The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 151: The second most handsome man in the world


After all, there is a big difference between ordinary ingredients and top-quality ingredients. Ye Fei felt it after making a dish of golden potatoes using ordinary potatoes. The taste was very different.

Therefore, Ye Fei believes that if you want to use ordinary ingredients to make delicious dishes, you will not be able to borrow the experience of the system. You must make improvements.

"System, I just fried a plate of golden potatoes. Although it is not too unpalatable, it is still far from the best taste. Would it be better if I reduced the amount of starch? Also, what if I use eggs? Will the eggs from red-tailed chickens taste more delicious?" Ye Fei asked.

Meibo System really didn’t expect that the host it was looking for would actually think of changing the food experience for itself. The guy was speechless for a long time before saying: “The host’s idea is worthy of praise, but how to make delicious dishes with the best taste using ordinary ingredients requires The host summarizes its own experience, and the system's experience cannot be changed. The host cannot mix the best ingredients with ordinary ingredients. In this way, the best ingredients will be invaded by the smell of ordinary ingredients, and the taste and other performance will be reduced, thus becoming a mortal thing. .”

Ye Fei: "... Damn it, if you say that, won't my little restaurant be able to open in a while?"

"The system only helps the host become the world's top gourmet live broadcast, and will not help the host open a store."

"Oh, let me go, I'm guarding the rhythm of Jin Shankong's tears." Ye Fei said frantically.

The US broadcast system went silent and ignored him.

Ye Fei sat on the sofa and was depressed for a long time, and finally decided to postpone the idea of opening a store indefinitely because he could not ruin his own brand.

After a while, Ye Fei put aside this annoying matter and looked at the time. It was about six o'clock in the afternoon. He went back to the kitchen to clean up the mess. Then he turned on the computer, logged in to his PP account, and replied a few times. For personal news, I browsed the web news.

At this moment, Ye Fei suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

He frowned, wondering who would knock on the door at this hour? Could it be a neighbor

With doubts, Ye Fei came to the door, looked out through the peephole, and saw that the sonic light outside had been turned on, and there was a person standing in front of his door.

However, the range of what he could see through the peephole was limited. Ye Fei could only see that the person outside was wearing dark-colored clothes. He couldn't tell whether it was black or dark blue.

"Who is it?" Ye Fei asked warily.

No one outside said anything.

Ye Fei went crazy, like this again, again!

This is not the first time I have encountered this situation. The last time, the girl next door, Tian Xinlan, was like this too. She was sleepwalking outside and knocked on her door, but she didn't say anything after asking for a long time. This person is also like this. Isn't she also sleepwalking?

When Ye Fei was thinking wildly, the man outside the door knocked again.

"Holy crap, who is it? If you don't say anything, I'll call the police!" Ye Fei said.

"Ahem, Ye Shen? Is this Ye Shen's house?" The person outside the door looked around and asked in a low voice when he was sure there was no one.

It was a man's voice, deep and magnetic.

Ye Fei: "..."

Um? Ye Shen

Ye Fei was stunned when he heard this title. The person who could call him Ye Shen was definitely someone from his own live broadcast room.

People in the live broadcast room

Thinking of this, Ye Fei's head buzzed.

Because he thought of a possibility.

That is to say, the guy standing outside the door is very likely to be tomorrow's guest, because the peerless Yaoji came a day early yesterday, so it is not unusual for him to come a day early.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei asked: "Are you tomorrow's guest?"

The man outside said in surprise: "Ye Shen, is it really you? Open the door quickly and let me in."

Ye Fei: "... let you in?"

"Uh~~ No, no, I said something wrong in a hurry. Open the door and let me in. It's too dangerous outside."

Ye Fei was even more confused. Why was it dangerous outside? The lights are so bright and there's not even a shadow of a person, who can beat you

"Are you Yinsan or Gaizige?"

Ye Fei remembered that one of the people drawn yesterday was named Yin San, and the other was Brother Caizi, but as soon as he asked, he remembered another thing, that is, Brother Caizi's quota was bought by someone, and he bought it The person with this quota is—Bazhen Jade Food!

Ye Fei's head swelled three times when he thought of Bazhen Jade Food. He was a powerful man. If this guy came over early, how would he entertain him? After all, he had never had direct contact with Bazhen Yushi. Ye Fei had no idea whether this guy would be as easy to talk to as Juedai Yaoji and Shi BaTian, so he was a little nervous.

