The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 46: This is so embarrassing


Although Ye Fei didn't understand Ma Cuihua's purpose, he still locked the door and followed behind.

The elevator has arrived and two people entered the elevator.

Ye Fei said: "Sister Ma, what's going on? Are you asking me to act as a trustee? Why do you want me to be a trustee?"

Ma Cuihua put her hands in front of her and said without even looking at Ye Fei: "You will know when the time comes, but I will give you a warning in advance. No matter what happens then, you must hold on for me. You If you dare to cheat on me, I won’t rent this house to you.”

Ye Fei: "...Why do I feel that what we are going to do is full of danger and unknowns?"

Ma Cuihua nodded and said, "Indeed, because the opponent is too powerful, if I am alone, I have little chance of winning. But with your help, I should be 70% sure that I can win."

The more Ye Fei listened, the more he felt in his heart. I wonder, what on earth is going on? Why are you fighting back against an opponent who is too powerful? You have little chance of winning by fighting back alone. You are not fighting with others, right

Sister, you have to see clearly, the person standing in front of you is an outstanding young man. Fifteen years ago, I was a Young Pioneer. I never fight with others, okay

No, I can't go into this muddy water myself, I have to find a way.

Ye Fei rolled his eyes, suddenly slapped his forehead, and said with an ouch, "Look at my memory, Sister Ma, I'm really sorry. My cousin will be here soon, and I have to pick him up." , you see, I won’t go with you, okay?”

Ma Cuihua glanced at him and said: "905, ninth floor, Building C, Yijing Garden."

Ye Fei scratched his head: "What do you mean?"

"Let him take a taxi and come by himself."

"But he doesn't have the key."

"It's as if he can live in it if he has the key. I just told you that outsiders are not allowed to live in, but did you ignore it?"

"Then I have to pick him up. What should I do if he is lost because he is not familiar with the place?"

"It's okay. I'm familiar with the Public Security Bureau. I'll ask them to help find him when the time comes."

Ye Fei: "..."

Wo Ri, is this okay

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Ma Cuihua at all, Ye Fei finally gritted his teeth and thought, MD, isn't he just fighting with others? I was a Young Pioneer fifteen years ago, but it’s not like I had never fought with others before I became a Young Pioneer. When was Zhao Xiaopang from the next village not beaten up by me and went home crying? He has experience, so what should he be afraid of

The two of them came downstairs and got in the car. Ma Cuihua was still driving, while Ye Fei sat aside in a daze.

After leaving Yijing Garden, the car sped along the avenue. More than 20 minutes later, Ma Cuihua drove the car to a hotel parking lot and stopped.

Ye Fei saw the name of the hotel through the windshield, and immediately had the urge to run away - Tianhe Shang Palace!

Isn't this the hotel where I used to be a chef apprentice? Why did she bring the car here? You have to know that you have divorced yourself from here. If your bad-tempered master sees that you are back, he will definitely come out of the kitchen with a spoon and beat you.

"Sister Ma, are you in the wrong place? Is it here?" Ye Fei asked guiltily.

Ma Cuihua parked the car, got out of the car, closed the door, and said, "This is it, let's go, the Peony Pavilion on the third floor."

Ye Fei got out of the car, looked up at the Tianhe Shang Palace sign, and then smoothed his clothes vigorously, thinking that it was a blessing rather than a curse, and I would risk it today.

Following Ma Cuihua, the two came to the lobby on the first floor of Tianhe Shang Palace, and then took the elevator to the third floor.

Ye Fei is very familiar with the terrain here. He knows that Tianhe Shang Palace has many private rooms, among which the private rooms on the third floor are public private rooms. However, as a five-star hotel, even public private rooms are not cheap. He did not know that Ma Cuihua is here. What is it for

The Peony Pavilion will arrive soon.

Ye Fei could tell that Ma Cuihua was a little nervous.

This directly made him more nervous than Ma Cuihua, thinking that a big battle was coming, and whether he could get out alive would depend on his ability. Well, in order to ensure safety, he had to find someone who could take advantage of him.

He saw two bonsais at the door. There were some pebbles inside the bonsais, so he secretly took two of them in his hand. If it didn't work, he would hit them with rocks. It was better than using his bare hands.

