The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1096: What the hell are you doing again?


Mo Ling was really frightened. He thought that Ye Fei already knew how to drive this spaceship, but he didn't expect that this was his first time driving.

What made him collapse even more was that Ye Fei had been sitting on it for a long time, tinkering with it, but the spacecraft didn't move at all. Looking at this situation, he knew that it was obviously unfamiliar and couldn't be more unfamiliar.

Mo Ling's heart almost jumped out of fear. If something happened to this thing, it wouldn't be comparable to an ordinary car accident. He might just say goodbye to the world with a bang.

The more Ye Fei fiddled, the more nervous he became. As a result, the more nervous he became, the more cells and organs in his body shrank, and then he wanted to go to the toilet.

But just as he said it, the spaceship over there lifted off crookedly.

Ye Fei was so excited that the spacecraft actually flew for the first time, so he asked your brother if he was a genius? !

Mo Ling was so frightened that she quickly grabbed the armrests with both hands and leaned back hard.

After the spacecraft was safely lifted off, Ye Fei pushed an operating handle forward, and the spacecraft made a buzzing sound. Then, before Mo Ling could react, the spacecraft seemed to pause suddenly.

The force of this blow was not small. How could Mo Ling have thought that this thing also had an emergency brake? Without paying attention, his head hit the trash can in front of him, and it hit the edge.

Although I don't know what material this trash can is made of, it can be felt from the outside that it is absolutely strong. As a result, Mo Ling verified it again with his own head.

He felt that his whole head was dizzy, stars were appearing in front of his eyes, and his eyes began to turn white.


Mo Ling hurriedly shook his head, and then blinked his eyes vigorously. After a long time, the guy finally fully reacted, and then hurriedly looked at Ye Fei next to him.

Ye Fei Ye Fei was also covering his head and grinning. He didn't even control this guy well, and he also crashed into the console in front of him.

Seeing Mo Ling looking at him, Ye Fei turned to look at Mo Ling, who was also covering his head, and then the two of them laughed.

"Ye Shen, I've finally convinced you. How about we switch to an ordinary plane and let someone find a way to transport this thing away later."

Ye Fei pointed outside and said, "Where else can I transport it? It's already there."


Mo Ling was immediately dumbfounded. Even his head was hurting so much that he couldn't care about it. He quickly stood up and looked out through the transparent wall of the spaceship in front, and then he became even more stupid.

Yes, although he couldn't see clearly what was below him from the outside, he knew that this was definitely not Pearl Island anymore.

"Are we here? Are we here just like that?" Mo Ling muttered this sentence over and over again.

He really couldn't believe it. As a lieutenant general, he could be said to have seen many powerful aircraft. He had even heard that many developed countries abroad had developed even more exaggerated aircraft, which could reach supersonic speeds many times. ah.

But now, at this moment, he knows better than anyone else that compared to Ye Fei's spaceship, those so-called aircraft with terrifying speeds will be outclassed by thousands of streets. This kind of thing is the most awesome. Aircraft, this is the most powerful black technology!

Did he know how far away the place he was talking about was from Pearl Island? It took him five hours to get there by plane, but this thing arrived in the blink of an eye. Is this still an aircraft? Is this light

No, light cannot have such a fast speed. This speed is much faster than the speed of light.

Mo Ling's whole body started to tremble inexplicably when he thought that the thing sitting under his butt could move at such a terrifying speed.


So excited!

At this speed, let alone the aircraft manufactured by China, even if it can reach one-tenth, it is already incredible. It can definitely dominate the world!

Thinking of this, he quickly took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, we're here."




"We're landing."


As soon as Mo Ling put away his phone, Ye Fei saw dozens of Chinese fighter jets suddenly flying up from below, and then quickly dispersed, surrounding the spacecraft.

This is protection, not only to protect the safety of Ye Fei and the others, but also to protect this spaceship.

Ye Fei didn't say anything. He could also understand what the Chinese military meant, so he directly controlled the spacecraft and slowly began to fall downwards.

Once you have experience taking off, your whereabouts will not be a problem.

Slowly, before long, Ye Fei controlled the spacecraft to be only about ten meters above the ground.

He saw a huge open space on the ground. There were tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers surrounding this open space. They surrounded the open space one by one. They were all loaded with guns and live ammunition. He even I saw many two vehicles pulling missiles.

For this battle, let alone greeting him, it would be enough to drag him out to destroy a small country.

The spaceship was still falling slowly, and Ye Fei looked carefully at the graphics on the operating interface in front of him, which showed the distance between the spacecraft and the ground.

Finally, the spacecraft landed slowly and smoothly on the ground.

Ye Fei let out a long breath.

Mo Ling let out a sigh of relief.

Ye Fei unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door of the spacecraft, and appeared at the door of the spacecraft.

"Take a break!"

"stand at attention!"


"Thank you for your hard work, chief!"

There were already hundreds of soldiers standing in front of the door of the spaceship. None of the epaulettes on their shoulders belonged to ordinary soldiers, at least they were lieutenant colonels.

