The Final Protectors

Chapter 59: Pearl 402


Luigi's calm pace was very eye-catching amidst the turmoil. A kind-hearted man saw his "death behavior" and even gave him a hand: "Are you crazy brother? Now there is an earthquake, even elementary school students know about earthquakes You can’t get close to buildings when you’re walking, and you can’t walk in that narrow road.”

Evan: "Thank you, we're here to save the world."

The passer-by looked at the two of them for a while, the expression on his face gradually changed from surprise to horror, then he turned and ran away, shouting to his wife not far away: "Go, go, hell, even the walls of the mental hospital It collapsed! I said earlier that they shouldn't build a mental hospital in the urban area!"

"Don't talk nonsense with irrelevant people, come here." Louis quickly bypassed the rampaging crowd and walked to the place where Carlos disappeared. At this time, a transparent wall blocked his way, and Louis put his hands on it, just Touching that kind of entity, he said firmly, "Douglas messed up."

The screams of birds sounded behind him, and Louis looked back. The bony, headless bird finally died, and hit the ground like a falling object. He said in a deep voice: "If it is Difu's world, theoretically everything in the world will run according to the owner's ideas and rules, and nothing will leak out. Although this is not Difu... but it should be similar right."


Looking at his appearance, Evan stretched out his hand tentatively, but he easily passed through the transparent wall that blocked Louis. Evan even took a step forward under Louis' astonished gaze, and there was still nothing blocking him, but he "couldn't walk into" this "field" and couldn't see where Carlos was.

"This shows that the World Master seems to be unable to do what he wants for some reason-you try to move forward slowly." Louis whispered, "Go to the place where Carlos disappeared."

Evan took a few steps forward in a ignorant manner, then stood where Carlos disappeared, and turned around blankly: "I don't feel any difference, instructor."

No matter what Krystal made, there is no doubt that Evan is immune to it!

At this time, it was too late to think about it, and Louis waved at him: "This is the first time you save me trouble instead of the other way around, come here to help your flattered former instructor, Mr. Gorado, put the 'Pearl' in your Where to stand."

As if holding a tribute to His Majesty, Evan carefully picked up a "pearl" and placed it at the designated place, while Louis took off his gloves, groping for the transparent wall that blocked him with his slender fingers, and picked it up from his pocket. He took out a small bottle like nail polish—it was the simple version of Jianfeng Grass Juice that hunters usually carry with them when they are out on the job, a kind of blessing paint for attacking magic circles.

Louis drew the magic circle on this invisible wall without distraction. It was an ancient and classic method of breaking the circle that he found in the magic circle group after Aldo opened up the authority of the underground palace to them. Sigh, it can be used to detonate the "pearl".

After he finished drawing, he looked up and found that Evan was still standing there stupidly, and Louis was furious—does this guy really have eyes for other people to use for lighting

"I really can't understand what is there that makes you reluctant to part, or do you want to try the feeling of being blown away?" Louis growled, "Get out of here!"

Evan quickly trotted back out: "But Carlos..."

"I've limited the explosion range. The pearl destroys the outer shell. As long as Carlos doesn't get hit by the falling fragments and hurts his head, it's fine." Louie retreated quickly while silently cursing—he sometimes really felt that Carlos The ball on the top of the neck has limited functions, and it may be normal if it is smashed.

As soon as these words landed, a dazzling white light burst out behind them. Even the two people who had their backs to it felt as if they were going to be blinded at that moment.

The two hurriedly quickened their pace and ran wildly on the deserted street that had already retreated at this time. The "Pearl" caused a second "aftershock", mixed with the sound of a thousand pieces of glass shattering at the same time, overwhelming, at that moment It makes one's scalp tingle, as if the whole world turned into a crystal, and he exploded it with his own hands.

Of course—a person like Evan who has no sense of literature and art, only thought in amazement when he was thrown away by the shock wave of the explosion: Why hasn't the Temple Experimental Base, which produced such dangerous things, been invited to the Six-Party Talks?

After the explosion, in the Krystal Temple in the deepest part of Death Valley, the surprisingly beautiful man suddenly hit the wall with a "bang" on his back as if he had been hammered hard on his chest. Immediately, he vomited out a mouthful of blood, and in the dimly lit, gloomy ancient temple, his face seemed to be filled with ashen death.

The little boy Kevin's unconscious body was suspended in mid-air. There seemed to be something sticky in the air, binding him there tightly, like a cocoon. There was a mass of silver on the ground, with a slight flow at the edge Then, like a small pool, it turned into a string of thin threads, constantly tumbling in the air, and finally sank into Kevin's body.

The thin boy seemed to be suffering from some kind of torture. Every time the filament entered his body, he would visibly twitch and shed tears unconsciously, unable to even cry out.

Douglas stretched out his hand, his slender fingers slid across strands of silver threads, they seemed to be very familiar with his body, like gentle water waves, entangled for a while, and then reluctantly left, to where they should go place.

The blind man tried to get up from the ground, but the pain in his body was so unbearable that he fell to the ground like a dog and rolled into the corner.

In the last battle between the Temple and Difu, the Krystal family stood on the side of the Temple, but they did not expect that the last blow to Satan by the cunning human beings was a conspiracy. the energy that drives it. In the following ten years, Leo Aldo, known as the most outstanding archbishop in human history, completed the enchantment, and the Death Valley protecting the temple survived in name only.

What Douglas used to trap Carlos just now was just to use his last strength to prop up an empty shell—perhaps even the people trapped in it have already felt his powerlessness.

