The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 128: Mom, come back and pack two pieces of meat for me


Juedai Yaoji's words immediately caused Ye Fei's live broadcast room to go into chaos.

But Ye Fei, Shi Batian and Juedai Yaoji didn't know the situation in the live broadcast room.

Ye Fei took out a pot for boiling water, filled half of the pot with water, then put a little peppercorns, ginger slices and green onions into the pot, put it on the stove, and put the piece of Iberian black pig's trotters Wash the pork belly, put it into the pot, and start cooking the meat.

This is the first step in making twice-cooked pork, and it is also a very important step. Twice-cooked pork, twice-cooked pork, if you don’t cook the meat in a pot, how can you cook twice-cooked pork

Although cooking meat is just a simple step, it is related to the texture and taste of the twice-cooked pork you make.

Put the pork belly into the pot and let it cook there.

Ye Fei started to pack the side dishes.

The first is the garlic sprouts.

Although the introduction of the garlic sprouts provided by the system to Ye Fei was very simple, Ye Fei could still see the difference between them and ordinary garlic sprouts.

Some common garlic seedlings are dark black in color, while others are green with a hint of yellow.

The twice-cooked pork made with such garlic sprouts does not bring a visual impact to people.

The garlic seedlings provided by Ye Fei's system are completely green, just like green strips, with the white garlic head at the front and the roots of the garlic at the front.

This is a handful of complete garlic sprouts. How to deal with it requires Ye Fei to do it himself.

I saw him first rinse the garlic sprouts under the faucet, put them on the cutting board to remove the roots, pat the white head twice with a knife, and then cut the garlic sprouts into shapes about three centimeters long. Put these chopped garlic sprouts into a sink and wash them again with clean water.

Wait until it is thoroughly washed and set aside.

Next, process the green and red peppers, cut them in the middle, remove the seeds, clean them, and cut them into pieces.

After doing this, Ye Fei checked the sauce again.

Doubanjiang is essential in twice-cooked pork, and if you want to make the most delicious twice-cooked pork, you must choose the best bean paste.

In fact, Ye Fei had used this seasoning when making Mapo Tofu before, so he knew at a glance that the bean paste provided by the system this time was the same as last time.

He has eaten Mapo tofu, so of course he knows the deliciousness of this bean paste.

Seeing that everything was ready, the water in the pot was boiling.

I saw that the piece of pork belly, which weighed about one pound, was cooked in boiling water and a layer of white oil slowly appeared, then floated on the water. The lean meat also turned white. This is called Duanhong.

Ye Fei knew it was almost done.

After waiting for another seven or eight minutes, Ye Fei first prepared a basin of cold water and then turned off the heat.

In fact, the aroma of pork belly had already begun to appear at this time, and the rich meaty aroma made Shi BaTian and Juedai YaoJi keep licking their lips and swallowing.

When the two of them saw Ye Fei fish out the pork belly, they unexpectedly took a step forward.

Ye Fei took a look and said quickly: "Brother Ba Tian, Sister Lin, this is not edible yet. This is for making twice-cooked pork. If you eat it, you won't be able to make twice-cooked pork."

Shi BaTian chuckled: "I know, I know, but the smell of this meat is so damn fragrant, it almost made me lose control just now."

Juedai Yaoji also smiled and said: "I saw that Lao Shi wanted to get it, so I came up to stop him."

Shi BaTian glanced at Juedai Yaoji depressedly, does that mean we can tell the truth? Obviously you want to eat too, okay

Ye Fei also knew the hearts of the two people. To be honest, let alone Shi Ba Tian and Peerless Yaoji Lin Jiani, even when he smelled the aroma of this piece of meat, he had the urge to pounce on it and take a bite.

But Ye Fei finally held back.

The piece of meat was cooked until this time, which was almost seven degrees of maturity. Then Ye Fei used a slotted spoon to take it out of the boiling water, and then put it directly into cold water.

