The Final Protectors

Chapter 86: Underground Palace (top)


After all, Louis is not a pure civil servant, even if he was unprepared, his body still retreated a little instinctively, narrowly avoiding the fatal blow under the ribs, and James' sharp finger bones pierced from under his elbow. The blood immediately soaked his entire shirt sleeve.

With a flash of sword light, Gal rushed over and showed his sword at this former colleague without hesitation, cutting off half of James' arm, bleeding from the wound like a blowout, and he couldn't hold it down. Louis was dragged behind him, pushed Amy, and said loudly, "James Ruckert! Are you mad?!"

James raised his head, and Gal could see his eyes clearly, they were no longer a pair of human eyes, the eyeballs and the whites of the eyes were glued together, covered with a red mesh membrane.

James is a handsome young man, his eyes are slightly bigger than normal, but at this time the eyes are slightly protruding, covered by the disgusting grid, just like the compound eyes of some kind of insect, it is terrible.

He didn't seem to know Gal anymore, and the two quickly fought fiercely.

As soon as they fought, Gal knew that this person was not James—this young hunter who had just graduated as an intern the year before last was definitely not so strong.

Every time the weapon collided with the opponent's saber, Gal could feel a dull pain in his wrist—Gal even suspected that if the sword in his hand wasn't the Thorn of Dawn that Carlos gave him, it might have already died. Was broken by the opponent.

At this moment, in a gap, an epee was precisely inserted/into the middle of the two people, and passed through James' chest without muddling. This sudden killer made people unable to react. Gal almost Staring blankly at James who was nailed to the wall by Carlos, he couldn't believe that Carlos just killed... a hunter without any explanation.

Carlos had a cold expression on his face, as if the person standing in front of him was not a person, but some Difu who was stinking all over his body.

Gall suddenly confronted James, but never thought of killing him. Even when he was the most angry, he just drew his sword and cut off his strip, which was no different from being scrapped, leaving only a layer of skin. and bones in the arm.

But killing... people...

Instead of drawing/drawing his sword, Carlos gently pushed James' clothes away.

Gal and the others saw a tumor-like fleshy ball growing out of James' heart, which was covered with a blood-red net. After being pierced by Carlos, it was still pulsating slightly—even weaker every time.

James' eyes cleared up with the gradually weakening "heartbeat", and Carlos's cold face, which seemed to be frozen, also slowly revealed a layer of indescribable sadness.

"Be careful... Sculler..." James struggled to utter a few words with a murmur in his throat, then his eyes slowly turned to Louis, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

At the last moment of his life, the young hunter's expression was extremely complicated, like horror and relief, and when he fell on Louis, he was full of unspeakable apology.

And his heart finally stopped completely, and all the expressions were fixed on James' face, but his eyes refused to close, with the last nostalgia for life.

Finally died.

"This is the parasitic net." Carlos silently pulled the sword from James' slowly chilling body, "It is said that the devil brought it out of the abyss. People parasitized by the parasitic net are considered dead. Manipulation, only for a moment when the heart is pierced, can restore his dignity as a human being."

Amy's arm has been briefly treated by Amy, but he can't bear the strength, and there is cold sweat on his forehead: "You mean... Mr. Sculler is really possibly possessed by a demon? Where did it come from? The human bone Box?"

Carlos gave him a serious look: "I don't know."

The Battle of the Black Robe is an eternal scar in human history. Even after a thousand years, the legendary black shadow that can command an army of tens of thousands of difu still makes everyone tremble, and it seems to have become a symbol of terror.

"Then we...will we win?" Amy asked.

"I don't know." Carlos put down these words and continued to walk forward, "I only know that if we can't, it's not just us who will die."

"where are we going?"

"Underground Palace." Carlos didn't look back, "Listen, Louis, do you know why they want to kill you? Because you are a sword-wielding priest, and you have authority second only to the archbishop in the temple. Maybe you haven't used it yet. These permissions, but they exist. Once we enter the underground palace, all the magic circles left by the ancestors who have passed through here for thousands of years will respond to your orders. If none of us can care about others, you must Be careful - if you get entangled in a parasitic web..."

His voice paused slightly here, but the other three people understood.

"I will save the last bit of strength to kill myself." Louis said calmly.

The sounds of battle filled the entire apse. This familiar place for their study and work seemed to have suddenly turned into a huge maze, and every corridor was full of eerie traps.

That day, in the auditorium, the nightmare created by technology and illusion seemed to come true.

The hunters were caught in an unprecedented battle.

After Mr. Good appeared, Aldo immediately rushed to the underground palace alone.

The entire temple fell into an unknown state of paralysis - not only the failure of the power system, many roads were even blocked.

The temple has gone through thousands of years, and the depths of the apse are intricate. Not to mention the enchantment core, there are secret passages along the way. I don’t know how many there are. In the past, they were mostly found to be paralyzed.

It was not destroyed by external force, but it seemed that some kind of energy had corroded the entire temple.

