The Final Protectors

Chapter 60: end


A young hunter with little eyesight leaned over and held the bow on the back seat of the car in front of Aldo. His eyes were shining, and he looked forward to his performance of "Father Arrow Cry" and "Human Head". take an apple" or something.

This little guy is named Andy, who graduated a few years earlier than Evan. Not long ago, he just passed his four-year internship amidst the controversy-speaking of which, he could graduate from a university at this time.

The reason for the final pass is said to be the birth of Mr. Evan Gorado—as a blood-sick hunter, Evan seems to have refreshed the record of the temple waste wood to a level of curiosity. In contrast, Andy looks He looked so human-like, but his mentor just turned a blind eye and let him go.

Sometimes the more useless you are, the more you like to worship idols. At this time, Andy has completely worshiped under the "sloppy" pants of these two gentlemen who slaughtered two shadow demons in less than a day and one night, and has become an idol. A freshly baked idiot fan, and lived up to expectations and did the above idiotic behavior.

Sure enough, Aldo turned his head slightly, and raised his long eyebrows imperceptibly—whose family is this idiot

Even Amy couldn't bear to look at her, and couldn't help turning her head away. For the first time, he felt that leading such a group of "outstanding" young people, the life of Mr. Louis and Mr. Good was really not easy.

"Your bow!" Andy said cheerfully.

Aldo looked unpredictable and looked at him without saying a word.

Amy finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "What are you doing with his bow? Are you shooting an arrow at that thing whose neck is broken in half?"

Do you dare to be more promising? !

"In case... need..."

"Aha, you are so sensible." Amy snatched the longbow, "Go and help!"

Aldo calmly glanced at the work card on the neck of the trembling little hunter, remembered the name "Andy", then turned his head and ignored him. The name is registered with him, and one day he will get special experience. Work hard boy!

"Leave one..." Aldo paused, and then resignedly corrected, "Okay, leave two people to deal with the horned cattle, and the others will follow me."

For every boss who never speaks aloud, there is a hapless talking-box attendant. Therapist Amy Mike Berg reluctantly assumes this role, meticulously following the orders of this gentleman who is playing big names even with his breath. It was conveyed: "So where are we going? I can't contact Louis, and their communication equipment is blocked by something, so they can't be connected."

"Death Valley."

Aldo sat back in the car, with a modern city map and an ancient parchment hand-drawn drawing spread out on his knees at the same time: "Death Valley is long and narrow, and there is only one entrance for each of the two sections. On one side is the Death Valley that most people are familiar with. At the mouth of the Grand Canyon, there is a waterfall on the other side, and it is said that it faces Gemstone Mountain, the hermitage of the Krystal family."

After the telephone, Amy's little follower shouldered the heavy burden of the driver again. While driving according to Aldo's instructions, he listened distractedly to his words. There was the sound of sleeves rubbing against paper from the back seat.

Amy didn't know what kind of feud he and Carlos had in those years, but she also knew that it was nothing more than one mountain and two tigers. In the temple, political issues are always a headache and have to face. . But Amy had to admit that although the man sitting in the back sometimes exuded a strong smell of scum, he was indeed the most suitable one to be an archbishop.

Whether it is Mr. Goode who is indifferent, or Mr. "Statue" who is quiet, they all have a certainty and sharpness that is secretive. Standing in the crowd will never be as eye-catching as Carlos, but they can play a decisive role .

Because there is a heavy weight on the shoulders, the footprints made by walking are probably two inches deeper than others.

"The temple once speculated about what the center of Death Valley was," Aldo said lightly, "I suspected that the center of Death Valley was the Temple of Krystal—first, I couldn't see it from the topography alone. What's so special about getting out of Death Valley, even the road at the bottom of the valley is very clear, and it won't be easy for people to get lost, countless adventurers and Difu are trapped there, it is probably man-made."

"Second, the name of Death Valley was originally related to a treasure. Many people died, and even for a long time, the industry of folk bounty hunters almost collapsed, so there are many legends that do not know the truth. The legend of the treasure is very clumsy. As far as I know, there have not been any big merchants and nobles in the history near Death Valley except the hermits. Even if there are so-called "treasures", they are just some minerals. I like to deal with humans. If they really have something hidden there, it will be buried forever in the blood of the tribe like other secrets, and it will be unknown. So I suspect that someone may have deliberately created rumors, Using people's fear to hide something."

