The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 129: Ye Shen, come here quickly, they are all crazy


With the blessing of Xiang Piao Wanli skill, the aroma of the twice-cooked pork cooked by Ye Fei directly made everyone in the live broadcast room boil.

But Ye Fei, who was in charge of the cooking pot, was staring closely at the meat slices in the wok.

After putting the bean paste in, Ye Fei stir-fried for a while. When the sauce in the pot turned red, Ye Fei lowered the heat and put a spoonful of white sugar in it.

Twice-cooked pork not only uses salt, but also sugar. Sugar is a very important seasoning in many kinds of dishes.

Put the white sugar into the pot, and Ye Fei continues to stir-fry. After the white sugar melts and is evenly distributed in the meat slices, Ye Fei proceeds to the last step.

This step is also a very important step, which is to add garlic sprouts.

Some people can't stand the smell of garlic sprouts, but garlic is an indispensable ingredient in many delicacies.

As an authentic Sichuan style twice-cooked pork, garlic sprouts are an essential component.

Ye Fei brought over the washed and cut garlic sprouts, then pinched some with his hands and put them into the pot.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room became polarized.

"Holy crap, this twice-cooked pork is already very good. Why did Ye Shen add garlic sprouts?"

"It's just that I don't like eating garlic. I really can't stand the taste."

"I would rather eat green onions than garlic. The smell is too strong, especially when talking to others. Many people pinch their noses before they want to talk to me."

"Haha, you are all amateurs now. The twice-cooked pork that Ye Shen makes now is the twice-cooked pork in Sichuan cuisine. This type of twice-cooked pork was also mentioned just now and is known as the top of Sichuan cuisine. However, this dish has one characteristic, that is, it is indispensable. It must have garlic sprouts. If this dish lacks garlic sprouts, its taste and taste will be greatly reduced. If you don’t believe me, just take a look and you will change your view of Ye Shen in a while.”

"What you said above is right. I'm from Xichuan. Here, if someone makes twice-cooked pork without garlic sprouts, they will definitely be laughed at and said that you don't know how to make twice-cooked pork."

"Garlic sprouts must be added to twice-cooked pork in Sichuan cuisine. This kind of food has a strong taste when eaten raw, but it is very fragrant after being stir-fried."

"I agree with the point above."

While everyone was talking, Ye Fei had already begun the final stir-fry.

After putting the garlic sprouts into the meat, it didn't take long for a strong aroma to come out of the pot.

This aroma is very complex. It contains the aroma of pork belly, the aroma of various seasonings, and the unique aroma of fried garlic sprouts. The mixture of several aromas directly stimulates everyone's taste nerves.

"Rub, this scent is really too strong, Wardian, I can't stand it anymore."

"Eh~~ I didn't expect that the garlic sprouts would taste really different after being fried in the pork belly. It's so fragrant. I have the urge to drool."

"Nah, I'm already drooling. I've been drooling for a long time just now."

"The rich but not greasy aroma of pork belly, mixed with the sharp but refreshing taste of garlic sprouts, sesame eggs, the best."

"I can't control my saliva anymore."

"I have eaten a lot of twice-cooked pork, but I can swear to Ye Shen that there has never been a type of twice-cooked pork that has given me such a strong appetite before it is even out of the pot."

"No, no, no, call now and order Iberian black hoof pork. The taste is so crazy. I feel that if I can't eat this kind of pork, my life will be meaningless."

"Haha, order? Brother, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy this kind of pork. Even if you can buy it, it might be a fake. Let me tell you, after crossing Iberian black hoof pigs on the market, There is a lot of pork, but that kind of pork is not at the same level as your authentic Iberian black hoof pork, so be careful not to be fooled.”

"Ah, I'm really going crazy. What should I do? How can I eat the delicacies made by Ye Shen? Ye Shen, hurry up and draw the prize. I really can't stand it anymore."

Everyone in the live broadcast room was almost driven crazy by the aroma of this dish.

After Ye Fei stir-fried the garlic sprouts until they became fragrant, he saw him turn off the fire on the stove and then looked to both sides.

He saw whether it was Shi BaTian or Peerless Yaoji, all of them stared at the twice-cooked pork in the wok with glowing eyes, and then swallowed hard.

The two of them were closer than others, and they were more able to appreciate the dominance of the dish Ye Fei made.

