The Final Protectors

Chapter 83: Fly over the Great Rift Valley


At this point they have already missed the opportunity, the shadow will instinctively attack the main body, and the rhythm has been controlled by them, so that everyone can't concentrate on managing others.

Not to mention that some people's battles are not something others can get in.

There had to be a breach, but everyone was entangled in their other selves and couldn't move... except Evan.

He was like the only movable piece on the nailed chessboard.

With the sounds of swords and swords in his ears, Aldo silently calculated Carlos' position.

This is like a dangerous balance, the game between oneself and oneself, there is no distinction between superior and inferior opponents, the most important thing is external factors.

Aldo looked up at his opponent—then I'll give you a chance to strangle me.

Evan was about to stick out his tongue from exhaustion, but when he turned around, the guy who looked exactly like himself was still chasing after him.

Mom! How persistent is he!

Fighting everywhere, with Evan's combat awareness, he couldn't figure out who was who for a while, and he didn't dare to run around like a chicken without a head. Feather Monster Lake is regarded as a rubber playground with a circle of 400 meters. It is a pity that there is no physical education teacher to pull a finish line

Just as he was thinking about it, Mr. Aldo, Leo Shishi's cheating physical education teacher, was caught off guard. When the two of them almost passed by, he pulled out this "finish line" that no one else could see.

A lot happened in this instant.

The first thing is Aldo's sudden "wandering mind", which is equivalent to sending himself to the opponent. The moment he stretched out to Evan's magic circle, his defense line was completely broken, and a stick was stuck in his throat. The missing thread is like a prey caught in a spider's web - he knows better than anyone else the power contained in that "thread".

Evan, on the other hand, bumped into the transparent magic circle with a "bang" and flew out sideways. At the same time, the second "Evan" also hit it without being able to dodge!

... Sure enough, the IQ of the shadow and the real person remained the same.

The angle calculated by Aldo was extremely accurate. Evan, who flew out, slammed into the shadow fighting Carlos. Unfortunately, this bug-like divine weapon was dodged and planted straight on the ground, but the shadow wanted to avoid him. , took a step back, and this retreat happened to be hit by the No. 2 weapon in human form.

With Evan's burly figure enough to fit Carlos in, he was knocked under the tip of Carlos' sword.

At the same time, Carlos ignored the opponent who almost hit the tip of his sword. The epee kept letting his own shadow pass, and slashed at the jade stone by the lake with a "boom", The tip of the stone was cut straight into the lake, and the mirror-like calm lake was finally smashed into large ripples.

All the "shadows" turned into phantoms.

Carlos's sword remained unchanged, and then smashed into the ground fiercely. Then he lowered his body, put his knees against the hilt of the sword, and pressed hard. He split the entire ground with a crack, which shattered like a spider web. Cuiyu fell into the lake one after another, and the whole lake was almost muddied.

Only then did Aldo cough because of the sudden influx of airflow.

All of this happened in one breath, so fast that people had no time to react.

True lightning.

"What is it? It's water, right? The water in the lake?" Louis was the first to react and asked quickly.

Aldo's throat was already injured, and he couldn't speak for a while, but he just pressed his neck and nodded.

The hunters who reacted one after another immediately surrounded the lake together without ordering, and kept throwing things into the lake. Louis pushed the crystal box under the water surface roughly, and the green lake water rolled and sank into the box, as if there was something in it. Like a sucker, it became a small whirlpool.

Soon, the water in the box was full, and the misty or eerie sound disappeared, leaving only the continuous sound of water.

A spot of light spreads from the surface of the box, slowly flowing with the water, forming a closed circle.

Louis was taken aback—the magic circle!

The indescribably complex lines seem to be alive, extending from the slightly convex surface, which is extremely gorgeous. Louis thought of the preface of Aldo's "Science of the Magic Circle" that had not yet been published—

The magic circle has an indescribable beauty.

Only when you see the energies flowing, like water filling a dry, frozen river bed, making a complete circle in the circle.

They are alive.

When the last stroke of the magic circle on the box was completed, there was a soft sound in the middle, as if the singer had finished singing and put down the piano, the sound was a sigh of satisfaction and melancholy.

Then the gap between the box cover and the box body disappeared, and the surging lake inside also disappeared, and the whole crystal box became a whole, and then it became smaller and smaller, and slowly shrank into a single body. The dots of light just dissipated in the air.

Louis was taken aback, but Aldo pulled him up and said in a hoarse voice: "It's okay, I drew the magic circle, and it is connected to the enchantment core. Once it is filled with suitable energy, it will be automatically introduced into the enchantment. — Now, tell everyone, retreat!"

After Louis gave an order, everyone quickly evacuated and had left the snow mountain area, so Aldo no longer hesitated, took out the second arrow from his body, and shot it straight at the lake. Like a bomb, the entire surface of the lake was blown up, and the fire quickly spread to the entire surface of the lake.

Aldo squinted his eyes. He knew that the faster the fire spread, the more intense the energy burned, that is, the faster it extinguished.

The hunters were cautious when they came, but they were running wild when they returned.

Ten minutes later, they climbed to the top of Jueying Mountain again, and heard a tragic roar. Looking down from the heights, Aldo's arrow had been extinguished, and countless "people" stood up from the lake. Like an enraged mountain god, it created an unknown number of shadows, densely packed, each with a gloomy expression, like an army of undead crawling out of an abyss.

Aldo turned his head sharply, drew his bow fully, and shot into the lake again. The "shadow man" who had stepped out of the lake suddenly turned into a phantom. through the whole valley.

"My arrow is gone, let's go." Aldo said hoarsely, "If you don't want to face a hundred Carlos."

