The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1121: Steamed head bowl


The Tiger of Xichuan, judging by his name, should be a very kind person, but no one expected that this guy would be so cunning. Taking advantage of the opportunity after introducing the Nine Dou Bowl, he directly inserted a piece of his own in Ye Fei's live broadcast room. advertise.

This commercial break really caught people off guard. By the time a group of viewers reacted, they were already diving.

"Uh~~ Damn it, this advertisement is really hard to guard against."

"It's so unexpected. I'm not prepared at all."

"Guess how much this ad is worth?"

"How much is it worth? Brother, can this be measured in terms of money? You must know that this is an advertisement in Ye Shen's live broadcast room. You don't even look at how many people are here. How much money is spent on planning the advertisement?" It’s better not to advertise here.”

"The Tiger of Nishikawa. Cunning and cunning."

"This bastard."

However, after being scolded, people felt dumbfounded and had to praise this guy's head. He was so smart and he knew how to take advantage of advertising opportunities.

Even Ye Fei smiled helplessly and shook his head, saying: "Well, except for the last few sentences, the Nine Dou Bowl introduced by the Tiger of Nishikawa is generally very correct."

People burst out laughing. Ye Fei’s summary was very good. Yes, except for the last advertisement, the Nine-Dou Bowl Banquet introduced by Tigers of Nishikawa was very detailed, giving all the status and dishes of the Nine-Dou Bowl. To make it clear, he is definitely an expert.

The Tiger of Nishikawa jumped out again, made a smiley face, and then laughed into the microphone and said: "Sorry, Ye Shen, I'm used to advertising. If you don't let me call you, I can give my last phone number 12365478999 , and hosting all kinds of wedding banquets and housewarming banquets, I wouldn’t say I live in Johto anymore.”

Ye Fei: "."

Live broadcast room audience: "."

Damn it, so shameless! Beat it again.

Ye Fei was amused by this guy and said, "Okay, get rid of it."

People are laughing at this, realizing that the Tiger of Nishikawa is indeed a good businessman, and this girl’s head is too weird.

"Okay, friends, the Tiger of Xichuan just introduced the Nine-Dou Bowl banquet in great detail. Yes, the Nine-Dou Bowl banquet is like this. It is a kind of running water banquet in Xichuan Province, specifically a Hakka style. In the eyes of many people, the flowing water banquet is the kind of banquet where many people sit together to eat. The chef cooks in a big pot and stir-fries. Some people even have no appetite for such a banquet, but I can be very responsible. Let me tell you that you have to go to the private sector to find delicious food. Several of the dishes in the Nine-Dou Bowl Banquet are indeed very good. You will know after we make them in a while. We will briefly introduce the Nine-Dou Bowl Banquet here. Below We started cooking, and when it comes to cooking, this involves the rhythm of serving dishes at the Jiudouwan banquet. The first bowl we call it the first bowl, and the first dish we make is also called the steamed first bowl. What is this first bowl? It is a kind of delicacy that combines many kinds of ingredients. Of course, this is the first bowl of the modern Nine-Dou Bowl. Today we will combine ancient and modern times to make this Nine-Dou Bowl banquet. Let’s do the first step now. bowl."

After saying that, Ye Fei came to the operating table and started working directly.

The first is the ingredients. He just said that this delicacy uses a lot of ingredients. People just listen and don’t have an intuitive impression of how many ingredients there are.

When Ye Fei started to take out the ingredients from the storage compartment, people realized that there were so many.

Top quality pork belly, pork ribs, minced meat, taro, dried cuttlefish, fungus, day lily, eggs, bamboo shoots and more.

Looking at the ingredients that Ye Fei brought out, many people's eyes widened. They also knew that when Ye Fei used to make delicious food, he used many ingredients for one dish, but that was also divided into priorities, but this time. These seem to be the main ingredients.

Sure enough, after taking it out, Ye Fei started to give a brief introduction.

"Pork belly, pork ribs, minced meat, these are what we often use. There are two ingredients in this delicacy that we use for the first time, namely taro and cuttlefish. These are two extremely nutritious ingredients. Taro , everyone should have eaten it. It is glutinous and fragrant when you eat it. It is very delicious, and it not only tastes good, but also has high nutritional value. It also contains many kinds of minerals and vitamins, which are all It is needed by the human body, especially because it also contains a very special substance. What is it? It is the layer of sticky and slippery liquid between its epidermis and the taro meat inside, called mucus protein. This Mucus protein is a very good thing. After being eaten and absorbed by the body, it will form an antibody globulin that can help people resist virus invasion. Because of this, many doctors say that taro can be a good preventive agent. Diseases such as tumors and lymphatic tuberculosis are more serious.”

"In fact, taro has become a delicacy for people a long time ago. Everyone knows a very powerful literati named Cai Dongpo. He is the Cai Dongpo who left Dongpo elbow and Dongpo meat. He is indeed a foodie through and through. , and also for more elegant foodies, because he has written many poems about food, and two of them are dedicated to taro. It smells like ambergris and is still white, and tastes like milk and is more pure. Take a look, there are many sentences in this sentence. Beautiful, what can you say about taro? The aroma can be compared with ambergris, the taste can be compared with milk, and it is even better than these two. This is a very high evaluation for taro. Today, we This is what is needed for this dish.”

