The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 29: The fragrance spreads thousands of miles away


Ye Fei was very curious about what kind of auxiliary skills the system would give him, so he said: "I will receive the reward now."

The Meibo system said: "Okay, the rewards are distributed... The rewards have been distributed."

As soon as the system finished speaking, Ye Fei felt his mind go numb, and then an introduction about auxiliary skills appeared:

Thousands of miles of fragrance, a true and beautiful delicacy, pays attention to seeing its color, smelling its fragrance and tasting its taste. As an invincible food anchor, the host cannot only make dishes that are pleasing to the eye. This can only give people a kind of Visual enjoyment, and if you want the audience in the live broadcast room to further understand the charm of the food you make, they must be able to smell the fragrance of the food. The Wanli Fragrance skill can help the host solve this problem and let you make the food The fragrance fully enters the nostrils of every audience in the live broadcast room, giving them a real and immersive feeling.

Ye Fei: "..."

Holy shit, this auxiliary skill is really amazing.

After Ye Fei saw Wanli Piaoxiang's skill, he was so stupid that he started to moan for a long time.


Yes, in Ye Fei's view, the auxiliary skill Wanli Piaoxiang rewarded by the system is really overbearing, no matter who you are, no matter what level your cooking skills have reached, or how beautiful the dishes you cook are , how exquisite it is, it can only be said that this is the first step to attract people.

It's like a menu in a restaurant, with pictures of the dishes on it. These pictures are printed extremely beautifully, giving people a good first impression.

However, the wax head of a silver gun is useless just because it looks good. The important thing is that the taste of this thing cannot be too bad, otherwise customers will not buy it.

Ye Fei knows how good the dishes he makes using top-quality ingredients and following the methods taught by the system are, but live broadcast is a virtual world. You are on the computer side, and the audience is on the other side. At most, they can only see what you cook. It's just the appearance of the dish. As for how the dish smells, I don't know at all. It might smell like a pile of soybeans.

And if the audience can really smell the aroma of every dish they cook, it will allow them to have a better understanding of their own food.

But this is easy to say, but how difficult it is to actually achieve this goal, because you can't let every audience go to their homes to smell it.

Now the system has actually given an auxiliary skill called Wanli Piaoxiang, so that the audience in his live broadcast room can smell the delicious food he made. This is simply too good and too overbearing.

"This fucking thing is a divine assist!" Ye Fei sighed again.

He believed that if he had this skill, the reward he would get during live broadcasts would not be one or two hundred thousand at all. He didn't dare to think about how far it could reach.

"System, if you are a girl, even if you look like a pig, I will marry you, and I will not give up forever. We will love until the end of the world..."

US Broadcasting System: "..."

Ye Fei was so excited that he started talking nonsense.

People feel refreshed when happy events happen, and Ye Fei now feels that his condition is better than ever. If he doesn't make some money in such a good condition, he would be sorry for himself, so he decided to continue broadcasting.

"System, can I start a live broadcast now? I want to cook, and I want everyone to know that the food I cook not only looks beautiful, but also smells delicious."

Meibo System: "The host can only do one live broadcast per day."

Ye Fei: "How can this be done? System, if you do this, we won't be able to be good friends in the future."

He is depressed. Now that you have the skill of Wanli Piaoxiang, how can you wait until you don't take the opportunity to make some money

US Broadcasting System: "A matter of principle."

Ye Fei: "... I hate your principles."

This time, the Meibo system ignored Ye Fei. Ye Fei sat alone in front of the computer. He opened a web page for a while, and then closed it and reopened another web page within three seconds. This guy stayed in this state for half a day. There was nothing he could do about it, the happiness came too suddenly and violently, making him a little nervous.

Just when Ye Fei was extremely excited, the other side of Qiuqiu Platform was not calm either.

Feng Tianlai felt very proud this time, and he really felt like he was floating when he walked.

Knocking on the door of manager Zhao Sen's office, Feng Tianlai said with a smile: "Manager, our food section is about to completely turn over."

Zhao Sen was in a good mood now. He laughed and said, "Well done, Old Feng. You guys did a very good job. I didn't expect you to discover such a god like Ye Fei. It's very good."

Feng Tianlai felt quite embarrassed. He thought to himself that this had nothing to do with me at all. They registered by themselves, and there was a violent storm as soon as they started. We didn't give any help at all.

"Manager Zhao, Ye Fei is running rampant on our platform today, breaking all kinds of records. According to the company's regulations, if the anchor of any section can break a certain previous record of the company, the company will give you a bonus. You Let’s see if you can help us apply?”

Zhao Sen was stunned for a moment, then became excited: "Yes, yes, the company does have this rule and will give appropriate rewards based on the size of the records. If Ye Fei does it, then everyone in our food section should have bonuses. I Just apply now.”

Feng Tianlai came here just for this matter. Now that he has achieved his goal, he has drifted away again.

Zhao Sen was not idle and quickly opened the bonus application form. The form contained many past records of the company, but looking at these records, Zhao Sen didn't know how to write the application.


Because Ye Fei has broken too many records this time, and they are all too big.

For example, the current reward record for newbies in the food section of Qiuqiu platform was previously held by the great god Irresistible. He received more than 57,000 rewards on the third day of the live broadcast. This is a very important record.

But what about Ye Fei now? It was only the second day of the live broadcast, and a reward of more than 230,000 came directly. This was too much.

According to the company's regulations, in terms of prop rewards, if a latecomer can exceed the record of 10,000, the department can reward 2,000, if it exceeds 20,000, the department can reward 4,000, and so on.

And Ye Fei's overwhelming taste is more than 180,000 yuan, which is a bonus of 36,000 yuan. This is just one item. The following records include the shortest time, the popularity growth record in the live broadcast room, and the anchor level upgrade record. The record of rewards for newlywed wealthy props (props such as luxury airplanes, luxury cruise ships, aircraft carriers, and spaceships that cost more than 5,000 yuan), etc. It can be said that Ye Fei has broken all five or six records, and they are very special. break.

Zhao Sen calculated carefully and found out that based on these record-breaking bonuses, their department could actually get more than 60,000 yuan this time.

In addition to the five or six statistics in their department, plus seven or eight people, there are only about ten people. If divided equally, one person can get a reward of five to six thousand.

"Five to six thousand, five or six thousand a day! This is much higher than my salary, okay?" Zhao Sen was stunned and murmured to himself.

"It seems like I really got rich."

In the end, Zhao Sen became more and more excited as he thought about it. He filled out the bonus application form almost tremblingly and sent it directly to the company leaders.

Some people were happy and some were sad. While Ye Fei and the people in the food section of Qiuqiu Platform were extremely excited, some people couldn't sit still.

I still have to plead with brothers and sisters for recommendation votes. If you feel comfortable, please help me vote for recommendation. In addition, I would like to thank those brothers and sisters who have always supported the lanterns. I will not say anything too polite. I can only say, Your support is the courage to write down the lanterns! ! ! !

(End of chapter)