The doors usually hidden in the walls for people to enter and exit the underground palace have been completely sealed.

Fortunately, Aldo was familiar enough with the underground palace. He bypassed those doors and walked straight to the deepest part of the apse. On the way, he encountered several corpses of patrolling guards that night, which were exactly the same as Lukes' death.

A thousand years ago, part of Satan's bones were sealed in a human bone box. When Parola accidentally opened it and was tempted by it, the devil was summoned again and swept across the entire continent, causing an unprecedented catastrophe. But Parola has been dragged into the forbidden technique, and then became a part of the enchantment core. After a thousand years, it has long since disappeared.

Parola didn't leave a body behind. After death, only the bone that was once sealed...had been destroyed long ago.

Aldo originally thought that even if the human bone box reappeared, it was just an empty box.

But obviously, he was wrong.

Aldo stopped at the deepest part of the apse. There were some abandoned rooms. They didn't look special at all, and they were even covered with dust because they hadn't been inhabited all year round.

The doors and windows were already rusted, and there was no basic lighting equipment in the house. Aldo chanted a spell lightly, a cluster of small fluorescent lights appeared on his fingers, and went straight to the corner, where a mirror was embedded on the wall.

He took out a pack of tissues from his pocket and wiped them hastily. The ancient mirror reflected a slightly distorted and blurred portrait.

Aldo pressed his fluorescent hand on it, and said short and softly: "Open!"

The metal mirror surface seemed to suddenly turn into some kind of liquid, undulating with tiny ripples, and the whole room vibrated accordingly.

At this time, only Evan was in the underground palace.

At that time, he was lying on the ground earnestly copying a defensive magic circle. While copying, he wrote the analysis process on the side - the magic circles of the underground palace are layered on top of each other, echoing and influencing each other, and the entire apse is like the most magnificent one. He was almost fascinated by the fact that the factories were interlocking and each performed their duties.

And when the magic circle emitting faint white light in front of him suddenly dimmed one by one, Evan knew something was wrong.

He always reacted a little slower than others, and before he could figure out what was going on, the exit was blocked, and Evan fell into darkness.

Then, he smelled an ominous fishy smell mixed with decay coming from a distance, and there was a sound of footsteps, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the smell became stronger and stronger, every step seemed to be stepped on. on Evan's heart.

At this time, apart from a sketchbook for taking notes, he only had a signature pen with half a tube of ink on him.

Evan was desperately trying to find a place to hide, he held his breath, the cold sweat in his palms made him almost unable to hold the pen—the feeling of impending doom was more fierce than ever, so much so that he waited for him to react At that time, he escaped into Aldo's tomb—the place where the enchantment core was.

Evan got into Aldo's coffin, but the footsteps still stepped on the ground unhurriedly, echoing in the empty underground palace, and gradually approached the tomb.

The door of the tomb seemed to be gently pushed open. Evan lay on his stomach in the coffin, carefully raised his head, and looked out through the edge of the coffin.

He stretched out a pale hand with age spots from the door. Evan's eyes were sour, and he couldn't help blinking. When he opened it again, he found that the human hand had turned into a skin-wrapped hand. The bones were dripping with blackened blood.

The shadow came in through the crack of the door, was dragged long by the light of the enchantment core, and was pulled to the ground. Evan's heart beat to the extreme, and he almost couldn't move.

At that moment, time was stretched infinitely.

The bloody hand touched the blue light of the enchantment core, shrank suddenly, and tentatively stretched forward, but it seemed to be burnt, and suddenly retracted.

There was a moment of silence outside, and then footsteps sounded again, this time going into the distance.

Evan's entire back was drenched in cold sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

He wanted to climb out of the coffin, but his hands and feet trembled so much that he couldn't take any strength, he stumbled several times, almost rolled out of the coffin, and fell right under the magic circle modified by Aldo.

There was an hourglass that was about to run out.

The underground palace soon ushered in another group of visitors. Carlos left the temple with the three of them, and found the secret passage leading directly to the outside of the temple—it was the first time Carlos brought Mike and Lily to play. The road that I walked when.

It seems that only a small area of the temple is affected, and everything outside the temple is normal.

They walked through a large group of magic circles that had lost their function, and walked in a dark underground palace. The underground palace was like a silent cemetery, and every magic circle was lifeless.

"Louis." Carlos raised the hand holding the lighting spell, "The underground palace is the core of the entire temple. The reason why the hunters outside are fighting hard in their own homes is because these defensive circles have failed. You Let's restart them."

Louis glanced at him with some unease: "What should I do?"

Carlos put a hand on his shoulder: "'The priest raises his sword, and every living thing that belongs to the temple will respond to his command, erect the last human wall against our enemies', you listen said that."

The sword-wielding priest is the one who can beat the final summoning drum instead of the archbishop when the scepter is broken and the most critical situation comes.

