The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 149: Feeling like flying


The soup Ye Fei needed was finally ready.

Looking at this pot of soup again, the soup at this time has changed from milky white to a faint ruddy color. This is due to the tomato juice. There are still little oil droplets floating on the surface of the soup. Under the cover of the oil droplets, a piece of Egg blossoms like snowflakes are looming, like shy women.

Lifting his nose and smelling it again, Ye Fei was completely intoxicated.

The aroma of bone soup is the strongest, followed by the fragrance of tomatoes in the middle, and then the eggy aroma of eggs. The three best flavors are mixed together to completely form a crazy aroma!


Ye Fei couldn't help but swallowed, then wiped his mouth with his hand, and made the noodles faster.

Put the prepared soup aside, then put a pot of boiling water on the stove and bring it to a boil over high heat. Ye Fei took the blue and white porcelain plate and opened the plastic wrap, revealing the oily small noodle sticks inside.

Ye Fei picked up a noodle stick and placed it on the chopping board. He stretched out the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger of his right hand, arranged them side by side, and then gently and slowly pressed on the noodle stick.

Then came two, three, and four.

Ye Fei used four small noodle pins for this bowl of noodles. When the four small noodle pins were pressed almost all the way, he took out the red rosewood rolling pin and began to slowly roll it out.

Rolling out the dough requires a lot of skills. If you want to make good biangbiang noodles, you must not roll the dough flat like other noodles. Instead, roll the dough into a state where it is thick in the middle and thin on both sides.

Ye Fei rolled both sides now, and when the thickness was even, he gently rolled the rolling pin back and forth in the middle a few times. The dough was ready, and the next step was to pull it out.

Picking up the rolled dough, Ye Fei gently pulled it to both sides, and the dough turned into long and wide noodles.

Biangbiang noodles, how can we call it biangbiang noodles if we don’t eat biangbiang twice

The noodles stretched out. Ye Fei flicked his hands and saw the long noodles fell directly on the chopping board - biang!

"Holy shit, this sound... It's definitely a good sound in the kitchen." Ye Fei happily looked at the formed noodles in his hands. The noodles were about two fingers wide, thick and textured in the middle, and thin and almost transparent on both sides. .

Ye Fei threw the noodle into the boiling water and pulled the second one.

After finishing the four noodles, Ye Fei covered the pot and let the noodles cook in the boiling water.

The cooking time of noodles must be controlled well. If cooked for too long, the noodles may become rotten. If they are cooked too lightly, the noodles may have a poor texture.

Ye Fei let the water in the pot bubble twice before turning off the heat. At this time, the noodles were cooked, but at the end Ye Fei threw in two more prepared vegetables.

"I can finally eat it. If it doesn't taste good, I really can't control my drooling."

Ye Fei muttered to himself, took a large blue and white porcelain bowl, filled half of the soup in the pot, and then put an appropriate amount of chili oil into the bowl. At this time, the taste of the soup changed again, becoming another A unique aroma.

Ye Fei couldn't control it anymore. He had to serve the noodles quickly, otherwise he felt that he wouldn't be able to hold it anymore.

Carefully take the noodles out of the pot. You can see that the noodles are very individual at this time. They are thick in the middle and the thin edges on both sides begin to become wavy, like waves.

Ye Fei put the noodles into the bowl, and he was done with a bowl of biangbiang noodles with a strong aroma.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Ye Fei stood directly next to the table and started eating.

Ye Fei's biangbiang noodles are a little different. His noodles are not cooked and topped with sauce or saute, and he doesn't make the sauce or saute either. He just picks out a noodle with chopsticks and mixes it. Soak it in the soup and put it directly into your mouth.

After chewing it gently, Ye Fei's eyes suddenly widened.

"Fuck, this smell... it feels like flying!"

When Ye Fei took his first bite, he felt the thick and full texture of the noodles made him have the urge to swallow his tongue, and then the aroma of snowy noodles exploded in his mouth.