Louis' deadly "pearl" gave him the final blow.

Humans... yes, humans—the world can no longer keep up with them.

Douglas didn't understand why his ancestors were so confused and handed over Krystal's "Scroll of Revelation" easily. Didn't he think about his people? Can't he imagine, maybe a hundred years, maybe two hundred years later, how the non-threatening human race will grow and occupy every corner

So what will Krystal stand on

Since Douglas accepted the inheritance, he has personally witnessed countless clansmen being assimilated by the human race, living a mediocre and ordinary life every day. He has forgotten his great ancestors and destined inheritance. More and more precious Krystal bloodlines have been lost. The qualification of inheritance has become a hideous creature like those human beings who are running around in their unquestionable lives every day.

Just look at the ancient Watson family, for several generations who were supposed to be Krystal's children "Slumber", unaware that their identities are different from their stupid neighbors, even a family scum joined the temple, to Now, there is only a dead half-baked old man and a few-year-old child left.

Douglas's face, which always looked sad and joyless, suddenly flashed a layer of sadness like a glimpse, he struggled to raise his blood-stained hand, and stroked Kevin's little face almost tenderly.

"I can no longer protect the memory of the world." He said in a low voice, his voice was a bit desolate and hoarse, "Child, the child of the Crystal Clan..."

Bright red tears mixed with blood flowed from his invisible eyes: "Don't hate me."

Before the dagger in Carlos' hand could be pulled out from a "cow" as big as a truck, a loud noise was heard, and he was rolled over completely, turned upside down once, and almost couldn't get up.

The meat-eating cow with a dagger stuck in its neck struggled fiercely, and the small decorative dagger with a long handle choked to the ground, and then the wounded beast made a sound similar to "meow" in pain, and ran away in a rampage up.

Carlos sat on the ground in a disheveled state, dumbfoundedly hearing the "Sharp Horn Bull" for the first time in his life, and realized that this ugly big guy was a close relative of a cat!

But what the hell is going on

Soon, Evan, who was lying backwards in the ruins not far away, gave him the answer.

"Oh... well, the shape is good," Carlos turned to Louis who was leaning against a dangerous wall, "What was that just now?"

"Some kind of tool." Louis replied vaguely, and secretly stuffed the pearls in his pocket - just kidding, this gentleman is simply a natural saboteur, if he is blessed with tools, one day he will blow up the earth to the moon fit!

Carlos experienced a sudden explosion for the first time, and his ears were buzzing. He felt very weird. He tilted his head and fell down, but nothing fell out. Instead, his head fainted after a while, and he used all four limbs to get up from the ground. He got up, but when he was walking, he still unconsciously turned in one direction, and finally hit the wall.

Poor Carlos had no choice but to hug a big tree with his hands and feet, like an elongated version of a big koala, closed his eyes and waited for his shocking sense of balance to wake up.

Louis picked up Evan, looked at the devastated surroundings and the roaring bulls, and asked, "What is that one?"

"Sharp-horned cow." After a long time, Carlos slowed down a bit, groaning and patting the dirt on his body, "Death Valley specialty, you can pack one back and take it to Mr. Goode for a photo—all right, gentlemen, The good news is that Mr. Douglas, who is very smart, has shown me the way to the temple just now, he is really a kind guiding angel, it would be better if he is gentler."

"Bad news?" Louie asked.

"It's the temple in the depths of the Valley of Death."

"Mr. Gorado, go and drive the car over here." Louis told Evan, "Is that 'cow' dangerous? Is it okay to let it run out like this?"

"It's just one, someone will solve it," Carlos waved his hand indifferently, but the next second, he stopped suddenly, turned his head and looked at Louis with an unbelievable expression, "Don't tell me It's just the two of you."

Louis was a little embarrassed: "At present, I'm afraid... yes."

There was an indescribable expression on Carlos's face. Louis believed that he must have some deep feelings and planned to express them, but he probably swallowed them back like a stick in his throat because of the face of the current sword-wielding priest. Finally, Carlos turned around. Going away, waved at him feebly, and came up with an idea: "Then call it backup, backup—you can always have this, right?"

He took off the hat, shook the dust on it, showed a tangled expression of disgust, and then put it on his head again: "It doesn't matter, it won't live long if it leaves here, let alone it was stabbed by me. Douglas He intends to hold me back, I'm afraid his bloody inheritance has already begun, so follow me immediately."

They drove away quickly, just throwing the mess of the scene to Aldo, who looked tired and half asleep in the car.

When they arrived at Jason Street, they saw a armored "ox" with a bloody hole in its neck that looked like a tank. It was surrounded by a large group of riot police with high-pressure water cannons, breathing hard from its nose. There was also a dead bird without a head under its hooves.

Aldo sighed, looking at the messy Jerry Block, his ears were filled with the endless voice of an unknown TV anchor next to him - and "according to reliable information", an unknown explosion occurred in the Jerry Block after the earthquake, suspected to be Terrorists took the opportunity to attack the city.

The former archbishop suddenly felt that he had come out on a special trip to wipe the ass of this group of people.

Aldo walked out slowly holding the car door, and weakly ordered the people next to him: "Kill that thing to me on the spot—no matter what method you use."

He stepped back a little, and wiped off a bit of moisture on his face depressingly. This ancient man obviously didn't understand the meaning of those people in heavy uniforms spraying water on the horned cows - they were giving the dying thing take a bath

Is it easy to wash it and drag it out to cook and eat? So fucking talented.