Facing these soldiers who defended their home and country, Ye Fei still respected them very much. When he saw people saluting him, he did not neglect it. He stood at the door and gave a military salute in return. However, his military salute was not standard.

But who cares about this now? Everyone is looking at the huge spaceship in front of them curiously.

Ye Fei and Mo Ling came down from above, and an old man in the lead walked over with a smile.

The old man came to Ye Fei in a hurry, patted Ye Fei's shoulder hard, and laughed and said: "Boy, I knew you were a talent. This time the Chinese people will thank you."

When Ye Fei saw this old man, he immediately wanted to jump on the spaceship and drive back. He knew this old man. It was after he destroyed the Lightbringer organization that Lao Mo and the others brought the three unscrupulous men they saw in the Shenyang Military Region. One of the old men.

Yes, in Ye Fei's view, those three old men all had no moral integrity. They fooled him for a while, and then asked him to cook a delicious meal for them. However, after eating and drinking, they threw him out of the military camp overnight. , which made me wait for the bus outside in the middle of the night, which was so shameless.

When the old man saw that he had finished speaking, Ye Fei's face turned dark and he asked: "Ye Shen, what's wrong?"

Ye Fei pointed at the old man and said rudely: "If I knew you were here, I wouldn't have come over. I'll tell you."

"Oh? Lieutenant General Ye, why?"

"Why else? I'm scared when I see you, so that's okay, right?"

A group of officers behind the old man looked at Ye Fei, and they all suppressed their laughter. They could tell that Ye Fei and the old leader definitely had a "good" time together.

"Forget it, don't lose your temper. I'm sorry for what we did last time. It was a last resort. Please don't worry about it."


Ye Fei let out a sigh of relief. Don't you worry about it? What you think is beautiful. I get angry when I think about what happened that day. Can I not worry about it

After a while.

In the largest conference room in the military base, the old chief sat at the top, and Ye Fei sat next to him.

In fact, Ye Fei found that there were a few others with higher levels than him, and about ten others with the same level as himself, but they were all sitting far away.

Ye Fei didn't care why, he felt depressed when he saw this old man anyway, and it was impossible to be polite.

The old chief looked at Ye Fei, then at everyone, and said with a smile: "Everyone, today is a day worth celebrating for us in China, because we have obtained many technologies that the country dreams of. We must be grateful for these. Lieutenant General Ye Feiye! It is he who has sent these to us, and he has made outstanding contributions to the development of China. There should be applause here!"

After saying that, the old man applauded first.

Ye Fei snorted and said to Yaya, don't put a high hat on me and don't praise me. I don't accept this.

But others had already begun to applaud, and the applause was overwhelming.

Ye Fei had no choice but to stand up and directly performed a military salute and said loudly: "Serving the people is our duty!"

The old chief pressed his hand down with a smile, and Ye Fei sat down.

"Children can be taught, children can be taught, and I would also like to add that you are young and promising! Lieutenant General Ye, where you are is China's fortune, and what you do is China's glory!"

Ye Fei stared at the old man for a while, and then said seriously: "What do you mean? Don't talk about classical Chinese, okay? I don't understand."

Old chief: "."

Everyone: "."

Damn it, Ye Shen, are you serious

A group of people all looked at Ye Fei with strange expressions, and all of them seemed to be suppressing laughter.

Especially the young officers, their eyes sparkled when they looked at Ye Fei, did you see it? Did you see them all? This is his idol. In front of so many people, he directly dares to criticize the old leader. This is so talented.

The old man didn't expect that Ye Fei would suddenly say such a sentence to him, and the atmosphere became a bit awkward.

"Classical Chinese."

"Yes, classical Chinese belongs to the essence of ancient China. It records thousands of years of Chinese history. However, if we want to develop, we must abandon ancient things. Of course, this does not mean that we can forget that archeology and historical research You can still learn something, and as soldiers, we have to look towards high technology and the future, we..."

"Come on, stop talking, I'll be sprayed with spittle in my face."

Ye Fei was being impassioned, but the old leader hurriedly waved his hand, "Damn, you said you were fat and you still breathed. Why abandon ancient things, why look to high technology and the future?" Do you, a little brat like you, need to teach you these things

Ye Fei stopped, and the meeting in the conference room got down to business.

No one knows the specific content of this meeting, but everyone knows that this meeting will be a very, very important meeting for the Chinese military or other Chinese industries, because the spacecraft and light wave bombs involve The knowledge of science and technology is multi-faceted. If it is thoroughly studied, it can be said that China's level in many aspects will make a huge leap.

The meeting didn't end until after ten o'clock in the evening, and a group of people had dinner directly in the conference room.

After finishing the meal, the old chief looked at Ye Fei with a smile.

For some reason, Ye Fei suddenly had a very bad feeling.

Sure enough, the old man stared at Ye Fei for a while and said: "Lieutenant General Ye, in order not to disturb the normal life of the army, you can go back now when it is dark. We will send someone to send you to the main road, where there is the last one." There’s a bus next time, don’t miss it.”

Ye Fei: "."

MMP, what the hell are you doing again!

(End of chapter)