The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 127: The best Sichuan cuisine


The top Sichuan dish—twice-cooked pork!

There are hundreds of types of Sichuan cuisine, but the one that is recognized as the number one is Twice-cooked Pork.

Twice-cooked pork was also called fried pig in ancient times.

This dish actually doesn’t need to be cooked at all. Just looking at its name makes people unable to control themselves.

Ye Fei came to a storage compartment, opened it gently, and saw a piece of fresh pork belly inside. This piece of pork belly was the same as what he used to make farm stir-fried pork and yesterday's whole egg golden noodles. Pork belly is completely different.

When he makes these two kinds of delicacies, the pork belly he uses is Chinese local pork, which is Tongling wild pine forest rosin pork. This kind of pork is very firm, and the lean meat and fat meat are clearly layered. The lean meat is bright red and tender, and the fat meat is Snowy white and juicy.

But the piece of pork currently in the storage compartment is different. The lean meat and fat meat of this piece of pork are evenly mixed, that is, the whole piece of meat is lean with fat inside, and the fat meat is mixed with lean meat. The whole piece of meat is The texture on it is clear and the layers are distinct.

This was the first time Ye Fei saw this kind of pork, so he grabbed the pork with his hands. Suddenly, the information about this kind of pork came into his mind.

Spanish Iberian purebred pork, also known as black hoof pork, is said to be the most delicious pork in the world, even more delicious than the Tongling Wild Pine Forest Rosin Pig that Ye Fei used before. .

This kind of pig has strict requirements whether it is raised or slaughtered. Even if it is not as good as the Wagyu beef from Toni, it is not much different.

It is said that this kind of pig grows up eating acorns from an early age, and will not be raised in a huge pasture until it reaches about 200 pounds. In order to ensure that the black-hoofed pigs have sufficient feed and sufficient nutrition, there are also certain requirements for the pastures where the pigs are raised. Strict requirements dictate that a maximum of two black-hoofed pigs can be raised per hectare of pasture. If there are more, the black-hoofed pigs will be considered substandard products. Even if you sell the pork to the market, it will be inferior to authentic black-hoofed pigs. Pork will also be much cheaper.

Therefore, in order to ensure the most delicious meat of black-hoof pigs, Spanish Iberians strictly abide by this raising method, and the black-hoof pork produced is also a top-quality meat product.

Now, what Ye Fei is holding is the pork of this kind of pig. Using this kind of pork to make twice-cooked pork, it can be said that anyone who can cook can almost make a very delicious twice-cooked pork.

It's just that Ye Fei not only knows how to cook, but he also has a huge helper. He has the gourmet experience provided by the system, and also has various condiments and accessories provided by the system. He believes that the twice-cooked pork he makes is better than other What people do should be more attractive.

Ye Fei held this piece of pork in his hand and introduced it to the audience in the live broadcast room slowly.

As the number of viewers in his live broadcast increases, more and more people become more knowledgeable.

After listening to Ye Fei introduce this piece of pork, one of the audience members called Three Days and Two Nights sent a series of surprised expressions.

"Iberian black-hoofed pig? Oh my God, Ye Fei actually uses this kind of pork to cook delicacies for his audience? This... this is such a waste!"

After three days and two nights, as soon as I finished talking, someone started asking.

"Upstairs, have you heard of this kind of pig?"

"Nonsense, although I am not a pure foodie, I am a professional breeder. I specialize in raising pigs, so I know a little bit about this area. Iberian black hoof pigs can be said to be the best among all pigs. , although the pork of this kind of pig cannot be said to be priceless, it is almost the same. This kind of pork has lean meat and fat meat alternately. It tastes both the toughness of lean meat and the fat taste of fat meat. It can be said to be the best. Pork, God, I really didn’t expect Ye Fei to use this kind of pork to live broadcast for you, isn’t this too arrogant?”

Many of Ye Fei's regular viewers sneered at the surprise of three days and two nights.

"Tch, what's all the fuss about? The ingredients used by Ye Shen for our live broadcast are never ordinary ingredients. They are all the best of all kinds of ingredients."

"That is, he dared to use special rose cooking oil to fry shredded potatoes in his first live broadcast. There is nothing he can't do."

"Ye Shen Renyi, dare to do anything for us."

"This kind of anchor is the best anchor, and this kind of Ye God is our favorite Ye God."

"It's just a piece of pork. It's so fussy about you. You can tell by looking at it that you have never seen the world."

"That's right, you haven't seen the world because you haven't watched Ye Shen's live broadcast. Just wait and see, Ye Shen will surprise you later."

This old viewer who had seen Ye Fei for three days and two nights was immediately dumbfounded when he said this.

Damn it, using Iberian black hoof pork to make twice-cooked pork is already shocking to me, but this group of people acted like it was natural.

