The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1094: Empty? Empty!


In fact, Ye Fei really doesn't care about where He Peng goes. All he cares about is that this guy doesn't get into trouble after participating in his live broadcast. After all, the whole world knows that he came to his place. If he really If something unexpected happened after participating in his own show, he wouldn't be able to explain it even if he had the ability to speak.

Now that Lao Mo said that he had been sent to Yinzhou City, Ye Fei was no longer worried. After all, Yinzhou City was also regarded as He Peng's headquarters, so there should be no mistakes.

"Where's Chief Mo?" Ye Fei said.

"Mr. Ye, I'm here."

Just as Ye Fei asked, he heard a voice coming from the stairs.

He looked up and saw a man walking down the stairs quickly. This man was about fifty years old. Whether he was in politics or a military leader, his age was not particularly old. Moreover, this man was well maintained. He looks like he is about forty years old.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I am Mo Ling sent from above. Of course, I, Mo, am not the same person as Comrade Mo Heihu."

As he spoke, Mo Ling smiled and stretched out his hand.

Ye Fei shook hands with him and said: "Welcome, Chief Mo."

Mo Ling quickly waved his hand and said, "You are too polite, Lieutenant General Ye."

Ye Fei: "."

The guy blinked and looked at Mo Ling for a while, then touched his nose and said, "Chief Mo, did you call me wrong? I'm just a major general."

Mo Ling also laughed and said: "Wrong call? It's impossible. The superiors have decided to promote you to lieutenant general. I'm here to tell you the news. The specific military rank awarding ceremony. The superiors said it won't be held in person, so. I hope you can understand, but I have brought my documents and everything, you see."

With that said, Mo Ling took out a leather envelope from a pocket and handed it to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei took the envelope suspiciously, and after opening it, he saw a golden epaulette inside.

He took out the two epaulettes and looked at them. There were two stars on the top and two crossed wheat ears below. They were the winning epaulettes.

Mo Heihu and several others saw this epaulette on the side. It can be said that each one is more messy than the other. The epaulette of a lieutenant general, I am confused. How long has it been since Ye Shen was promoted to major general? How come he became a lieutenant general again in the blink of an eye? This promotion speed... I guess you can't find anyone in the world.

Ye Fei didn't care about this. He looked at the epaulette and found that there was another letter in the envelope. After opening it, he read it. The general meaning was similar to what Mo Ling said. He wanted to award himself the winning military rank. However, due to some special reasons I hope you can understand that the awarding ceremony cannot be held. The signature below is the seal of the Chinese Military Headquarters and the name of the top leader of the army.

After reading the letter, Ye Fei looked up at Mo Ling, opened his mouth and said, "Am I a lieutenant general?"

Mo Ling laughed and said, "Of course, congratulations, General Ye."

Ye Fei is so messy, General Ye? Damn it, this title is really nice, but I only rose to prominence at the age of twenty, a lieutenant general who rose to prominence at the age of twenty? Who would believe it if you tell me this? Will they arrest me as a fool

"Too high, really too high."

Ye Fei himself felt that this was inappropriate and hurriedly handed back all the letters and epaulettes.

Mo Ling pushed Ye Fei's hand back, with a smile on his face, and said: "You are worrying too much. The country will not award anyone's military rank randomly. Only those who have made great contributions to the country can do so." In other words, with your contribution to the country today, a lieutenant general has actually wronged you."

Ye Fei is sweating a little, I wipe it off, Lieutenant General, are you wronging yourself? Then why don't you give me a general

"I'm okay. I'm just a live broadcaster. As you all know, these titles are of no use to me at all. Even if you give me the title of squad leader, it will be the same."

"No, even though I say that, the country can't let you pay for it in vain, so you don't have to shirk this title. It has been entered into the military files. Mr. Ye, you are really a twenty-year-old lieutenant general. He is the number one person in China."

Mo Ling's words were not just flattery, but came from the heart. For a twenty-year-old lieutenant general, let alone seeing him before, he had never heard of it. This was simply too terrifying. It was probably the whole world. There is no such person to be found.

When he just got the news, to be honest, he was very depressed. He was already in his fifties and had struggled for so many years to get the title of lieutenant general. But look at Ye Fei. He is already a lieutenant general at the age of twenty. These are all human beings. Why are there so many differences between humans

Only when he thought of Ye Fei's contribution to the country did he feel balanced.

Not only can we discover aliens, but we can also obtain alien technology. What kind of credit is this? It can be said that even if you lead troops to capture several cities, you may not necessarily have such great achievements. Being promoted to lieutenant general feels a bit low.

So now Mo Ling is really polite to Ye Fei. He knows that the young man in front of him is not as simple as he seems on the surface. He is a powerful person who can move around the world.

Ye Fei doesn't care about the title of being the first person in China or the best person in the world at all. What he cares about is his live broadcast industry. His goal is to stand out in the interstellar anchor circle, and everything else is a side job.

So after hearing Mo Ling's words, Ye Fei just smiled.

