The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 26: Message from the platform vice president


Thank you to the brothers who have always voted for me. Today, the brother who is "too tired to name" said that he has no votes. I know that he really has no votes, because he will always vote when he has a vote. I sincerely thank you. Regardless of whether you have a ticket or not, it is a joy to read the novel and the pictures. As long as everyone is happy, I will write it.

Qiuqiu platform company group.

The backstage staff in the singing and dancing section and the language section went crazy, and they were all screaming in the group.

"Singing and dancing have reached 95,000, haha, what did I say? On our platform, we count the most famous people, and we also have to look at our big singing and dancing section."

"Damn it, singing and dancing to bring peace to the world is the rhythm of heaven. I really envy you."

"Hey, when will our section be able to produce a newcomer like this?"

"Brothers of outdoor sports, let me give you an idea. Let your anchors jump into the Mother River. They will definitely become famous instantly."


The language statistics are also very exciting. Today, for the first time, the reward for eloquent words has exceeded that of Song and Dance Shengping. Although it is only more than a thousand or so, it is still beyond.

"Our eloquent performance today is absolutely god-level, and the reward now is 96,000."

"Let me go, you lied, didn't you? How can eloquence be better than singing and dancing?"

"That's right, the singing and dancing section is the backbone of our platform."

"I'm sorry, if you didn't report the error, then speaking eloquently is really worth more than singing and dancing for a thousand Huaxia coins."

"It's so frustrating. I'll reward you with a thousand dollars for singing and dancing, so I can catch up with you."

"Haha, you are cheating, but even if you reward us with a thousand rewards, we are not afraid of being eloquent."

The singing and dancing section and the language section are so proud of themselves here that they directly make other sections envious and jealous.

"Create gods, create gods, doesn't our section have a new god?"

"Among our newcomers in the fitness category, Schwarzenegger has the best results. He only received a reward of 10,000 yuan today."

"Hey, we are not just like birds in outdoor sports. We only get 12,000 rewards for traveling around. It seems that we will be at the bottom today."

"It's impossible. The food section has always been the unbeatable little prince at the bottom. With them, what are you afraid of?"

"Haha, that's true. As long as there is a food section, our other sections can be completely assured."

"Eh~~~ No, something's wrong today."

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you notice? Until now, none of the backstage staff of the food section have appeared? This is a bit abnormal."

"Huh? It seems so. Where are the people from the food section?"

"Haha, I said you've had enough. Do you still need to ask this kind of question? Everyone on our platform knows what their results are. It must be that their results today are too miserable and they are embarrassed to come out."

"Actually, I have always suggested that the platform cut off the food section. Not only is it a waste of resources, but the key point is that it is embarrassing. There are only a few people eating and drinking in front of the screen every day, and the image is completely ruined."

"I think so too. Cutting off the food section will also be of great help to other sections."

Everyone on the platform was having a heated discussion in the group, and they even made fun of the food section from time to time. But at this moment, a very discordant message suddenly appeared in the conversation.

"Hello everyone, I am Liu Ping, the backend statistician of the food section. I am very happy to tell you the good news. Ye Fei, the first-level anchor of the food section Iron Star, received a reward of 235,700 in the live broadcast that just ended. Thirty-four Huaxia coins, this is an incredible record. He not only broke the long-standing record of new anchors in the food section of our platform, but also broke the record of new anchors in all sections of our platform. Let us cheer!"


"I'll go and cheer for a drizzle."

"Liu Ping, are you stupid? Do you know this is the company's main group? How can you stare and tell lies?"

"Xiao Pingping, I know your food section has been a little busy lately, but you don't need to be like this?"

"A reward of more than 230,000 yuan? Are you kidding me? If it were really that much, I would eat three fast food dishes right now in front of all my colleagues in the company."

"Haha, Xiaojie, that's enough. You haven't eaten the three snacks from last time. Here are three more snacks today."

No one believed it.


Because a newcomer can get more than 200,000 rewards in the second day of live broadcast. This is simply a fantasy. Even a long-established Chinese god wants to get so many rewards in one live broadcast. Rewards, that also requires a lot of effort, at least some unique skills must be used.