Ma Cuihua turned to look at Ye Fei and said, "Are you ready?"

Ye Fei nodded firmly, and at the same time, he held the stone in his hand tighter and said: "Sister Ma, it's okay. If it doesn't work for a while, I will cover you and you can retreat first."

Ma Cuihua patted his shoulder and praised him, "He is a man."

"It's necessary. For Sister Ma's safety, I risked my more than 100 kilograms."

Ma Cuihua looked at Ye Fei strangely, not understanding what Ye Fei meant, why he risked more than a hundred kilograms, it was so scary, but she knew Ye Fei meant well and said, "I am really lucky to have you as a friend."

Ye Fei bared his teeth and smiled.

"I knocked on the door, and you stood behind me." Ma Cuihua said.

Ye Fei stopped Ma Cuihua and said, "No, how can a girl get ahead of something like this? You stand behind me and I'll knock on the door."

Ma Cuihua forced a smile and said, "It's okay."

After saying that, Ma Cuihua knocked on the door.

There was a sound of footsteps inside, and then someone opened the door and asked, "Who is it?"

The door opened, and a middle-aged woman about fifty years old appeared at the door. She opened the door and saw Ma Cuihua, took Ma Cuihua's hand, and said affectionately: "Cuihua, you are here, you don't even have to wait. You know, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ma Cuihua held the woman's hand and called out gently: "Mom."

mom? !

Hearing Ma Cuihua call this woman mother, Ye Fei's legs shook and he almost sat on the ground, standing aside in a mess.

What's going on

Wasn't it promised that there would be a big battle? Didn't you agree to fight? Didn't you agree that I would cover your retreat

But did this opponent become your mother

I'm going to give you a damn about this.

"Oh, Cuihua, my baby, let mom take a good look at you. Well, you have lost weight. You are much thinner than before. You must have suffered a lot living alone, right?" said the middle-aged man. The woman's eyes were red.

Ma Cuihua smiled and said: "No, I'm pretty good. Besides, Xiao Fei is a real person and knows how to take care of others."

Ma Cuihua's mother and Ye Fei were stunned almost at the same time.

Xiao Fei

Let me go, who is Xiaofei

At this time, Ma Cuihua pointed at Ye Fei, who was standing next to him like a wooden stake, and introduced: "He is Xiao Fei, Ye Fei, this is my mother."

Ma Cuihua's mother looked Ye Fei up and down, stretched out her hand and said, "Mr. Ye Fei, right? I'm glad to see you. Thank you very much for taking care of Cuihua during this time."

When Ye Fei saw Ma Cuihua's mother reaching out, he quickly moved back. This was not because he was rude, but because he was still holding two stones in his hands.

I originally planned to hit someone during a fight, but now I still hit someone. I quickly and secretly put the stone in the vase, then rubbed my hands behind me, shook hands with Ma Cuihua’s mother, and said with a smile : "Hello, aunt."

Ma Cuihua's mother stepped aside and said, "Come in, don't stand outside all the time."

Ye Fei and Ma Cuihua came inside and discovered that there was someone inside, a middle-aged man about fifty years old, very energetic, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, somewhat similar to Ma Cuihua, and his skin was very white. It is usually well maintained.

There is also a young man who is about 27 or 28 years old. He wears famous brands and looks very talented.

Seeing Ma Cuihua come in, the young man quickly stood up and said, "Sister Cuihua, long time no see."

Ma Cuihua nodded towards the young man expressionlessly, then came to the middle-aged man and called: "Dad."

The middle-aged man hummed, pointed to the chair next to him, and said, "Sit down."

Ma Cuihua sat next to the middle-aged man, and Ma Cuihua's mother sat on the other side of her.

The young man greeted Ma Cuihua and sat down.

In the end, only Ye Fei was still standing in the room full of people.

Ye Fei felt embarrassed all over. He now blamed Ma Cuihua 120 times in his heart. You said your family was having a dinner together. Why did you bring me here? You almost caused me to make a big mistake. You've gone too far.

Now seeing that everyone had sat down and he was the only one still standing, Ye Fei was not polite and directly pulled up a chair and sat across from the young man.

(End of chapter)