The Final Protectors

Chapter 89: A collection of episodes


The mass funeral was held more than two months later.

I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence, but that day happened to be the festival day on November 16th. Adorat’s death knell rang for a whole day. This was the first year that no tourists or reporters were entertained on the festival day. Only hunters dressed in black Everyone silently put down their flowers and stood aside, took off their hats and stood in a row.

The waves beat gently on the mountain wall of the island, and the waterfowl are still leisurely.

Everything seemed to be calm again, until when I turned my head and wanted to say something to the people around me, I was surprised that my face had changed, only to find that the people who were joking with each other at this time last year were gone.

Before Gal's injury had recovered, he took over Mr. Goode's position. He was the youngest archbishop successor in the temple within three hundred years—but Aldo was right, compared to the increasingly silent Louis, Gal is indeed more suitable for this position that requires dealing with many politicians than him.

Unfortunately, he won't have time to finish his book anytime soon.

Gal stood behind the lecture table next to the altar of the past, holding the speech prepared by someone who did not know who prepared it for him, read it from the beginning in silence, then rolled it up and stuffed it into his pocket, finally nothing Did not say.

He just looked up at the tombstones all over the mountains and plains on the small island of Adorat, finally bowed, put down the flowers, turned and went down.

Carlos came late. He looked a lot thinner, but he was still in good spirits. His epee was hanging in the black windbreaker, and he took a flower from the old cemetery keeper.

The guard who kept his head down looked up, looked at him, and suddenly said slowly, "Adorat has been waiting for you for more than a thousand years, I am so lucky."

Carlos was stunned: "You know me?"

The guard didn't answer, but bent down to salute him with difficulty, and coughed twice: "My grandfather told me that no matter how far you wander, you will always come back when disaster strikes. It seems it is true."

The caretaker was already too old. There was no difference between him bending over and not bending over. His face was full of creases, and his expression could not be seen, but Carlos felt inexplicably that this old caretaker seemed to know a lot. .

Before Carlos could answer, he moved slowly and took his flower basket to hand flowers to the next person who came.

"Karl," Aldo hurried over and frowned at him, "Damn it, I should pick you up—didn't I tell you to wear extra clothes in this cold weather?"

While complaining, he ignored Carlos' protest and took off his coat and wrapped it around him.

"I'm about to become a ball." Carlos whispered his dissatisfaction.

Gal came over and sized him up: "How do you feel?"

"It's not good," Carlos raised his arm with difficulty, "living in the treatment department feels like being in prison, the smell of medicine is everywhere, even..."

The second half of the sentence was swallowed abruptly when Carlos saw Louis nodding to him not far away—the smell of medicine and disinfectant was everywhere, and he couldn’t even smell a little perfume...even if it was really pungent Woolen cloth.

Gal sighed and led him forward: "This way."

Carlos and Aldo followed him silently.

Carlos put down the flowers and looked at the row of tombstones—Mr. Good's, Lukes', James's, many, many he didn't recognize, and... Amy Berg.

Amy's real name is "Amy", which is written on the ID card and birth certificate, but in the end everyone decided to engrave "Amy" on the tombstone. Why should he not like it? Anyway... Even if he didn't like it, he wouldn't crawl out of his grave to protest.

"I should carry the coffin for you." Carlos raised his sleeves and wiped the tombstone, thinking like this. He was still in a coma when Amy was buried and couldn't catch up.

After coming to this world, the first person he saw was Amy—that guy stripped him naked, inserted strange needles and tubes into his body, and kept verbally teasing him, taking advantage endlessly, with a bad mouth...

But he's a really good therapist.

Carlos took a step back and silently glanced at the back of Louis next to him, feeling that his back was a little bent.

But people have already settled down.

Healers have never been front-line combatants. Even in wars, the death rate is the lowest group. Carlos looked at the new soil on the tomb, and suddenly wanted to grab this guy by the collar and scold—how can you be so stupid in the world? What about stupid therapists

Aldo put down the flowers and patted Louis on the shoulder lightly.

Louis' expression was very calm—two months had passed, and no matter how deep the wound was, it was slowly lurking under the skin, and no matter how hysterical the living were, the dead couldn't see it.

"How did you get through it?" Louis asked suddenly.

Of course Aldo knew what he was referring to. He thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't know... At that time, there was devastation, and the temple, Sara State, and even the entire continent were in a chaos after the catastrophe. Rebuilding and appeasing people's hearts has occupied all my energy... and after everything started to return to the right track, I fell into the research of time prohibition until I found that it was impossible."

He glanced at Carlos who was talking to Gal in a low voice from a distance, and felt that he seemed to have become a lot weaker. Probably, everyone can only bear the most painful loss once, and no one can afford to lose and regain Afterwards, the pain of loss again.

Sometimes there is no hope, and it is actually easier to accept than broken hope.

"I regret."

To your loss - I get it all, given...we've been down the same road before.

"Then what should I do?" Louis raised his head slightly. He voluntarily replaced Aldo's protective barrier, and he knew how to put himself and the barrier into a deep sleep. Sleeping magic circle came to the underground palace, but every time he sat alone for a night before leaving—he was still a priest, and he still had work to do.

"Ask yourself." Aldo said softly, looking straight at the direction of the sea, "You may never forget him, and sometimes you do stupid things, but you always have the answer in your heart."

"I'm not as great as you, Your Excellency." Louis almost squeezed out the words from his throat.

"We're not great," Aldo said, "but there's a lot that should be done."

He took one last look at Louis: "Live well, kid."

Then he turned and walked towards Carlos.

After the two of them left, Evan walked up to Gale slowly, and said falteringly, "Guide, tutor."

