The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 61: Good brothers, never forget each other


Now, the place where Ye Fei lives is relatively remote, so if he wants to get to the Fatty Food Stall he and Fang Xiaohu agreed on before six o'clock, he has to leave early.

After locking the door, Ye Fei left the Yijing Garden Community, stopped a taxi at the door, and after telling the driver the location, the car sped away.

Fifty minutes later, Ye Fei got out of the car, then made many twists and turns, and finally came to Fatty Food Stall.

At this time, Fang Xiaohu had arrived. When he saw Ye Fei coming, he walked out happily, came to Ye Fei, punched Ye Fei lightly on the shoulder, and said: "I said you Why don't you always take the ordinary path? Everyone is a creditor who is eager to get money, how can there be someone as eager as you to pay back the money? "

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Sooner or later, I have to pay it back. I'll pay it back as soon as I have some on hand recently, otherwise I'll spend it on myself again."

"Just spend it. If I don't have it, I'll talk about it later."

"How can I? You've already helped me a lot. Come on, let's go inside and eat and chat."

The two of them went to the food stall, ordered a few dishes, and ordered two bottles of beer.

Fang Xiaohu's occupation is a car mechanic. He works in a car repair shop and the salary is not bad. After all, he relies on his skills to make a living.

But Ye Fei knew that Fang Xiaohu's biggest wish was to get out of the life of working for others and have his own car repair shop.

However, this kind of store does not mean that it can be opened immediately. After all, you need too many things. At least in the beginning, just buying some auto parts and maintenance tools is not a small sum of money.

"Still thinking about opening your own shop?" Ye Fei asked while chewing a peanut.

Fang Xiaohu drank a glass of beer, smiled, and said: "How can you not think about it? You know, if I work on my own skills, I will definitely make more money than following others, and the current boss is too stingy. , not to mention red envelopes and bonuses during the holidays, he is not even willing to give out gifts, so I don’t want to have sex with him.”

"Then have you chosen a location?"

"On Jinhai Road, I looked at a store a while ago. It's not very big. It's just the right place for me to start. However, the rent required by the other party is quite high. We're still negotiating to see if we can get started again. lesser."

"How many?"

"Eight thousand a month is still paid for three years, water and electricity are not included."

"It is indeed not cheap, but considering the area on Jinhai Road, the houses there are indeed worth the price. After all, it is relatively prosperous, with cars coming and going. If the store opens, the business should be good."

"Yeah, so I'm a little anxious now. The landlord also said that if he can't make a decision within a week, he will rent the house to others. I don't know if it is true. The key is that he may raise the price by then. of."

Ye Fei said nothing, poured a glass of wine, clinked it with Fang Xiaohu, drank it in one gulp, and then said, "How much money can you give?"

Fang Xiaohu didn't know what Ye Fei's meaningless words meant. He looked into Ye Fei's eyes and said for a long time: "I have saved some money over the years, about three hundred thousand. If I borrow some more from others, I should be able to reach half a million, but it's still a little short of it, so I think if it doesn't work, I'll find another place. Even if the business is a little worse, at least it's better than following others."

Ye Fei nodded, put down the wine glass, and said, "Let's do this. I'll give you 60,000 yuan. No matter how much you pay, I won't be able to help you for the time being. You can handle the rest by yourself, how about it?"

Fang Xiaohu was stunned. He didn't expect Ye Fei to be able to help him with 60,000 yuan. Although it was not a lot, it was undoubtedly very important for his current situation.

"Did I say you really got rich?"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "It can't be said that I got rich, I just have a little money. By the way, are you willing to do it?"

Fang Xiaohu slapped his thigh and said: "Yes, how could I not want to? You don't know, I'm going crazy thinking about money now. If I can't get the money, the store will really be gone. Let me tell you, then I have been paying attention to this place for a long time. There is only one car repair shop nearby, and the skills of that shop are average to be honest. Even so, their business is still very popular. If I can open a shop there, I can guarantee that it will be done within one year. Get your money back.”

"Come on, regardless of whether you can get your money back or not, I will give you these 60,000 yuan. Give me your account number. Now I will transfer the money to you, and by the way, I will also transfer the 8,500 yuan to you."

Seeing that Ye Fei was serious, Fang Xiaohu said seriously: "Ye Fei, I don't know where your money comes from, but I still believe in you. Your money definitely comes from an open source. So, since you are providing help in times of need. After I help my brother, I will give you 30% of the shares after I open the store. Is that interesting?"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "I don't want the shares. As long as you can expand the business, let's wait until it reaches a certain scale. We haven't even mentioned it yet. Don't talk so far. Give me your account number quickly."

Fang Xiaohu was not polite to Ye Fei and gave him his account number.

In front of Fang Xiaohu, Ye Fei transferred 68,500 yuan to Fang Xiaohu.

Fang Xiaohu looked at the numbers on his phone, was silent for a while, then transferred 500 yuan back to Ye Fei, and said: "Good brothers, if we don't forget each other, I won't give up the 500 yuan. Ye Fei, I will remember your love." Okay, if you have any difficulties in the future, just speak up, our little tiger will never give up."

Ye Fei also knew Fang Xiaohu's character, so he didn't push around for the five hundred yuan, and said: "Okay, when I have difficulties in the future, I will be the first to ask you for help."

"No problem, come on, have a drink."

After eating until about seven o'clock, Ye Fei and Fang Xiaohu walked back separately.

Not long after he walked out, his cell phone rang.

Ye Fei took it out and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number, but he still answered it.

"Hello. Who is this?"

The person on the other end of the phone was visibly excited.

"Ye Shen, are you Ye Shen?"

Ye Fei: "..."

Damn it, I don’t dare to be this god. Who is this

"No need to call me Ye Shen, just call me Ye Fei. Who are you?"

"I am Feng Tianlai, the director of the food section of Qiuqiu Platform."

Ye Fei chuckled and said that his phone number was written down when he registered on the Qiuqiu platform, so it was not surprising that Feng Tianlai could find it, but what he was surprised about was why Feng Tian came to him.

"Director Feng? I've admired you for a long time."

Feng Tianlai coughed twice and said: "Ye Shen, don't be so polite. Just call me Feng Tianlai. I'm older than you. If you want, you can call me Brother Feng."

"Okay, I'll call you Brother Feng. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Feng Tianlai said: "I have something to do, and I need to discuss this matter with you in person. Where are you now?"

Ye Fei was stunned. Feng Tianlai wanted to talk to him face to face? This time? Are you kidding me? But...but it's really possible.

Ye Fei suddenly remembered something at this time, that is, the headquarters of Qiuqiu Platform seems to be in Yinzhou City, which means that Qiuqiu Platform is a local live broadcast platform in Yinzhou City. Since Feng Tianlai is a staff member of Qiuqiu Platform , that means this guy is also in Yinzhou City.

"I'm on Binzhou Road, Yinzhou City."

"Okay, just wait for me for a while. I'll be there soon. I'll call you when I get there."

After saying that, Feng Tianlai hung up the phone.

Ye Fei stood on the roadside in a daze for a while holding his cell phone, smiled, and then walked towards a shop called Snow Cafe on the roadside.

Welcome to join the book club of god-level food anchors, group number: 459762637, warmly welcome with lanterns and raised hands.

(End of chapter)