The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 2: Qiuqiu live broadcast platform


In any case, it is a good thing to carry a super system with you.

Although Ye Fei was frightened by the one million the system said, he believed that as long as he worked hard enough, one million shouldn't be difficult. He knew how high the income of online anchors was now. A popular anchor could It is said that the task of one million can be completed in less than a month.

"It seems we still have to work hard." Ye Fei thought, turned on the light in the room, and then turned around to take a look in the kitchen.

But he was stunned as soon as he turned around, because he saw a dark matte black laptop sitting quietly on the only broken table in his room.

"Is this... serious?"

Ye Fei just heard from the system that the system would equip him with a full set of live broadcast equipment, including an invisible mobile high-definition color camera, an invisible golden voice microphone, lightning-fast Internet speed, and a super-top computer. He thought these things Someone else was going to send it over after a while, but unexpectedly it appeared in front of him quietly.

Feeling curious, Ye Fei slowly came to the computer and looked around. The computer had no power cord or network cable. It was just a notebook.

Opening the notebook, Ye Fei pressed the power button, and then he was even more dumbfounded.

I saw that this computer had started up in almost a blink of an eye, which took less than two seconds.

"Let me tell you, this is not only a top-notch computer, this is simply black technology, isn't it awesome?" Ye Fei was shocked, but also faintly happy.

Every anchor wants to own a high-tech computer, this thing is simply too awesome.

I clicked on a web page and saw the computer screen flash and the page opened in about a second.

"I seem to have really made a fortune." Ye Fei said in shock as he looked at the black-tech computer and felt its lightning-like internet speed.

"Host, please register for a Qiuqiu platform account and complete the first step as a host." Just when Ye Fei was shocked beyond measure, the voice of the US Broadcasting System in his mind came.

Now Ye Fei didn't feel hungry anymore. He sat on the broken chair in front of the table and started messing around on the computer.

Ye Fei is aware of the Qiuqiu live broadcast platform. Although he rarely plays, this platform has a great reputation. I heard that there are tens of thousands of anchors on this platform alone, and there are countless viewers who watch the live broadcast every day. .

It can be said that if the Qiuqiu live broadcast platform is not the first in the country, it is still among the top three.

Opening the Qiuqiu live broadcast platform, Ye Fei started to follow the prompts above to register as an anchor.

Soon, he successfully registered and the type of anchor he chose was food.

In order to allow each anchor to give full play to his or her own advantages, the Qiuqiu Live Broadcasting Platform has classified all live programs. Some people like to sing and dance, which is the song and dance category. Some people like to talk about cross talk and tell jokes, which is the language category. There are also people who like to eat in front of live videos, that is, gourmet food, etc. It can be said that the types of live broadcasts are all kinds of weird, no fewer than dozens.

What Ye Fei wants to live broadcast is related to food, of course food.

It's just that when registering, Ye Fei's heart was a little fluttering because he found that compared to other categories, there were too few registered anchors in the food category. But once he thought about it, he understood the reason. After all, making food is It needs to be learned through real talent. An anchor must be able to both cook and eat. There are not many such people.

After the registration was completed, Ye Fei went to check out other types of live broadcast rooms. He found that there were really too many viewers in the singing and dancing live broadcast rooms, especially in the rooms of several well-known anchors. There are tens of thousands of people, and there is even a room with a female anchor named "Mao Legimi". The number of people in it is almost 100,000.

Seeing this terrifying formation, Ye Fei's eyes were a little dizzy. One hundred thousand, not much per person, just a reward of ten yuan. That would be a million dollars in the blink of an eye.

"Fuck, that's so scary." Ye Fei licked his lips and said with envy and excitement.

"Host, don't envy others. This kind of person is just a small person. An audience of more than 100,000 people is simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of this system." came the mechanical voice of the American Broadcasting System.

Ye Fei curled his lips. He still can't figure out whether this guy is really good or just bragging. Nearly 100,000 viewers are not worth mentioning. How crazy do you have to be.

"Okay, I'm just waiting for you to show off your power. By the way, I've also registered my account and everything is ready. Can we start the live broadcast?"

"Don't be anxious today. The system has detected that the host is not in good spirits today and needs to rest. Starting from tomorrow, the host will officially embark on the road of anchoring."

After the US broadcast system finished speaking, there was no sound anymore.

Ye Fei was amazed in his heart. This system is really humane and can understand the host's hunger. For this reason, it is a very good system.

Since the system recommended that he go to bed early, there was no need for him to bother any more, so he simply tidied up, ate something and went to bed to rest.

The statistics department at the backend of Qiuqiu Live Broadcast is the busiest time at this time. Since most anchors start live broadcasting at night, they also follow the schedule of these anchors and are busier at night.

But this is also relative. For example, the statistical teams for singing and dancing and language categories are very busy because there are so many new anchors registering for these two categories every day that they barely have time to breathe.

But the situation is different for the unpopular statistics group such as food. It is good to have a dozen new anchors registering in one night, so their time is quite free.

"Mazi, I heard that you registered a very good anchor last month?" A young man wearing black-rimmed glasses asked a young man with a pockmarked face.

Mazi smiled bitterly and said: "What's good, glasses, you don't know, that guy's name is Zhu Bajie, you can understand what this name means, a guy with a huge appetite, I watched his live broadcast last week, I ate fifty steamed buns in one go. Oh my god, I was so stunned that I vomited on the spot. Although our category is called gourmet, it is not called steamed buns. According to other viewers, this guy looks at the camera every day. Eating steamed buns, at least forty at a time, oh, how can there be such people in the world."

"Haha, the world is so big and full of wonders. Although our program is called a food show, in the final analysis, it is just those big eaters who sign up more. Do you still think that there are really people who can cook food to live broadcast? There are no others. At that time, so we still have to rely on them to attract popularity." The man with glasses said with a smile.

Mazi hummed and said, "That's right. Hey, I really envy my colleagues in the singing and dancing and language classes. Look at how prosperous their business is and their monthly bonuses are much larger than ours."

"You can also apply to be transferred there."

"Take it off, most of the people who go there are people with connections in the company. Hey~~ It's already eleven o'clock and there is someone registered to be a food anchor, Ye Fei, twenty years old..."

Mazi watched it carefully, but when he saw it at the end, he couldn't help but cut his throat and said, "Another big eater."

The man with glasses also came over, smiled after looking at it, and said: "Big eaters, let's be big eaters. It's better than no one. By the way, you can take a look at it for me first, and I'll go to the toilet."

Mazi hummed.

There was nothing to say all night, and Ye Fei got up early the next morning. He couldn't sleep well because he had something on his mind.

After getting up, I took a shower and was about to go to work when I heard the American broadcast system in my mind say: "From today on, the host does not need to go to work. Your full-time job is a food anchor."

Ye Fei: "... My salary will be paid soon. If I voluntarily leave my job, my salary will be gone. What will I eat?"

Meibo System said: "Meibo System has prepared the ingredients needed for the host in the kitchen for today's live broadcast. It will be the same every day in the future, so the host does not have to worry about being hungry. From now on, the host is invited to officially join the anchor industry. "

When Ye Fei heard that the system had prepared ingredients for him, he went straight to the small kitchen without thinking.

Please recommend and collect, thank you all

(End of chapter)