The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 62: You can mention whatever conditions you want


Snow Cafe.

Ye Fei found a seat by the window and asked for a cup of black tea.

Originally, he wanted to find a small restaurant to wait for Feng Tian to arrive, but he had just eaten and it would be nice to drink some tea.

Feng Tianlai was really concerned about Ye Fei's affairs. Ye Fei didn't know how this guy came here. Anyway, before he finished his cup of tea, he received a call from Feng Tianlai.

"I'm here." Feng Tianlai said excitedly on the phone.

Feng Tianlai was extremely excited at the thought of seeing the living Ye Shen soon.

Ye Fei: " fast?"

"I have to do things for Ye Shen. If I'm slow, my leader will kill me."

"Haha, I'm at Snow Cafe. You should ask others and they should know."

"Okay, I'll see you later."

Feng Tianlai hung up the phone, grabbed a girl in her twenties on the side of the road, and asked, "Do you know where the Snow Cafe is?"

The little girl was suddenly grabbed by the arm. She was so frightened that she screamed and hurriedly broke away from Feng Tianlai's hand and ran away.

Feng Tianlai was behind: "...Why are you running? Am I that scary?"

At this time, an old man in his sixties walked past Feng Tianlai, shook his head, and said to himself: "Today's young people are becoming more and more domineering in chasing girls. Even if you like her, At least you have to say it in a good voice, you can scare people away."

Feng Tianlai: "..."

Damn it, I was just asking for directions, why did I fall in love with this person? Uncle, I don’t know if it’s better not to talk nonsense.

However, Feng Tianlai also realized that he was indeed too excited just now, and the way he asked for directions was a bit barbaric, so he couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, Feng Tianlai, calm down, calm down."

Then he asked a young man politely and he told him the place.

Feng Tianlai walked forward quickly.

Ye Fei's cup of black tea still had some left, when he saw a middle-aged man hurriedly come in from the door of Snow Cafe. This man was wearing black trousers, a white shirt, a blue tie, and carrying official documents in his hand. Bag, standard urban white-collar dress.

Feng Tianlai came to the coffee shop, looked around, and saw Ye Fei at a glance.

As the manager of the food section, if he doesn't even know what the most popular Ye Shen in their section looks like, then he has failed as a manager.

Seeing Ye Fei, Feng Tianlai trotted over with a smile on his face, regardless of the eyes of other people in the cafe.

"Ye Shen, I finally see you alive... no, in real life. You are much more handsome than you look on the screen." Feng Tianlai said with a smile when he sat down opposite Ye Fei.

Ye Fei just drank the last bit of black tea in his mouth, and almost spit it out when he heard Feng Tianlai say this.

Damn it, I like this guy, I just like people who tell the truth, really.

Yes, my biggest shortcoming is that I am not photogenic.

"Are you Director Feng?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Feng Tianlai said: "Just call me Brother Feng, or you can call me Lao Feng."

"Haha, I'd better call you Brother Feng. I wonder what Brother Feng wants to see me for at this time?"

When Feng Tian came to see Ye Fei, he got straight to the point. He didn't hesitate and said, "Ye Shen, it's like this. I'm here because of the company's intention. I want to discuss the contract with you, Ye Shen."

Ye Fei was stunned and said: "When I registered the anchor account on the platform, didn't I already sign the contract?"

Feng Tianlai said: "Our current electronic contract still has many loopholes and shortcomings, and many contents cannot be written on it due to confidentiality, so the contract I am talking about today is a paper contract with some clauses added. But don’t worry, I guarantee you will absolutely like the terms added to your contract.”

Ye Fei snorted and said, "Did you bring the contract? Let me take a look."

"Bring it, bring it, I'll give it to you."

With that said, Feng Tianlai hurriedly opened the briefcase and took out two contracts, each of which had more than ten pages. The number of pages alone was much larger than the electronic contracts on the Internet.

Ye Fei took one, looked down at it, and said, "You can order whatever you want to drink. I'll treat you today."

Feng Tianlai got excited and hurriedly called the waiter over and said: "Black coffee, no sugar... iced."

Ye Fei raised his head, glanced at Feng Tianlai, and said with a smile, "Your life has been hard enough."

Feng Tianlai smiled and said, "I'm used to this taste."

"Okay, you drink first, and I'll take a look at this contract." After saying that, Ye Fei lowered his head and looked at the contract in his hand.

After reading it in one go, Ye Fei also understood why Feng Tianlai asked him to sign this paper contract, because there were indeed many clauses in it that were not found in the electronic contract.

For example, how many years you have been live broadcasting on the platform, and how you cooperate with the platform during the live broadcast process. These are the internal information of each platform. They cannot be openly displayed on the Internet for you to watch, otherwise your opponents will completely destroy you. Thoroughly researched.

No matter how secretive you are in what you do, it’s not unusual for hackers to be able to crack it for you now that they are so awesome.

And the important point is that this contract contains financial provisions.

Ye Fei just counted them, and there were almost a dozen.

Including the sharing ratio with the platform, the platform’s guaranteed salary for the anchors, and some attractive benefits. More importantly, it involves insurance issues.

Ye Fei put the contract on the table.

Feng Tianlai put down the coffee in his hand and asked with a smile: "Ye Shen, have you finished reading? How do you feel?"

Ye Fei said: "This contract is much more formal than the electronic contract, and it does have a lot more conditions, but I just took a look and most of them are about money."

"Yes, the conditions set by each platform for each anchor are confidential, so they cannot be written in the electronic contract for fear of someone seeing it, so our electronic contract only contains some popular conditions."

"Well, but I have a question. When I looked at this contract just now, I saw that the guaranteed salary and benefits given to me by the platform were blank. Logically speaking, the platform should have drawn up them."

Feng Tianlai coughed twice and said: "This... I am dissatisfied with Ye Shen, you said, if it is for other anchors, we will write it first and then discuss it with them, but it is different for you. The company leader has spoken, as long as you agree When you sign a contract, you can write whatever numbers you want in these blank spaces, which means you can mention whatever conditions you want."

Ye Fei: "..."

Damn, are you so awesome? When did you become so powerful

"I can write whatever I want?"

Feng Tianlai nodded and said, "That's right."

"What if I write this minimum salary of not less than one million per month?"

"… … … ….Can!"



"It's really... ok!"

When Feng Tianlai said this, he felt that his tongue was trembling. A guaranteed salary of one million, I dare you to ask for it. Ye Shen really dares to ask for it. The guaranteed salary of other Silver Star anchors is not so high.

But when he thought about what Zhao Sen said, that Ye Fei must be signed at all costs, this guy could only grit his teeth and agree.

Ye Fei saw that Feng Tianlai's cheeks were obviously trembling when he answered, and he laughed and said: "I'm kidding you, money is a good thing, but I, Ye Fei, am not a greedy person. It was just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Feng Tianlai secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that you were just joking. If it was really one million, if other section leaders knew about it, they would definitely join forces and go to the company executives to protest.

"What does Ye Shen mean?" Feng Tianlai asked, not sure what Ye Fei meant.

Ye Fei smiled and pushed the two contracts to Feng Tianlai, shook his head and said: "I will not sign your contract."

When Feng Tianlai heard this, he almost cried and asked anxiously: "Ye Shen, why? Do you want to leave Qiuqiu Platform?"

(End of chapter)