The Final Protectors

Chapter 61: inherited


The blue eyes like a deep pool met the light gray eyes that seemed to be covered with a layer of mist. Aldo raised his hand to wipe off the water splashed on the side of his face, and threw the black umbrella with broken ribs aside, lightly He slightly tugged at the corner of his mouth, and commented with a little sarcasm: "A dozen or so people are still queuing up on the side of the road for people to visit, as if they were photographed stupidly, and you, who didn't even find the Temple of Krystal Almost got killed by the... 'shower', Carlos, I'm getting more and more proud of you."

Carlos seemed to have an illusion at that moment, as if they had returned to the days of the Black Robe War.

They don't always meet for a long time, and there is almost no room for other communication other than reporting work, and they are too busy to save embarrassment-and Aldo is undoubtedly a very picky boss.

Carlos is used to being alone, and his team awareness is limited. When he takes people out, he always forgets the person he is taking out. Sometimes something goes wrong and he has to come back to save his companions. Although he is so weak, he can take care of himself to some extent, but even so, when reporting the casualty rate, Carlos always gets some sarcasm from Aldo every now and then.

He blurted out almost automatically, "Uh... sorry."

Aldo stretched out his hand to Carlos, wanting to pull him up, Carlos stretched out his hand almost subconsciously, but finally came back to his senses, his eyes stayed on Aldo's hand for a second, he pretended not to see it lamely, and looked down. He got his head up by himself, and said loudly to Louis nonchalantly: "That thing—you got rid of the thing in Douglas Field, is there any more?"

Aldo's eyes flashed, and then he withdrew his hand indifferently, and stuffed it into the long coat pocket.

Everyone then retreated to the heights.

When Louis saw Aldo, he was inexplicably relieved. Thinking of his thrilling experience all day, he suddenly had the feeling of "finally the breeder came". "It was taken out.

"This is one of the achievements of the temple research base." Louis briefly introduced the function and function of this pocket bomb.

He felt that when he was talking, Carlos's eyes were straightened, and he seemed to want to touch his paws very much, but because of the presence of someone, he held back with incredible self-control and pretended to be He listened to Louie's explanation with a self-confidently calm expression—but you're going to piss off, sir! Can the eyes be less hungry? Although "Pearl" is a beauty, she will never have anything to do with you!

Aldo glanced at Carlos, who immediately tore his gaze away from the "pearl", and looked worriedly at the Anlan River, which was tossed by himself without wind.

In less than five minutes, Aldo, as an ancient man who had no concept of "bomb" at all, asked clearly about the characteristics, basic principles and key points of use of "pearl", and then gave a brief introduction to this barbaric thing. Evaluation: "It can be used, but it is best to use it sparingly. You said that it is not impossible to control the explosion range with a magic circle, but the magic circle itself is not as precise as a mantra, and it is difficult for ordinary people to grasp."

"You mean..."

"No, I'm just a suggestion." Aldo waved his hand and said to Louis, "Now the temple is not under my control—let's do what you want."

He seemed to hand over the command to Louis with confidence. Seeing him squatting on the ground, discussing with the surrounding group of people where to place the "Pearl", how to proceed, and how to cooperate, he felt a little proud for a moment.

Thousands of years later, the iron clothes of the knights have become uniforms with soft fabrics. Everyone has few scars on their bodies, and even the calluses on their hands are very limited. Stupid, but Aldo suddenly felt that if a dangerous moment came, maybe they were not unable to stand up and resist.

This is an era of danger in safety—the reason why the heroes have a certain color of tragedy is that they all survived the extreme adversity and the iron waves, and they mourned wildly on the huge and lonely stage Or ecstasy, a life of ups and downs, always eager to keep something that can't be kept, and finally with your own meaningless legend, slowly become cold-hearted, slowly become a piece... guarding a coffin stones of the day.

Aldo's eyes fell on Carlos—this guy seemed to never regard himself as an outsider, and he participated in the discussion very lively, and finally touched the "pearl" that made him curious for a long time. Of course, he was very researched When he squeezed his fingers vigorously, he was firmly stopped by Louis, avoiding the fate of everyone present being blown into the sky by his companions - Aldo, who always looked a little cold while leaning on the cold rock, suddenly softened .

Like the frozen and barren land blown by the first spring breeze.

He is like a diamond, Aldo thought silently, it was originally hard, but it has been polished even harder, but the more difficult it is, the more dazzling it is, with only a pure heart, just like when he was a teenager.

Beautiful and precious things are always on the edge of the most dangerous cliff, and there are still people who are willing to risk their lives for it, even if they die on the road one after another... But of course Aldo doesn't think he will die on the On the road, he is just determined to win.

Louis is a good leader. He has a rich resume. He was a hunter who graduated with Gal in the early years. Later, he became a scholar according to his own interests and became an instructor. It is able to carry the gun and hold the field. A rude and effective "blasting" plan was formulated cleanly, and he didn't want to leave the Krystal Temple as a "historical relic" for future generations to watch.

Several hunters cooperated tacitly to draw the magic circle. Aldo watched and only occasionally mentioned a few words. Then, he tied the "pearl" to a feathered arrow, and waited until the magic circle was about to be completed. , they only need a bait, the moment the underwater field is exposed, Aldo will shoot the "pearl" over, and at the same time, Louis will connect the last stroke of the magic circle to detonate it.

Although Carlos didn't explain it verbally, he was really envious of this job. It seemed that even if he had to stuff the "pearl" into the water with his own hands, he would be happy.

As for the glorious and arduous task of baiting, before everyone could react, they heard a scream of "ah"—Aldo kicked Andy off.

Poor young man, sure enough, he has already registered "special care" in someone's heart.

