The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 54: Didn't sleep well last night


When Tang Xiaomin saw her supervisor asking her to contact Ye Fei and ask about the broadcast time, she shook the phone in her hand and said helplessly: "Supervisor, it's only around eight o'clock now, and Ye Fei is not online at all."

Feng Tianlai was stunned and said: "Then you sit in front of the computer and wait. When he will come online, you have to ask him as soon as possible, and then tell me the news."


"Then let's do this for now, everyone disperses."

Everyone returned to their seats.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, all the staff have gone to work, and some anchors have already started broadcasting. However, the anchors who start broadcasting at this time generally do not have any great talents. After all, this time is too early, and there are not many viewers. There are only those new talents. They will choose to start broadcasting at this time, because there is no competition from the big gods, and they can still gain a few fans.

However, there are some exceptions today. Some great people got up very early, and that is a group of people in the Silver Star anchor communication group.

After these people heard what Duanzi Wang said yesterday, they all went crazy. They were just Bronze Star Level 2 anchors, and they directly became millionaire anchors. It was like a three-year-old child was riding on their necks. Peeing is just as unacceptable to them.

After finishing the chat, it can be said that almost all of them watched Ye Fei's live video. Many people even studied it for half a night, but they couldn't figure out the reason.

At this time, this group of people started discussing again in the group.

"I'm surprised. I watched Ye Fei's live video yesterday, but I didn't see any special features. Why are there so many people giving rewards?"

"I also studied it for half the night, sister. I didn't go to bed until after one o'clock, but I did see some clues."

"My heart is soaring, what's the secret? Tell me."

"Didn't you notice? Before making every dish, Ye Fei will introduce the ingredients he uses, and he will talk about the ingredients he uses. What kind of rose cooking oil is it? Or is it a wild tomato from the Jinhetao Plain? , and red-tailed chicken eggs from the southern foot of Cangshan Mountain. These things sound high-end and can easily attract the attention of the audience. And if his cooking skills are a little better, it will not be difficult for the audience to pay for it."

"Well, I also discovered this. I thought this Ye Fei was so capable. He had been making trouble for a long time with just one mouth."

"This kind of little trick can't last long. The audience is not fools. When they understand, they will naturally give up Ye Fei's program. If you don't believe it, you can go to Ye Fei's live broadcast room today. There is absolutely no way that what happened yesterday will happen again. It’s an abnormal situation.”

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do today, so I went to his live broadcast room."

"You are so glib, you'd better use your little vest, otherwise there will be many viewers who know you. When they see you appear, who will pay attention to Ye Fei's live broadcast? They will probably all chat with you. "

"Haha, that's just right. This just shows that Ye Fei's program is still not as good as our language section after all."

"Hahaha, you are so glib, is this really okay for you?"

"I'll go take a look too. It's not too busy today. It's just a day off for myself. I want to see what Ye Fei can do today."

"I'm going too, let's form a group, everyone."

"Is it really okay for you to do this? A group of Silver Star masters go to a Bronze Star anchor's space event, aren't they afraid of making Ye Fei feel cold?"

"Just to cool him down, this guy actually dares to ride on the head of our Silver Star anchor, and he's so upset."

A group of Silver Star anchors formed a small group and quietly sneaked into Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

After Ye Fei got up, he sat in front of the computer and was drowsy. He still felt a little sleepy. After all, he didn't sleep well last night. He was yawning all day long, especially because his head was still a little groggy.

But when he thought about the live broadcast today, Ye Fei's spirits improved a little.

Eleven forty.

Ye Fei logged in to his PP account, only to see the message notification beeping non-stop. He clicked on it and took a look, and found that many people had sent him messages, some he knew and some he didn't know.

He saw Tang Xiaomin's profile picture moving and clicked it to take a look.

"Ye Shen, are you up?"

"Ye Shen, it's half past nine, why aren't you online yet?"

"Ye Shen, are you invisible? If you see the message, can you reply?"

"Ye Shen, I am Tang Xiaomin, the backend statistician of the food section. Do you still remember me?"

Looking at the dozens of messages sent by Tang Xiaomin, Ye Fei was speechless, especially when he saw that the first message was sent at 8:20, which was too early.

Ye Fei had a good impression of the girl Tang Xiaomin, so he typed on the keyboard and sent her a reply.