He also said that Ye Fei used special rose cooking oil for his first live broadcast. He also said that every time he does live broadcast, he uses the best ingredients. Damn, this Ye Fei doesn’t look like a rich man. Where did this bastard come from? Produce so many top-quality ingredients? You must know that not all of them can be bought with money.

He went crazy for three days and two nights. He was really shocked by Ye Fei and his fans.

Now his mind is full of one thought, that is, how does Ye Fei cook for his audience every day? These are the best ingredients at every turn, and the audience’s eyes were really opened.

After Ye Fei introduced the pork, he put the pork on a clean white porcelain plate. Then he took out onions, ginger, garlic and some necessary seasonings from several storage compartments. Finally, he took out the pork from a storage compartment. He took out a handful of green things.

Everyone knew each other at first glance, Suan Miao!

When making twice-cooked pork, especially authentic Sichuan style twice-cooked pork, you can omit any one thing, but there are two things that are absolutely indispensable, and that is meat and fresh garlic sprouts.

Fresh garlic sprouts are generally available in summer and autumn, so the best season to eat Sichuan twice-cooked pork is also summer and autumn.

At this time, fresh green garlic sprouts are used with pork belly to make twice-cooked pork. The meat has a unique aroma of garlic sprouts, and the garlic sprouts are tainted with the strong aroma of pork. The two complement each other and can push the taste of twice-cooked pork to its peak.

Ye Fei now held a handful of garlic sprouts in his hand, but what surprised him was that the handful of garlic sprouts was very ordinary. The system only gave him a simple message - a handful of garlic sprouts.

But Ye Fei felt that there was no need to argue with the system about the garlic sprouts, because he knew that the ingredients provided by the system, even if there was only a one-word introduction, were definitely not ordinary ingredients.

After preparing everything, Ye Fei started to take action.

While he was doing it, Shi BaTian and Juedai YaoJi looked on.

The two of them were very curious when they saw Ye Fei taking out so many things from the storage compartment.

When Ye Fei wasn't paying attention, Shi BaTian came directly to a storage compartment, then reached out and opened the storage compartment. He wanted to see what was in the storage compartment.

Ye Fei's peripheral vision happened to scan Shi BaTian's movements at this time. When he saw Shi BaTian going to open the storage compartment, his heart trembled, wondering if the secret would be exposed, right

But after a while, Shi Batian closed the open storage compartment again, and then ran to Ye Fei with a curious look on his face, and asked like a big boy: "Ye Shen, aren't you early?" Have you prepared the ingredients for this delicious meal? I see that the storage compartment is full of various ingredients, there are so many."

Ye Fei felt relieved. He knew that the system must have helped him. He was wary of curious people like Shi Batian. This guy must have filled all the storage compartments with ingredients in advance.

But that's fine, it just dispelled Shi BaTian's curiosity.

"Haha, of course. As a chef, how can you make delicious food if you don't prepare the ingredients every time?" Ye Fei said pretending to be relaxed.

Shi BaTian gave a thumbs up and said: "Ye Shen, I am completely impressed by your professionalism. Really, I rarely see such a serious person like you. It suits my taste very well."

Ye Fei took out a pot of boiling water and put it on the stove, and said: "Since something has been done, no matter whether it is good or bad, I must do my best. This is my consistent style."

Juedai Yaoji said: "This style is very good, little brother, my sister is liking you more and more."

Everyone in the live broadcast room can hear what they are saying.

Seeing Juedai Yaoji say this, some people started to feel happy.

"Hey, Xiao Ming, your mother likes someone else."

"Brother Yao, it seems like you need to paint on your forehead."

Yao Xiaoming and Yao Jianshe's anger exploded.

"Go away, my mother is not that kind of person, she just likes Ye Shen's style of doing things."

"I still know who my wife is, otherwise do you think I would trust her to go alone?"

"Really? But it's hard to figure out a woman's heart. No one can guarantee that nothing will happen."

An audience member named Hands and Eyes Tongtian also boasted: "That's right, Brother Yao, I'm a private detective agency who chases you to the end. For two million, I'll follow you to the end. How about it?"

Yao Jianshe stopped talking.

Just when everyone thought Yao Jianshe had crashed on the other side of the computer, they suddenly saw Yao Jianshe sending a message: "Private Detective Agency is located in Room 305, Building 7, Caihong Road, Mazhou City. It is a specialized agency A detective agency engaged in illegal candid photography. Three years ago, a private detective agency was involved in a blackmail case. Their hands and eyes were very good. Am I right?"

His hands and eyes reached the sky: "... Damn it, who are you?"

Yao Jianshe made a sneer, followed by two dazzling words - police!

His hands and eyes reach the sky: "......"

"Damn it, this bastard is offline!"

(End of chapter)