The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 102: I want to lick the soup


Stir-fry the wagyu beef, transfer to a bowl, and set aside.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei did something that made everyone collapse in front of everyone.

Ye Fei reached out to pick up the wok, and then, with everyone watching, he poured out all the top-quality peanut oil in the wok with a splash.

Everyone: "..."

"Damn it, this..."

"What kind of plane are you doing? Peanut oil, that's the best peanut oil."

"Oh, oh, oh, give it to me, give it to me, don't give it to me, I want it, I'll drink it."

"Why was this thrown away? You know, although this oil is not as precious as rose cooking oil and olive oil, it is still the best. It was just used once and then it was thrown away like this?"

"Ye Shen is such a loser, I really want to go over and whip him."

"Upstairs, form a group. You go smoke Ye Shen, and I'll get the oil out again."

"... You have a beautiful idea."

You can speak into the microphone if you have eaten all over the world, but now this guy just opens his mouth and doesn't know what to say. It took him a long time before he yelled: "I'm a fool, Ye Shen, you, you... If you don't want it, give it to me." Ah, I’ll give you the address, and I’ll have no problem paying the courier fee.”

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Every kind of oil, especially the oil used for frying things, is best replaced after being used once, because after the oil is heated, the normal chain will be destroyed, thus forming a so-called Benzopyrene, although there is no harm in trace amounts, can become a carcinogen if accumulated over a long period of time. Also, the vitamin E in edible oil has the lowest activity when fried. If used repeatedly, this vitamin will be degraded. If it is completely destroyed, the nutrition will plummet. In addition, if the cooking oil is used repeatedly, the fatty acids in it will also be destroyed, which will have a fatal impact on the quality of the oil. Although the pot of oil just now was top-grade peanut oil, its ingredients and Ordinary peanut oil is almost the same, so after using it once, I will never use it to make other dishes. Why should I keep it if I don’t throw it away?”

Everyone: "..."

"No, there's so much emphasis on eating well?"

"I also know that the oil used for frying cannot be reused, but I just don't know why. After listening to Ye Shen's explanation today, it suddenly dawned on me."

"The sudden enlightenment is well used. I am enlightened."

"Uh~~I'm suddenly enlightened."

"Nima, what are you doing on the plane? Watching Ye Shen cook, and you guys even played an idiom contest, right? Please be quiet, Gudu~~"

Ye Fei washed the pot again until it was completely clean, then put it on the fire to heat, and then poured in peanut oil again.

When the oil is at the right temperature, add some ingredients such as minced garlic, minced ginger, and peppercorns and start stir-frying.

The flavor of the stir-fry is even stronger this time, because these ingredients themselves are auxiliary seasoning ingredients. The flavors of several ingredients are mixed together, and the flavor is so rich that it is almost impossible to dissolve it.

Some of the people in the live broadcast room couldn't hold on any longer, so they grabbed some food to put on the table first.

"Kacha, kacha, kacha kacha kacha~~"

Suddenly, there was a continuous clicking sound in the live broadcast room, and everyone was puzzled.

Someone sent a message asking: "Brother Tianxia, what's going on?"

Shi Wan Tian Xia smiled awkwardly and said, "I really can't stand it any longer, so I grabbed some snacks to deal with them first, otherwise I guess I'll be drooling again."

"I'm eating cucumber."

"I eat tomatoes."

"I eat Cecilia potatoes."

"Those who eat instant noodles raise their hands."

"I even forgot to peel the melon seeds. I'm so crazy."

At this time, everyone realized that in order to deal with the overbearing aroma of Ye Shen's cooking, almost everyone was serving other food to their mouths first.

After the aroma of the ingredients came out, Ye Fei promptly poured the tempeh in, added an appropriate amount of chili powder, and stir-fried for a while. The ingredients were completed only when the oil in the pot turned red.

At this time, Ye Fei put the fried beef into the pot again and fried it with the ingredients for about a minute. Then he took out a boiling kettle, poured an appropriate amount of boiling water into it, covered the pot, and started cooking.

A few minutes passed and the soup boiled. Ye Fei finally poured the tofu cubes in and simmered for three or four minutes.