"I was very impressed by another traveler's notebook, which described Death Valley in a very specific way. The recorder escaped from Death Valley by hiding under the belly of a horse in a battle where all his companions died. The night before he escaped, during the vigil, he once witnessed a huge three-eyed python appearing not far away. He didn't even dare to vent his breath. He hid behind a boulder and watched from a distance as that guy was sweeping through everything. Shali turned into a man, and then walked forward naked, speaking a language he didn't understand, and a line of white smoke pointed to the sky in the distance."

"There is no record of humans turning into giant pythons in the known races in the world. This violates the basic law of transformation, so it can only be some kind of illusion, a trick related to spiritual power-this is why I suspect Krystal, Crystal The clan is blessed with spiritual advantages. In order to confirm the authenticity of this note, I researched for a month, found the descendants of the mercenary intermediary at that time, and found the little-known mercenary group mentioned in the records. There are many historical scenes There were no problems with the factors, so I found the author along this line and dug up his grave."

The man's voice was gentle, but not feminine, but had a special deepness that made people hold their breath to listen to his words. Every word is like scratching a person.

"You what?" asked Amy, dumbfounded.

"I dug his grave." Aldo said calmly, "only one skull was found, and all the bones were melted—it was the result of being bitten by a very rare bone wasp in the legendary Death Valley. , it would be very painful, and eventually died of rheumatism, and the bones except the skull melted into water after death. So far, I know that the record of this man is basically reliable."

"According to this person's notes, combined with the terrain of Death Valley, I roughly estimated the location of their adventure team at that time. The place was very flat. Assuming that there was no wind that night, and the farthest distance that the human eye can see, I think He saw that the place where the smoke should be in the west direction of the valley. In addition to this railway map, even if it crosses Death Valley, it detours here in the middle of the Anlan River for some unknown reason, so I Guess the temple is likely to be here, no more than three miles away—that is, the smoke I saw may be the Temple of Krystal."

Amy stayed there for a while before asking in a dull tone, "Sir, have you seen the great detective Sherlock Holmes?"

"No, it's also about Death Valley?" Aldo asked flatly.

"No," Amy said bitterly, "it's about another monster like you—I never knew that the Temple had done such a thorough investigation and research on Krystal. What about their bullshit temple being razed to the ground? And that Death Valley, which has a cameo appearance in so many ghost stories, why is it allowed to exist? A lot of people died, didn’t they?”

Aldo glanced at him lazily, and said lightly: "Humans are not the only race in the world. Everyone knows many things well, and they don't necessarily expose each other. Sometimes, they will not reveal the fig leaf to each other—I speculate that the reputation of Death Valley is far and wide, not necessarily without the help of the predecessors of the Temple, and it is also to warn humans not to break in at will. If the two races live in peace, why should I Pretending to be smart?"

"Then you are now..."

"The character of this priest of Krystal is too extreme. As a race that advertises as a 'hidden world', he makes no secret of his hostility to human beings. He completely ignores the agreement of 'living in peace' back then. The person who killed us, logically, should pay with his life."

It seems that on this point, Aldo's views are not different from Louis's, but I always feel that his tone is much lighter, without much emotion: "But I'm afraid we can't kill him, he is anxious to find an heir , Judging from the movement just now, he was holding a breath and bumping into Carlos and the others again, I guess he might be dying by the time we arrive."

"Huh?" Amy was taken aback.

"It's just that Karl wants to stop Krystal's inheritance for some unknown reason. I guess it's because the heir this time is too young—the price of inheritance is not affordable for such a young child. He..." Al Sighing a little more, he seemed a little helpless, "He is always soft-hearted towards others, but... forget it."

Amy shut her mouth, and drove Aldo without distraction, and rushed towards the middle reaches of the Anlaner River in the heart of Death Valley with a bunch of trembling little burdens behind her.

Meanwhile, Amy, the therapist, sheds a tear of sympathy for his... well, barely a friend—Carlos' kid's snarky mouth can be so unflattering sometimes.

"My poor little green-eyed beauty," Amy quickly glanced at Aldo, who lowered his head and closed his eyes to rest his mind through the rearview mirror, and thought silently, "I think with your congenitally defective IQ, and your frequent collocation The wrong line of nerves may really not be able to get out of this guy's palm."

