The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 109: Big reward


Shi BaTian wins!

This result immediately confused everyone.

Because they all know that Shi Batian is a very cruel person. With this guy's pissing ability, he doesn't even care about the money when it comes to rewards, and he will throw them away at the risk of his life.

Now that Ye Fei's lucky draw has drawn him again, who knows what will happen to this guy if he waits for some fun.

Ye Fei was also a little twitchy. He didn't expect to draw Shi Batian. It seemed that this guy's luck was not very good.

"Brother Batian, congratulations." Just when everyone was in disbelief, I, a foodie, was the first to congratulate Shi Batian.

Bazhen Yushi made a wicked smile: "Brother Ba Tian, congratulations. Why are you so quiet about this great news?"

Being a foodie, I laughed loudly into the microphone and said, "Brother Ba Tian, if you don't want this quota, you can transfer it to me, and you can charge whatever price you want."

"Yes, Brother Ba Tian, although we are not as wealthy as you, we will definitely give you a satisfactory price for this quota."

"Brother Ba Tian, speak."

"Hey~~~There's something moving."

"What the hell, a luxury cruise ship? This..."

"Brother Ba Tian, what kind of trouble is this?"

"The luxury cruise ship is not bad, one costs 10,000 Chinese coins."

"But this isn't Brother Ba Tian's style."

Everyone was depressed.

In fact, Shi BaTian is more depressed than them now.

After this guy clicked on the reward item column, his hands trembled when he clicked on the items. Since the luxury cruise ship and the spaceship are adjacent, this guy clicked on the luxury cruise ship at once.

"Your sister, your sister, calm down, calm down, why did you click on this thing?"

One of his bodyguards quickly brought a glass of water from the side and said, "Boss, drink some water to calm down."

Shi BaTian took the water and drank it in one gulp, then took a deep breath, and then clicked the mouse on the image of the spaceship.

At this point, Shi BaTian is like a wild wild horse, unable to take his hand back.

Bang bang bang bang...

Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

Everyone was confused by Shi BaTian's first luxury cruise ship, but before they could figure out what it meant, they saw a spaceship falling from the sky.

"I'm coming."

"Brother Ba Tian is going to get angry, everyone, stay back."

"The studio is going to collapse, my God."

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"Guess, how many spaceships will Brother Ba Tian use to express his excitement at this moment?"

"Ten ships."

"At least ten ships."

"I also guessed ten ships. After all, Juedai Yaoji had ten ships just now."

"Has anyone guessed the fifteen ships? If not, I'll just guess."

Everyone can guess how many.

Everyone backstage in Qiuqiu was also excited, knowing that this was a master who regarded money as dirt.

"Hey, a luxury cruise ship fooled me at first. I thought this guy had changed his gender."

"Isn't this the beginning? One ship."

"I think with Yi Shi Ba Tian's temperament, it is impossible to justify not having ten ships."

"Everyone in the live broadcast room is guessing ten ships."

"I guess ten ships too."

"The truth is in the hands of a few, I guess fifteen."

"How dare you guess? You must know that this is a one-time reward, not a steady stream of rewards."

People in the food section were also nervously staring at the situation in the live broadcast room. They didn't even dare to guess now, because Shi BaTian is really too fierce.

A group of Silver Star anchors were breathing heavily, and their nervous palms were sweating.

"God, the madman is going crazy."

"How I wish I had a crazy fan like this."

"I thought too, God, give me a dozen."

"What does this guy do? He's too rich."

"Who knows, anyway, I know that there are too many invisible rich people in the world, and the Fox ranking is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Although the rich people reported in the report are also very powerful, the invisible rich are the real rich. I can say that every invisible rich is no worse than those on the list."

"Does the Rothschild family know? That guy directly controls the Bank of England and indirectly controls the Federal Reserve Bank of America. What kind of institution is the Federal Reserve Bank of America? It is the institution that prints rice dollars. Do you think such a family will have no money?"

"Damn, so explosive?"

"Let me tell you, even their family dare not say they are the richest people in the world. The really rich people in the world keep a low profile."

"I guess this Shi BaTian is also such a person."

"Your sister, Ye Fei definitely got such high-quality fans by stepping on the enhanced version of the dog/shit that shines with golden light."

"envy, jealousy, hate."

In a luxury villa on the top of the mountain.

Shi BaTian clicked the mouse excitedly, making a crisp sound.

Bang bang bang bang...

This guy's hand seemed to have a seizure, and he kept clicking like a chicken pecking at rice.

