The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 10: I seem to have been fooled


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After receiving a positive reply from manager Zhao Sen, Feng Tianlai left happily.

After Feng Tianlai left, Zhao Sen clicked on the company's main group and sent a message.

"Hello, colleagues, I am Zhao Sen, the manager of the food live broadcast section. I am very happy to tell you some good news. Today, a newcomer Ye Fei appeared in the food section. In less than two hours after the broadcast, he has been rewarded with props. The total amount is 32,000 Chinese yuan, which is a record. Let us congratulate him and also congratulate our Qiuqiu live broadcast platform for adding a new god."

Zhao Sen's news was like a bombshell, turning the already noisy chat group upside down.

"...Holy crap, it's actually true?"

"There is really a person like this in the food section? God, it's incredible."

"The world's great wonders."

"Hey, how did this guy do it? How could a newcomer get so many rewards for his first live broadcast? What on earth did he do?"

"We also want to know."

"Is there any need to think about this? This kind of person must have been cheating on his own. Those viewers are probably his relatives and friends. They are using money to support him."

"Hey, Ma Tao, you're not interested anymore. It's natural for your singing and dancing category to have a new god. The appearance of a new god in our food section is just a fake? How do you know it's a fake? What evidence do you have?"

Ma Tao, who was in front of the computer, sneered and said: "Do you need evidence for this? There are only a few people following the food section, so how could there be so many rewards? Thirty-two thousand, a little god may not have so much in a day." many."

"Oh, the small number of people is not directly proportional to the amount of rewards. Let me tell you, the appearance of a rich man is thousands of ordinary viewers compared to you. Besides, how do you know that the number of people in Ye Fei's live broadcast room is small?"

After Liu Ping sent out the news, he himself was a little curious, wondering if Ye Fei had received so many rewards in one day, could his live broadcast room be overflowing? Take a look.

At the same time, more than one statistician had the same idea as Liu Ping. They were all wondering how many fans Ye Fei had to achieve such incredible results.

So all these statistics rushed to Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

Ye Feimei, he has never eaten such delicious shredded potatoes. He couldn't help but lick the plate three times in front of the camera, and the aftertaste was still lingering in his mouth.

"Haha, brother, stop licking it. If you lick it any more, the plate will be worn."

"It's just that I really feel sorry for that plate."

"Let go of that plate and let me do it."

"Gudong~~ Actually, I really want to lick that plate too."

"Uh... I think so too."

"I also want to +1"

"I want +2 too"

Seeing a group of people discussing the topic of licking plates again, Ye Fei couldn't laugh or cry.

Putting a plate that was cleaner than his face on the table, Ye Fei was about to say something when news from the US broadcast system came to his mind.

"After the food is finished, the live broadcast can end."

Ye Fei: "...I'm about to end the live broadcast just after I finish eating? System, what kind of trouble are you going to make? Can't I keep in touch with my fans on a regular basis?"

Meibo System said: "Host, please follow the system's instructions, otherwise the system will forcibly disconnect the network."

Ye Fei is depressed, what kind of system is this? Now is a great time to attract fans while the iron is hot. This guy actually asked himself to end the live broadcast. He deliberately refused to listen and was afraid that the system would really be disconnected. In the end, he could only rush to fight with everyone. He said hello and immediately retreated.

Seeing Ye Fei saying goodbye to everyone, and then the camera went black, the group of people in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

"Let me go, what kind of trouble is this brother going to make? Why did he suddenly retreat?"

"This anchor is really weird. He eats everything and receives rewards. Damn it, he actually went offline."

"Where is your moral integrity? Anchor, where is your moral integrity?"

"I'm really impressed by this anchor. Are you too snobbish? Are you just hiding away after getting money? This is really the first time I've seen this anchor. You should say thank you."

"Ahhh, I'm so depressed. Damn anchor, I'm going to beat him to death next time I see him."

"Next time? He didn't say when the next live broadcast will be. Who knows when the next time will be."

"Eh~ That's right, why didn't he say the time of the next live broadcast? How can we wait?"

Ye Fei really brushed off his clothes and went away, hiding his merit and fame.

After quitting the live broadcast room, Ye Fei decided to have a good talk with the system. This was not an option. He would not have time to communicate with fans at all. Even the most loyal fans would be disappointed.

"System, I think it's not good for you to do this. Why do I have to end the live broadcast immediately after finishing the food? I haven't told my fans about my feelings and mood. Also, they rewarded me with so much money. You at least Let me say thank you, right?" Ye Fei said seriously.

Meibo System: "The host has me for everything, there is no need for any of this."


Ye Fei was immediately speechless. The system's answer was so powerful that he didn't know how to answer the call.

"Okay, this answer is amazing, I accept it." Ye Fei said helplessly in the end.

The US Broadcasting System said: "Today's live broadcast ends here. The remaining time belongs to the host. Please make your own arrangements."

"Eh~~ I still have my own private time? That's good. I thought I had to let you lead me by the nose all day long."

Regarding this point, Ye Fei once again said that this system is very user-friendly. As long as the live broadcast is completed, you can freely control the rest of the time. Is there anything better than this

Ye Fei thought for a while and asked, "Can I use the computer when I'm not broadcasting?"

The system said: "The computer is an essential tool for the system to configure for the host. Of course the host can use it, but the hidden mobile camera has been turned off, and the host can no longer engage in live broadcasting."

Ye Fei nodded. Without the powerful backing of the system, he would not live broadcast even if he was asked to live broadcast. His level would probably be revealed in two or three minutes. He just went online to check out the knowledge about live broadcasting.

After all, I have just entered this industry. Although the system says that everything is provided, I still need to learn some knowledge by myself, just in case I need it.

But before doing this, it is necessary for me to fry more shredded potatoes. The plate just now was not even half full.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei came to the kitchen, opened the storage box and wanted to make some more potato shreds, but was dumbfounded when he saw what was inside the storage box.

The storage box was empty, there was nothing, not to mention potatoes, and there was no rose cooking oil.

"System, where are the things? Where are the potatoes and rose cooking oil just now?"

Meibo System said: "The materials provided by the system to the host will only appear during the live broadcast and not normally. This system distinguishes between public and private. If the host wants to eat, he needs to purchase it from the system."

Ye Fei was so annoyed that his tooth hurt, and he thought to himself, isn't this just out of pure intention and making things difficult for him? After eating the delicious food you provided, can I still eat it if you ask me to eat other food

"I seem to have been fooled." Ye Fei thought bitterly.

"System, didn't you say you prepared food for me? Why did I have to pay for it myself?" Ye Fei's eyes moved and he remembered what the system had said.

The Meibo system said calmly: "If the host still remembers what I said at the beginning, then I seem to have said that I provided the host with the ingredients for the live broadcast, and did not say that the usual ingredients were included."

Ye Fei thought about it carefully and realized that this was really the case.

"What a trap, you're actually playing word games with me."

"It's just that the host didn't fully understand what I meant."

"Damn it, you're so cruel!"

(End of chapter)