The cooking time is also particular. If it is too short, the tofu cubes will not be able to absorb the delicious flavor of the soup. If the time is too long, the tofu cubes will be overcooked and taste worse.

When the time was up, Ye Fei turned off the fire and said with a smile: "Friends, this dish is ready to be cooked."

As soon as the food was ready, everyone became nervous.

The sound of people eating snacks all over the world disappeared. Those who ate cucumbers stopped eating. Those who ate tomatoes and potatoes also stopped moving. The one who ate melon seeds without peeling them also threw the melon seeds aside, and everyone stared at them nervously. Ye Fei on the screen.

Then Ye Fei opened the lid of the pot, took a larger white porcelain plate from the side, then picked up the pot, clatter~~~~

Everyone in the live broadcast room collapsed instantly.

"Nah, let's recreate Ye's barbaric cooking method."

"Hey, let me go. Don't let my tofu fly upside down."

"Oh my god, this, this, this... Ye Shen, let's discuss something. Can you give me a warning in advance when you use this method of cooking in the future? This is so exciting that I can't stand it."

"The soup spilled out. Ouch, what a waste."

"The one upstairs, go lick it clean."

"...I can't get through it."

"Damn it, you really licked it when you could get there?"

"It's like I won't lick if you're around."

"I... lick!"

Ye Fei made a splash, poured the Mapo Tofu in the pot into a plate, and then put the pot on the stove. Then he picked up a plate of Mapo Tofu, stretched it forward, and said with a smile: "I feel like what I made is still good." Very successful.”

When everyone saw the plate of Mapo Tofu clearly, their mouths opened wide and they were stunned.

I saw that this plate of Mapo Tofu was more than just a success. It was simply too beautiful. In the red soup, the minced beef was evenly dispersed. The pieces of white and tender tofu were covered with a reddish coat, and the white and tender body was looming.

Moreover, every tofu cube is intact, unlike ordinary Mapo tofu, which has more rotten tofu cubes than good ones after it is made.

It can be said that Ye Fei's Mapo Tofu dish, at least in appearance, really reflects the characteristics of this dish, with red soup, white tofu cubes, and several sections of bright red dried oil chili embellished on top of the tofu cubes, surrounded by leaves. Fei sprinkled some green onion leaves.

This dish can be said to be red or green, and the first impression it gives people is that it is attractive in color, fragrance, and taste. As for the taste, no one can taste it and cannot comment on it, but the attractive appearance has made everyone crazy.

"Let me tell you, this plate of tofu... is excellent."

"This is the real Mapo Tofu, this is the real Mapo Tofu, this is the real Mapo Tofu. Say important things three times."

"I have never seen such excellent Mapo Tofu. It's so beautiful and tempting."

"Gudong~~I'm hungry."

"Your sister, the one upstairs, will you die if you don't say these three words? You are offending the public, do you know?"

"But I'm so hungry."

"...Okay, I'm hungry too. Chewing this cucumber is like chewing a rubber stick, it has no taste at all."

Holding the plate of Mapo Tofu, Ye Fei took a step forward.

As a result, everyone saw the tofu shuddering twice on the plate.

Everyone: "….."

"Damn it, tofu is still so tender?"

“I really can’t imagine what a pleasure it would be to eat such excellent tofu in your mouth.”

"Smooth and delicious, tender and fragrant, I guess so."

"No, no, no, spicy and fragrant, with a sharp taste and a refreshing taste, the combination will definitely make you unforgettable."

"I think it should be..."

"Damn it, stop talking. Who can tell me to whom I will send the wolf dog? I'll let you know. It's not over yet. I'm such a bastard. I'm almost running out of toilet paper... napkins."

"I... I just want Ye Shen to draw the lottery quickly, pump me, pump me, pump me..."

"Ouch~~Nima, here we go again."

The beautiful photos of Mapo Tofu have been posted in the group, the group number is 459762637. Friends who are interested can take a look at the renderings of the ruddy soup with white tender tofu.

Many friends ask how many chapters a day there are. Currently, the minimum is two chapters a day. The first chapter is usually around 8:30 in the morning, and the second chapter is around 6:30 in the afternoon. After all, the lanterns have to go to work, so I will take the time to work hard on typing. Thank you. To all my friends who like and support the lanterns, thank you.

(End of chapter)