Ye Fei asked tentatively: "Are you... Bazhen Jade Food?"

When the people outside the door heard Ye Fei calling his name, the guy looked extremely excited and excited, saying: "It's me, Ye Shen, I am Bazhen Yushi, open the door quickly and let me in. "

Ye Fei covered his forehead, holy shit, it's true.

He opened the door, and then saw a figure flashing in from outside, almost hitting him.

After this person came in, he ran directly into Ye Fei's hall, and then started investigating like a thief inside and out.

Ye Fei closed the door and returned to the hall when he saw a guy in earthen clothes walking back and forth in his room. He asked curiously: "I said, what are you looking for?"

The man stopped when he heard Ye Fei's voice, then stood up and turned to face Ye Fei.

But after Ye Fei saw the man's face clearly, Ye Fei was completely speechless. He saw that on a hot day, this man was actually wearing a mask and a black hat on his head. Under the hat, he had a pair of big toad eyes. All in all, this guy's face wasn't exposed at all, it was all blocked by the props.

Ye Fei was scratching his hair a little, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "I said you are a singer or a movie star? Are you a star? You just go out for a while. Is that the case?"

Bazhen Yushi smiled, then reached out and took down a bunch of props on his head.

When Ye Fei saw the true face of this man, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened. Then he stretched out his right hand and pointed at the Bazhen Jade Food tremblingly, and his lips trembled when he spoke.

"You, you, you... you are the Bazhen Jade Food? How could it be you?"

Bazhen Yushi smiled and said: "Ye Shen, you didn't expect that, did you?"

Ye Fei's head shook like a rattle, and he thought to himself that if I could only think of it, I would have really seen a ghost. How could you, such an awesome person, come into my live broadcast room? I would never dream of such a thing.

"It's not that I didn't expect it, it's that I didn't dare to think about it at all. Oh my god, are you the Eight Treasures Jade Food?"

"It's me, it's me, I am the second most handsome Bazhen Jade Food in the world." Qin Zekai, seeing that there were no outsiders here at Ye Fei, quickly returned to his true nature and began to brag.

Ye Fei: "...the second most handsome man in the world?"

Bazhen Jade Food Qin Zekai blinked his eyes, then patted his forehead and said: "No, no, I should be the third most handsome man in the world now. The first handsome man is my father, and the second handsome man should be you, Ye Shen."

Ye Fei: "..."

Damn, what a smart and cute kid, I like you very much, you really know how to tell the truth.

"No, I said Mr. Qin, how do you have time to watch my live broadcast? I really can't figure this out. Logically speaking, you should be a very busy person. Do you still have time to watch the live broadcast?"

Ye Fei really couldn't figure this out. As Qin Zekai, the Bazhen Yushi, he was busy making money and socializing every day, so he shouldn't have time for other things.

Qin Zekai took off the tumbler blue jacket he bought outside and put it aside. Then he went to the bathroom and washed his face. Then he came out and said: "We must balance work and rest. No matter how busy you are at work, you must take breaks. My previous way of resting was to drink a glass of red wine and accompany beautiful women, but I changed it after watching Ye Shen’s live broadcast. My current way of resting is to watch your live broadcast. You don’t know, but every time I watch your live broadcast, I... …I’m going to use a lot of napkins.”

Qin Zekai made an exaggerated gesture and made a big circle, as if the circle was filled with his napkins.

Ye Fei couldn't laugh or cry and said: "It's really an honor for Mr. Qin to like my program."

Qin Zekai waved his hands nonchalantly and said: "Ye Shen, your show is really amazing. I have watched many live broadcasts, but none of them can compare with you."

"Excellent, everyone has their own merits."

"No, no, my greatest advantage is that I love telling the truth, and that was exposed just now."

"Mr. Qin is also quite humorous."

"A person can have no money, but he must have a sense of humor. This is an important skill in communication."

"I agree with this. Life needs joy. Mr. Qin, the live broadcast won't start until tomorrow. Why are you here today?"

It was okay not to mention this matter. As soon as he mentioned this matter, Qin Zekai began to rub his hands back and forth. The guy looked at Ye Fei with a smile and said: "God Ye, actually I came here a day earlier and I really have something very important to ask you for." Woolen cloth."

Ye Fei was immediately stunned.

Is there anything wrong with my heart? With your status and ability as Qin Zekai, you actually ask me for something? No one in the world would believe it!

However, Ye Fei still asked curiously: "Mr. Qin, don't you know what's going on?"

(End of chapter)