The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1112: Is this the Predator?


The first impression of a ball should be that it is round, but when everyone saw the ball floating up from the water, everyone was stunned.

Specifically, everyone has not seen all of it, because a large part of it is still in the water, and only a small half has surfaced.

This small part gives people the impression that it is a football. It has many different planes, each of which is a standard regular pentagon, and what makes people speechless is that every two adjacent pentagons are The sides are still one black and one white, which looks more like football.

Everyone, including Ye Fei, stared dumbly at the super big "football" floating in the water, wanting to see what it was.

While people were watching, the lower part of the football began to slowly rise from the water.

Not long after, most of the football was out of the water and exposed to the outside.

"What the hell is this?" Ling Lingjiu rubbed his eyes and asked after looking at it again.

No one else spoke, Ling Lingqi said: "I don't know, it looks like a football."

"The meteor out of the sky is actually a football? Are you kidding me?"

"Jiu'er, I'm not teasing you, this thing is teasing you. I'm a little confused now."

Just as the two of them were talking, suddenly everyone saw the "football" in the water move.

"Holy shit, it's moving."

"Khan, is there someone kicking inside?"


Ye Fei's eyes were also fixed on the "football" in the water. He didn't think about it as much as Ling Lingqi and the others. He knew that since this thing moved, there must be a living thing inside.

He really didn't know what kind of creature it was.

"Don't make any noise, hide first." Old Mo ordered.

Everyone hid behind the huge sea rock not far away, and secretly exposed their heads to look outside.

Master Huineng was still stretching his neck to watch. This guy was also excited. He put his right hand on his chest and said, "Amitabha..."

As a result, before he finished reciting the Buddha's name, he was dragged behind the stone by Zero Zero Two.

"Come here quickly, do you want to return Amitabha to your sister Ahtuo? Do you want to die?"

Master Huineng hid behind the stone and said: "Buddha!"

Zero Zero Two: "..."

At the same time, the pilots on dozens of fighter jets in the sky also used instruments to clearly see the situation below and hurriedly reported to the headquarters.

"Football? A football fell from the sky?"

“Is this God playing football or are aliens playing football?”

"Pfft~ No matter who is kicking it, this thing can't be a football. Have you ever seen a football so big? It's impossible to kick it even if your feet are broken."

"They said the football moved, which meant there must be something inside."

"Nine times out of ten, it's an alien, but I don't know who it is?"

"Ye Shen has a total of five live broadcast guests this time. Three of them are aliens, Pentium Quicksand, Interstellar Milk Tea and Qingpi. Who are these?"

"What the hell, shouldn't all the alien spaceships be like the one that curved and opened last time? It's like a flying saucer, why is it still shaped like a football?"

"Who has seen a real spaceship before? Who said that alien aircraft should be flying saucers? I think football is more appropriate."

In the military base, several big guys got together and were discussing this matter.

Countless artificial satellites in the sky were rotating and adjusting their directions almost simultaneously, aiming their information-receiving surfaces at the South China Sea.

Each picture was also transmitted to different countries at this time.

"Another unknown object landed in China."

"Football? It doesn't make sense. If aliens like to play football, they should land in West Brazil. Who doesn't know that football is the national sport of West Brazil?"

"How can this painful thing be a football? Can anyone explain to me what is going on with this football?"

"Look, it's already starting to move."

American White Mansion.

Solova was sitting in his office with a constipated look on his face, and his eyes were staring at a picture on his phone.

In the picture, there was a firelight falling from the sky, and then the firelight fell into the sea water, and then floated up again, slowly revealing its true form, a football!

Seeing this scene, Solova almost fell off his chair. He never dreamed that aliens would come here on a football.

"What the hell are you doing?" Solova muttered frantically.

At this moment, a minister ran in in a panic.

"Boss, aliens are coming again."

Solova raised his eyes and glanced at him, but said nothing.

This guy is still muttering in his heart, why don’t you tell me that I don’t know? Didn’t you see that I have been watching Ye Shen’s live broadcast

"Boss, what should we do?" the minister asked.

Solova looked up at him again and said, "What should I do?"

"Aliens, another alien guest from Ye Fei is here."

"so what?"

"He will definitely bring advanced alien technology when he comes. If we don't take action, this technology will fall into the hands of the Chinese government."