"Holy shit, Ye Shen, I really can't stand it anymore. Can you try it first?"

Shi BaTian licked his lips and kept rubbing his hands back and forth.

Peerless Yaoji Lin Jiani also said: "Little brother, although I don't eat fat meat, I don't mind this kind of fat meat."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Brother Ba Tian, Sister Lin, this dish is ready now. If you want to taste it, can you let me serve it first?"

Shi BaTian and Lin Jiani both laughed. They were really in a hurry and the food hadn't even been cooked yet.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Shi BaTian urged.

Ye Fei picked up the pot, then took a white porcelain plate from the side, and poured all the twice-cooked pork in the pot onto the plate with a splash.

Everyone in the live broadcast room collapsed when they saw such a familiar way of cooking.

"Hey, Ye Shen, can we change the way we serve the pot? This way is really unbearable."

"That's right, Ye Shen is good at everything, but the way he cooks the food is too fucked up."

"I really want to go over and beat him."

"Take me one, treating food like this is simply unjust."

"Ye Shen, if you change the way you cook, we will still be good friends."

Ye Fei couldn't see the news from everyone. After putting the twice-cooked pork on a plate, he picked it up, stretched it forward, and said with a smile: "Everyone, as expected, the twice-cooked pork is ready."

The people who were howling still wanted to attack Ye Fei, but after seeing this plate of twice-cooked pork, everyone suddenly became mute.


Because this plate of twice-cooked pork is really delicious.

Each piece of pork belly was slightly rolled up and stained with red sauce. Even so, it still couldn't stop the crystal clear feeling of the meat slices.

The white scallions are dotted among the reddish meat slices, like dots of white snow among thousands of red plums, which looks particularly pleasing to the eye.

A few slices of bright red pepper shreds lie lazily on top of the meat slices, like a beautiful lady lying lazily on a crystal bed.

This is the state of the twice-cooked pork made by Ye Fei.

Seeing this plate of twice-cooked pork, the audience who had just expressed dissatisfaction with Ye Fei's cooking method were all dumbfounded.

"Damn it, this pot of pork... is so beautiful."

"The crystal clear flesh is slightly stained with red, just like a woman's skin after the spring tide. I really want to take a few bites."

"Pfft~~~The description above makes me so impressed. You can think of all these. You are definitely a master in the wolf way."

"Don't tell me, this guy's description is really apt. Now I see that this plate of twice-cooked pork doesn't look like twice-cooked pork at all, but looks like beautiful women."

"Oh, I'll go, you've had enough. A plate of twice-cooked pork can make you look like a group of beautiful women, and there's probably no one else in the world."

"At this moment, I want to recite a poem. Twice-cooked pork. Twice-cooked pork. Add oil before putting it in the pot. The tender meat is translucent and makes people want to eat meat."

"I'm going to fuck you, sir. You're upstairs. Shut your crow's beak for me. What a stupid poem you are doing."

"Ouch, I really can't stand it anymore. Ye Shen, please come over and say something. Everyone in the live broadcast room is going crazy."

Ye Fei has no time to go to the computer now because he has to deal with Shi BaTian and Juedai Yaoji.

When the twice-cooked pork was just picked up by Ye Fei, Shi Batian rushed over with quick eyesight, then reached out and pinched a piece and put it in his mouth.

This guy has no manners or face left, so let’s eat first.

Putting the piece of meat in his mouth, Shi Batian felt as if his tongue had suddenly plunged into a beautiful sea of meat. The strong and crazy aroma exploded directly on the tip of his tongue.

Shi BaTian's taste buds were like thousands of blooming flowers at this moment, all wandering in the wonderful taste brought by this piece of twice-cooked pork.

After chewing it slowly, Shi BaTian immediately felt that the aroma was getting stronger.

"I...I'm going to go, Ye Shen, don't say anything. You wait here, I'll come as soon as I go."

With that said, Shi Batian walked out of the kitchen directly, then reached out and took a mobile phone from his bodyguard, opened the Qiuqiu Platform APP, entered Ye Fei's live broadcast room, and directly clicked on the reward item bar. , and there was a burst of fierce movement towards the spacecraft...

Pictures of twice-cooked pork are posted in the group. You can check it out. The group number is 459762637.

Thank you brothers and sisters for your tips and recommendation votes. I’m sorry for the late update today.

(End of chapter)