Mr. Carlos Flaret, the tragic emperor with "some congenitally defective IQ and nerves that are often miswired", is relying on his deep impression of Death Valley and beast-like intuition, leading Evan and Louie circles in Death Valley.

In the absence of an effective theoretical guidance, Carlos actually relied on his own memory to touch it all the way from the lower reaches of the Anlaner River. Well, although it took a lot of detours.

Back then, this already excellent young hunter started in Death Valley before he really grew up—even if the Templars suffered heavy casualties every year, he had never experienced such a tragedy at that time.

Walking all the way, I witnessed the death of every companion around me. In the end, I was left alone in this hell where the sun could not shine, listening to the roar of unknown beasts, accompanied by the dry and terrifying roadside Every day, I fall asleep in anxiety and wake up when the wind blows, and even the will to survive has been wavering between giving up and persistence...

"Stop," Carlos said suddenly.

Evan was taken aback by his surprise, stepped on the brakes, and the car went out sideways, leaving a long trace on the barren ground.

Carlos got out of the car and stood by the Anlan River. Even though a thousand years had passed, those dead souls still seemed to be lingering here. By the desolate river, the icy water was chilling, There was a desolate and cold silence.

Evan shivered.

Carlos narrowed his eyes and surveyed the dead grass and random rocks around him.

"I remember this place," he said.

The young man suffering from hunger, cold and scars all over his body took his last breath to survive, and plunged the epee in his hand into the mud by the river, knelt down on one knee, panting heavily, and met here At that time, Mr. Heigl, the priest of Krystal.

In retrospect, he also seems to have given the old gentleman the missing arm a run for his money.

"Why didn't he kill me then?" Carlos said to himself.

"What?" Louis next to him was startled.

Carlos shook his head—although he almost became friends with Heigl later, he also knew that the old man was really not a kind person. A human teenager who had reached the end of his life, and was already close to the core area of the Krystal Temple, why did he Didn't kill himself on the spot

Because... because among the Krystal family, the temple is absolutely sacred, so blood can't be splashed at the entrance of the temple

"It's here." Carlos looked around the entire Anlan River, "The real temple should be hidden here, but where is it?"

Louis gently reminded him next to him, "Can the guiding spell still be used here?"

"Oh, yes! It makes sense!" Carlos looked at Louis in surprise, "It's always right to take smart babies like you out."

Smart baby Louie looked pale.

Carlos squatted down and picked up a twig, gently placed it on a smooth stone, and turned it around by repeating tricks. Then, with a "poof", the small stick fell from the stone by the water. It fell directly into the Anlaner River and floated vertically on the river.

"What does that mean?" Carlos asked.

"I think..." As soon as Louis uttered these two words, there was a huge wave on the river—the three men quickly retreated at the same time, and the small river erupted with incredible power, almost like an angry tsunami, sweeping across When they reached the place where they were standing just now, Evan's feet were half a beat slower, and one leg was immediately rolled in. It seemed that something in the water was pulling his foot, and Evan suddenly fell to the ground in the shape of a big horse.

Fortunately, Louis and Carlos quickly dragged them back with one arm and one arm. Louis' car, which looked like a treasure chest, was not so lucky, and was directly swept into it by the river.

However, the turbulent river did not stop, like the last struggle of a dying person. The next moment, there was a bigger storm. The water surface was almost ten meters high, and a hideous human face seemed to be exposed in the huge wave. .

Douglas didn't want blood—so he wanted to drown them with water, fire, and merciless monsters.

The three were forced to separate. Suddenly, a column of water protruding out of the water obviously violated the laws of physics. It rubbed against the river and rushed towards Carlos abruptly, like a huge fist protruding from the river.

Carlos bent over in an unsightly posture, and the "water fist" missed the blow, and was immediately controlled by gravity, turning into a horizontal waterfall, which would kill Carlos in the next round. "Heavy Rain".

"Carl!" Louie's voice.

Douglas is too cheap... Carlos smiled wryly.

At this moment, a hand firmly grasped his shoulder, dragged Carlos aside, a huge water jet fell down, Carlos was swept away, and the person who pulled him was In an instant, an iron-framed black umbrella was propped up, covering the two of them.

A huge water curtain hangs down from the edge of the black umbrella, and everything around is blurred for a moment.