The Final Protectors

Chapter 77: dark night


When the first security circle was triggered, it was the time for the first and second shifts to change at night.

Louie and Emmy remained relatively silent for an entire hour and a half, and the combat instructors Michelle and Gal came out to change their squads.

At that time, Amy felt that the hairs on her body were blown up—less than ten meters away from their camp, more than a dozen difu were choking together, and the dark elves' unique screams resounded through the entire night sky, being overwhelmed by the abyss. The jackal's huge fangs pierced through the throat, and the two black fish outflanked each other, each grabbing half of the dark elf's body. Under the watchful eyes of the hunters, they forcibly tore the dark elf's body in half.

Internal organs fell everywhere, a piece of heart was thrown to the edge of the realm magic circle, and the magic circle around the camp lit up one after another, illuminating the camp brilliantly.

Gal and Louis drew their weapons at the same time.

Michele, who was in the same class as Gal, turned green, she covered her mouth tightly, and looked like she was about to throw up, Louis remained calm, leaning against the edge of the tent without saying a word, looking through the gas fire Staring closely at the cannibalism of these dark creatures, the hand holding the knife was so tight that it almost convulsed.

Amy immediately took out a small bottle of antiemetic from her pocket and stuffed it for Michelle, lowering her voice: "Eat one, it can temporarily numb your sense of smell, don't spit it out, don't disturb them."

But the effect of the warning circle was so blinding that everyone in the tent was alarmed. Although Carlos said carelessly that it didn’t matter what happened at night, normal people would still feel uneasy when they heard this kind of movement. I crawled out of the tent to check, but when I got out... I couldn't get in again.

Anyone who saw the high-level Difu melee all over the mountains and smelled the smell of stinking corpses probably didn't have the nerves to crawl back to sleep again... well, except Carlos.

Carlos slept with his epee on his pillow as if nothing had happened, and was dragged out of the tent by the incoherent Evan: "Kakaka Kalos! There are a lot of people outside, there are a lot of people outside. …”

"A large group of zombies?" Carlos yawned.

The irritated stuttering Evan started to speak smoothly, grabbed his collar and shouted into his ear: "There is a reinforced row of abyss jackals outside! The ground is densely packed with shadow demons, and there is a group of rows in the distance!" The drummer who is knocking on the lunch box and planning to rob the cafeteria! You still fall asleep? You still yawn? You still dream about playing games?!"

Carlos rubbed his eyes and patted Evan on the shoulder: "Hey, calm down, calm down."

Everyone can't calm down, okay

Evan asked with tears: "Are you sure we can see the sun tomorrow?"

Carlos suggested: "If you think you are not sure, you can go to eat now and wait for the road."

After he finished speaking, he took a few steps back, stretched his waist and sat on the ground beside the tent. His relaxed appearance gave people an illusion—as if they were not in the scene, and all this was just like the scene in the auditorium that day. It's the same, it's a prank made by technical dancers and illusion circles.

He probably wanted everyone to relax and not be so tight with the collapse. After all, it was not the time to face the enemy. Unfortunately, perhaps because of his personal temperament, Carlos' calmness did not make others feel better. It caused a kind of painful roar in their hearts at the same time—is this guy reliable or not? Help!

Fortunately, at this time Aldo came out of his tent fully dressed, raised his eyes and scanned the battle outside the circle, raised his palm and made a downward movement, and said in a very light but firm tone: " Now I hope that those who don’t have any night missions can go back to rest, don’t worry, if Di Fu breaks in by mistake, the chain of security circles will be able to block the demon class for at least fifteen minutes, I believe this is enough to attract another demon class to kill it.”

Carlos put his hands behind his head, and then he said: "Behind us is the domain of the dark elves, in front of us is the domain of the seven demons, and next to it are places where small groups of difu and other small groups live together. Juying Mountain already has No humans have been able to come up for many years, they have been relying on others of their own kind, and they have been hungry for a long time. Now we are a big piece of fat in the junction, of course we must first fight for ownership before we can enjoy it-I bet they can't solve this problem overnight , what do you say?"

Aldo touched his hair: "I won't bet with you."

After speaking, he turned and went back to the tent, as if he came out to show up just to flirt!

Louis and the others finally understood what Carlos meant by "the most dangerous place is the safest place".

At this moment, there was a roar from a distance, and a shadow at least as high as a five or six-story building "walked" over. Every time it took a step, the ground trembled, just like a troll in ancient legends , covered with abscesses, which dripped down as they walked, and fell on the plants, causing them to die quickly.

It has huge eyes on top of its head, and its limbs are covered with thorns like thorns. When it raises its neck, it will open thousands of faces and thousands of "mouths" all over its body, and howl sharply at the sky together, as if The ghosts of the whole hell are all attracted to it, and people thousands of miles away can smell the rancid smell.

Where it walks, a thick black mist will roll out.

"What's that?" someone asked dumbfounded.

Carlos jumped up from the ground: "God, it's the evil spirit man!

The evil spirit who is the head of the legendary seven demons—some say it is a monster formed by the condensed resentment of all humans and animals. It cannot survive even a bug in the place it walks. Some say it is the incarnation of the plague. When it swept across the continent, it would turn countless villages and city-states into empty graveyards.

