The Final Protectors

Chapter 67: Crystal box


Carlos's footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyes were lowered, his thick and slender eyelashes were slightly curled into a graceful arc, a little smooth forehead was exposed under the hat, and there was a straight bridge of nose and thin lips underneath—this guy is The accumulated results of the genes of the elegant and beautiful ladies who married into the Flaret Manor for generations, still can't see any flaws in the facial features under the lights of the auditorium.

People can't help but think that God must have given him a lot of love when he was born.

And this kind of innate love and acquired ups and downs gave him a very special temperament, as if he was ready to take his simple luggage and go to the next place at any time. When people who know him think of him, they only remember a back figure turning around and waving, alone, but not lonely.

He must have a lot of happiness, only in this way can support his whole body and soul.

Because there is no place in the world for him to stay safely.

Carlos stopped in place suddenly, he broke away from Gal's hand and avoided Aldo's gaze.

Then Qing Qing glanced around the excited faces of the people around him, subconsciously pulled down the brim of his hat, lowered his head slightly, only the corners of his mouth were raised, as if showing a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Thank you." He tried to make himself as calm as he said when he played "myself" at the Christmas Eve celebration, "I heard what Mr. Goode meant, probably let me be in charge of everyone's spell lessons and combat lessons—I know A lot of people have as much trouble with mantras as with tongue twisters, and of course, it's ok...”

His voice was not loud, but he uttered words clearly, and those who could hear him laughed.

Carlos seemed to be smiling too, but this time he hid his eyes so no one could tell if he was genuine or fake.

"It's as if I can't figure out those mechanisms - to be honest, I still can't figure out why the way to turn off the TV is different from the way to turn off the computer." Carlos said so, shrugging his shoulders decently.

The expression on Gal's face changed from worry to relaxation, but Aldo's heart sank.

"Uh... In short," Carlos waved his hand and briefly ended his speech, "You will see me after the training begins."

After he finished saying this, he turned around and left, as if he wanted to leave here impatiently, the lamp that had been chasing his footsteps stopped at a loss, casting an empty circle of light alone.

Carlos skillfully avoided those who were about to pounce, and just blended into the crowd, like a fish who didn't fit in, swimming against the current alone to the icy upstream.

When he passed by the community, he called for friends, and after some excitement, he left alone, reminiscing alone, and started to go to the next place where he could gather for a bonfire and laugh.

If a child develops gastroenteritis because of eating something bad, he will never touch it again, no matter how expensive and delicious the food is, and it is generally welcomed by people all over the world.

If a small animal loses its leg in a certain place, no matter how beautiful the scenery is and the food is piled up there, it will not go there again.

Of course, sometimes the problem is relatively simple. For example, people will want to understand that eating strawberries may cause stomach upset not because of the food itself, but because they are not washed clean, and they will bravely try again to overcome this psychological barrier.

But some things are many, many times more complicated than this, and people get stuck in it for a long time, unable to figure out the cause and effect, so he slowly became such a person——

Like people who are claustrophobic, who don't eat certain things, or... passionate loners.

That's how they describe him as "like a fire on a desolate swamp" "gentle and hard".

Then, many years passed, and even if he came out one day after realizing it, it was a done deal—experience made him that kind of person, and some processes are irreversible, even if he wants to change, he can’t change it back .

Carlos wandered alone in the underground palace for half an hour before Aldo chased him out.

He found that Carlos looked up at the enchantment core in the underground palace with his heavy sword, raised his head slightly, and stood there quietly, not knowing what he was thinking. The light of the enchantment core dragged out his slender shadow, motionless, It seems to have become a stone statue.

Aldo stopped two or three steps away from him. He couldn't think of how to speak for a while, so he stood there silently for a while.

Carlos finally turned around and gave him a surprised look.

"I thought you were going to want to punch me again or something," Aldo said.

Carlos shrugged, turned around and continued to study the shining enchantment core: "I know I have a bad temper... But does it really seem so unreasonable?"

Aldo's eyes dimmed.

"Thank you." After a pause, Carlos said in a low voice, "I know you are well..."

