The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1122: Amitabha, I am so fragrant!


After Ye Fei briefly introduced the ingredients to the audience, he immediately started making the first bowl.

Pentium Quicksand, Qingpi, Master Huineng and Fairy Sanhua all stood around and watched.

Ye Fei picked up the taro, quickly removed the outer skin with a knife, cut it into pieces, put it in a large bowl, washed it, and took out a steamer.

For the banquet of Jiudouwan, the main cooking method is steaming, so a steamer is indispensable.

After cleaning the steamer, add water to it, place the cut and washed taro pieces in the steamer and start steaming.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Fei took out a few bowls, put water in them, put the day lily, dried fungus and dried cuttlefish in them and started soaking them.

Ye Fei has introduced the processing of dry food before, so now when he encounters dry food ingredients, he will not repeat it again.

Get a pot of boiling water, add water, heat it on the stove, put the ribs in the hot water, wash them and take them out.

Cut the pork belly and bamboo shoots into slices with a knife. Put the bamboo shoot slices on a plate. Then put the pork belly and the spareribs that you just washed with hot water in two bowls respectively. Add cooking wine and refined salt to marinate.

Next is a very important process, making dada meat.

Baba meat, this kind of delicacy can be found in many places. It is a very important delicacy during festivals. This kind of meat is also used in the bowl made by Ye Fei, but it is not just cake meat, but just whole meat. It’s just an ingredient in a dish.

To make pork belly, you need to use the minced meat that he just took out from the storage compartment, that is, minced meat. This kind of minced meat is made from minced pork belly, and it needs to be very minced. , at least it should be shredded better than the dumpling filling, and the juice in the meat should be chopped out to form a kind of minced meat.

Take half a bowl of minced meat from the side and start adding ingredients into it.

After adding all the pepper powder, eggs, starch, refined salt and minced ginger, mix them evenly with your hands, and finally form several meat balls.

This is very different from the meat balls kneaded into meatballs. To make meatballs, the meat is also made into minced meat, and then you have to push it hard until the meatballs are very strong and delicious. It feels best to have a chewy feeling after putting it in your mouth.

But the meatballs of the Baba Pork are on the contrary. Don't push hard, just mix the seasonings evenly, because what you eat for this kind of meat is not its elasticity, but its glutinous and pure texture and taste.

After making several large meatballs, Ye Fei took out a frying pan and placed it on the stove. Add oil to it. After the oil temperature reached the temperature, he placed several meatballs on the knife surface and cut it along the knife surface. Gently and slowly slide the meatballs into the oil pan.

The process of deep-frying the meatballs is not to completely fry the meatballs, but to make a layer of crispy skin appear on the surface.

Put the meatballs into the oil pan, turn to low heat and fry for a few minutes, then use a slotted spoon to take them out.

Looking at these meat balls at this time, each one has formed a brownish-yellow color on the outside, which looks very tempting and exudes a rich meaty aroma.

Ye Fei placed the meatballs on a plate, then took out a steamer again, added water and placed the meatballs in the pot to start steaming.

While steaming the meat dumplings, the next thing Ye Fei cooked was fried crispy pork and crispy pork ribs.

This is also a very important process for this delicacy, because how crispy the meat and ribs directly affect the texture and taste of the entire delicacy cannot be sloppy.

Beat a few eggs in a bowl, then add starch, refined salt and peppercorns and beat evenly and set aside.

Next, Ye Fei showed his prodigal character. Under the silent gaze of many people, he poured out all the top-quality peanut oil that he had just fried a few meatballs in, then replaced it with new oil and heated it until it was 60% hot. Bring over the pork belly slices and ribs.

Pick up a piece of meat with chopsticks, coat it evenly in egg liquid, then slowly put it into the pot and start frying.

It can be said that these two ingredients, eggs and meat, are instantly fragrant when exposed to oil.

When the pork belly slices wrapped in egg liquid were put into the frying pan, the aroma burst out within half a minute.

The ingredients used by Ye Fei are all top-quality ingredients, each of which is a good thing that money can't buy. The aroma emitted at this time is like an exploding aroma bomb. It explodes and overflows. , directly filling the entire space.

It's okay for Fairy Shen Yue and Master Huineng, after all, they are both from Earth, and they have been watching Ye Fei's live broadcast for a long time, and they have smelled all kinds of top-notch fragrances.

At this time, smelling the aroma of fried eggs and pork belly, the two of them just swallowed secretly.

But Pentium Quicksand is different from Qingpi. It was the first time for both of them to watch Ye Fei make food live, and they had only watched Ye Fei's live broadcast for a few times. What's more important is that there are no such top-quality ingredients on their planet. There is no such extreme approach.

When the aroma rushed into their nostrils, they immediately became confused.