In fact, there is no need for Ye Fei to introduce taro in such detail because many people know it, but what people don’t know is that it is so good and that its nutritional value is so high. After listening to Ye Fei’s introduction , many people suddenly realized it.

"It turns out this thing is so powerful."

"Anti-tumor, anti-lymphoid tuberculosis, holy shit, do you want it to be so magical?"

"The fragrance is like ambergris and still white, and the taste is like milk and is more pure. What a beautiful sentence, I am not as good as Cai Dongpo."

"Pfft~~ Shiren, you are said to be fat and you are out of breath, right? Are you comparing yourself with Cai Dongpo? He is a famous person who will be famous throughout the ages. He is not only a writer, poet and lyricist, he is also a gourmet. If you want to compete with him , first you have to become a real foodie."

"That's right, wet man, Cai Dongpo is so fat just because he eats delicious food. You are too thin, please eat more."

“Without a strong body, how can one write poetry that will last through the ages?”

"Uh~~ I'd like to ask you, upstairs, does writing poetry have anything to do with whether you grow fat or not?"

"Are you blind?! I'm talking about a strong body. When did I say fat?"

“Isn’t being strong the same as being fat?”

"You were taught Chinese by your physical education teacher, right? Are strong and fat the same thing?"


"It's much worse. I'm too lazy to explain to you."

Ye Fei's live broadcast room will never be short of leaders, and he can argue for a long time if he catches any problem.

Of course Ye Fei didn't know this. After briefly introducing taro, he picked up the dried cuttlefish.

"Everyone should know this thing, right?"


"Pfft~~Squid, sir, this is a cuttlefish, okay?"

"Wrong, it's a squid."

"Khan, a squid is a cuttlefish, right?"

Several audience members who grabbed the microphone started arguing again.

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Yes, this is cuttlefish, that is, cuttlefish. Just like you just did, many people easily confuse cuttlefish and squid. In fact, they are two kinds of creatures. The cuttlefish has one biggest characteristic, that It can spit ink, and although this thing lives in the ocean, its ability to stay in the air is very strong. It can jump out of the sea and fly a long distance. In addition, the nutritional value of this thing is very high, especially for For female viewers, ahem, you may have guessed, yes, it has a strong beauty and beauty effect."

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely drunk, and every one of them laughed out loud.

"Emma, another beauty product."

"How come you can find everything in Ye Shen's mouth to beautify your skin? Which one should I eat?"

"In the past, they asked me to eat crispy grass carp, then they asked me to eat pig's trotters, then they asked me to eat tendons, and now they want me to eat squid. Ye Shen is so bad."

"I always drink red wine."

Shiban Tianxia also laughed and said: "Don't talk about it, everyone, Ye Shen is right. In fact, many ingredients have this effect. There is no harm in eating more. Even if you can't beautify your face, you can still strengthen your body. "

Ye Fei knew what was being discussed in the live broadcast room when he heard what Chi Wan Tian Xia said. He also said with a smile: "What I said is true. You must believe me. This thing is for beauty."

"Pfft~~ Ye Shen, you've had enough."

"Are you done yet? I haven't finished eating the pig's trotters I bought, okay?"

"Ye Shen is getting skinny again, isn't he?"

Ye Fei went on to talk about the difference between squid and cuttlefish.

"Beauty and beauty are only one of its effects. In addition, it is of great benefit to pregnant women, because it has a certain anti-fetal effect, and it can also activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and has a good effect on relieving stomach pain and gastric acid. , which is one of the reasons why this kind of thing is so expensive.”

"As for squid, it also has an obvious feature compared with cuttlefish, that is, it has a certain luminous function. Through this function, it can catch food more conveniently than cuttlefish. The nutritional content of the two is similar, but their The meat quality is different. Compared with cuttlefish, the meat of squid is more delicate. Moreover, the appearance is also different. Because the head of the squid looks like the pistol bullet we fire, this thing is also called calamari. It belongs to the category of cuttlefish. A kind of squid, but it is different from ordinary squid."

"Let's continue talking about cuttlefish. We just briefly talked about the medicinal value of cuttlefish. Another thing is that its nutritional value is also very high. Its meat contains too many minerals, and the content is not low. , this is related to the environment in which it lives. In addition, it also has a substance that can inhibit cancer cells, which is mucopolysaccharide. The role of polysaccharide in the human body is very important, including lowering blood lipids, anti-virus, anti-tumor, etc. There are a lot of things to say, so we won’t go into them, as long as everyone knows that this kind of thing is definitely a good thing.”

"Okay, after introducing these two ingredients, let's finish this delicacy, the first bowl of the nine-bowl banquet!"

Saying that, Ye Fei reached out and picked up the taro.

(End of chapter)