The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1095: Of course we want to be together


Conquer the world either through economics or through force.

The United States is very developed. After a long period of rapid economic development, their economy has undoubtedly become the number one in the world. Their technological level is also very high, but this is only one of the conditions for them to dominate the world.

There is a more important reason, that is, their military power is too powerful and their weapons are too advanced. Many countries do not even have the opportunity to negotiate terms with them, just because they have a bunch of weapons stored in their arsenal. A pile of high-power bombs.

But what about now

It's gone now.

After Ye Fei and Wanwanwan were robbed, not even a single hair was left for them.

Northeast China Sea, huge conference room.

When the superior person told everyone present the news, it could be said that there was a very strange silence in the entire venue, and not even a person's breathing could be heard.

Everyone, one by one, who heard the news at the scene, no matter how high their level or how powerful they were, were all a little confused, and their minds almost all went blank at this moment.

There is no way, this thing is so unbelievable that people can’t even think about it.

You must know that this is the United States, the number one country in the world. Now, a food anchor and an alien were allowed to go there and rob him, and all the weapons were taken away. God, are you kidding me


Suddenly, a gentle knocking sound on the table was heard in the conference room. The superior coughed and said, "Well, cough, do you have anything to say?"

After speaking, he looked at everyone present with a strange expression.

Ye Fei had no idea that his actions would bring such a big shock to a group of big guys in the Northeast China Sea. After Mo Ling put away the phone, he had a simple handover with him.

In fact, although Wanwan gave Ye Fei a lot of things, Ye Fei really didn't want to hand them all over, especially the amphibious car that can be used on land, water, and air. This thing can be said to be a must-have artifact for traveling at home. Ah, as long as I have this thing, where can I not go? It is no exaggeration to say that he is invincible.

"Ye Shen, are these the only light wave bombs?" Mo Ling looked at a bunch of small round things in his hand and grinned.

To be honest, if Ye Fei hadn't told him that this was an alien light wave bomb, he really wouldn't have thought that this little thing could have much power. After all, each one was too small and looked like a decoration. Can this thing blow up a city? A bit mysterious, right

"It would be nice to have this. There is also an amphibious vehicle. If you want to study it, I can lend it to you. But I have to say it first. After you study it, you have to return it to me. Don't give it to me. If the whole thing is broken, there are no spare parts for this thing and there is nowhere to buy it.”

Mo Ling nodded excitedly. In fact, he had already known about the existence of this awesome car from Lao Mo. He also saw it and it was parked outside.

After he reported it to the superiors, the main purpose of the superiors was to let him take away the light wave bomb and the car. As for the others, Ye Fei probably wouldn't give them either.

"No problem, Ye Shen, don't worry, we will be more careful." Mo Ling hurriedly assured.

Ye Fei nodded, pointed to the domineering alien amphibious spacecraft parked outside, and said, "There, take it."

Mo Ling: "."

Take it away

Brother, how can I get it? I can't drive it.

A car is a means of transportation if you know how to drive it, but if you don't know how to drive it, it is just a pile of iron lumps.

"Ahem, Ye Shen, I still need to trouble you about this. Can you help me?"

"I don't have time. Let me tell you, I have a lot of things to do these days. My movie Dare to Die will be released tomorrow. Even if I don't go to the United States to watch the premiere, I still have to go to the cinema to watch the premiere. Can I contribute a ticket myself? And my brother Bald Qiang is getting married. This is a good friend of mine. I have to go there. Look, this is all happening. How can I have time to give you this thing? ?”

Ye Fei told Mo Ling one by one what he had to deal with with his fingers, and he said it with a serious face.

But he didn't notice Mo Ling's face. When Ye Fei said that he was going to a movie and attending a good friend's wedding, Mo Ling's face almost shivered and became thinner.

Damn it, Ye Shen, are you sure you're not joking with me

What I'm talking about is a national event. You sent us this thing and taught us how to operate it. This is a major event related to the development of the country and the nation. But you actually said that you wanted to go to the movies and participate. If you don't have time for your friend's wedding, I'll take it for granted. Aren't national and national events less important than watching a movie or attending your friend's wedding

Fortunately, the person standing in front of him was Ye Fei. If it had been anyone else, Mo Ling could have sworn that he would have slapped him away. Yaya, he doesn't even prioritize things. Who is this person

Seeing that Mo Ling hadn't moved for a long time, Ye Fei raised his eyes and looked at him. He found that his expression was strange and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Mo Ling: "."

What's wrong

I want to die so much.