"I use..." Louis calmed down and cleared his throat, "I will restart the defense of the temple in the name of the 597th sword-wielding priest Meguert."

Under his voice, a cluster of light lit up from the center of the small magic circle under his feet, and then, like a spark, it spread across the entire underground palace in an instant. All the magic circles corresponded to each other, and the underground palace suddenly lit up like Same day.

At the same time, power was suddenly restored to the ground part of the temple, and the evil plants spreading in the corners and the parasitic nets waiting there seemed to be swept by the fire in an instant.

Withers quickly.

A voice trembled everyone's soul, it was the power from the ancient, the entire temple.

Everyone couldn't help showing joy, but Carlos' face became more serious—this is not right, if it is really the devil in the bone box, it can't be so easy, there must be something else...

At this time, a white light flashed suddenly, Carlos suddenly pulled Amy away, and retreated quickly, while Gall and Louis, who had excellent fighting awareness, also moved away from each other.

The white light struck the place where they were fighting just now like a thunderbolt. Then, invisible chains suddenly stretched out from all directions, and the four of them were forced to separate again. Carlos blocked the chain for Amy. The force of nature almost flew out, backed up a dozen steps one after another, and hit a wall.

His back was empty, Carlos suddenly realized something was wrong, and said loudly: "Louis, remember what I told you..."

Then there was no more post, his whole body was sucked in by that "wall".

"Carl!" Gal was trapped in a magic circle, unable to move an inch, beyond his reach.

Louis' eyes sank, and he immediately realized that someone had tampered with the defensive circle, so that the temple's defensive circle attacked them instead.

He dodged the attacks of the magic circle several times in a row, and saw a figure flashing by not far away, and Louis immediately chased after him without hesitation.

How dangerous the underground palace is, Louis finally understood, but he quickly discovered one thing, those magic circles always seemed to be more hesitant than others when attacking him, which allowed him to escape many attacks.

He remembered what Carlos said... Yes, even if he did something wrong, no one could override his authority except Mr. Goode.

Louis stood still suddenly.

"I am the current sword-wielding priest." His expression was firm, and an arrow was slowly gathering from a magic circle facing him, like the fire-feathered arrows commonly used in the temple and assigned to field hunters. The shape of the arrow flashed coldly, aiming straight at Louis' chest.

When chasing Douglas, the former priest of Christo, the mental pressure he felt seemed to strike again. At that moment, Louis finally understood what Carlos said about "consciousness control" without a teacher. .

The invisible bow seemed to be drawn taut, and then the arrow transformed into light burst out of the air and shot straight at Louis' chest.

Louis seemed to have forgotten to dodge, he even stretched out his two arms, stood there with the door wide open, and closed his eyes.

Could it be that the underground palace, known as the last line of defense, is so easy to defect

Could it be that this holy temple, which has protected them from childhood, grew stronger gradually, and stood firm for thousands of years, is so easily deceived by stupid demons

You see who I am!

The point of the arrow almost stopped on Louis' chest, and the light illuminated his entire face.

It finally shattered into countless light spots, and all attacks stopped.

Hearing footsteps, Louis turned around and saw the familiar person.

Mr. Scowler's eyes were covered with red nets.

Louis' heart sank—the person he respected the most had apparently been controlled by that damned parasitic web.

Before he had time to hesitate, Mr. Sculler had already rushed towards him. Louis pulled out the saber he had untied from Lukes with his uninjured hand, and blocked the attack of the former teacher almost in grief and anger.

He was seriously ill and dying, and the therapists were preparing to give him a critical illness notice, why couldn't he die peacefully

Why deprive him of his dignity at the last moment

After all, Mr. Sculler's body was old, and Louis quickly nailed it to the wall with his sword through his arm. However, he seemed to be completely ignorant of the pain, still struggling desperately, and Louis' eyes were red.

With a sudden growl, he drew out his saber violently, and nailed it hard at his heart.

Mr. Sculler finally stopped struggling, and the omentum in his eyes gradually faded away, revealing human eyes that were slightly cloudy due to old age. He turned slowly and said hoarsely: "Louis..."

Louis' tears finally fell: "Sir."

Mr. Sculler seemed to be smiling. He raised his hand with difficulty, as if he wanted to touch the child he had watched grow up. Louis took his hands covered with age spots, closed his eyes, and gently Rubbing on it, trying to keep the last warmth in that palm.

"Louis..." said Mr. Scowler.

Then, that hand suddenly turned into a white bone claw, and the fingers grew several times in an instant, and they were caught off guard from Louis' shoulder, and disappeared in an instant.

It pierced through his lung lobes and protruded from his chest, exposing the blood-stained bone fingertips.

The warm blood hit the ground like raindrops and gradually merged into a small stream.

Louie's whole body was wrapped in a parasitic web, and the thing was eating away at his heart.

"The epee and the authority of the priest are all given to you by me," Mr. Sculler said softly, "Now, good boy, give it back to me."