Except for Evan and Amy, everyone has been trained by Carlos' devil. As soon as the words fell, the hunters all ran like clockwork.

Well... if these guys were to run a marathon, they would win all the gold medals.

Soon, they discovered that Carlos had taken a completely different path from the one he had come here. Everyone was very worried about the extremely cold glacier when they came here. Since Carlos himself hinted, it was the easiest way to go There is only one road, so when you go back, do you have to deliberately choose a road that is not so easy to walk

However, whether it was out of trust in Carlos or the terrifying undead army chasing after Aldo's last arrow, they all followed Carlos and rushed out in an unknown direction.

It was getting colder and colder, and Carlos began to emit a light blue heat-preserving spell, and the people behind him followed suit one by one. After running for his life for so long, Iron Man was also tired, and the man's speed slowed down, and he seemed a little out of breath Breathing out intermittently in the air, he said: "Remember not to scream in the snow mountain area, it will cause an avalanche."

At that time they were passing a huge mountain col. After being confused for a moment, the others quickly understood what he meant—because this strange road brought them into the snow-capped mountain area inexplicably.

Turning a corner, Carlos' footsteps suddenly stopped, and Lukes who was following him almost ran into him.

Then when he finally saw what they were facing, he immediately opened his mouth.

It was an abyss with a sharp arc, which was slightly better than straight up and down. You couldn't see the bottom at a glance, and the eyes were all white, which was amazingly spectacular.

"Under the snow is ice, a natural layer of ice, very smooth, so you don't have to worry about being tripped by anything—unless you stumble over your left foot and your right foot, people with poor balance squat to lower their center of gravity, and they are not afraid of their buttocks sticking to the ice You can sit down...and take care to protect your heads! Our journey is very long, and if you don’t want to be frozen into icemen in the middle, take your heat preservation spells with you.”

Mr. Carlos Flaret, who forgot that he was running for his life, whistled happily, gestured to everyone to keep up, and was the first to jump down.

Well, apparently, the part of the trip he was most looking forward to was coming.

"This is really the most exciting skiing I have ever experienced." Gal followed him closely.

Evan still had calf cramps, and found that the instructor had already danced, so he had to follow suit—his behavior undoubtedly brought great encouragement to everyone: the cowardly interns are so promising, what are you waiting for? Want to get your ass kicked by the broken Archbishop Al

They seemed to jump down one by one, cutting through the thin snow on the ice layer, and opened a long trajectory, the speed was almost increased to the extreme, it was like flying in the air.

If at this time, they can bear not to scream, then when they watch their feet transform from a solid ice layer into an endless rift valley, the sound they make is basically out of personal control.

Why didn't you take this road when you came? Because it is disconnected in the middle!

Carlos, are you specifically taking everyone into the ditch? !

They were like a roller coaster, sliding down from the sky at extreme speed, "flying" straight out, and then fell in various shapes on the thick snow opposite the Great Rift Valley.

Smashed the soft snow into a big hole! Should it be said that fortunately it is thick enough

When many people landed, they could hardly believe that they were still alive.

Carlos shook his head dizzily, smirked complacently, turned over, and lay flat on the snow in large characters. His body was covered with a faint blue light. Melt away.

The most unreliable tour guide in history happily said to the terrified hunters who fell beside him: "Well, this is the most interesting part of Juying Mountain. To be honest, I have long wanted to do it again..."

Aldo picked up his collar and pulled him up from the ground. Before he could catch his breath, he gritted his teeth and growled: "You crazy!"

Carlos: "... yes."

Aldo glared at him.

"Okay, I know you really want to kiss me, but I suggest that we can wait until we return to the beautiful and warm town of Xiangmang for this step." Carlos shrugged.

Aldo: "..."

Louis was also a little dazed when he landed, and then he immediately bounced off the ground, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction he came and went—by the way, there are still those shadow men chasing soldiers!

He stared dumbfounded at those guys being frozen into ice sculptures one by one, becoming decorations on the huge ice slope.

"How do you know they're going to freeze?" Amy asked in disbelief.

"Since Leo shot them with an arrow, but they didn't fight back." Carlos shrugged, grabbed Aldo's hand that was holding his collar, and kissed the back of his hand in a serious manner, squeezing Yan, "I knew at that time that the essence of these shadows is 'water', afraid of fire, and so on, of course they will be frozen into ice."

"Okay everyone." Carlos picked up Evan who was sitting on the snow and was still in a daze, and strode forward, "We are going home!"

"Wait, Karl!" Gal hurried to catch up, "You forgot that there are Difu here! By the way, what kind of thing is this place in the territory of?"

"Scorpion." Aldo lightly stroked the kissed place on the back of his hand, looked at Carlos's back who refused to walk in a straight line, and smiled softly, "Didn't you notice that the way back is through Juying Mountain On the other side, go around a little bit, and we will arrive at the colony of scorpions."

Louis hastily reminded: "Everyone, be careful..."

Aldo added slowly: "I forgot to tell you that the local residents have been almost killed by that guy."

As soon as he finished speaking, a snowball hit him. After being dodged, Carlos, the instigator, turned around and ran away. Aldo bent down without hesitation and formed a snowball, chased after him, and stuffed the snowball into it. into his clothes.

Carlos smiled and cursed, and stuffed his cold hands into Aldo's neck.

Amy looked down at Evan, who was still in a daze, and suspected that his brain had been damaged, so she picked up a large handful of snow, poured it on his head, turned around, and followed Louis like a gentleman. footsteps.

Relieve worries or something...

Someone obviously wanted to have a good snowball fight when he came back, right