"I thought..." Louis opened his mouth with difficulty, "I thought the evil spirit was just a legend."

"Where's that camera of yours?" Carlos turned to Gal, and before Gal could reply, he slapped his thigh regretfully, "Oh, yes, that thing is out of order, I forgot about it! Damn, I've only seen evil spirits twice in my life, and this is the third one."

Gal: "..."

Do you still want to hang out with it every day to exchange feelings or something

All the difu in the battle circle became tense, and even humans outside the battle circle could feel the oppressive and tense atmosphere. They suddenly understood a sentence from a horror story they had heard when they were young—"The evil spirits go away!" Where you go is hell."

Its figure seemed to be able to cover the sky and the sun, and even the clear night sky of Jueying Mountain became cloudy, and the stars scattered like broken gems could not be seen.

Suddenly, the abyss jackal standing on the highest place raised its head to the sky and howled, the sense of oppression of the Difu "world" familiar to hunters came, and every abyss jackal became what Carlos and Evan had seen before. In his own world, he has grown into a monster that can swallow a person with one mouth.

The scene became more and more chaotic, the shadow demon with antlers on the ground began to swell, and the place full of shadows turned into a scorching swamp. The masters waved their skeleton-like bodies and gathered above the hill, with dark red lights shining in their eyes.

Then the first abyss jackal suddenly rushed towards the giant monster, which seemed to trigger some signal, followed by the second and third... They were densely drawn into the domain of the evil spirit man, and soon They merged together so that people couldn't see each other.

The deafening roar made the entire Jueying Mountain tremble, and Difu's bones and flesh fell from the air like raindrops. Soon, there was a thick layer of corpses outside the magic circle, and the ground could not be seen up.

Under such circumstances, almost all hunters have some kind of illusion-they are the prey that are being scrambled, kept in captivity, and ready to be eaten at any time.

The smile on Carlos' face disappeared, and the jumping flames reflected on his face, outlining his handsome facial features like a knife. Gal suddenly grabbed his wrist with such strength that it almost seemed to pass through his body. The flesh pinched into the bone.

Carlos thought he was just scared, and didn't react, and said softly amidst the noise: "This makes me feel... like going back to the past."

Gal turned his head away, the expression on his face was so complicated that Carlos, a single-celled creature, couldn't tell what he wanted to express at all, and simply attributed it to "shock and fear".

Carlos smiled reassuringly, raised his eyes to see the evil spirit man whose head was torn in half, hung in mid-air, with countless human faces undulating, and said quietly: "A world without enchantments , That’s it, in the past, those were the enemies we faced every day—of course, evil spirits are very rare, and I was only lucky enough to see him twice near Mermaid Bay in the deep sea, and in the final battle of the black robe... It stinks as always."

"Why wasn't I born in that era," Gal wanted to say something, but his throat was blocked, "Karl, I..."

Carlos skillfully broke free from him, as if treating a child, and gently rubbed his hair: "Do you know what we people want to see the most?"

Gall stared at him blankly.

Carlos sat down, stretched out his hands, and spread them on the fire, as if he was just sitting by the fireplace of his house and gossiping, and said in the tragic background music: "The stories of the so-called 'heroes' are actually all false. Compared with walking on the edge of life and death with a sword every day, getting a "life's ups and downs" evaluation from others, or a few flowers and praises, I actually prefer to lie on the sofa and watch a movie about Christmas."

Because every legend is piled up with blood.

People living in peace always yearn for the kind of brilliance that makes contributions, but sometimes brilliance is a helpless word.

"At that time, I was always dreaming, would there be a child named Flaret in the future, who would live in a world without difu and make a living by writing books or teaching languages?" Carlos smiled with his eyes bent. "I almost thought it was a dream come true when I saw you - I asked Evan to buy all your books with photos and I must say they are amazing."

"But aren't you afraid?" Gal carefully concealed the trembling in his voice, and asked in a low voice.

Aren't you human? Aren't you young and ignorant like me, full of dissatisfaction with your own weakness, and spend a lot of energy every day on an impossible person? Don't you have someone you can rely on, who you can count on to rescue you in the most dangerous time

"If I'm afraid," Carlos looked through the firelight, and all the fierce fights and ugly monsters were reflected in those blue eyes like a pool, "then what about those who are not as strong as me? ?The Temple is called the 'Last Standing Guard', do you know what that means?"

Gal shook his head slightly - he used to think he knew, but now he was suddenly not sure.

"That means we can't retreat." Carlos said in an almost gentle tone, "Whether it's dead or alive, whether it's a broken arm or two legs—even if you die on the battlefield and become a ghost, it's all right." Can't go back."

Gall held his breath.

He felt so far away from Carlos at that moment, yet so close, the firelight gilded the long-haired man's body with a thin layer of gold, softening his lines and making him look like he came from some... An elf who came out of a thousand-year-old treasure box.

"Go and rest." Carlos said, "I've guarded this class for you—I didn't expect to attract an evil spirit man, make good use of your Dawn Thorn, and Chuck and I will be proud of you of."

"Chuck?" Gal asked softly.

"My brother." Carlos picked up his epee and stood up, smiling at Gal with a nostalgic expression, "You really look like him."