The flood surged up into the sky, and Andy broke out with a sprint speed, rolling and crawling, and Aldo picked up his bow calmly. The flood seemed to reflect the moonlight, and in an instant, A thin silver light flashed at the edge of the wave, and the man who drew the bow suddenly let go of the bowstring, and the pearl flew straight over, and precisely sank in through the gap.

Louis made the last stroke of the final magic circle.

The light from the pearl explosion dazzled everyone's eyes, and the whole valley was almost like daytime.

The surging river rushed towards the sky, and even the people who retreated to the cliff took a more or less cold shower.

The whole valley was trembling.

I don't know how long it took before the light gradually dissipated, and the Anlaner River parted to both sides, like a big rift valley blasted by pearls, revealing the stone steps below that were rubbed so smooth by the water.

A shallow and long chant spread out from the crack, Carlos' expression suddenly changed, he pushed away the person standing in front of him, and rushed towards the split Anlan River.

The transparent ghost-like knight and horse jumped out from there, and bumped into them head-on, which scared Evan and another hunter next to him into his arms, and both of them fell to the ground at the same time, but these horses and warriors really Like ghosts, roaring silently, even though their swords have turned into air, they still stick to this place.

Carlos walks through without noticing.

What rights does Douglas have? Carlos thought, even if he is really for the inheritance of Kleisto, for this race, but this race has never raised Kevin for a day, and it has brought him pain or pain for more than ten years. He was told of his blood, and no one gave him any sense of belonging. Just because of his natural aptitude, can he be deprived of his qualifications to be an ordinary human child for ten years without asking himself

Why can't he go to school, go to the amusement park, slowly turn into a troublesome bad boy, fight and skip class and date girls

The mottled crystal temple finally appeared in front of everyone. Carlos suddenly inserted/inserted the long-handled dagger into the huge lock, and then there was a loud noise, and the lock handle and sharp weapon broke at the same time. The opened door slowly unfolded, bringing a cool feeling buried deep in the bottom of the water, and the originally clear and shallow singing voice seemed to collide with the water in all directions, producing lingering echoes.

In the middle of the temple, the man sitting under the altar slowly turned his head.

The bloodstains in the corners of Douglas’ eyes were still there, extending from the corners of the eyes to his cheeks, which was shockingly red. His body was almost shattered, as if it would turn into powder with a slight touch. There were inhuman and cracked marks on the skin, veins and The blood vessels are stiff as if they have been drained.

He grinned silently and showed a smile: "It's... very high to see you..."

Then he couldn't make any other sounds, and his vocal cords were broken.

Carlos' pupils constricted, and he saw Kevin, the little boy sitting sideways to him, all the part from the thigh down had disappeared.

He was motionless, like a mutilated doll.

Aldo raised his hand and stopped the others in their footsteps, but Carlos walked over slowly: "Kevin..."

"Kevin," he called out again, trying to touch the other person's head, but before he touched it, he withdrew his hand again, the man's shoulders slumped, and he lowered his head and slowly squatted down, "I'm sorry... Sorry for the long delay, I…”

Kevin slowly raised his head, his face was still immature, even because he lost two legs, he looked extraordinarily pale and fragile, but his eyes were extremely calm, even vaguely lifeless.

He stared at Carlos for a while, then suddenly said, "So many things happened."

Carlos' nose was almost sore.

Hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes can be summed up in the boy's slightly dazed words—a lot of things happened.

Aldo's eyes skipped over Douglas, who could only lose his temper on the spot, and fell thoughtfully on Kevin's disappearing leg, his eyes flashed.

Kevin was silent for a while, and then said in a child's voice, "Douglas, can you still hear me?"

Douglas turned his head slightly—that was all he had left.

"Inheritance brings you blindness, because you can't see the future," Kevin said very slowly, like an old man who has shrunk before it grows. "Your eyes are blindfolded, and you always believe in the future." The part I am willing to believe in, now... the inheritance has taken my leg, it is wise."

Douglas's lips twitched, and those eyes that seemed to be shining even though he was blind suddenly dimmed.

"I'm sorry," the boy said softly after being silent for a while, "I let you down."

Douglas's body twitched violently. He might want to say something, but he no longer has the ability to express his opinion. The muscles on his cheeks twitched for a while, his eyes were splitting open, and his whole body was convulsed. Then he opened his mouth and said " "Ah", without making any sound, he let out his last breath.

Like an unfinished sigh, it returns to the embrace of death.

Carlos leaned over and tried to hug Kevin carefully, but was separated by the little boy's hand.

"No," he seemed to have a smile on his face, and only his big eyes could see that he had no worries before, "I will live here from now on—Carl, the first time I saw you was in By the Anlan River, you nailed that bloodthirsty ancient sword into the dry riverbed in the dry season, and the whole temple was shocked. can do whatever it takes.”

"Oh... no," Kevin's voice suddenly stopped, and after a while, he seemed to be a little confused and said, "I have never seen you, it was Heigl who saw you, and a part of him will live in my body from now on I'm here, so many people suddenly live in my body, it's really... "

"What will you do in the future, live alone at the bottom of the dark river?" Carlos asked softly, "Can't you pretend that you don't know, that you are just an ordinary person, silly boy?"

"I can't," Kevin looked up at him, the man's shadow reflected in his clear pupils, "There are so many people living in my body, they are too heavy, I can't even take a step... Unfortunately, I Haven't been to an amusement park yet."

Evan let out a loud sob.

"But I like you the most," Kevin put his head close to Carlos's arms, like a pre-term kitten, and rubbed him affectionately, "so I will stand by your side."

Because of extreme narrowness, Douglas lost his eyes.

Because of his biased position, Kevin lost two legs.

This is the inheritance of the cruel and fair crystal family.