"Ah ball~~" Pentium Quicksand sneezed directly, but his sneeze was too different. Others were ah, cut it, but this guy just said ah ball.

But at this time, no one noticed its difference, everyone was immersed in this fragrance.

Those interstellar viewers who were watching Ye Fei's live broadcast for the first time had their eyes ready to pop out.

"This tastes so good~~it's really on point."

"Feeling good all over."

"Why are we discovering this kind of program now?"

"It's so late to meet you."

"What the hell, how can I eat this guy's delicious food? I can't stand it anymore."

"This is just the beginning, my belly."

A group of people were all yelling and asking how they could eat the delicacies made by Ye Fei. The final answer they got was - wait for a lottery draw.

There is no need to over-fry the meat slices and pork ribs. When both sides turn golden brown, Ye Fei takes them out, drains the oil and puts them on two plates for later use.

After all this tossing, time passed quietly. The steamed taro chunks and dada meat balls in the pot were ready. Ye Fei took them all out and put them on a plate to cool.

When the temperature is about the same, take the dumplings and put them on the cutting board and cut them into slices with a knife.

The brownish-yellow appearance and the white and reddish flesh form a very sharp contrast, which has a great visual impact on people.

After the dada meat slices are cut, the soaked day lily and fungus are brought over. The cuttlefish has also been soaked. Cut them into slices, and then integrate them.

The reason why this delicacy is delicious is that it perfectly blends several ingredients together. The flavors of the several ingredients are released and then blended together, giving a complex but layered flavor.

A large blue and white porcelain bowl was taken from the side. The first thing put into the bowl was the taro pieces.

Carefully place all these steamed taro pieces on the bottom of the bowl, making them as flat as possible, and then put the day lily, fungus and cuttlefish slices on top.

There are two ways to put these ingredients, one is to separate them, and the other is to mix them together.

Ye Fei mixed them together and put them in, so that their respective flavors can be mixed together more perfectly.

After laying these out, put the crispy pork and crispy pork ribs on top, and the cut meat slices on top.

At this time, all the ingredients were placed in a large bowl, which was just the size of a large bowl.

But it couldn't be steamed in the pot at this time because there was no soup in it, so Ye Fei took a portion of the chicken soup provided by the system from the side, poured it all into a large bowl, and placed it directly in a steamer to start cooking.

This time is also important. If the cooking time is too long, the ingredients will easily rot, lose some toughness, and taste bad. If the cooking time is not enough, some ingredients may not be steamed, so under normal circumstances, four Just about ten minutes.

Ye Fei's tools are provided by the system, and he can get twice the result with half the effort. It only takes about twenty minutes to steam.

When the time was up, Ye Fei turned off the fire first, then faced the direction of the computer and said with a smile: "Friends, our steamed head bowl is ready. The steps for this delicacy are actually very simple. The main thing is to combine a few All the ingredients are blended together perfectly and then steamed thoroughly. Of course, it is very important when dealing with several ingredients. Okay, now let’s see how this delicacy turns out.”

With that said, Ye Fei opened the lid of the pot.

As the lid of the pot is opened, smoke rises, and a rich, almost indissoluble aroma rises into the sky.

"Ah ball~~"

The rushing quicksand has started again.

Qingpi kept shaking his head, and the small hemp rope on his head was swung back and forth, just like someone chasing flies away.

"I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it anymore!" This guy clenched his hands into fists and shouted suddenly. Master Huineng was frightened and he hurriedly retreated to the side.

In fact, he couldn't stand it anymore. He was a flower monk himself, and all the rules and regulations were nothing to him. He also knew that the delicacies made by Ye Fei were rare in the world.

After smelling the fragrance, the great monk clasped his hands and said, "Amitabha, the fragrance is killing me!"

Fairy Sanhua Shen Yue covered her mouth and laughed, saying: "Master, Buddha will blame you."

Master Huineng hummed and said: "Buddha? If you encounter the delicacies cooked by Ye Shen, the Buddha will give up the precepts, let alone an ordinary disciple like me?"

Shen Yue knew that Huineng was telling the truth because the dish Ye Fei cooked was really delicious.

This is the case with many ingredients. The aroma will be different after you use different cooking techniques. Among these cooking techniques, steaming is definitely the best way to fully release the aroma of the ingredients, because it uses heat to steam the ingredients. The ingredients are overcooked and all the juices inside are forced out. It’s strange that it’s not fragrant.

Ye Fei was also a little intoxicated. He held the pot lid in one hand, raised his nose and smelled it, then closed his eyes and shook his head. It was beautiful.

Just as he was enjoying it, the Wanli Piaoxiang skill came online, and a colorful light group rose up from the steamer.

(End of chapter)