The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 110: Explosive record


When the second winning spot was drawn to Shi BaTian, almost everyone knew that Shi BaTian was going to reward Ye Fei heavily.

But when the reality emerged, everyone was still confused, because they never thought that Shi BaTian would reward them so much.

It can be said that this is no longer a heavy reward, but a reward that defies heaven!

"I'm sitting here and my legs are shaking all the time. It's really exciting."

"Shi Ba Tian is completely beyond everyone's expectations. This reward, this... If this record is set here, ghosts can still break it in the future!"

"Break? You are thinking too much. Unless it is Ye Fei, if anyone else can reach this third, I will kneel down to him. I will tell you."

"It's terrible. How much does it cost?"

"I didn't even count how many spaceships there were just now, but I saw Ye Fei's live broadcast room was rumbling and rumbling, and it didn't stop at all."

"It's an eye-opener. It's really an eye-opener. Damn, there are such arrogant fans in the world. As a Silver Star anchor, this is the first time I've seen it."

The news that Ye Fei had been rewarded by Food Tyrant was like a tornado, directly sweeping away the entire Qiuqiu platform, whether it was the song and dance section, the language section, or even the unpopular sections such as fitness and outdoor sports, all the anchors who started broadcasting today, whether Iron Star Master or Silver Star Master, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, is it true?"

"What? A spaceship as a lollipop reward? This... are you fucking kidding me?"

"It's true. Stop singing. If you sing another hundred songs, you won't get the first place today. Even if all the rewards from your fans are added up, they won't be as much as the rewards from Ye Fei's fan."

"Wori, they are both anchors, why is the difference so big? What does Ye Fei know? He knows how to stir-fry and stir-fry in front of the video. Why does he get so many rewards?"

"Just because he has a fan who uses money as toilet paper, are you convinced?"

"I... I don't accept it... I have to accept it. I'm crying to death. What's going on with his uncle? Today, I specially selected a few songs that I'm good at, hoping to hit the first place. As for the name, it sounds like eggplant."

"Ye Fei, your uncle, can you die with some hope?"

"I still hope. I want a way out right now. This is such a mess. How could there be such a ruthless anchor in the anchor world? How can we mess around?"

"Everyone, you are thinking too much. In fact, this is a good thing. At least Ye Fei's existence can attract a large number of viewers. These people are also our potential viewers. As long as our program does well, maybe in the future when Ye Fei is not on the air They will watch our show, so don’t be discouraged.”

"That makes sense. If you say that, do we still have to thank Ye Fei?"

"That's not good. You should thank him."

"I...I thank...I thank his grandma for helping me, I thank you. This thank you is too humiliating."

"that is the truth."

"Ah~~~~Mom, I don't want to be an anchor anymore. I can't shake off the dark cloud above my head. It's such a shock."

Everyone was shocked and in disbelief because they simply couldn’t believe it, even the senior leaders of the platform.

Ma Qingyun came to the platform today. He was working in his office when Vice President Li suddenly opened the door and stumbled in.

Ma Qingyun frowned and said displeased: "Old Li, what's wrong? You're such a big man, yet you're so reckless, and you're beaten?"

Vice President Li's forehead was covered with sweat, and he didn't bother to wipe it off. He kept waving his hands, his lips were trembling, and he couldn't say a word.

"What's going on? Don't worry, tell me slowly? Has someone been poached by DD again?"

Vice President Li sat down on the sofa nearby, loosened his tie, and then took a few deep breaths before saying: "Chairman, it's not this, it's Ye Fei. Something happened to Ye Fei."

When Ma Qingyun heard that something happened to Ye Fei, he stood up and asked, "What's going on? Tell me quickly, is Ye Fei going to be poached by DD too?"

Vice President Li said: "No, Chairman, it's a good thing."

Ma Qingyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Stop beating around the bush, what's the good thing?"

"Ye Fei has another spaceship reward!"

Ma Qingyun was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "This is indeed a good thing, but this is nothing new. You won't come over and tell me so anxiously."