Behind him, four bodyguards in black stood with calm faces. The meaning could not be more obvious - haha, we have seen this situation too many times.

Shi BaTian clicked the mouse fiercely for almost a minute, then he stopped for a moment, then moved his right index finger, and then started clicking again.


The left mouse button is stuck.

Shi BaTian: “……..”

"Damn it, this is so embarrassing. Can such a terrible thing happen?"

His four bodyguards: "..."

"Boss, do you want more?"

Shi BaTian: "Is there still a mouse?"

"No, this is the last one."

"Fuck, forget it, let's call it a day. I'll fill it in for Ye Shen later. So what, how many ships did I order just now?"

A bodyguard hurriedly said: "Boss, it's not just a few ships, but many ships."

"How many ships are there?"

"This... you ordered it too quickly and didn't count it."

"Boss, it will be displayed in the reward column."

Shi BaTian hurriedly searched in the reward column and found a prop reward record. He clicked on it and looked at it. He frowned and said unhappily: "That's it? Do you think Ye Shen will be angry?" "

Several bodyguards looked at the numbers in the reward column and twitched the corners of their mouths.

Please, boss, is that all? This is a big, big point, okay? You have to know that a spaceship costs 30,000 yuan, and your little bit is equivalent to one-tenth of our business income.

"Probably... you shouldn't be angry, right?" a bodyguard said cautiously.

Shi BaTian felt guilty like a child in the villa, but the live broadcast room was completely blown up. Not only Ye Fei's live broadcast room, but also all the live broadcast rooms on the Qiuqiu platform were blown up, including the backstage and all the groups.

"I... Damn it, I'm going to explode."

"I fucking exploded."

"Fortunately, I just went to the toilet, otherwise I would have peed. Let me tell you, this is crazy."

"Who is this food tyrant? He is definitely not just a billionaire. Isn't he just a little bit arrogant?"

"He has dug a hole in the sky."

"The platform actually hides such an awesome audience. Are all the anchors in the food section just losers? Why haven't we discovered this amazing man?"

"They are just bastards. Such high-quality fans didn't even notice it right under their noses. They are really a bunch of 250s."

"I finally understand why they were ranked last every time in the past. Fans like this can't catch them. They deserve to be ranked last."

"Oh my God, is this guy really crazy? This is a spaceship! Even if you are a billionaire, you can't reward me like this."

"We'll know this guy's true identity in Lushan tomorrow, because he's going to be a guest in Ye Fei's live broadcast room. Then we'll have a good look at who this fierce guy is."


A group of people in the food section looked at the spaceships in Ye Fei's live broadcast room, and their faces turned pale.

Tang Xiaomin plopped down on the chair.

Liu Ping's hands holding the table were trembling, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Some of the others were covering their mouths, some were covering their chests, and a few were supporting each other.

Feng Tianlai... Feng Tianlai was so happy that he collapsed on the chair.

Thank you to my friends from Qidian and Bookstore for giving rewards, thank you all for your recommendation votes and support, and thank you for the lanterns! I once again recommend the fantasy novel "Artifact Planting Space". The author is very diligent and writes seriously. God rewards hard work. If you are interested in this, you can read it.

Many friends asked me, are the viewers who watch the live broadcast so rich? You are bragging. First of all, I declare that this is not the earth. This is a light-hearted novel that takes a refreshing and cheerful route. Secondly, I have indirectly pointed out the identities of these outstanding people in many chapters. . Some people say that I just think based on reality. Well, in fact, there are more people like this in reality. There was a very crazy person in Xiamen in the 1990s. His "business" was less than 10 million, and he simply... No, do it! The world's top invisible rich man, Zhang Jianhua's Zhang Group in our country, is engaged in the business of Chinese medicinal materials. According to some statistics, his total assets can directly defeat the combined assets of Gates and Buffett! Cash trucks are used to deliver daily collections, as well as the Rothschild (Child) family mentioned earlier. In the last century, their assets have accumulated to more than six billion U.S. dollars. Those on the list Who can compare? The Wittgenstein family, this is a fierce existence that dared to fight with the Soviet Union in the last century just by relying on the entire family. Finally, let me talk about one that everyone is familiar with, Lao Ganma, do you all like to eat it? It hasn’t been listed yet, and Forbes doesn’t have statistics. The world is so big, there are too many things that we can’t imagine. Regarding the issue of rewards from Ye Fei’s fans, I can only say so much. Thank you again to everyone who paid attention to this book. Readers, thank you very much.

(End of chapter)