The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 56: Give me a dozen fans like this


Ye Fei asked Meibo System in his mind what to cook today.

The Meibo system said: "The ingredients have been prepared for the host. They are in the pear wood lockers with signs on them."

Ye Fei came to the locker and saw four storage compartments on the locker that were different because they had names marked on the outside.

The first one read: Pork Belly.

The second one says: green pepper, red pepper.

The third one says: Excipients.

Once you know what the ingredients are and where they are, the next step will be easier.

"Pork belly, green pepper, red pepper, this is the rhythm of making farm-style stir-fried pork." Ye Fei muttered in his heart.

The system said: "Farmer stir-fried pork, a second-level delicacy, main ingredients: pork belly, chili, auxiliary ingredients: ginger, garlic, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, starch, edible salt, cooking wine, olive oil..."

Ye Fei nodded, keeping all this in mind, and then went through the recipe of stir-fried pork given by the system in his mind, and then smiled and said: "Everyone, today we are making farm stir-fried pork."

"Hey~~ Did Ye Shen cook meat dishes today?"

"Stir-fried pork? This is good. I really like it. I remember that the Zhouji Food Stall here makes the best stir-fried pork."

“Farmer-style stir-fried pork has a low technical content and is a home-cooked dish that many people know how to cook.”

"But the more low-tech a dish is, the more it tests a chef's cooking skills. And you all know Ye Shen's cooking habits. All the ingredients he uses are of the highest quality."

"Now I'm looking forward to this farm-style stir-fried pork dish."

"Me too, I like eating meat the most. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water."

"I'm also looking forward to this dish, but what I'm most curious about now is that Ye Shen actually changed the kitchen today. This kitchen is very beautiful. Look at these things, which always make me feel heavy and majestic. "

"Holy crap, it's true. I like this kitchen."

"Haha, what's the point of liking the kitchen upstairs? I still like Ye Shen's cooking."

"Stop gnawing, let's get started."

Ye Fei didn't know what the audience was talking about. He opened the storage compartment with pork belly written on it and saw a piece of red and white pork belly inside.

He reached out and picked up the pork belly. At this time, information about this piece of pork belly also appeared in Ye Fei's mind.

"Tongling Wild Pine Forest Rosin Pork, I wonder if you have heard of it?" Ye Fei raised the beautiful piece of pork belly in his hand and said.

"Tongling wild pine forest rosin pork?" Chiwanxia repeated Ye Fei's words, and then said: "I have never heard of this, Ye Shen, this kind of pork should not be simple, right? I said to the brothers in the group, Does anyone know about this kind of pork? Come out and explain."

Suddenly, a fan who called Shan Pao but not Pao jumped out, gave a bunch of surprised expressions, and typed a message: "Tongling Wild Pine Forest Rosin Pork? Holy shit, is it real or fake?"

"Shanpao, do you know this kind of pork?"

The mountain cannon is not a cannon: "I definitely know. This place is so famous in Gada, our northeast. The most numerous pine trees on Tongling Mountain are pine trees. After the fruits of these pine trees mature, they fall to the ground, and there will be many other pine trees in the pine forest. This kind of animal eats pine cones. Later I heard that an old farmer suddenly had an idea after seeing these pine cones. He put hundreds of pigs he raised into the pine forest and let them eat these pine cones. Pine cones, these pine cones are rich in nutrients. Pigs will gain weight quickly after eating them. Since pine cones contain a lot of oil, after the pigs eat them, the fat meat will have a lot of oil, which is very fragrant, and the fragrance is also good. It’s not an ordinary aroma, it has a light pine scent.”

"Another point is that these free-range pigs run on the mountains all year round looking for pine cones to eat, and their muscles are very developed. This means that the lean meat of this kind of pigs is very tough. As long as the time is controlled well, these lean pigs can The meat is tender and delicious after being cooked, and it is also very chewy. Let me just say this, this kind of pork is simply the best among pork. I don’t know if this kind of pork has been used in tribute before, but I know this kind of pork. Definitely qualified to become the Royal Food!"

Shan Pao Bao Pao gave a very detailed introduction. He talked about the growth and raising methods of this kind of meat pigs, and everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

"Let me go, is this pork so big?"

"As soon as Ye Shen took out this piece of pork, I knew it was unusual. Just look at its color. The lean meat is red and tender, and the fat meat is as white as snow. Moreover, it will still remain in Ye Shen's hands. If it shakes, it means the meat is very tender."

"Ye Shen is indeed Ye Shen, and his actions are as generous as ever. There is no one else with this ingredient."

"I want to eat."

"The ones upstairs are not cooked yet, they are raw meat."