Gal glanced back at him, saw that he was holding a document in his hand, and said kindly, "You have passed the internship period, you can call me Gal from now on—what's the matter?"

"I... I, I, I, I..." Evan said "I" for a long time without saying a fart, which gave Gal an illusion, as if he had suddenly become a devil instructor like Louis who made people have nightmares.

"I want... I want to apply for an external release." Evan finally said the sentence in full—Gal gave him a suspicious look, wondering what was so embarrassing about it, and he felt that Evan seemed to have something else to say I wanted to say it, but I didn't pursue it after all, and took his application form.

"External release" means to go to work in the office under the temple, accept the dispatch of the dispatch department, and be responsible for the security of the entire area.

Those places where subordinate offices are set up are usually due to geographical reasons. The barrier is relatively weak, and it is easy for sporadic difu to get in. The general weather conditions and living environment are very bad... Of course, although it is very bitter, it is a very tough one. In the way of people, many gold medals are promoted from subordinate offices.

Gal reviewed his application form and asked casually, "Do you want to aim for the gold medal?"

"Yeah!" Evan admitted happily.

Gal didn't expect his little apprentice to have such ambitions unconsciously... But this is of course a good change, and he is very happy for Evan.

Gal's eyes paused on the word "Xiangmang Town", and he asked with some concern: "Xiangmang Town, are you sure? We just decided to set up the office at the foot of Jueying Mountain. Everything has to start from scratch, are you sure you don’t want to think about other locations? Or maybe it’s relatively easy... "

Evan shook his head firmly.

"Okay then," Gal sighed, decided to respect his choice, and signed, "I wish you good luck, if you need any support, you can call me directly."

He patted Evan's arm: "We all believe that one day you will become an amazing person."

Even though he knew that out of ten instructors—except for the prickly head like Instructor Meggert—nine would encourage his apprentices in this way, but Evan was still blushing with excitement, and he groaned for a while, as if trying to What to express, unfortunately, he stuttered for a long time, and finally he couldn't even say a fart, so he fled away with his application form under Gal's puzzled eyes.

At this time, Aldo, who was already sitting in the car, asked Carlos in a low voice: "If you don't want to go back to the treatment department so early, we can go to another place - Gal has already helped me move all your things there, Mike and Lily sent you a present - do you want to go home and see?"

Carlos' eyes lit up: "So can I be discharged from the hospital?"

"No." Aldo said gently but firmly.

"That's not going." Carlos said angrily.

"I go to the therapy department with you every night," Aldo said.

"Confiscated my snacks, forced me to sleep before dark, restricted my time to play computer, watched me not let me go out, and set fires with bare hands and feet!" Carlos counted his countless crimes, and his hair exploded. "I think you should spare me, Leo, but you really don't have to go every day."

Aldo raised his arms and hugged him silently, allowing him to lose his temper. When Carlos, who was about to be imprisoned, finally finished talking, he buried his face on Carlos' shoulder and rubbed against his ear. Bian sighed softly: "You know what? That day in the treatment department, I was standing outside your ward, they wouldn't let me in, I could only look at you through a window... I thought, if If you leave me again, I won't wait."

Carlos was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

Aldo smiled suddenly, but there seemed to be a kind of dead silence in the gray eyes.

"..." Carlos suddenly softened, "Well, where did you say we were going?"

At this moment, Evan ran over panting and knocked on the window: "Kalkar, I have a few words to say to you!"

Carlos pulled down the window: "What's the matter?"

"Come out, I want to talk to you alone." Evan's expression was extremely solemn. If he didn't know him well, Carlos would have thought he was going to fight himself.

He got out of the car with Evan, walked to the side, and Aldo saw Evan bowing his head all the time, saying a long series of words quickly as if confessing, Carlos' face became more and more confused as he listened.

In the end, Evan's head lowered lower and lower, almost falling to the ground, his face turned red to the color of ketchup, and finally, after holding back for a while, he said something, and Carlos' expression suddenly became very strange.

Then without saying a word, he turned around and strode towards the car. Evan chased after him like an asshole.

"Dream, I won't agree!" Aldo heard Carlos say angrily as he slammed the door shut as he got into the car.

Evan pinched the car window pitifully: "I thought we were friends..."

"If we weren't, you would have been beaten by now." Carlos narrowed his eyes, showing murderous intent.

Evan continued to hold on to the car window pitifully.

"Drive." Carlos folded his hands on his chest and said coldly.

The driver glanced back at him, and Evan yelled, "Oh, no! Carl, wait! I'm serious, very serious!"

Carlos turned a deaf ear.

"This is my first love!" Evan exclaimed.

What? Aldo moved his ears, and raised his head somewhat hostilely.

Carlos couldn't bear it and yelled at Evan: "Why do you like him and come to me to confess? Is there something wrong with you?"

Evan murmured, "You... you... you are an elder..."

"I don't arrange marriages, thank you." Carlos sneered, he had never seen such a curious way of confession when he was so old, he gave Evan a critical look, "Besides, I see you very, very , Especially displeasing to the eye, Mr. Gorado, a person like you who dare not even speak clearly is not worthy of him."

Evan took a deep breath and turned into an inflated carrot.

Carlos said grumpily to the driver: "Drive fast, don't you want to see how someone gets beaten?"

Evan grabbed the car window and ran after the car for a few steps, saying loudly, "But I will become stronger!"

If you become stronger, you have a bird, and you have the ability to call at me! Carlos thought unhappily, and then he decisively stretched out his hand out of the car window, and gave Evan a firm middle finger.

Poor Mr. Evan Gorado, hard times ahead, please work hard.

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