Hot meat and cold water. As soon as the pork belly was put into the cold water, Ye Fei, Shi Batian and Juedai Yaoji saw the piece of meat squirming slightly, and then the outer skin began to slowly shrink.

"This... Damn it, is this piece of meat alive?" Shiba Tiandan said in pain.

Lin Jiani also covered her small mouth and said after a long time: "Old Shi, are you fainted by the aroma? Let alone a piece of meat, even if you put a pig in boiling water and cook it for a long time, it will die, and it will still be alive. This is a hell of a life."

Shi Batian touched his bald head and said, "Then what's going on? The meat just moved on its own."

Lin Jiani shook her head: "I only know how to eat but not how to cook. How do I know?"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Brother Ba Tian, isn't this meat alive? It expands with heat and shrinks with cold, right? The meat was hot just now, and now it is suddenly put into cold water, and its skin will shrink to a certain extent. In this way, the meat can be The essence is locked inside, but although ordinary pork belly will do the same, it won’t shrink as much as this one.”

Ye Fei was also quite shocked. He did not expect that the meat provided by the system was so good. When he put it in cold water, he could see the contraction. This was so surprising.

Put the cooked pork belly in cold water and let it cool down for a while. After five or six minutes, Ye Fei touched the meat with his hand and found that it was no longer hot outside and was even a little cool. Remove the meat from the cold water and place on a cutting board.

Pull a wide knife out of the knife block and start slicing the meat.

Cutting pork belly is definitely a technical job, especially the pork belly used to make twice-cooked pork. It should not be cut too thick. It is cut like bricks. It is not only tasteless but also difficult to eat.

Therefore, it is best to cut the pork belly as thinly as possible.

This is a piece of cake for Ye Fei. Even some five-star chefs may not be able to match his current knife skills.

Ye Fei was seen holding the piece of meat with his left hand, and the knife in his right hand was slicing towards the pork belly.

Ye Fei cut the meat in one go. When he finally put the knife away, the piece of pork belly that was still intact on the chopping board had turned into a pile of thin slices of meat.

Looking at the meat slices on the chopping board, Shi Batian and Juedai Yaoji were shocked again. Because they were close, they discovered that the thickness of the meat slices cut by Ye Fei was actually the same.

"Brother Ye, you really have nothing to say about your knife skills, you are so awesome." Shi BaTian praised.

Lin Jiani didn't say anything because she had seen Ye Fei cutting golden noodles yesterday, and his knife skills were even more incredible than this.

After the meat was cut, Ye Fei took out the wok, put it on the fire to heat, and poured in cooking oil.

The cooking oil this time is peanut oil. Although this oil is not as expensive as special rose cooking oil and olive oil, it is more expensive because of its mellow fragrance.

After the oil was hot, Ye Fei put in the seasonings such as Sichuan peppercorns, green peppers and ginger slices and started to stir-fry.

In an instant, the aroma of the seasoning bursts out.

"A sneeze~~" Shi BaTian couldn't help but sneeze, and then he lifted his nose vigorously and smelled, and then... and then Shi BaTian swallowed his saliva.

Lin Jiani smiled and said: "Lao Shi, you don't even want to eat the seasoning, do you?"

Shi BaTian chuckled.

The aroma of the seasoning came out, and Ye Fei poured the sliced meat into the pot.

These meat slices themselves have reached the level of seven ripeness, and Ye Fei cut them very thin, so after pouring them into the pot, Ye Fei stir-fried them for a few times, and saw that the fat of these meat slices began to come out, and the meat slices It also became crystal clear.

Not long after, looking at these meat slices again, when the fat inside reached a certain level, the meat slices began to curl up slightly.

This is also a very important step in twice-cooked pork, and this step also determines whether your plate of twice-cooked pork is up to standard.

A plate of top-quality twice-cooked pork. The pork belly inside is definitely slightly rolled. This is also called Dengzhanwo. Even though it is just a meat roll, it comprehensively tests the cooking skills of a chef.

