The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 117: Soup and noodles


Whole egg golden noodles!

When she heard that Ye Fei was going to make whole-egg golden noodles for herself, Lin Jiani, the peerless Yaoji, was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ye Fei in disbelief and asked seriously: "Are you sure you are not kidding me? "

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Sister Lin, do you think I'm joking? It's just a bowl of whole egg golden noodles, no need to make a fuss."

Lin Jiani nodded, but she was a little surprised inside.

Whole egg golden noodles, this is a noodle that extremely tests a chef's skill. This kind of noodles is more like a bowl of ultimate art than a bowl of noodles.

Because the biggest feature of this kind of noodles is their thinness!

As thin as hair!

Some chefs with excellent knife skills make golden noodles that are even thinner than hair. Such little tricks as threading the noodles through pinholes are already a piece of cake for a bowl of ultimate golden noodles. Some people make golden noodles. Seven or eight silk noodles can pass through a pinhole side by side.

The second thing is that this kind of noodles is a bit difficult to cook. The noodles are too thin. When boiled in water, it will test a chef's ability to control the heat, because this kind of noodles is too pretentious and will rot if you are not careful. One pot, that is to say, what you put in is noodles and what you take out is batter.

Another point is that the making process of this kind of noodles is troublesome. The first thing is the eggs in the noodles. After the eggs are opened, the first step is to separate the egg whites and egg yolks, discard the egg whites and use the egg yolks, and the degree of fermentation of the noodles must be controlled just right, too Noodles that are overcooked will taste sour, and noodles that are not cooked properly will not taste good, so the chef needs to control the temperature when the noodles are cooked.

As an out-and-out Xichuan native, Lin Jiani is very familiar with this kind of noodles, and compared to other noodles, golden noodles are one of the few that she can eat, and they have to be delicious.

Now Ye Fei is going to make whole egg golden noodles for her, and she is really curious about what the golden noodles made by Ye Fei look like.

Seeing Lin Jiani standing aside and not going out, Ye Fei didn't chase her away. After all, wasn't it just to see how he cooked? Just let you see.

After talking about making the whole egg golden noodles, Ye Fei started directly.

A bowl of whole egg golden noodles, specifically divided into two parts, noodles and noodle soup.

The soup used to make golden noodles is not an ordinary noodle soup. If that were the case, this kind of noodles would not be so difficult to make.

It takes a long time to cook the noodle soup, so before making the noodles, Ye Fei decided to deal with the noodle soup problem first.

The main ingredient for making noodle soup is native chicken, and the auxiliary ingredients include green onions, ginger, mushrooms, minced lean meat and sesame oil.

Ye Fei did not shy away from Lin Jiani. He took out a prepared Cangshan Southern Red Tail chicken from the storage compartment, and then took out green onions, ginger, shiitake mushrooms, lean minced meat and other supplements from other storage compartments. material.

When all the ingredients were ready, Ye Fei started making soup.

Ye Fei didn't break down the whole red-tailed chicken at all. Instead, he put it in a basin and cleaned it inside and out under the faucet. Then he took out a stew pot and put it on the stove. Add an appropriate amount of water to it, put the chicken in, followed by green onions, ginger slices, shiitake mushrooms, etc.

Once everything is done, turn on the heat and simmer the soup.

This time was a bit long, so he took advantage of this time to start making noodles.

The noodle ingredients of whole egg golden noodles require flour, eggs and edible salt. Flour and eggs are the main ingredients, and edible salt is the auxiliary ingredient.

Ye Fei used a thin blue and white porcelain bowl to fill up half a bowl of snow-white flour, then used a porcelain plate to hold five eggs, and finally a plate of edible salt.

The process of making noodles is actually a test of a chef's skill.

The first step is to process the eggs.

Five eggs, each with white and yolk separated.

The eggs Ye Fei used were also from red-tailed chickens at the southern foot of Cangshan Mountain. Although there were only five of them, when Ye Fei made the purchase from the system in his mind, he almost cursed because the system priced these eggs at five hundred Chinese coins. These five eggs cost Ye Fei two thousand and five Chinese coins.

Ye Fei felt a little dizzy when he thought that he had bought five eggs for only two thousand five thousand. This was not an ordinary luxury.

