The Final Protectors

Chapter 72: Sharon


Mr. Goode is really rich and powerful. This old guy has been in charge of the temple for many years. He can play all the tricks that politicians should know. He can deal with the political leaders of various countries with ease. What.

As soon as Louis opened his mouth, he immediately dispatched several truckloads of supplies and drove over: weapons and equipment, various nutrients and food, protective clothing, medical equipment and even tons of purified water—the sponsors were of different nationalities.

When these "luxury goods" were delivered, Carlos was holding Louis' laptop and had just watched a science fiction movie that advocated the destruction of nuclear weapons. This unlucky boy, who had never seen such a rich and powerful temple, was dumbfounded and saw from upstairs that several gentlemen who were "unloading" had been busy all afternoon, and there were two cars parked there.

Finally, he couldn't bear to open the window, and shouted at Gal, who was arrested and temporarily helping to register supplies: "Mr. Goode, why don't you just give us an atomic bomb? Then we can steam Jueying Mountain into a pot of mushroom soup." , don't go up!"

"Because you will also be one of the ingredients in that pot of mushroom soup, thank you." Gal said without raising his head.

Gal didn't dare to raise his head. Although he never had any hope, it didn't mean that he could bear the person he liked being hugged intimately by others.

He joked nonchalantly, and almost mechanically entered the names and numbers that others told him in the form with his hands, and then silently convinced himself that the effects of disordered hormones only lasted for ten months, and then the so-called "love" It will slowly fade in the body, and finally die like a wave of virus stuck in the throat, and be calmly excreted from the body.

There are only ten months, and you can regard it as an exercise for your mind.

It's really sad though.

Aldo came over from behind Carlos, lazily rested his chin on his shoulder, and asked with half-opened eyes, "Can we go on the road tomorrow?"

As an old ghost who is no longer under the control of any department in the world, he seems to have double understood what it means to "other people's opinions are farts". Since he successfully cheated the corpse from the underground palace, he has done his own way, and he especially likes to cling in front of others Carlos, to claim ownership.

Of course, this situation became more serious after Gal and the others arrived in Xiangmang Town.

"Probably," Carlos said absently, "We didn't prepare for such a long time and so many things last time."

Aldo dragged him to sit down on the sofa, put the half-read book aside in a sleepy manner, pillowed it on his lap, and complained, "I'm tired."

"Because you've been reading that stinky book all day." Carlos frowned as his eyes flicked across the blood-red spine. "When did you go to Tangers Castle again?"

"Two months ago," Aldo said deliberately after a pause, "that's when you clearly agreed to my consideration, and you still tried to avoid me every day."

Carlos originally wanted to express some negative opinions on that ghostly place in Tangers Castle, but he was blocked by his words. He was dumb for a long time, and finally said angrily: "But I didn't avoid it!"

Aldo buried his face in his stomach and laughed.

He put his arms around Carlos' waist. The waistline was very clear and neat, and it was slightly concave along the spine towards the end, covered with thin but smooth and beautiful muscles.

Thin, but not thin, full of a sense of power that makes people put it down.

"If you don't like it, I won't go there anymore." Aldo raised his head.

He agreed so happily and understandingly that Carlos was stunned: "Uh, I didn't mean that..."

"It doesn't matter." Due to the particularity of Tangers Castle, some secret passages cannot be opened by humans. Over the years, the things stored inside have almost become Aldo's private property, but it is not a big deal anyway, just throw it away Now, he stretched out his hand to wrap Carlos's lock of hair hanging down his waist, rubbed the ends of the hair with his fingertips and curled it, and said softly, "You are worried about me, thinking about things related to me, sitting here calmly Listening to me is already a happiness that I dare not even dream about. I am still afraid. Every day when I wake up and open my eyes, I will be worried for a moment. This is actually just my own fantasy. You still ignore me .”

Carlos really can't stand this way.

Aldo closed his eyes and said in a daze, "So no matter what you say, I will agree."

Carlos was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak, and wished he could stick a piece of transparent glue on his mouth.

Aldo asked: "Tell me why you came to Jueying Mountain last time."

"Oh," Carlos began to explain honestly, "The employer entrusted us to find a plant that only grows on the mountain wall..."

In fact... In the sentence "someone will agree no matter what someone says" just now, there seems to be some strange error between the subject and the object.

Some of the books in Tangers Castle are not so friendly, some need the blood of the reader, and some will involuntarily suck the anger of the reader, which seems very troublesome. Probably because he was too relaxed, after a while, Aldo fell asleep on Carlos' lap.

Carlos put him on the couch beside him, covered him with a blanket, then squatted in the distance, pinched his nose and picked up the book Aldo was reading with his sword, and found that its name was "Crafts". History of Lestors.

It uses at least five or six languages that no longer exist in this world. It is very obscure, just like an encyclopedia, and the book is at least one decimeter thick.

Why does the owner of Difu in Tangers Castle like to study Kleisto so much? This question suddenly flashed through his mind—and the Death Valley where countless ferocious difu were raised, the key that allowed difu to evolve easily, and the curse that imprisoned Satan thousands of years ago... What's going on

What makes the Krystal family understand Difu much more deeply than humans who have fought against Difu for thousands of years

However, Carlos only thought about these esoteric questions for two minutes before deciding to stand up and leave, leaving the job to Aldo—he gets hungry easily when he thinks about it. Carlos believes that even if Mr. It is also wrong to waste food.

Probably there are always some worthless idiots in the world who think that being a thug for a lifetime is a good job.