The first is the selection of materials. If a chef wants to make twice-cooked pork, his selection of materials must meet the standards. The best pork belly for making twice-cooked pork is Erdao leg meat, also known as Erdaozi meat. This kind of meat is found on the buttocks of the pig near the root of the tail. The meat here is the most ideal meat for twice-cooked pork.

Secondly, there is the knife skill. Whether the pork belly can form dimples when stir-frying is also related to the thickness of the meat slices. If it is too thick, let alone dimples, it is considered skill if you can stir-fry it, so the meat slices must be thin.

The last thing is to control the heat. If you want to fry the lamp nest, it also has a lot to do with the oil temperature. Generally, the oil temperature is controlled at 80 to 110 degrees. At this time, the oil skin will begin to shrink and the oil will begin to Overflow, and the lean meat loses moisture after being fried in oil, and the muscle fibers begin to shrink, so it is easy to form lamp sockets.

Ye Fei's eyes were always staring at the meat slices in the pot. When he saw the lamp nest appearing, Ye Fei poured in an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove the fishy smell.

Then add an appropriate amount of bean paste and stir-fry for a while, and suddenly the whole kitchen is filled with an intoxicating aroma.

In fact, Shi Batian and Lin Jiani didn't see it at all. Ye Fei's eyes were always paying attention to the situation in the pot. The moment he put the bean paste in, a hazy red light flew out of the pot. , the skill "Xiang Piao Wanli" is automatically activated.

Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

"Damn it, I smell the fragrance again. This fragrance is so fucking overbearing. It's so fragrant."

"Ma Dan, stop talking, I can't stand it anymore."

"This meat smell is really strange. I think it tastes much better than the meat I usually eat."

"Nonsense, this is the most delicious pork in the world. Brother, if the ingredients used by Ye Shen are not as good as what you usually eat, then what the hell."

"I can smell this scent a hundred times and never get tired of it. It's so damn tempting."

"My saliva, I forgot to buy napkins again, I'm going crazy."

"I sell napkins."


Compared with these old viewers, what was more shocking were these new viewers who came to Ye Fei's live broadcast room for the first time.

They never dreamed that they would smell a strong aroma of twice-cooked pork. If this smell came from around them, they would not believe it to death, because many people are at work. Who dares to go to work during work? Does the company make twice-cooked pork

Then the only explanation is that the smell comes from Ye Fei's kitchen.

"God, what the hell, how could this happen?"

"I actually smelled the aroma of the twice-cooked pork made by this guy. Damn it, is this a supernatural incident?"

"Holy shit, this taste is really irresistible. Gudong, I'm actually hungry."

"I don't like eating fat meat, but why does smelling this smell make me want to grab a piece of fat and chew it for three days?"

"Is this the charm of Ye Fei's live broadcast? This... this is too outrageous."

"God damn it, who can compete with this guy for the audience? I can't even fight to death. The smell of the food cooked by this bastard can actually travel so far. Anyone who smells it will run in."

"Some dishes smell good, but they don't taste good. I wonder how this plate of twice-cooked pork made by Ye Fei tastes?"

"Wait and see, there are two live guests, they will definitely try it soon."

"Damn, I'm so envious of those two."

"Hey, the lottery will be drawn again soon. God, Bodhisattva, Tathagata, Buddha, no matter who is on duty today, you must bless me and win the lottery."

"Ancestors, your descendants are here to beg you again. You came out late yesterday. Can you hurry up today? I want a quota, and I want to eat the delicacies made by Ye Shen!!"

Just when everyone was asking for help, Yao Xiaoming's message suddenly popped up. This little guy sent the message in bold font: "Mom, come back and pack me two pieces of meat!!!"

This chapter has more than 3,500 words. It took me almost four hours to write. Please give me some encouragement. Whether it’s God, Bodhisattva, Tathagata, Buddha, or the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, who is on duty today? I’m begging for you.

(End of chapter)