The Final Protectors

Chapter 70: untitled


Carlos felt that what he could say was blocked by Aldo at that moment.

What else should I do

"Then go back to your own coffin" - does this sound human

"I accept a bribe from your real estate, and I agree with you"—what's the situation? Is something broken

When he didn't speak, Aldo waited quietly. Two handsome gentlemen with extraordinary temperament stood upright on the edge of a construction site and stared at each other, which soon attracted the cruel onlookers of bored workers.

Aldo looked at his words and found that Carlos's face was tangled, but he didn't blow his hair, and his mood brightened immediately.

He knew that it was shameless to force Carlos with such words on the former site of Flaret Manor, but he was really eager to make progress, almost impatient to make the next move immediately, so he tried impatiently.

Seeing Carlos' reaction, he knew that his temptation was correct.

A bad-tempered guy like this always likes to take the initiative, and other people's persecution might make him turn his back on the spot, but he didn't turn his back, did he? This is a good sign.

In the past three months, even water dripping on a stone can make a small hole in the stone surface.

Aldo's hand moved down slowly, along Carlos's arm, and kept holding his fingers. The warm palm held up the cold fingers of the other party at any time, and branded a finger on it devoutly. A light kiss, and then the corners of his eyes and eyebrows drooped slightly, showing a pitiful and sad expression: "I know that I should wait patiently and not force you, but..."

The following words disappeared in a sigh, and Carlos' heart was slightly pinched, hanging there unable to get up or down.

Aldo lowered his head, revealing his beautifully shaped eye contours, his lips were as thin as a line, the muscles on his cheeks were stretched, and the corners of his eyes were slightly red, like a prisoner waiting to hear the verdict on his fate.

The posture is weak, but not begging for mercy.

Carlos almost couldn't help but hold his hand in reverse when he put it down, and his fingertips rubbed the thin sweat on the opponent's palm, suddenly full of sour daze.

How did we get here? he thinks.

When I closed my eyes, it seemed that the two of them were still the same kids who had nothing to do in the past, chasing and fighting in the temple, quarreling over trivial matters, and then reconciled inexplicably, competing in exams, and even when doing tasks. Rivalry, it seems that overpowering the opponent once is the most celebrated thing in the world.

But suddenly, a thousand years later, they were separated into two places. When they stood on this familiar land again, they realized that everything had disappeared, and there was only one person left in the whole world, who knew that Annihilation was there. The true self in history.

But he is so familiar, yet so strange.

Aldo did not miss this momentary opportunity. He hugged Carlos, wrapped his fingers around the other's hand, and hung down by his side with hands clasped. He closed his eyes, exhaled lightly, and spoke to himself very restrainedly in his heart. The milestone success comes with a short remark: Leo, well done.

However, his hands were out of the control of his brain, and the originally gentle and careful embrace finally failed, and it became tighter and tighter, with a certain fear, joy, and ecstasy that he couldn't express, and even he himself suppressed and refused to admit. …with horrific possessiveness.

Carlos felt that a certain bone in his body was "cracked" by the pressure, and his fingers were deformed by Aldo.

He even had an illusion, as if his good-for-nothing... was actually quite precious.

The breath sweeping over his neck was long and trembling, like a child who has suddenly woken up from years of nightmares, his nerves were stretched like an extremely tight string, if he fiddled with it a little, it would immediately break.

Carlos looked through Aldo's shoulder and landed on the deserted construction site. A few workers were pointing at them, but when they met his gaze, they smiled kindly and looked away from afar. Give him a thumbs up.

what does that mean? Say I'm doing a good job

He gave a wry smile and thought, "I'm the one who... will keep messing things up."

Carlos finally raised his other hand slowly, and put it gently on Aldo's back, just like his elder brother Chuck did when he was awakened by a nightmare when he was a child, in a heart-warming way With a settled rhythm, he slowly patted Aldo on the back.

"You're taking my breath away." Carlos murmured softly, but didn't struggle.

At this moment, Aldo's "little box" that Carlos envied and hated rang, and Aldo ignored it until Carlos squeezed a hand from the gap between the two and put the phone on the phone. He took it out of his coat pocket, took the opportunity to take a step back, and escaped from the terrifying state of Siamese twins.

Aldo's expression was rather unkind, his eyes paused for a moment on the "Meggert" jumping on the screen very gloomyly, his hands trembled slightly, and he succeeded in unlocking both sides, his voice was a little hoarse and he said very unfriendlyly: "What's the matter? "

Louis paused, as if feeling the murderous intent on the phone line, he prepared his words before saying carefully: "There are two things I think you need to know as soon as possible. Gal sent a message five minutes ago. They The shadow demon has been surrounded, and it is said that it seems to be attracted by some unknown force, and it is heading towards the direction of Xiangmang Town, Milai Prefecture."

Aldo asked coldly, "You're looking for me for a shadow demon whose horn has been cut off in half?"