"It's as if it can fall into our hands if we do it."


"Go out, do your job well, and stop thinking about these unrealistic things. As long as Ye Shen is here in China, no matter what we do, it will be useless. Just like last time, we will use the country's most advanced fighter jets and All the bombs were sent over, but not only did they not get anything, they also received Ye Fei's wrath."

"But this time it should be different. If this football is an alien spacecraft, although it looks very big, it is much smaller than the last one. This means that the technology of this planet should be much worse than the last one. But it is extremely advanced for our planet, and we should strive for it."

"You know nothing, don't you know that small is better? Just because it is smaller than the last one, its technology is more advanced. I don't understand this at all. How did you get the position of minister with your intelligence?"

Solova was furious, MMP, are you trying to trick me into going against Ye Shen again? Don’t you know that the last time we did this, he took away all our bombs

You still want to do it this time, what do you want to do? Are you satisfied if he takes all of us away this time

Solova is not stupid.

After being scolded by Solova, the minister wilted and left.

Just as he left, Solova's cell phone rang. He quickly picked it up and saw that it was a call from Rhodes.

"Mr. Rhodes."

"I got news that another of Ye Shen's alien live broadcast guests has arrived. Do you know what to do?"

"I know that a minister just now encouraged me to take a gamble again, but I scolded him away. He is putting the safety of the United States at risk, which is too much."

"Well, it's good that you know. I still say the same thing. No matter what happens to Ye Shen, you'd better pretend that you don't know. Also, although our Rothschild family will not punish you, you You'd better be careful in the future, after all, the United States is in decline in your hands."

"I thank Mr. Ross for the reminder."

After ending the call, Solova put away the phone, then took the phone with the screen in his hand and slowly looked at it. While looking at it, his eyes showed full of envy unconsciously.


There was also a meeting at this time.

"As you can see, this should be another alien guest of Ye Fei's, so no matter what, we must ensure the safety of this alien and ensure that no alien technology is leaked."

"You can rest assured of this. The security force we have secretly arranged is several times stronger than last time. Even if a foreigner comes secretly, it will not be as easy as last time."

"This is best. In addition, pay close attention to every move on Zhuguang Island. Tell the nearby military region that if you find anything slightly wrong, attack immediately. Don't hesitate. Ye Fei and technology are the most important."


In the South China Sea, the huge football-shaped thing moved, then became quiet for a while, and then moved again.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the top pentagonal surface of the football suddenly seemed to be slid away and moved completely to one side, revealing a pentagonal hole.

The diameter of this cave can be about twenty meters, which can be said to be very large.

Not long after the hole appeared, a clicking sound suddenly came from inside, as if there was a machine running inside.

"I'll wipe it, what's in it?"

"Mechanical operation, absolutely mechanical operation."

"Um, will a robot cat fly out of it?"


"Five, have you watched too many cartoons?"

While a group of people were making wild guesses, they heard the clicking sounds inside getting faster and louder. At a certain point, suddenly, the noise inside disappeared, and then a light came from inside. flew out.

This light was extremely dazzling, like a bonfire in the night sky.

Ye Fei and the others immediately closed their eyes, not daring to look for fear of hurting their eyes.

After waiting for a while, Ye Fei and the others opened their eyes and looked forward, and they were all stunned.

I saw a "man" standing upright on the surface of the South China Sea.

The reason why this thing is a human is mainly because it stands upright in the water, with two legs standing in the water, and two arms above the water, but its head is too ugly, like a monster. The mouth is very long and has three petals. The eyes are very small, about the size of soybeans. The forehead protrudes forward a lot and is covered with light blue scales. What makes people even more speechless is that although this person also has something growing on his head, But it's definitely not hair, because each one is too thick, like a piece of hemp rope, just scattered randomly on the back of the head.

This man was wearing a thin blue-black tights with a rhombus pattern, and his limbs were all tied with various devices. When he first appeared in the water, several of the devices on his body began to display numbers. Reveals the nearby environment.

After seeing this person, not to mention Ye Fei, even Lao Mo and his gang, and even the Chinese pilots who were still scanning and observing with instruments in the air were all confused.

"How could this be this thing?"

Master Huineng even went crazy and said: "Amitabha Buddha, this is... this is the Predator?!!!"

(End of chapter)