The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 148: biang biang


Ye Fei chose a noodle with a very special name among all the noodles, which is the trouser belt noodles from northern Shaanxi Province. This kind of noodles makes a biang biang sound during the making process, so many people also call it biang. biang noodles.

This is a very famous noodle dish in northern Shaanxi Province. It can be said that if you don’t eat a bowl of biangbiang noodles when traveling to northern Shaanxi, it will definitely be a pity.

Ye Fei has heard about this kind of noodles for a long time, but he has never eaten it, because he has never been out of Xichuan Province at all. The farthest place he has been to since he was a child was from his hometown to Yinzhou City.

When making this noodle, he was somewhat curious.

With a goal in mind, Ye Fei purchased ingredients directly from the system.

The preparation of Biangbiang noodles is divided into two important parts, one is the noodles and the other is the soup.

After a while, the system's voice came out: "The ingredients are in place."

Although Ye Fei spent thousands of Chinese coins buying ingredients, this guy didn't care about it at all now. He just wanted to eat biangbiang noodles.

Coming to the kitchen very excitedly, Ye Fei saw words on several storage compartments and hurried over to open them.

The first storage compartment is for storing flour. There is a transparent glass-like crystal bowl inside the storage compartment. There is half a bowl of snow-white flour in it. Ye Fei can tell at a glance that it is Xueli Shuang.

Did he know that this kind of flour is so delicious that it is indescribable to eat it in your mouth

Carefully remove the flour and place on a cutting board.

Then go to other storage compartments to get other things.

Large pork bones, also known as tube bones, are the main ingredient for making biangbiang noodle soup.

How to choose pork bones is also a very important knowledge. The steps are mainly divided into three steps: first, look, second, smell, and third, touch.

The first thing to choose is a tube bone that is thick at both ends and thin in the middle. This kind of bone has rich bone marrow in the middle and high collagen content. The shape of the bone can be seen at a glance. Then look at the color of the bone and the very little meat on it. It is fresh. The bones of the tube bone should not be pale, and there should be sporadic blood streaks on the bones. Only such bones are fresh. Also, there is not much flesh color on them. If the flesh color is dark, it is not good. It definitely took a long time.

The second is to smell and smell whether the drumsticks have any peculiar smell. Fresh drumsticks have a meaty flavor, while those that have been stored for a long time will have a strange smell.

Another way is to touch and pick up a bone. If it feels sticky on the bone, it is not fresh. Then press the meat on the bone with your hand. If the meat does not rebound when you press it, it is not fresh.

Ye Fei believed that the system would not provide inferior products, and he also used these three steps to test the bone. It was definitely top quality.

Through touch, he also got the information about this tube bone. It came from the rosin pig in Tongling Wild Pine Forest. Ye Fei had eaten the meat of this kind of pig. It can be said that it is a very delicious local pig. The tube bone of this pig is used to make soup. The effect will naturally not be bad.

Put the ribs on a plate, and then took out the ingredients and seasonings from another storage compartment.

Salt, ginger, green onions, eggs, tomatoes, chili oil, light soy sauce, etc.

After getting everything ready, Ye Fei started to work directly.

Ye Fei first made the soup, because it takes about two or three hours to make the soup, which is very long and must be done in advance.

Take out a pot of boiling water and place it on the stove. Add half of the pot of water to it, then rinse the pork bones with water. Then use a wide back knife to chop the pork bones into sections, put them directly into the pot, and cut two sections of green onions. Add a few slices of ginger to the pot, cover the pot, and start to simmer over high heat.

This soup must first be boiled over high heat, and then simmered over low heat for about two hours. Only in this way can the tube bones be cooked thoroughly.

After doing all this, Ye Fei started making noodles.

Biangbiang noodles are very particular about flour. First, Ye Fei Fei poured out about 500 grams of flour on the cutting board, made a dent in the middle of the flour, and then used a small spoon to scoop about 6 grams of salt into it.

Gently mix the flour and salt evenly, then add an appropriate amount of water to the flour.

Then Ye Fei began to mix the flour gently. In order to make the flour evenly hydrated, Ye Fei did not knead the flour into dough in one go at first. Instead, he mixed it into floc first, then added water to it, and then kneaded the dough. .

At this point you can make the dough.

There is just one thing to pay attention to when kneading the dough, that is, you should not knead it back and forth, but you should knead it vigorously in one direction.

Ye Fei kneaded it forward for more than ten minutes, and finally kneaded the dough into a long shape.

In the process of making Biangbiang noodles, kneading the dough is definitely a very important step. The dough should be kneaded to the final level to achieve the "three cleanses", that is, clean hands and no flour on it, and a clean countertop, and another It’s just the dough.

Ye Fei looked at his hands and cutting board, and then at the smooth dough. He felt that it was almost ready, and then he cut the long noodles into small pieces of dough.

The doughs are uniform in size and each one is as white as snow.

After completing this step, Ye Fei took a large rectangular plate of blue and white porcelain, brushed a layer of peanut oil on the bottom of the plate, and set it aside for later use.

Reaching out to take two small pieces of dough, Ye Fei moved his left and right hands together, slowly kneading the small pieces of dough into a small long strip, and then gently placed it into the blue and white porcelain plate.

Finally, after kneading all the dough, Ye Fei looked at the long noodle sticks on the plate, smiled, took the peanut oil, dipped a little in it with a brush, and gently brushed it back and forth again. .

The small dough sticks are coated with peanut oil, and every surface reflects the luster, like small crystal pillars.

Feeling that he had done a good job, Ye Fei took out the plastic wrap from a storage compartment, pulled out a section, lightly covered it on the plate, and put these small noodle sticks aside for later use.

Now just waiting for the soup.

Time passed quickly. After the bone soup was cooked, Ye Fei turned off the heat, picked up the lid of the pot, and let the soup cool down.

Just when a cloud of white smoke from the bone soup rushed out of the pot, and the alluring smell rushed into Ye Fei's nostrils, Ye Fei closed his eyes, like an addict, and took a greedy breath. Nose, face full of enjoyment.

"It smells so damn good."

After the big bone soup is cooked, it will be milky white in color, which is what Ye Fei needs. However, this soup is not what Ye Fei finally needs, and it still needs to be prepared.

Then Ye Fei took out the wok, put it on another stove, and turned on the fire.

Heat the pot, add peanut oil to the pot.

The oil temperature is also a bit particular. It should not be too hot or too cold. The best oil temperature is 70% to 80%.

When the oil temperature reached, Ye Fei put some green onions and ginger slices in, and the aroma appeared. Ye Fei put the cut tomato pieces in and started frying over high heat.

The tomatoes were juiced. At this time, Ye Fei used a large spoon to scoop out the soup from the large bone soup pot. No more, no less, exactly two large spoons, and put them all into the wok.

As soon as the bone soup is put into the pot, a strong aroma mixed with the sweet flavor of tomatoes comes out.

Ye Fei looked at the pot of soup mixed with bone broth and tomato juice, and smelled the irresistible aroma. He wished he could pick up the pot and drink it all in one go.

"Ma Dan, I can't bear it any longer." Ye Fei said frantically.

"Come on, come on, it will be fine soon. Ye Fei, you must not be impulsive. Save the good things for last. Stay calm. You must stay calm."

Comforting himself, Ye Fei heated the soup in the wok over high heat. When the soup boiled, he started to make the soup, which took about five minutes.

When the soup was completely cooked, Ye Fei broke the prepared red-tail chicken eggs into a bowl, stirred them, poured them into the pot evenly in a circular motion, stirred them slightly, and turned off the heat.

The soup at this time is the soup Ye Fei finally needs...

(End of chapter)