Mo Ling looked around, and finally took a look at Lao Mo and his gang.

Lao Mo and others hurriedly saluted and went out. They knew that Mo Ling and Ye Fei had more important things to discuss.

Sure enough, after Lao Mo and the others left, Mo Ling stared at Ye Fei for a while and asked in a low voice: "General Ye, I heard."

At this point, Mo Ling was still uneasy. He looked around again and made sure it was safe. Then he said, "I heard that you just went to the United States with that alien?"

Ye Fei nodded and said: "I went there for a while, what's the matter

Mo Ling was a little confused. What do you mean a trip? What's wrong? Damn it, you said it lightly, that is the United States, you brought aliens there, and now you ask me what happened? I also want to ask you what's wrong.

"Can you tell me the specific situation?" Mo Ling asked quietly.

Ye Fei looked at him.

Mo Ling hurriedly said: "The higher-ups already know about this matter, and they are very concerned about the specifics of the matter, so let me ask first, Mr. Ye, you can just say it briefly, so that I can report it to the higher ups."

Ye Fei snorted and said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong. I just went over to take a look and collected the more than a thousand bombs from the United States. Oh, by the way, I also collected their other types of bombs." Come over, now. It seems that the United States doesn’t have any powerful weapons now, and even if they want to make them, it won’t be a matter of a year or two. After all, their equipment and raw materials have been obtained. It’s just such a small thing, nothing else. of."


As soon as Ye Fei finished speaking, Mo Ling sat down on the ground.

Ye Fei hurriedly went to help him.

"Chief Mo, what's wrong with you?"

Mo Ling: "."

Don't help me, don't help me at all. I should obey you. I'm going to choke you. If what this person says is true, this is too fierce.

He stared at Ye Fei for a long time, and then he remembered to break away from Ye Fei's hand, his lips trembled a little and said: "Mr. Ye Ye, no, no, no, God Ye, are all these you said true?"

Ye Fei nodded, then came to the table and poured a glass of water, drank it in one gulp, then sat on the chair and said: "Of course it's true, their most powerful bomb seems to only have 1,600 It’s just a few coins, oh, they said it was more than 1,400 coins, but that’s not the case. They are cunning. The Americans are so cunning and deceived the whole world. I’m really angry about this.”

Mo Ling: "."

Nima, are you still angry

If you can ask how many such bombs there are in the United States, they are simply more spies than those spies, and you are still so angry.

The key is that you not only found out, but you also took away their bombs. This is the most terrifying thing, my God.

"Did they get everything?" Mo Ling had beads of sweat on his forehead as he confirmed again.

Ye Fei nodded and said: "We have got everything here. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask now. Oh, this is Solova's phone number, but I think he is depressed now and he probably doesn't have time to talk to you."

Mo Ling wanted to die, and thought that if what you said was true, Solova would not only be depressed now, but even if he didn't vomit blood, it would be considered a big heart. You still want me to call? What the hell am I calling to ask

"Ahem, of course I believe you, Ye Shen, besides me, who else knows about this?"

"No, this matter is not a big deal. Can I still spread it everywhere?"

"Huh? Isn't this a big deal?"

Hearing Ye Fei say it so calmly, Mo Ling wanted to kneel down to Ye Fei.

Brother, you only used a few minutes to transform the United States from a superpower to an ordinary power. Isn’t this a big deal? You have changed the international landscape. If this is not a big deal, then what can be considered a big deal? My God Ye, your big heart is too scary, isn't it

"Actually, I didn't have to do this. It was an alien who did it. It was not easy for him to come. The spacecraft consumed a lot of fuel. He borrowed these bombs from the United States to use as fuel."


Mo Ling's face was so throbbing that it was almost swollen. He had no fuel, so he borrowed someone else's bomb as fuel. Brother, are you serious

After Ye Fei finished speaking, he sat there with a cup of tea and drank happily.

Mo Ling didn't dare to waste a moment and quickly took out a special mobile phone to make a call.

Kyoto, Tohoku Sea.

"Report, Ye. Ye Shen is back. We have already met. Yes, I already know the general situation."

"what happened?"

"He went to the United States. Ye Shen went to the United States and took away all the more than a thousand bombs in the United States as well as the equipment and raw materials for making bombs."

"Pffff~~ Comrade Mo Ling, some things are serious and cannot tolerate even the slightest joke. Please be responsible for what you say!"

"I am the leader, and I am responsible for every word I say. I heard Ye Shen said that not only did they take away their bombs, but they also took away all their bombs. Now the weapons of the United States and the United States are The library is probably empty."



"What kind of planes are there? Is the U.S. weapons arsenal still empty?"

"It should be empty. I heard Ye Shen said that he didn't leave any for them. Not only that, but all their raw materials were also cleaned up. I think. I think it is not easy for the United States to reach the previous state. Easy things.”

On the other end of the phone, the middle-aged man held the phone and didn't say a word for a long time.

One sentence kept echoing in his mind - Ye Fei emptied the United States' weapons arsenal!

(End of chapter)