"Well, Ye Shen, I think national affairs are the most important. See if you can help us first."

"what is the benefit?"


Mo Ling was completely defeated by Ye Fei. You have to know that you are now a lieutenant general, you are a manager of the country, you are doing something for the country now, you, you, you... you even asked me if I have any What are the benefits? Can you still order your nose

No matter what status you are, as long as you can serve the country, it is a matter of course. How come you are still bargaining

"I" Mo Ling opened his mouth. He felt that his sharp tongue had become much slower when facing Ye Fei, and he didn't know what to say.

I thought about it for a long time before Mo Ling said: "As mentioned above, in view of your great contribution this time, Pearl Island is now given to you, and other conditions remain unchanged."

Ye Fei made a sound and said: "Is there any difference between giving it to me and renting it to me? Don't forget that what I give to the country is no problem even if I rent Pearl Island for a hundred years. What is the difference between giving it to me and renting it to me?" "

"Well~~it's still different. If it's given to you, it's your private property, but if it's rented to you, it still belongs to the state. The two have different ownerships."

"It doesn't matter, forget it, for the sake of your begging, I will go with you, but I just want to send your things there, and then I have to attend my friend's wedding first. Then we’ll go watch a movie tomorrow night.”


Mo Ling felt that the conversation between herself and Ye Fei really couldn't continue any longer. If it continued, she would be so angry that she would have a heart attack. This was so fucked. She was confusing national events with watching a movie and attending a wedding. Isn't that nonsense

In fact, how did he know that in Ye Fei's heart, no matter how big things are, they are not as important as friends' things.

Since he agreed to Mo Ling to send the amphibious spacecraft to the country for research, Ye Fei did not hesitate. He knew that his time was very tight, so he packed up directly, said hello to Lao Mo and others, and left.

Sitting in the small spaceship, Ye Fei was extremely excited. Although this thing told him how to drive it in a few twists and turns, he had never tried it before and didn't know if it worked. Sitting in the driving seat, Ye Fei was curious. I was touching and clicking on the front operation interface like a child.

Mo Ling's mouth twitched as he watched, then he grabbed the handles on both sides of his seat with both hands and said nervously: "Ye Shen, have you ever driven this thing?"

Ye Fei shook his head and said: "No, no, it's my first time to fly. You are so lucky. You will be the third person on earth to fly in a spaceship besides me and He Peng. Are you excited?"

Mo Ling: "."

Are you excited

I'm so excited.

He really wanted to tell Ye Fei that he was going down and I wouldn't sit down anymore. Are you kidding me? Is this your first time driving this thing? OK? Why do I think you've been touching there for a long time, and you seem a little confused

"Um, um, Ye Shen, I have a bad habit. The first time I took a plane, I got airsick. The first time I made a car, I got carsick. The first time I made a ship, I got seasick. This is my first time making a spaceship, and I, I, am afraid that I will faint from the spacecraft."

Ye Fei was still tinkering there, he said casually, and then clicked on the operation interface. Mo Ling saw a basket-like thing suddenly appeared in front of him, and he didn't know what material it was made of.

"If you can't bear it anymore, vomit here, in the trash can."

Mo Ling: "."

"No, no, Ye Shen, what I mean is, can you see if I can go down and take other means of transportation? You go there first."

"Of course we are going to be together. What if I go there first? Do you think so?"

The expression on Mo Ling's face almost made her cry, but after thinking about it, she nodded and said, "That's okay, you, please slow down, we have plenty of time."

He is really afraid of this man. This is an alien spaceship. You are not afraid of it for the first time

Ye Fei fiddled with it for a while, but the spacecraft still didn't move at all. The guy scratched his head and muttered: "It doesn't make sense. It says it can fly like this. What's going on?"

Mo Ling: "."

Damn it, is this okay

It's been a long time and you still haven't figured out how this thing can fly

Oops, this is a pilot. If you take the test for a pilot's license, you will never get it.

"Ye Ye Shen, what, can I go to the bathroom first? I drank too much water just now."

Ye Fei ignored this thing, and then fiddled with the front operation interface for a while. He heard a rumble from the spacecraft, and then his body swayed and began to slowly lift off.

Ye Fei was extremely excited.

"Woke up."

Mo Ling: "."

The guy was so frightened that he quickly moved closer to the backrest and clung to the armrests with both hands.

"Ye Shen, you must be careful."

Ye Fei groaned, and after the spacecraft rose to a high altitude, he directly pushed a handle forward.



(End of chapter)