Carlos greeted Louis and went out by himself.

The town of Xiangmang seems to still maintain the simplicity of ancient times, and it has never been too prosperous or desolate. The streets are very narrow, and some places are even dirt roads. The buildings are generally not high, and many of them have their own small yards. There are old people or a few laughing children sitting at the door facing the street, and young people who occasionally walk their dogs pass him by first.

He seems to be wandering around the town aimlessly, and he often encounters a few hunters who are not busy and come out for a walk, and they will greet him warmly—although the temporary instructor tossed them miserably during training , but after class, it is definitely possible to hook up and go out for a drink together, not to mention that this guy is the idol of most people in childhood, even if he occasionally does something that makes everyone disillusioned.

Xiangmang Town is not big. At Carlos' pace, it takes less than 40 minutes to complete a circle. There are still many ancient buildings in the town. Although they are not as old as their time, the streets The layout has remained unchanged.

After walking around Xiangmang town for a full circle, Carlos finally stopped and turned to an old lady sitting at the door basking in the sun: "Hi madam."

The old lady glanced at him: "Hi sir."

"Excuse me, do you know the place called Moech Slope?"

The old lady hesitated for a moment: "Sorry, what did you say?"

"It was called that way a long time ago, maybe it has been changed now," Carlos thought for a while, "I'm not sure if I go down this road, there is a small hill, and some people say that it is actually The extension of Juying Mountain, there is a small river below - of course it may have dried up... "

"Oh!" The old lady suddenly realized, "You mean lover's slope, right, right, just go down this road, but it's not a good place. Many curious tourists hear this name and think I went to have a look, but there is actually nothing to see. Lover's Slope used to be a cemetery. I advise you to visit other places, such as the Xiangmang Town Museum."

Carlos didn't say anything, raised the brim of his hat to her as a compliment, then turned and walked forward.

The town has been weather-beaten for thousands of years, but the skin of the travelers who set foot on this land again is still young and full of vitality. The Mozhepo, which was once full of sorrow and life and death, has changed to such a romantic name. The bones of the thousand years ago Has it turned into fly ash

The small town on the back of the mountain is different from the state of Sara, and the autumn wind is already feeling rustling at this time. Carlos came to the inaccessible lover's slope alone. To his surprise, the river under the hillside is still there, but the hillside has changed a lot. Now, the layers of terraced fields made it almost impossible for him to recognize the way. He had to go straight up, into the ominous forest full of graves in the legend, and turned a big circle in the cold cemetery, but he was still disappointed. up.

That's right, they only made a simple small tomb bag, carved a name on a stone slab and stood it on it. It's not a great underground tomb, how could it be preserved for a thousand years

Maybe when all the relatives and friends who knew a person died, there would be no need for the cemetery to exist.

Carlos lingered in the woods for a while, and when the sun was about to set, he gave up completely and planned to go back, but at this moment, he suddenly heard someone calling his name, the voice was hoarse and anxious, as if he had lost his soul of.

Carlos paused on the spot, and when the voice got closer, he was sure it was calling himself.

He cast a signal spell that was common when he was out on duty, and a bright spark-like light exploded in the air, which could travel far away, and then sat back and waited.

Ten minutes later, Aldo, who was so angry that he ran away, picked up his collar, his hands were shaking, and he couldn't speak.

"Sorry," Carlos said immediately, "I greeted Louis, but I got a little lost. I didn't expect it to take so long."

Aldo stared at him for a while: "I just took a nap, and when I woke up, I found that you were gone. No one knows where you went, but I! It's this damn town, where Sarah Where Ron Bruce lived, and I knew she was buried here!"

He lowered his voice sinisterly, gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you want to know how I feel?"

Carlos was taken aback: "You know..."

"Of course I know! After you mentioned that woman in front of me again and again, I will dig her out even if I dig three feet into the ground!" Aldo let go of his hand suddenly, and deeply He took a few breaths and tried to calm down his voice, then he said, "So I know you're not interested in her, right? A mediocre and cowardly girl, can she speak a complete sentence in front of you? I know you I have never liked this type... "

"Leo," Carlos interrupted him, calmly sat back on the big rock just now, crossed his hands on his knees, and said calmly, "I really don't love her, otherwise I wouldn't put her Buried here alone."

Aldo took a breath.

Carlos raised his head slightly and met his gaze: "I will lie in it with him."

Then he took Aldo's hand to make room: "Come here, sit with me for a while."

Aldo hesitated, and sat down beside him.

"I don't know Sharon very well," Carlos said, "and I didn't really say a few words. When I met her, this little girl was very ill and dying, although I was not much better then. ——Just came down from Juying Mountain, only half of his life is left, and he has been recuperating at Bruce's house for more than half a year."

Aldo put his arms around him.

"I didn't expect that before I could heal my injuries and leave, the doctor who took care of Sharon asked her family to prepare the coffin. Her last wish is to be a beautiful bride, and of course I want to satisfy her. Besides, she is not an ordinary woman , Sharon is actually a nice girl..."

Aldo's hand tightened.

"Just like my own little sister." Carlos finished the second half of the sentence, panting.

Then he laughed mischievously.

Before he could finish laughing, Aldo leaned on him and pressed him against the stone, grabbed the back of his head and kissed him.

Lover's Slope is not a very good environment for kissing. Since it was already dark at this time, there were still will-o'-the-wisps swaying around, and at the end of the slowly darkening forest, a pair of dark red eyes flashed, firmly Staring at the direction of the two of them, he seemed to be hesitating whether to leave quietly, or...