The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1108: Sweeping the world


I saw a firework in the night.

But when it fell it turned out to be a bomb.

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing, and now Comrade Feng Dagang has encountered it.

In his opinion, no, in everyone's opinion, he is still one of the top super directors in the country. His previous movies have repeatedly broken box office records. As for the movie theater's film scheduling rate, do we need to talk about such a childish issue? I'm sure every cinema, big or small, will schedule his movies properly. On average across the country, his movie scheduling rate is at least around 40-50%, and sometimes it can even reach 60-70%. It can be said that this is extremely outrageous.

Such a scheduling rate, not to mention the 24-hour rotation a day, is normal for at least six or seven shows a day. Each show takes about two hours. These six or seven shows are thirteen or four hours, which is already very impressive. Damn it, after it is released, the box office of hundreds of millions or even more than one billion will reach two to three billion. This is an enviable achievement.

But what about now

Now a reporter told him in front of everyone that the nationwide screening rate of his new movie Watch 2 is only about 5%. What is this concept? This is much lower than the filming rate of any of his previous movies. It can be said that such a filming rate was only seen in parallel movies in the past, and only in movies directed by unknown small directors. situation.

But now that he has it, who is he? He is Feng Dagang.

How could his film get this kind of treatment? This is unscientific.

"Are you sure what you said is true?" Feng Dagang stared at the reporter in front of him and asked with a cold face.

If what this guy said is false, then this person deliberately came to cause trouble today. Feng Dagang would never look good on people who came to make trouble at his banquet.

"Of course it's true. The main job of this friend of mine is to count the screening rates of new movies released every day in major theaters across the country. What he told me cannot be wrong," the reporter said.

Feng Dagang stopped talking. Not only that, the entire scene was quiet.

"Okay, I will check with my friend now. If you lie, I'm sorry, you are not welcome here."

With that said, Feng Dagang took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

Great directors like them also have friends in various entertainment industries. He also has a very good friend who counts film schedules.

"Hey, Xiao Peng, I'm Feng Dagang. Are you still busy now? Haha, it's okay. As you know, my new movie Mobile Phone 2 will be released in major theaters across the country today. I want to ask about the film schedule, um, What?! Tell me again? Three percent? Impossible! How could you possibly have only 3% of the screening rate for my Feng Dagang’s movie in major cinemas across the country? I, fuck your sister, you are Didn't I make a mistake?"

"Haha, Director Feng, don't be angry. I was just going to tell you that my statistics are absolutely correct, because several of my colleagues also made the same statistics as me. In fact, you are pretty good. As you know, there are several relatively well-known directors who have new films released, and the film scheduling rate is usually about 12%. You can say that they rushed directly to grandma's house."

"Ma Dan, you're talking as if mine didn't go to grandma's house. What's going on? This is too abnormal. You know, the scheduling rate of each of my previous movies was at least about 40%. I've never This has never happened.”

"I know this, but this time you are unlucky. The new movie released in theaters collided with Ye Shen's new movie Dare to Die. Now, let alone the whole country, people all over the world are watching Dare to Die. Ye God's performance in it is so wonderful, my God, I just now really kneel down to Ye Shen. Everyone knows that he is good at cooking food, but no one expected that his acting skills are even more top-notch. Every movement or every look is as professional as a textbook. If I didn't know his identity, I really doubt whether he is a professor in the acting department."

"Ye Ye Shen? Do you dare to die in a row? Is this movie really suppressing me?"

"I'm not suppressing you, I'm suppressing all the new movies released today across the country and even the world. This kind of situation could be said to be strange when it happened before, but it really can't be said to be strange when it happens today, because The quality of the films is indeed different. In the eyes of professionals like us, Ye Shen’s film is simply a monument in the history of world cinema. It’s so crazy, so exciting, and so professional. If you don’t believe it, you can watch it. It will definitely impress you. You feel amazing."

"I'm so impressed. Damn it, you have to know that I invested 300 million in this mobile phone 2. Many investors are holding a celebration party here today. If the filming rate of this film is only 3%, then Not to mention setting a box office record for Feng Dagang’s movie, it’s a good thing that I’ve lost my uncompensated underwear.”

"Khan, I sympathize with you, but that's the truth."

"What's the current film schedule for Dare to Die?"

"Here, let's take a look, oh, the film scheduling rate is now 92%, eh~~ Damn, your film scheduling rate has dropped a lot, now it's only 2%, and there are so many cinemas I have temporarily removed your movie from the shelves, probably to make way for Ye Shen's Five Dare to Die."