Ye Fei almost cried because flour was also expensive. Just half a bowl of flour cost him fifteen Chinese coins.

To be honest, this was Ye Fei's first contact with pasta since he got the system, and he was very curious. With the nature of the system, the flour provided by this product could not be of too low a grade.

So he gently pinched it a little bit to see the information about this flour.

When he saw the result, the corner of Ye Fei's mouth twitched - Xue Lishuang!

Many people know that snow is fine enough, but there is something even finer than snow, and that is frost.

Xueli Shuang, this kind of flour is sourced from a place slightly south of the Jinhe Plain. This place has fertile soil, rich trace elements in the soil, and obvious temperature changes. The specialty wheat is called golden wheat. The biggest feature of this wheat is The grains are plump and golden in color, and the flour produced is also extremely fine.

However, this kind of wheat has a characteristic, that is, it is very pretentious. If you are not careful, it will wilt, so the yield is very low. However, because of its delicate taste and unique wheat aroma, it has inevitably become a popular choice for many people. What money people pursue.

There are many people who demand it, but the output is small. This also means that the supply of this kind of wheat far exceeds the demand, and many people who have money cannot buy it.

Ye Fei didn't expect that the flour the system provided him for the first time was Xueli Shuang. Not to mention anything else, this bowl of noodles was made with this kind of flour. No matter how bad he was at making it, it wouldn't be so bad. .

In other words, even if the final product you make is a bowl of batter, it will definitely be a bowl of batter with excellent taste.

The eggs are from red-tailed chickens at the southern foot of Cangshan Mountain. He is very familiar with this kind of eggs. He already got the information about this kind of eggs when he was making scrambled eggs with tomatoes. It can be said that these are the best eggs, and they cost 500 Chinese coins each. That's acceptable.

After briefly understanding the ingredients information, Ye Fei started making noodles.

Ye Fei took out a larger bowl and a celadon basin, then picked up an egg and touched it lightly on the edge of the bowl. The antique blue and white porcelain bowl made a pleasant sound, just like music, and the eggshell cracked. Ye Fei opened the egg with a little force with his left and right hands, and then gently turned it left and right a few times. The egg white slowly flowed down along the gap on the eggshell like transparent jelly.

After the egg white drained out, Ye Fei moved the egg to the top of the celadon basin, then gently separated the two eggshells with both hands, and saw a round golden egg yolk falling from the eggshell into the celadon basin.

After the egg yolk fell into the celadon basin, it did not break. Instead, it trembled slightly.

As the first egg was opened and separated, the entire kitchen was suddenly filled with a unique egg aroma. This smell was not the fishy smell of eggs, but the unique fragrance of red-tail chicken eggs.

Lin Jiani had never smelled such an alluring egg fragrance. She couldn't help but sniffed hard and said, "Are these the best ingredients you usually use for cooking? The taste is really so tempting. I think if I use this I can grow eggs to make egg tarts, and I can eat ten in one sitting.”

The corner of Ye Fei's mouth twitched when he heard this. Sister, you might as well say that you can eat five thousand Huaxia coins in one breath. You must know that this is only five hundred.

Ye Fei didn't say anything, and separated all the remaining four eggs. He saw five golden egg yolks lying quietly in the blue porcelain basin, like five dazzling golden little suns.

After completing this step, Ye Fei brought the flour over, then grabbed the flour with his hands and added it little by little into the green porcelain basin. Wait until the flour covered all five egg yolks and formed a layer of one centimeter on top. When the dough was thick, Ye Fei stopped and started kneading the dough.

The dough of pure golden noodles is very particular. If you want to make golden noodles with excellent texture, you must not add any water, not even a drop of water, when kneading the dough. You need to use egg yolk liquid to soak the noodles.

Ye Fei saw that the flour was ready, so he stirred it with his hands first, and saw five egg yolks exploded, and then the golden egg yolk liquid flowed out, and a stronger egg fragrance came to his nostrils. .

Lin Jiani stood next to Ye Fei. When she smelled the stronger egg fragrance, she felt hungry for some reason and licked her red lips unconsciously.

As Ye Fei kept kneading the flour, the flour slowly formed into dough. When the whole dough was formed, Lin Jiani's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally there was an expression of surprise on her face.

(End of chapter)