"I also want to eat raw meat."

"Damn it, it tastes good enough."

While everyone was talking, two luxury planes flew past the screen.

"I am a foodie brother, is this the beginning?"

"If you don't reward such top-quality ingredients now, then when will you wait? Two planes are disrespectful."

He laughed loudly after eating all over the world, and ordered two luxury planes, saying: "Good things come in pairs, count me in."

Taotie made a smile, and followed up by swiping two planes.

This time, the mountain cannon was interesting even if it wasn't a cannon. Maybe it was because he was really shocked by the piece of pork belly used by Ye Fei, so he directly rewarded two luxury planes.

Give Ye Fei a gift, and the others will follow closely without giving any instructions.

Everything from lollipops and applause to luxury airplanes filled the screen in an instant.

A group of silver star gods collapsed again.

"What a shame. Do all his fans reward you like this?"

"This is really an eye-opener. Although we are Silver Star anchors, we still ask fans for rewards every time. It's like begging grandpa to sue grandma. All the rewards are done with a piece of pork belly."

"Luxury planes, let me check them out. I just counted them, there are about twelve or three of them."

"Are these people crazy? It costs five thousand yuan a piece and they don't even blink an eye."

"You give me ten dozen of these fans. It's so fucking heroic."

A group of people are extremely envious and jealous.

Ye Fei didn't see Shan Pao Bao Pao introducing the pork belly to him. He also introduced it, which was similar to Shan Pao Bao Bao's introduction, but in more detail.

Put the pork belly on the chopping board, then pick up a bright steel kitchen knife from the knife rest, and quickly cut the pork belly into thin slices. Then he took out a small porcelain basin from a storage compartment and cut the pork belly into thin slices. Put the pork belly slices in, then pour in the starch and stir for a while, then add light soy sauce, salt and cooking wine, mix well, marinate it first, then Ye Fei comes to the locker, and then removes the chili from the locker. Gerry pulled out five chili peppers.

These five peppers are divided into two types, one red and one green. The green pepper is thin and long. This kind of green pepper has a name, called Xianjiao, also called Xianxianjiao. It has a medium spicy taste.

The red peppers are large, round, and have thick meat. The taste is not spicy, but rather sweet. These are meat peppers, also called vegetable peppers.

Ye Fei introduced: "Thread peppers are a specialty of the Zhongguan Plain. However, these peppers are different from ordinary peppers. They are wild peppers in the Zhongguan Plain, so they have more sunlight, richer nutrition, and better taste. It is also more mellow. It is not as pungent as the Chaotian pepper from Xichuan, but it is more fragrant and more fragrant than ordinary peppers. When making farm-style stir-fried pork, this kind of pepper is the first choice."

"Red bell peppers are a specialty of southern Guangdong Province. They have thick meat and a slightly sweet taste. They are best paired with string peppers to make farm-style stir-fried pork."

Ye Fei introduced it while shredding the string peppers and cutting the red bell peppers into chunks.

Being a foodie, I smiled bitterly: "It's wild, it's wild again. Ye Shen is really a man with great hands and eyes. We have only heard about these top-quality ingredients, but you were able to find them all." .”

Taotie said: "Watching Ye Shen's live broadcast, needless to say anything else, these ingredients alone are enough to open my eyes. To master the plane, you must master the plane."

This guy prepared 100,000 yuan today, and he was confident, so he handed over two more planes.

I'm a foodie and Eat All Over the World were close behind, and others were flooded with gifts.

A bunch of Silver Star masters were completely speechless. The fast pace, large quantity, and high value of these gifts made people jealous.

"Although I don't know how powerful the ingredients used by Ye Fei are, but looking at the crazy looks of these people, they should be amazing ingredients."

"It's wild chili peppers, and it's pigs eating pine nuts. Oh my God, where did he get it from?"


"Curiosity +1"

"Curiosity +2"

Then Ye Fei took out the accessories. Finally, he opened the locker where the olive oil was stored and took out a bottle of olive oil.

When everyone saw the oil that Ye Fei took out, they all immediately became interested.

"Hey~ Ye Shen doesn't use rose cooking oil today?"

"Change the oil. Change the oil. Look at the oil. Hey, it's golden yellow."

"No, no, why is there a hint of green in the golden color?"

"This oil... I can seem to see its flow through the bottle."

"Damn it, are you so awesome upstairs? Can you see the flow in the bottle?"

"This bottle of oil seems to be very simple. It looks like the clarity is definitely top-notch cooking oil."

At this moment, I, a foodie, stared at this bottle of oil carefully for a while, and suddenly sent a message! ! ! ! ! Original natural olive oil! ! ! ! !

(End of chapter)