When Feng Dagang heard this, he was so depressed that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Yaya wiped it, so why did it still drop? It was 3% just now, but now it has dropped to 2%. Brother, will it drop to 1% if you wait a little longer

This guy wants to die now. What the hell is he doing

"Ye Fei, you dare to die five times! Damn it, is this movie really that crazy?"

Feng Dagang hung up the phone. He felt bad all over and was not in the mood to continue the celebration party.

Your film schedule rate has already dropped to 2%, why are you celebrating your work? Don’t even think about it. This movie will definitely cost you money, let alone recoup the cost. If you can recoup only one-fifth of the cost, Thank God already.

"Old Feng, aren't you very confident in this movie? It's said to be a sure profit, but now... oh, I invested 80 million, this time... oh~"

"I also have an investment of 50 million. Looking at the pace, let alone 50 million, I will be thankful if I can get back 50 million."

"This investment really failed in my grandma's Penghu Bay."

A group of investors and actors were all stunned. No one expected that the movie made by Feng Dagang would turn out to be a waterloo, losing all their money.

At this time, an investor said: "Director Feng, don't you have friendship with the owners of many big cinemas? Let them be accommodating and schedule four or five shows a day. This 2% scheduling rate is estimated to be There aren’t even two games a day.”

Feng Dagang grunted, took out his mobile phone and started contacting the bosses of major theaters he was familiar with, hoping that through this relationship, he could increase the scheduling rate of his movies.

But in the end, he was disappointed. The phone calls were all answered, but no one was willing to help. They all said they were abroad or busy, and they didn't abandon him at all.

Feng Dagang also understood in his heart that the friendship between him and these people was just a relationship between wine and meat. If it came to the real point, no one would help. After all, they are not fools. They would make a lot of money if they didn't use it. Is it good to be struck by lightning

With a plop, Feng Dagang sat down on the chair, and then he was completely lost.

Until this moment, he realized that he was nothing in the eyes of many people. Only some people who could use him would say that he was a great director, but his influence was far from what a great director should have. .

"Fuck!" Feng Dagang cursed angrily, then took out his cell phone and dialed a number again.

"Hey, I'm Feng Dagang. Please prepare a movie ticket for me. Don't ask me what cinema I'm from. Any movie theater is fine. As long as it's a movie ticket, I want the movie ticket for Dare to Die. I want it now. ! What? No? I said, brother, if you don’t help me arrange movies, you can get me a movie ticket, right? Can’t you even satisfy such a small request? After all, we are also friends who have drank together. "

A depressed voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Old Feng, it's not that I won't give it to you, but it's just that I really don't have it. The queues in my cinema from morning to night are all Ye Shen Dare to Die, but all the movie tickets for each time are gone. It can be said that just now They were all sold out within thirty seconds of the first sale.”

"Less than thirty seconds?! Are you scaring me?"

"I didn't. I definitely didn't scare you. It's still too long what I said. The fastest one I sell here is gone in ten seconds. They are all ordered online. It's the fastest in my life. Never seen it."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Don't talk about tomorrow's, there are none for this week."

"I go!"

Feng Dagang didn't give up and called the owners of several movie theaters. The answers he got were all the same: there were no movie tickets, not even within a week.

At this time, the entire celebration scene was as quiet as a morgue, and everyone was dumbfounded.

It's hard to get tickets for "Dare to Die" on May Day, and it's not just for a day or two, but for a week. This movie is absolutely crazy, and the audience is crazy too.

Just when Feng Dagang and a group of people all felt that the end of the world was coming, the reporter's words just now plunged them completely into the world of the end of the world.

"It's over. The movie scheduling rate for Mobile Phone 2 has dropped to 1%. Many movies have been completely and temporarily removed from the shelves."

Feng Dagang: "Get out!"

American Haolaiwu.

Stallone, Jason Stangoda, Nicholas Khaki, Stephen Seager, Shang Yundun, etc. In order to see the results of today's broadcast, a group of people gathered in the large office of Stallone Company.

At this moment, a group of people are all in a state of disbelief, because they have just received news from the American Haolaiwu statistical agency. They are responsible for global statistics. After all, what their kind of movies focus on is Global box office.

Just now, staff from the statistics agency of American Haolaiwu told Stallone that today, the global film scheduling rate of Dare to Die has reached an unprecedented 91%!

Ninety-one percent, which means that wherever there are movie theaters around the world, almost all of them are showing Dare to Die!

"I feel like we're about to explode." Nicholas Khaki said suddenly.

Jason Steinguo Da pursed his lips and corrected in a hoarse voice: "It's not like it seems, it's definitely!"

(End of chapter)