Vice President Li shook his head and said with a smile: "Chairman, this matter is really big. If it were a spaceship, I wouldn't be so anxious to tell you."

"Not one? Is it more than a dozen?"

"More than a dozen ships? Chairman, your guess is too few, right?"

Ma Qingyun's face immediately became serious and he said: "How much is it?"

Vice President Li stretched out the index fingers of his left and right hands, then moved them horizontally and vertically, making a cross.

"Aren't these still ten ships?"

Ma Qingyun was a little confused.

Vice President Li said: "Chairman, it's ten ten ships! Ninety-eight ships! Two ships short of one hundred ships! Oh my god, you don't know, when I heard the news, I almost I fainted, it was so scary, so exciting, so fucking shocking!"

The guy got more and more excited as he talked, and finally he started to use vulgar words.

Ma Qingyun was stunned and kept repeating: "Ninety-eight ships? Ninety-eight ships..."


Ma Qingyun sat down on the chair, his eyes motionless. No one knew what he was looking at, or he couldn't see anything in his eyes now. He could only see a blurry scene, which was nearly a hundred universe ships. Spaceships were flying all over the sky.

After a long while, Ma Qingyun quickly stood up again, directly picked up a meeting document on the table regarding the discussion of the retention of luxury props at the board of directors, and then without looking at it, he tore it into pieces.

Then he picked up the phone on the table and dialed a phone number and ordered: "Send a message to all the directors for me. The board meeting on the issue of the survival of luxury props spaceships and aircraft carriers has been cancelled. Now I have decided to exercise the prerogatives of the chairman. These two The props are here to stay unconditionally and cannot be canceled! I will issue a notice in a few moments."

"Yes, Chairman." A pleasant woman's voice came from the other end of the phone, and then the call was hung up.

Canceling spaceships and aircraft carriers? What the hell is this? Ye Fei can get more than a hundred ships as a reward at one time, which is more than the number of luxury planes that other people have received. How can a group of board members get such a powerful reward? Cancel? Forget it.

If I really agree to your cancellation, then my head will either be kicked by a donkey or caught in the door.

After Ma Qingyun made the call, Vice President Li stood up and asked, "Chairman, will the other boards of directors have any objections?"

Ma Qingyun snorted coldly and said, "So what if I have an opinion?"

Vice President Li nodded quickly and said, "Chairman, I'll go back first."


Vice President Li left.

Ma Qingyun sat down and suddenly laughed.

"DD Technology? If you want to destroy my Qiuqiu, you must defeat Ye Fei first!"

Food section.

At this time, everyone was concentrated in front of Liu Ping's computer, looking at the dazzling numbers on Liu Ping's computer one by one.

Spaceship: 140, 4.2 million Chinese coins!

Luxury cruise ship: seventy-eight ships, 780,000 Chinese coins!

Luxury planes: One hundred and two, Chinese currency 510,000!

Stretch sedan: one hundred and eighty-nine, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand Chinese coins!

Luxury car: two hundred and one, 402,000 Chinese coins!

Luxury cars: four hundred and nine, Chinese currency of four hundred and nine thousand!

… … .

The total reward amount for props: 6,975,366 Chinese coins!

A series of dizzying numbers impacted the eyes of these people, making them all feel as if they were falling into a dream.

"Oh God! This... Ye Shen really went to heaven. This."

"Oh my god! A reward of more than six million yuan is definitely a new record for our food section, including the records of those Silver Star anchors."

"More than six million? More than six million? God, I have never seen an anchor get so many rewards in a live broadcast."

"The reason why we were able to get so many today is mainly because Shi Ba Tian was so awesome. One person rewarded 118 spaceships. That's several million."

"That's right. If it weren't for Shi BaTian's sudden attack, Ye Shen's reward today would have been over two million."

"This is incredible. This record has already exploded, okay?"

"Haha, once Ye Shen's perverted record is posted here, I wonder who will dare to look down on our food section in the future!"

(End of chapter)