The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 112: What should I do if I have money?


Got money!

This is an issue that Ye Fei rarely considered before, because when he was working hard at the bottom, his biggest wish was to be satisfied with food and clothing.

But when one day a deposit of more than one million yuan appeared in his card, he really didn't know how to spend it.

Engage in real estate

This seems a bit nonsense. Although one million is not a small amount of money, it is still too far away to engage in real estate. After all, housing prices in Yinzhou City are not low. As for the house he lives in, Ma Cuihua spent six months to buy it all. It's more than one million. His one million is not enough at all. At most, he can buy a single room.

In the entertainment industry

It's even more impossible. Don't say that you don't have enough money. Even if you have enough, you still can't be in this industry. This is an industry that swallows endless money. One million? Even if you have 10 million, you may not see splashes if you throw it in.

Start a business

A million-dollar industry

In today's turbulent era of business, the one million I throw in is probably only enough to drink soup. I still think of the good. If it is not good, I will probably be gone in an instant and there will be no return, and I will not be able to lose any of my hair. arrive.

high tech

There is no need to think about this, because the difference in funds is not even a little bit.

And after comprehensively considering the above industries, Ye Fei found that having funds is actually a trivial matter. The key is experience. These are all industries that require rich experience to engage in. He has never touched these industries, and his eyes are blank. , I was a headless fly when I entered, and I didn’t even have to think about the final outcome. It must be a good example of being deceived.

Ye Fei thought about many industries, but he rejected them all.

After much deliberation, Ye Fei had only one answer in his mind - to open a restaurant.

I am somewhat familiar with this industry. Although I was only an apprentice at Tianhe Shang Palace before and did not have the opportunity to participate in high-level decision-making, I don't want to run a big one. I can still explore it by setting up a small restaurant.

If I was not mature in cooking before, now I have the conditions. I have the experience given by the system in my mind. These experiences can not only be used for live broadcasts, but also to start some side jobs on my own.

However, whether it is possible or not depends on the discussion with the system.

So Ye Fei asked in his mind: "System, I have a little bit of balance now, can I start a side job by myself?"

The system said: "This is the host's personal decision, and the system has no right to interfere."

"That's good. It's just that I need to use your experience in cooking food for my side business. Can it be done?"

"The system gives experiences to the host, and these experiences belong to the host. Success."

"Great, then I'll open a small restaurant to try it out."

"The system needs to remind the host that everything the host uses to open a restaurant is ordinary. This is completely different from the items provided by the system. The host needs to think about it carefully."

Ye Fei: "... In other words, I can only use my cooking experience to open a restaurant, and everything else needs to be done by myself?"

"Is such that."

"I don't have the best ingredients or luxurious decoration, so I'm just a cook who can cook and open a small restaurant?"

"Is such that."

"But how different is the taste of meals made from ordinary ingredients and top-quality ingredients? Can they be reliable?"

"This requires the host to practice by himself. Ordinary ingredients are derived from the best ingredients. If the host wants to use ordinary ingredients to cook delicious food, it not only requires the cooking experience provided by the system, but also requires a lot of practical practice. And although the ingredients are ever-changing, But as long as the system is there, the host can use the experience provided by the system as a template, and then explore on its own. As long as the host works hard, ordinary ingredients can also make delicious food."

"Hey~~ This is good, this is good, but wait a minute, I have a question that needs to be clarified."


"Since I use your experience in opening a restaurant, if I make money, do I have to give you a share?"

Well, this issue is very important in Ye Fei's opinion, because based on the urine of this guy in the system, he feels that it is not impossible for this guy to trick him again. If he makes a little money with hard work by then, this will happen. If this guy comes and withdraws 90% of the labor fee, he will really have no place to cry.

This kid is scared of being tricked by the system.

The system said: "This idea was thought up by the host himself, and it is not used for live broadcast. The system is not directly involved, so the system will not extract a penny from the host."

"What the hell, do you mean what you say?"

"Has the system tricked the host?"


Ye Fei really wanted to scold his mother, how often did he think that you were cheating on me

"In that case, I'll open a small restaurant."

Ye Fei made a decision in his mind and just did it.

He closed the door and walked out of Yijing Garden.

He didn't look far away at first, he just wanted to see if there was a suitable store nearby, and then rent it and decorate it before opening it.

As a result, he walked around for a long time and found a few storefronts, but either the rent was too expensive or the location was not ideal.

Finally, it was around five o'clock in the afternoon, and he still couldn't find the ideal place. Just as he was walking back dejectedly, his cell phone rang.

I took out my phone and looked at it, and found that it was an unfamiliar number.

Regarding the handling of unfamiliar numbers, Ye Fei's current approach is to hang up directly.

But just as he hung up, the unknown number called again.

Ye Fei felt a little abnormal, because ordinary unknown numbers cannot be so persistent, unless they really meet a scammer, and the scammer is determined to deceive you.

Now that he was feeling depressed, Ye Fei wanted to give the other person a slap in the face, so after getting through, he started firing without waiting for the other person to speak.

"Are you fucking done yet? Didn't you read the number clearly before calling? Do I know you? Do you know me? We don't know each other. Are you interested in calling me?"

other side:"… ….."

Manager Wang, who was in charge of information collection at DD Technology, was stunned with his mobile phone in his hand. He didn't expect Ye Fei's temper to be so hot. Before he even said a word, the other party started to attack him.

"Ahem, I'm sorry to bother you. Is this Mr. Ye Feiye?" After Ye Fei finished speaking, Manager Wang asked with a fake smile.

Ye Fei: "... Do you know me?"

"Haha, of course I know him. Now Mr. Ye is the best in the anchor world. He is so brave that it's hard not to know him."

"Well... I have something to talk about. If you're just calling me to flatter me, I don't have the time."

Since he knew that he was an anchor, the other party should also be a colleague, so Ye Fei wanted to know what the other party wanted to do with him.

Manager Wang said: "Mr. Ye, please introduce yourself first. My surname is Wang. You can just call me Lao Wang..."

"next door?"

"Ahem...Mr. Ye is really good at joking. I am also a person in the anchor industry. I have admired Mr. Ye for a long time. I would like to find time to visit Mr. Ye. Are you free now?"

Ye Fei held the mobile phone in one hand, rubbed the back of his neck with the other hand, and said, "What can't be said on the phone?"

"Well... the main thing is that I want to visit Mr. Ye in person. Of course, there are some small things that I want to discuss with you in person. Do you think that's okay?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm in Yinzhou."

"Does Snow Cafe know?"


"I'll wait for you there."

"Okay, let's see you in half an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei started to think about it, Lao Wang who was traveling with him? I don’t know him, what can this guy do to me


Maybe it's something interesting.

Ye Fei thought of a possibility and couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth, showing a disdainful smile.

This chapter has been revised for a long time. Because it is an excessive chapter, I am always a little worried, so I posted it a little late. Sorry, friends.

(End of chapter)