The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 101: First-class knife skills


While the sky was full of rewards, the knife in Ye Fei's hand gently cut off the surface of the tofu, and then slowly moved back, and saw that the tofu was evenly divided into two.

Then he raised the knife and lowered it. In just a moment, he cut the tofu into small pieces of the same size. Each piece was two centimeters in length, width and height, no more, no less.

"Damn it, Ye Shen planned this in advance, right? Why do I see that these tofu pieces are all the same size?"

"Really, if Ye Shen hadn't calculated it in advance, then his knife skills would be a bit awesome."

"This is not only awesome, it's amazing."

"Not only is the knife skill amazing, but the look in his eyes is also a mess, otherwise it would be impossible to cut it so evenly."

"This piece of tofu reminds me of Ye Shen's second dish, Cola Tofu. At that time, the tofu Ye Shen used was Yangchun Baixue, made from soybeans from Baima River. Although this piece of tofu now is not Yangchun Baixue, But I think it’s about the same. You can see the inside of the tofu is as smooth as a mirror and extremely tender. Just looking at it makes you want to eat it.”

"Same as above."

"Same as above +1"


Ye Fei had just used the knife, and some insiders had already figured out the trick - although Ye Fei rarely showed off his knife skills, his knife skills were definitely very good.

Because if you are not good at knife skills, it is impossible to cut the tofu so neatly.

After cutting the pieces of tofu, I did not touch them, because the tofu pieces are now too small. If they are placed together, the tofu pieces will overlap each other and it will easily deform or even rot.

Ye Fei took out a pot of boiling water and put it on the stove, poured half a pot of water into it, then poured some salt into it, and started to cook it over high heat.

After the water boiled, he carefully put a bunch of small pieces of tofu into the pot and boiled it with salt.

This step is also called blanching the tofu. The salt water can remove the natural light fishy smell in the tofu. It can also blanch some of the water in the tofu, thereby tightening the tofu.

However, this step should not take too long. If it takes too long, the tofu will be cooked. If you make Mapo Tofu in this way, it will affect the taste and it will not be easy for the tofu to absorb the soup.

Ye Fei only blanched it for more than a minute and then used a slotted spoon to take out the tofu.

Spread them carefully into a larger white porcelain plate and set aside.

At the same time, pour out the water in the pot and start the next step.

I took the piece of A5 grade Wagyu beef over, and then used the slender cutting knife to cut thirty-eight cuts horizontally and vertically on the beef, dividing the whole piece of beef into beef pieces of the same size, and then started slowly Chopped up.

Cutting beef is a very delicate job, especially this kind of expensive beef. Its gravy content is higher than that of ordinary beef, so it needs to be divided into small pieces before it can be chopped with a knife. If it is a whole piece, start If you chop it, the meat juice inside will be wasted, which will greatly reduce the aroma and taste of the meat.

Ye Fei chopped very slowly at first, almost like chopping, but as the beef became more and more minced, his speed gradually increased.

Until the end, everyone could only hear the sound of the blade colliding with the chopping board. The sound was not very loud, and it could be felt that the blade separated from the chopping board after only a slight contact.

Swish, swish, swish~~

It's like spring silkworms chewing mulberry leaves, and like spring rain gently hitting the banana forest.

The sound is so wonderful that it feels like you are enjoying a piece of high-quality music.

"I took a fork, and the force of each knife was the same. Each knife only made slight contact between the blade and the cutting board, which means it just cut the beef. Then I was able to close the knife easily. This ability is absolutely extraordinary."

"The sound of chopping meat is so beautiful. I enjoy this sound for the first time, as if I am listening to a classic by a world master."

"I think the sound of big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate is nothing more than that. It's so beautiful."

"Ye Shen's sword many years of practice does it take?"

"You wouldn't even think about reaching this level in ten or eight years. Let me tell you, the force used on the knife is the same every time. It is extremely uniform every time. It is not something that ordinary people can achieve."

"I think so. I once saw a star chef chop meat. The sound was so loud that I wanted to chop the chopping board into pieces."

"Look, Ye Shen has minced the meat."

While everyone was discussing, Ye Fei had already put away his knife and had minced the meat.

They saw him carefully putting all the minced meat into a white porcelain bowl with a knife. At this time, everyone once again discovered something amazing.

The chopping board where Ye Fei chopped meat was clean, with no meat juice at all.

This shows what

First, it shows that the knife in Ye Fei's hand is very sharp and can easily cut beef into two parts without bringing out any gravy.

Secondly, it shows that Ye Fei controls the strength just right when cutting or mincing meat.

"Nima, isn't this too scary? Can such a thing be done?"

"Oh my god, I used to only know that Ye Shen is very good at using materials, but I never paid much attention to his knife skills. Today I really discovered that Ye Shen's knife skills are absolutely amazing."

"Actually, it's not surprising. If a top chef doesn't have top-notch knife skills, it's hard to explain."

After mincing the beef, Ye Fei put it aside.

Next, mince the onion, ginger, and garlic, and also mince the tempeh. In fact, the tempeh in Mapo Tofu is very particular. If you see complete tempeh in the dish when eating this dish, it means that this dish is failed!

In a plate of mapo tofu, the tempeh inside is definitely cut into long strips, so that it can stir-fry to maximize its unique aroma.

Ye Fei used a knife to cut all the tempeh into long strips. This process even took longer than cutting tofu.

When everything is done, divide the ingredients into a white porcelain tray.

Get a wok from the storage cupboard and place it on the stove, turning on the heat.

When the pot was hot, Ye Fei poured half a catty of peanut oil into it.

The oil went into the pan silently, but its overbearing aroma appeared after a moment.

A deep golden light flashed quietly, and the entire live broadcast room was suddenly in chaos.

"Fuck, it smells so good."

"Is this peanut oil? Why is it so much more fragrant than the peanut oil I eat?"

"Gudong, Nima, I still want to drink this bottle of peanut oil."

"Aren't you upstairs afraid of slippery intestines?"

"I'm afraid, but I still want to drink it because I'm afraid it will hurt my intestines. I don't know what's wrong."

"Haha, although peanut oil is good, don't be greedy."

As soon as the taste of this bottle of top-quality peanut oil appeared, it directly conquered the sense of smell and stomach of everyone in the live broadcast room, and everyone kept licking their lips.

When the oil temperature reached the ideal level, Ye Fei poured the minced beef into it.

When the minced meat was put into the pot, there was a sizzling sound, and then a ball of more brilliant colors appeared, and then flew out in all directions.

"Wori, I can't stand it anymore. I really can't stand it anymore."

"Is this the aroma of Wagyu beef? Damn it, I suddenly want to commit a crime. Yes, even committing a crime against a Wagyu beef. The smell is too... Gudu, too tempting."

"Oh, every time I watch Ye Shen cooking, I feel like I'm going to collapse. I can only watch this but not eat it. I'm getting old."

"Lottery draw, hurry up and draw the draw. I must go to Ye Shen's place next time. I want to eat top-notch food."

"It sounds like I can draw you in a lottery."

"Uh~~ No matter who you draw, as long as you are willing to give it to me, the conditions are arbitrary. If you agree, we can chat privately."

As a result, this guy waited for a long time and no one chatted with him privately.

The minced meat was stir-fried until it turned golden brown, and then it was taken out of the pan. During this process, Ye Fei didn't add any seasoning, or even cooking wine, and just dry-fried the Wagyu beef.

Put the fried wagyu beef into a bowl, and then Ye Fei did something that almost made everyone explode...

(End of chapter)