The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1118: Ye Shen is a hundred times more handsome than you, okay?


The starry sky is still bright, and the sun and moon are still rotating.

These phenomena, which are eternal in the eyes of many people, are actually changing quietly.

Ye Fei is like the brightest star in the sky. He shines silently and follows his own trajectory until one day, he approaches the sun and emits the most dazzling light.

When the dust falls away, the stars shine thousands of miles away!

The last live broadcast still had 3 billion viewers and fans, but this time the live broadcast has not even started yet, and more than 3.8 billion people have already rushed into the live broadcast room. What is this concept

This has reached an unbelievable point in the eyes of the earth's audience. No one knows why it is crazy. They only know that Ye Fei has more fans and more viewers. They are happy and they are happy for Ye Fei.

"Ye Shen is finally going to join the interstellar live broadcast army."

"A sudden rise, an absolute sudden rise!"

"I have never watched a person grow up with my own eyes. Except for Ye Shen, I watched him slowly come all the way from a rookie with only a few hundred fans. In the eyes of others, he may be lucky and successful, but I I just know that I saw his efforts, the perfection of every dish, and the perfection of every dish.”

"Ah, why do I suddenly want to cry?"

"Ye Shen. Rise up!!!"

"Accompany me through the four seasons and see all the prosperity like a dream. I know that one day you will shine with your own light in the most brilliant galaxy."

"Emma, literati, they are all literati, where are the wet people?"


"Ah, ah, ah, your sister, at this moment, I think you should compose a poem."

"When I was a child, the splendor of the stars was just a dream. When I got closer, I realized that their light was just a passive glory. I have seen a man who belonged to a century and a civilization. He erased the reflection on his body. The color shines with its own light, dazzling? Dazzling? Or glorious? I don’t know, I don’t know anything.”

"Go away! Wetman, you bastard, you always lose your temper at critical moments. You don't know anything and you still write a hammer poem?"


The entire live broadcast room is now a sea of joy. Everyone is happy and excited for Ye Fei.

Especially those who were close to Ye Fei, his friends, it can be said that all of them were really excited at this time.

Hilltop villa.

Shi BaTian slapped the table with such force that he almost shattered the glass table in front of him.

"I know it, I know it! Sooner or later, my brother will achieve a result that attracts everyone's attention and makes everyone jealous. He did it, he really did it, wuwu~~ You four bastards Come here, take a look, do you see? This is my brother, this is my brother, is he awesome? Is he awesome?!" This guy burst into tears and asked while pointing at the screen of his phone.

The four bodyguards all nodded quickly, and then said in unison: "Ye Shen, Ye Shen, you are the strongest, Ye Shen, Ye Shen, you are the best, great, great, great!"

Shi BaTian wiped his tears, waved his hands and cried: "Woo~~ Reward, one hundred thousand for each person!"

Four bodyguards: "."

"BaTianBaTian, you are the strongest, BaTianBaTian, you are the best, great, great, great!"

Shiba Tian didn't even raise his head, wiping his nose and said: "I'm not as strong as my brother, and I'm not as good as my brother. If you lie, the reward will be cancelled, wuwu~~"

Four bodyguards: "."

At this moment, the four of them wanted to slap each other in the mouth. Damn it, what is this? The reward they just received was not seen at all, and it was taken back in the blink of an eye.

Tianxia Group.

Chi Wang Tianxia clenched his fist fiercely, then smashed it on the desk. He picked up the phone and dialed a phone number and shouted directly: "Bring my bottle of wine!"

His secretary came in in a panic and asked: "Chairman, which bottle are you talking about?"

Eat all over the world said: "Which other bottle is there? My bottle of Lafite that has been collected for ten years is really 82 years old!"

The secretary was startled and hurriedly said: "Chairman, didn't you say that bottle of wine is only used when the happiest thing happens?"

"I'm happy right now, I'm happy, I'm so happy! Come on!"

The secretary seemed to be crazy excited when he saw that eating all over the world, and asked carefully: "Bring them all in one bottle or one glass?"

"Bring them all! Drink them all!"


Does the secretary know the origin of the bottle of wine that has been sold all over the world? He spent more than 200,000 yuan to buy it at the auction! You can only drink it when you are at your happiest.

He didn't know what happy things happened to him when he was eating all over the world today, but since he said it, she went out to get it.

A casino in Guangdong.

The gambling game began. Juedai Yaoji was holding the cards in one hand and looking at the mobile phone in the other hand.

Suddenly, she suddenly slapped the mahjong table, and the whole table was about to be scattered by her.

"Sister Chicken, what are you doing? Oh my God, it's a big three yuan!"

"Damn it, I opened my mouth and it was all taken away."