But what unique skills does Ye Fei have? Everyone has seen the video of his first live broadcast, where he was cooking in front of the camera. Although everyone admitted that his cooking was pretty good, what could he do? Just because of this alone, do you want to become famous instantly? Just dream.

Therefore, everyone just regarded the news about Liu Ping as a joke, and no one took it seriously.

"The live broadcast of singing and dancing is over. The final reward is 101,000 Chinese coins, which is more than 100,000. This is really terrifying. It should be a record for new people in the singing and dancing category, right?"

"Haha, the live broadcast of Ruoxuanhe has also ended. With the last joke, the reward income has reached 102,110 Chinese coins, which is a thousand and one more than Ruoxuanhe. This is a record for new anchors in our language section. "

"It's more eloquent than singing and dancing? What a pain in the ass."

At this time, the song and dance statistician Ma Tao @ Liu Ping and said: "Xiao Pingping, to be honest, your Iron Stomach God's performance was pretty good today, right? Rewards should be indispensable. The first place in the food section today should be He is the perfect one."

Others were also making noises. It would be really boring if a god who ate seven or eight kilograms of pizza couldn't get the first place in a small section.

After Liu Ping experienced the stormy waves at this time, this guy also learned to be calm and gentle.

Faced with the hot and cold questions from everyone, intentionally or unintentionally, he just smiled and said: "Tiewei's performance today was indeed good. In the end, he received more than 88,000 in rewards. It's a pity that he was not the first place. As I said just now, the record was set by Master Ye Fei, with two hundred and thirty-five thousand, seven hundred and thirty-four Chinese coins, and Ye Fei is the first."

Everyone: "..."

"Xiao Pingping, are you done yet? It's enough to tell this joke once. It won't be fun if you say it too many times."

"That's more than 230,000? Do you think this Ye Fei is really a great god?"

"I suspect there is something wrong with Liu Ping's head."

"Feel the same."

“Same feeling +1”

"Sympathy +2"

A reward of more than 200,000 yuan? Are you kidding? If you said that a master in singing, dancing or language had such results, we might still believe it.

But now you tell us that a new food anchor who has only been live broadcasting for two days has such results. Are you crazy or do you think we are all fools

So no one believed Liu Ping's words at all.

Backstage at the food section, Liu Ping was sitting on his seat, holding his shoulders, looking at the doubts of the people in the group. At this time, he was not anxious at all, but was watching these people chatting like a clown.

"Damn it, it's so damnable, they don't believe that Ye Fei can achieve this result." Tang Xiaomin was very angry at everyone's skepticism.

"They are not wrong. After all, the results of our section were too unsatisfactory in the past. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that such a genius would suddenly appear in the food section."

"Yes, our section has been ranked last for a long time. This concept has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone on the platform. It is indeed difficult to change it."

"Yes, let Director Feng release the news."

"It seems like this is the only way."

Just when everyone was about to ask Feng Tianlai to post the news in the group, suddenly, someone sent the news again in advance.

"Congratulations to Ye Fei, a newcomer in the food section, for receiving 235,734 Chinese coins in the first level of Iron Star. This platform hereby commends this person and calls on all personnel on the platform to include this person in key training object."

Everyone: “…”

No one reacted at all for a while.

A singing and dancing statistician casually typed out a sentence: "Funny, another funny one appears, how many times do you want to post this fake news?"

But just as he finished speaking, someone reminded him: "Zhang Le, that's enough. Look clearly. The person who sent the message is Vice President Li of our platform."

Zhang Le: "...Vice President Li..."

Zhang Le almost bumped into his desk. He was so casual. He was so casual. Although the company's top executives were also in this group, they never showed up to send messages for a long time. Why is Vice President Li today? Such a piece of news came suddenly and unexpectedly? Isn't this a scam

Vice President Li Chenggong of Qiuqiu Platform hummed and said: "This is good news. I think everyone needs to be able to get it as soon as possible, so I sent a message to tell everyone. At the same time, I also congratulate our platform's newcomer record again. It’s been refreshed, okay, everyone, continue, I won’t say anything more.”

Looking at Vice President Li who had disappeared, Zhang Le was about to cry. He sat in his seat and murmured: "Food section? Ye Fei? You guys really cheated me!"

(End of chapter)