"Sorry, I just got up."

There was no way, he couldn't say that he had gotten up early and had been sitting in front of the computer in confusion.

Tang Xiaomin, who was sitting in front of the computer in the backstage of Qiuqiu's live broadcast, suddenly heard a voice coming from her PP account. She quickly clicked on it and saw that Ye Fei's avatar was moving. She screamed and said: "Supervisor, Ye Shen replied."

Feng Tianlai didn't go back to his office at all. He kept wandering around uneasily. He was really afraid that Ye Fei wouldn't start broadcasting today.

Now suddenly hearing Tang Xiaomin's scream, Feng Tianlai suddenly floated to Tang Xiaomin's side and asked: "What did Ye Shen say?"

Tang Xiaomin clicked Ye Fei's profile picture and said, "Supervisor, Ye Shen said he just got up."

Feng Tianlai: "..."

Worri, my team came to work at seven o'clock just to wait for him, but he slept until past eleven o'clock in one go. This is too cheating.

"Ask him about the time and content of his live broadcast today... Don't ask about the content of his live broadcast. It's useless to ask. Just ask him about the time of his live broadcast. We want to know if he will start broadcasting today."

Tang Xiaomin nodded and asked: "Ye Shen, what time will the broadcast start today?"

Ye Fei smiled back and said: "It's still the same time, 12:10, but the quality of my sleep last night was very poor, and I'm not in good spirits today. It's estimated that the quality of today's live broadcast will be reduced."

Tang Xiaomin immediately became anxious. He turned to Feng Tianlai and said, "Something bad happened, supervisor. Come and see."

Feng Tianlai's big face was directly close to the computer monitor. When he saw the news about Ye Fei, he was happy and worried at the same time.

I'm happy that Ye Fei starts broadcasting today.

The worry is that Ye Fei said that he was not in good spirits today, which would affect the quality of the live broadcast.

Feng Tianlai thought for a while and said: "Xiao Min, ask Ye Shen if you need to adjust the time. It can be adjusted to five or six o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, people are getting off work and there are a lot of viewers."

"But we started waiting at seven o'clock in the morning and have been waiting for several hours. If he adjusts it to six o'clock in the afternoon, then we will still have to wait."

"you are not willing?"

"I...I do!"

After Tang Xiaomin finished speaking, he quickly asked Ye Fei: "Ye Shen, if you are really too sleepy, then your live broadcast time can be adjusted to five or six o'clock in the afternoon. You can take a rest during this time."

Ye Fei made a grateful expression and said: "No, a live broadcast is only one or two hours long. It should be able to last very quickly. Besides, some viewers in the live broadcast room should have gone in and waited. If the time is temporarily moved to Postponing it later will affect the audience’s emotions.”

"But Ye Shen, lack of sleep alone can easily affect the quality of the live broadcast. I remember that there used to be a Silver Star Master from other sections. Because he didn't sleep all night, he made frequent mistakes during the live broadcast the next day. He almost lost his job. His fans drowned him with spit, look at you..."

"It's okay. My number of fans is not that large yet. Even two spits from each person can't drown me."

Tang Xiaomin: "..."

"Director, Ye Shen doesn't want to change the time, but insists on starting the broadcast at 12:10. He said that changing the time now will affect the audience's emotions. What should I do?" Tang Xiaomin asked Feng Tianlai anxiously.

Feng Tianlai was also anxious. He kept walking back and forth and muttered: "This Ye Shen is really responsible for the audience, but this is not good. A poor mental state can easily affect the live broadcast. If a few mistakes are made by then, it can be said that the reputation Ye Shen has accumulated in the past few days will be completely destroyed."

"What should we do? Ye Shen is the most popular master in our section now. If he messes up his live broadcast today, we..." Liu Ping also ran over and said anxiously.

Feng Tianlai waved his hand and said, "Stop talking and let me think."

I thought about this for more than ten minutes.

At 12:05, Feng Tianlai couldn't think of any solution.

"Supervisor, the time is up." Tang Xiaomin said anxiously.

Feng Tianlai stopped, gritted his teeth, and said: "Everything will proceed as normal. Everyone should do their jobs and start broadcasting!"

(I really didn’t sleep well last night!!!!)

(End of chapter)