"Khan, I guess I'll just listen to the last two, now"

Although the other three people were very dissatisfied with Juedai Yaoji, they did not dare to say anything more, because they all knew the identity of Juedai Yaoji. Let alone them, it was really hard to find anyone in Guangdong who dared to provoke her.

Juedai Yaoji didn't even look at them. He waved his hand and said: "You three will win this game, and I will pay for all the money!"


This time, not only them, but all the people watching were also dumbfounded.

Peerless Yaoji takes the initiative to admit defeat

Is there any mistake

Never mind that this kind of thing has been seen before, never heard of it. Who doesn't know that as long as Juedai Yaoji sits on the table, he is aiming for victory. Do you want her Juedai Yaoji to admit defeat? Don't even think about it, because it's simply impossible.

But what is the situation now? She didn't play any cards in this round, so she took the initiative to admit defeat. There are only two things that can make Juedai Yaoji take the initiative to admit defeat. Either she is very happy, or she is very depressed. She should be very happy from the look on her face. What the hell? What happened

At the same time, it can be said that in all countries around the world with Internet access, many people are going crazy.

Immediately, the rewards in Ye Fei's live broadcast room poured in overwhelmingly. They were countless and dazzling. Many people could not see clearly. They saw everything from flowers and applause to interstellar ships and interstellar aircraft carriers coming down in one fell swoop.

"It's started, it's started!" Liu Ping and his gang jumped up excitedly on the Qiuqiu platform.

They know that from this moment on, although Ye Fei has not shown up yet, the live broadcast has really begun for them, because the rewards have begun to enter the first high/super level.

The food section group was all blown up. No one was interested in working anymore. Everyone was watching in Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

Feng Tianlai rushed out of the office like a storm, and shouted: "Listen up, listen to me. If Ye Shen's reward today sets another record, Tianhe Shang Palace will treat him to guests for two days in a row. That's right. , this is what I said!”

Everyone was crazy with joy.

This once again stimulated the bosses of other live broadcast platforms around the world, and they all ordered, "Go, go, go!"

Not to mention reaching Ye Fei's achievements, even if it reaches one-fifth, the conditions are whatever you want! Some bosses even took out their daughters as rewards again, which meant they were completely crazy and completely delirious.

The anchors of the Silver Star anchor group have already exploded. These people are all gearing up as if they have been given blood. The target is Ye Fei. Although they know that it is impossible to surpass Ye Fei, people must always have ideals. , what if it comes true

Green star.

Xibo's whole body was about to explode. His eyes were red when he saw the number of viewers in Ye Fei's live broadcast room that was still rising.

"Impossible, impossible! Why is this happening?!"

He didn't believe it at all. He knew that although Ye Fei's last episode did not go well and ended with a close call, it had an impact after all. But why would there be so many in this episode? Are people coming in to see it? This is so wrong.

"What went wrong?"

Xibo is really puzzled.

But regardless of whether he believed it or not, Ye Fei's grades were still rising rapidly. This is an irrefutable fact that cannot be denied just by being jealous.

"Ye Shen, congratulations, if everything goes well today, you will definitely advance."

Pentium Liusha and Qingpi were also a little surprised. They knew that Ye Fei's live broadcast was very powerful and attractive, otherwise they wouldn't have flown so far to be his live broadcast guests, but they didn't expect that he would be so powerful. It's so awesome, the increase is more than 800 million. Although this number of people is nothing to the entire interstellar audience group, it is still a big improvement.

"Thank you."

After the initial excitement, Ye Fei calmed down as quickly as possible.

He knows that the more viewers there are, the greater the burden he will have during the live broadcast. The more he must do a good job in his program, and there will be no room for any flaws.

After thanking the rushing sand and Qingpi, Ye Fei took a deep breath, then picked up the mouse and turned on his camera.

The audience in the live broadcast room was frying when they suddenly saw Ye Fei's camera light up. People were quiet at first, and then became more lively.

"Ye Shen!"

"Damn it, it finally started airing today."

"Oh, my God Ye, where have you gone?"

"Brother, if you need any help, just ask."

"Anyway, it's a good thing that it's on the air."

"Ye Shen, I saw Ye Shen again."

"So handsome."

"Yes, he is almost as handsome as me."

"Get out of here and apologize. If you don't apologize, I'll curse your whole family. I'll tell you."


Who are you? Ye Shen is almost as handsome as you

Ye Shen is already a hundred times more handsome than you, okay

Hurry up, hurry up, Chapter 4 will not come out, it will explode. I will continue to update three times tomorrow, try my best to update four, and continue the day after tomorrow. I will always be able to pay back what I owe! ! !

(End of chapter)