Before Ye Fei could savor the taste of flour, the aroma of strong bone soup began to explode, as if a huge stone had been thrown into the calm lake, causing waves to splash.

"Yeah, uh uh~~"

Ye Fei really couldn't help but want to praise him a few times, but he couldn't bear to open his mouth because he was afraid that the fragrant fragrance in his mouth would escape.

Not long after the taste of the big bone soup appeared, the sweet taste of the tomatoes soaked in it appeared again. This taste was not very strong, but just right and light. It could dilute the strong aroma of the big bone soup and at the same time make people feel Feel a unique refreshing feeling.

"I'll give it a try, it's really top-notch." Ye Fei sighed in his heart.

The aroma of bone soup mixed with the sweet taste of tomatoes completely occupied Ye Fei's taste bud world, but as soon as these two flavors brought Ye Fei a sense of satisfaction, he felt another overbearing taste coming over him.

This is the flavor of the chili oil added to the soup.

This chili oil is not particularly spicy, but it adds just the right amount of heat to the strong aroma.


Ye Fei couldn't help sucking his mouth, inhaling all this rare taste into his belly.

After finishing a noodle, Ye Fei started sweating directly on his forehead. He was not spicy, but was washed away by the aroma of the noodles. It was so stimulating that sweat ran out of his bones.

“It’s so cool!!!”

Ye Fei looked up at the sky and couldn't help but exclaimed softly.

The taste of noodles lingered in his mouth for a long time. At this time, Ye Fei took another sip of soup and drank two snowflake-like egg flakes into his mouth.

Chewing gently, the unique and delicious flavor of red-tailed chicken eggs came. Ye Fei closed his eyes beautifully again, and his whole body and mind were immersed in this incomparable and wonderful enjoyment.

In a bowl of noodles, Ye Fei ate the first noodle quite carefully, and almost finished the rest by gobbling it down. It wasn't that he didn't want to be slow, but that he simply couldn't control himself and couldn't help himself.

Finally, after drinking all the soup in the bowl, Ye Fei felt more satisfied than ever.

"It's worthy of being one of the top ten famous noodles. With this kind of texture and taste, I wouldn't be able to make it even if I were the emperor. It's so fucking enjoyable."

"Woof... woof woof..."

Just when Ye Feimei was forgetful, Xiaopi's cry suddenly came from under her feet.

Ye Fei lowered his head and looked at the little guy, and saw Xiaopi spinning around anxiously at his feet, raising his head and wagging his tail, staring straight at him with a pair of dark eyes.

The meaning is very obvious: "You bastard, you are trying to prevent me from eating the delicious food. I really can't stand the taste. You can eat the thicker food and give me some soup."

"Want to eat?" Ye Fei squatted down with a smile and touched Xiaopi's head.

Xiaopi barked twice more, and then kept licking his mouth, which meant: Don't you talk nonsense

"If you want to eat, just say it. How would I know you want to eat if you don't tell me? If you want to eat, I won't deny it to you. If you don't want to eat, I won't force you to eat..." Ye Fei rambled. , just like Tang Monk chanting sutras.

Xiaopi: “……….”

Damn it, it’s just a mouthful of food, do you need to be so long-winded

"Woof... woof woof..."

The little guy jumped angrily, this guy barely knew how to speak. If he could speak, the first thing he would say would definitely be - fuck you!

Ye Fei saw that the wrinkles on the little guy's face were almost all gone together, so he stopped teasing it and said with a smile: "I'll give you a lot of supplements now, don't waste it, it's expensive."

Saying that, Ye Fei stood up and came to the soup pot, took out the boiled tube bones, threw them in front of Xiaopi, and said: "We will share half of it, you eat the dry food and I will drink the soup. Your little life is very beautiful." ah."

Xiaopi: “…….”

Beauty, sister, beauty, these bones are boiled and only calcium is left. Do you want me to climb the sixth floor in one breath without any soreness in my waist or legs

No need to hide my clumsiness, on the basis of guaranteeing two chapters, I have the time code to upload several chapters! No manuscripts are retained! Please vote! !

(End of chapter)