"No." Louis said quickly, "Our team of scholars discovered a while ago that the crystal box has some kind of signal-like radiation. We decoded it and found that it is very close to a certain kind of spar produced in Xiangmang Town."

"Huh?" Aldo was taken aback.

"Xiangmang Town produces a kind of emerald called Biyu. It is said that there are naturally formed faults in the crystal of the natural Biyu, which looks like feathers under the light. It is very rare and expensive, but so far , I haven’t heard that it has other uses besides viewing and collecting,” Louis asked, “What do you think?”

"Biyu, I know this kind of gemstone." Aldo paused, turned his head and glanced at Carlos, "In our time, it had another name—Death Wing, because its place of origin was restricted by gods. …”

"Aragutu," Carlos continued, "Mount of Absolute Shadow—it's very lively now."

Aldo frowned, briefly explained to Louis and hung up the phone.

He knew that his date might be ruined, and it seemed that they probably needed to rush back to the temple immediately.

It's like back then, when the atmosphere was just right, but it was interrupted by a guy who ran over to call for someone yelling, and then each led the task on their own side.

"I think it's time for me to retire." Aldo said, then he turned his head cautiously, glanced at Carlos, who was looking preoccupied, and asked softly, "Can I hold your hand?"

Carlos didn't hear it.


"Huh?" Carlos suddenly recovered from his severe distraction, and was stunned for a while.

Aldo clasped his hand without asking, Carlos' eyes stayed on it for a while, then he thought for a moment, and said in a low tone: "You don't actually have to feel sorry for me, even if you do, you Enough has been done…”

Aldo clenched his hands and stopped: "What do you mean?"

"We can't go back to that time," Carlos said quietly, "You don't have to go back to that time... Even after a thousand years, you should have your own life. In fact, there is no need because I also It just happens to be here, so you have to worry so much... "

Aldo: "You think I'm just sorry to compensate you in this way?"

Carlos turned sideways, and Aldo's distorted face was reflected calmly in his pool-like eyes.

Aldo was almost mad by him, but he laughed abruptly, his voice suddenly raised, and his injured throat cracked again: "You think what I said is farting? You think I'm just using myself to make up for you This loveless... mentally handicapped child who has been wandering for many years? Do you think..."

"At that time," Carlos interrupted him in a low voice, "you were with me, wasn't it because you were bothered by me and thought I was just trying to be fresh for a while, so you agreed to me half-heartedly, ready to make me feel fresh Get out of your sight once you pass by?"

Aldo took a breath.

It was as if someone had stabbed the most vulnerable and deadly part of his chest... because Carlos was right.

Maybe love is indeed magical and great, it makes even a careless person like Carlos sensitive, and after many years, it is just like this in the streets where people come and go, mercilessly.

Carlos' eyes dimmed, and he gently broke his hand out of Aldo's hand: "I was young and ignorant at that time, and caused a lot of trouble, I'm sorry."

But Aldo followed closely and grabbed him tightly again.

"I was young at that time..." He used the exact same sentence pattern as Carlos, then stopped speaking, raised his head suddenly, looked into Carlos' eyes, and said viciously, "You should really be sorry, why should you When I was so young and didn't know anything, you put your feelings on me, and let me lose it easily when I just realized it?"

"The night you left the temple, I didn't sleep all night. I carved your name on the door with blood from my fingernails. I summoned up all the courage in my life, and at the last moment, I finally wanted to go out to find You, find Teacher Mokaros, but he sent someone to knock me out, and taught me the most unforgettable lesson in my life-some opportunities are fleeting, and when they are gone, they are gone. Be a pathetic wretch, because he hesitates which leg to take!"

"Okay..." Carlos whispered.

"Shut up! I haven't finished!" Aldo growled, "You think Carlos Frarete died in the summer when he was sixteen, what about me? Since then, I have done Dreaming about you, every day when I dream back at midnight, I convince myself that this is just an illusion, I have other ways, as long as I am strong enough, one day I can save you, but ten years later I am really strong enough , you came back not for me, you even... you even disappeared again in front of my face!"

"Enough," Carlos suddenly reached out and hooked him, pulling Aldo staggeringly, then wrapped his hands around his shoulders, and kissed his mouth, "Enough, don't say any more."

"It was you who forcibly cut my life in half—and now, you suspect that everything I did was just to comfort you and compensate you?" Aldo sneered, and he raised his hand to grab Carlos' neck, sternly Ce Ce said, "I can't wait to let you die."

Carlos did not dodge, he said in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

Aldo's expression changed several times, and he remained silent for five minutes, finally softened, and slowly let go of Carlos' neck, which was scratched by him, and whispered with some grievances: "Call me Leo."

No drunkenness, no coercion, no careful calculations, I just want call my name again in that intimate tone, so that I can know that I have not been forgotten or abandoned.

And you're still here.

Carlos sighed and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Leo," he said, "I'm sorry."