even learned to keep the balance of the two wheels without a teacher.

Then, the "motorcyclist" who took the shortest time in history, just got on the highway without looking back.

If it wasn't for Louis being unable to move, he would definitely have called his friend Gal, who was recuperating in the hotel, and scolded him severely—it's been so long, and he still hasn't been able to teach this guy the basic common sense needed to live on earth.

A "motor vehicle" with an incubator tied behind it really can't go on the highway, my God!

It is said that a passer-by took a picture of this brave motorcycle with a mobile phone and posted it on social networking sites—fortunately, the speed is high and the resolution is low, otherwise Carlos, the delivery man, Mr. Fraret, might have become popular because of it.

"Mr. Meiguert, what shall we do now?"

Louis didn't answer. He lowered his eyes, stared at his hands for a while, then closed his eyes, and "seemingly" calmly said, "Do as he taught."

This group of murderous men stopped in a row and stood there motionless one by one, which immediately attracted the attention of passers-by.

There was even an old couple who came back from the supermarket, carrying big shopping bags, and simply stood on the side of the road and commented.

"What are they doing?"

"Performance art or something, you know those people, they always like to put on weird poses on the street. Express some opinions and so on."

"Then what is the claim?"

"Uh... can't see it, but as far as I know, the most common theme is environmental protection."

"What? Why can't I see that standing still has anything to do with environmental protection?"

"Maybe it's to protect wild animals or something. You see, the man standing on one leg may represent some kind of bird, and the man stuck under the car door with his arms around his waist may represent some kind of ape. As for being motionless, I think it's probably imitating zombies? It's not that kind of movie that's popular recently, like "Resident Evil" or something."

"Oh! dear, you are so clever!"

A happy little vein finally popped out of Louie's forehead.

Twenty minutes later, Louis finally got rid of the restraint—he was sweating profusely, feeling as if he had completed all the courses on consciousness control in the last twenty minutes, and he held on to the car door a little bit exhausted.

However, at this moment, with a "plop", Louis watched Evan fall to his feet in the posture of a cramp dead dog, raised his rattling neck, and faced himself with a conditioned reflex on his face Showing a shameful expression—under normal circumstances, there is only one thing he needs to do in front of Instructor Meggert, which is to confess how useless he is.

Carlos is obviously not a good teacher. He just left a preface and disappeared without a trace. He didn’t even send out a decent handout. It was up to all the students to understand. Except for the really knowledgeable Louis, no one understood what he said. What is the "consciousness control" surrounded by mountains and fog, but Evan broke free just like that.

Surprise flashed across Louis's face, and then he felt relieved - of course, he thinks that there are not many people in the world who can reach the level of Evan. It's normal for a guy to have some talent.

It just so happens that I have an extra helper—if I can't do anything else, at least I can cheer for him or something.

"Get up, get in the car." Louis slightly twisted his stiff hands and feet, opened the door, and glanced at the others, "You... stay put and stand by."

Then, Mr. Louis Meguert stepped on the gas pedal in a way that seriously violated the traffic rules. Before Evan could fasten his seat belt, the car had already sped out. Kissed on the back, he said, "Oh!"

Carlos' behavior challenged the dignity of the traffic police all over the world. Soon, the most brave food delivery scooter in this century was chased and intercepted by police cars. Fortunately, after a while, Louis regained his freedom. One thing is to use the highest security authority of the temple, block the highway, withdraw the traffic police, and let Carlos move forward unimpeded.

This guy is addicted to racing the "car", completely ignoring the pain of his poor "mount" overloaded exercise, the cool night wind blows his hair, Carlos feels that this thing is not only slightly short, Except for the fact that his two long legs can't be stretched, everything else is great, even more exciting than riding a horse.

What is an airplane? The "iron donkey with two wheels" is what will eventually unify the world.

He firmly loaded the map into his mind. Although the modern city confused him, his sense of direction and distance were very precise. At the nearest intersection, Carlos rode his motorcycle straight down, and then he finally encountered a problem.

He imitated the operation of the game console and squeezed the brakes hard. As a result, he was almost thrown out due to the huge inertia. The food delivery box behind him fell with a "bang" in the violent vibration. Together with the content, it flew out freely like a bouquet thrown by a bride, and landed in front of a tramp on the side of the road.

"God bless you, merciful sir... oh!"

He watched helplessly as the head of the "magic food delivery man" hit the curb, was bounced away vigorously, and then ran around for a while. Mr. "food delivery man" on the motorcycle tried to stretch out his feet to catch something, Then the back of his foot smacked hard against a tree trunk.

The "delivery man" let out a scream, rolled down from the car, and jumped on the ground with one leg. The homeless man judged from the height of his jump: it must be very painful.

"Well, God dozes off sometimes," he murmured. "You know I would have been a Prime Minister."

Okay... Mr. Carlos One-legged Hopping Flaret, who had a traffic accident, thought bitterly, at least the probability of breaking his neck if he falls off this thing is much smaller than riding a horse.

He pulled out the dagger originally given to Gal from the hem of his trousers, turned it around in his hand, and said to the "roadside prime minister" who started eating ramen without looking back: "It's not safe here, you Better go somewhere else."

"Are you a plainclothes cop?" the homeless man asked vaguely with a mouthful of ketchup and cheese, "I guess someone planted a bomb in this block, right? I know what happened in the subway a few years ago — I'd say they should have blown up this rich man's shitty place."

Carlos gave him a back full of contempt, and turned into a small alley.

He didn't know if Douglas had noticed his arrival, and he didn't know how the other party would react. Krystal was born in inheritance and died in oblivion—from a human point of view, all of them have the potential of anti-social elements, but they do belong to another race.

Carlos seemed to smell some kind of dangerous factor in the air, like a string that was about to be pulled to the extreme and was about to break, and it was indescribably tight.

But he believed that his sense of danger was a good thing—at least it meant he was looking in the right direction.

At this time, there was a sharp sound of brakes coming from the corner of the block. Carlos squinted his eyes under the light of the lights and turned around for a moment. He saw Louis and Evan getting out of the car from left to right. Louis said loudly : "Carlo..."

Carlos's pupils gradually adapted to the strong light. He frowned and looked at Louis's mouth opening and closing as if he was saying something, but he couldn't hear anything. The noisy city became quiet for a moment, and he couldn't hear the outside world anymore. .

Not far away, people came and went in a hurry on the street, but no one noticed the strangeness here.

A cold voice sounded behind him: "The temple domain, human, you can't go any further."