Aldo suddenly hugged him from behind, the light from the enchantment core reflected his fingertips in a faint blue, Carlos's voice stopped suddenly, he was stunned, his lips were slightly parted, and his expression was a little dazed , as if trying to spit out the next few sounds, but suddenly found that they all evaporated.

Aldo's hand became tighter and tighter, and one hand was pressed against Carlos' chest, as if intending to grasp the frequency of his heartbeat, and his fingers pinched his clothes.

Carlos came back to his senses, turned his face slightly, intending to listen to what he wanted to say, but Aldo didn't say anything, just hugged him tightly.

Probably because...whether it is an apology or a show of love, there is no language in the world that can go back to the past.

The past can be forgiven, can be forgotten, and even the grievances and hatred can be wiped out with a smile, but it cannot be changed.

So time cannot be turned back, so Aldo has studied the time ban technique for a lifetime, and only came to the conclusion that it is impossible to achieve this.

Regret is always a fantasy of people.

Even if he doesn't use his brain, Carlos understands that he can only trust six or seven percent of what comes out of Aldo's mouth. As for him, it's normal for him to play tricks and deliberately mislead. Although this man is not dull, he is not dull. Talk a lot, but every word you say is a trap.

The whole person was full of hypocrisy, but at this time he didn't say anything, vaguely revealing his deeply hidden "truth".

"Okay," Carlos thought silently, "I appreciate it."

Aldo seemed to be planning to hold him all the time, and after a while, Carlos finally felt a little embarrassed, he broke free from Aldo's arms calmly, and found a topic that he thought was appropriate: "Uh... Why do you say that the repair of the enchantment core cannot keep up with the energy loss?"

Aldo seemed to have more than enough to say, but fortunately, he had good self-control, and he barely knew what is enough. He let go of his hand in a polite manner, and raised his hand to rub against the light circle on the outer layer of the enchantment core, as if he wanted to rub it off his arms. It felt like a sudden emptiness.

He whispered: "You know what fills the energy of the enchantment core. I can't find any other substitutes for now."

Carlos frowned suddenly - of course he knew that the last step of the enchantment core was completed by himself, and the energy source was that Satan Parola who was dragged into the forbidden technique.

"That child of yours..." Aldo deliberately called Gal such a title, directly downgrading him to a generation, "He asked me this question when he brought the corpse of the abyss jackal for the first time—quantity Whether it can compensate for the quality, my answer is no, even the devil-level Difu can only delay the speed of the barrier damage."

"Well," Carlos seemed a little surprised, and then immediately became proud, "Gal is very good, very sharp."

No matter how sharp you are, it is not born of you, maybe you still want to have something disrespectful with you - Aldo thought sourly, but there was no clue on his face.

"I'll talk about the enchantment later, come and have a look with me first, what Kevin Watson gave us." He interrupted Carlos nonchalantly, "My family has a child who is just growing up" and was self-indulgent.

They passed through the huge underground palace and entered a secret room with extremely high authority.

Carlos saw the box found under the Anlan River. It turned out to be a large music box with a small table inside. When it was opened, the crystal tray slowly rotated in circles. It's not music, but... the sound of water rushing like ocean waves.

Carlos walked around this strange music box several times, but he didn't figure out why: "What is this?"

"Wait a minute, it's almost time."

Less than a moment after Aldo's voice fell, there was a very thin singing voice in the middle of the sound of water spreading in the box, like the singing voice of a mermaid deep in the bottom of the sea, in a language that humans cannot understand, thinly like A needle can poke straight into a person's heart.

Then the singing gradually became louder, and even the vibrato inside could be heard. Carlos leaned beside him, holding his breath and listening.

The singing went on for three full minutes before it stopped slowly, leaving slowly with a sigh-like ending. The sound of the water was quiet, as if the sea surface had returned to calm.

"When the box is opened every day there is only the sound of water, and only at this time of day does it sing," Aldo said.

Carlos rubbed his chin with his fingers thoughtfully: "This melody... I seem to have heard it somewhere."