The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 70: I hate emotional kidnapping the most!


Ye Fei was still very curious about Ma Qingyun asking him to help, because with Ma Qingyun's status in Yinzhou City, even if he encountered difficulties, as long as he said a word, as many people would come to flatter him as a carp crossing the river.

And he was just a little-known person, so how could he help him

"whats the matter?"

Ye Fei sat down again and asked.

Ma Cuihua also sat down beside him, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Fei.

Ma Qingyun smiled bitterly and said: "The live broadcast industry is turbulent now. To be honest, this industry is a star-making industry. Although those anchors cannot become real first-line stars, they can at least bring you considerable benefits, so Many platforms will do whatever it takes to bring out decent internet celebrities."

"I believe you saw what happened to He Peng the day before yesterday, and you should know it in your heart. As one of the giants in the live broadcast industry, DD Platform has always been a place that many anchors yearn for, and many people also think that they can become a DD Platform An anchor tried his best, because on the DD platform, it means one step closer to success, because their platform is large enough and has enough customer traffic. Only on such a platform can more people be attracted Attention and familiarity.”

"Similarly, the DD platform has also captured the host's mentality and is now frantically poaching people from other platforms. This is no secret among peers. For many small platforms, although they are indignant at DD's actions, But what's more, it's helpless. Our platform is not immune. Although it looks calm on the surface, in fact, it is already turbulent secretly. Counting you, there are currently a total of ten millionaire anchors on our platform. In the anchor industry, although Millions of anchors are not uncommon, but for some platforms, millions of anchors are the capital they rely on to survive."

"But just a while ago, eight of our millionaire anchors left the Qiuqiu platform and switched jobs to the DD platform. In fact, I also know their thoughts. They were just tempted by fame, fortune and money. I can do this too. Understand, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places, it’s human nature.”

"But the Qiuqiu platform has been my, Ma Qingyun's, years of hard work. I can't just watch it go down. And now there are very few millionaire anchors on the platform who can handle it. If you count one, there is also a silver anchor in the singing and dancing section." He is a level five star god, but I have talked to him and his will is a little shaken, and he may leave one day."

"If he leaves, there will really be no one on our platform, and customer traffic will decrease sharply. Such a result will definitely have a great impact on those Iron Star and Bronze Star anchors, thus This creates a vicious cycle, causing the anchors on our platform who are somewhat capable to slowly leave the platform and jump to the DD platform."

"And the final result of our platform is... collapse! Ye Fei, you and my daughter are friends. No matter what kind of friends they are, at least our relationship will be closer, and some things will be easier to say. I am just pleading now. One thing for you, no matter what happens in the future, help me keep Qiuqiu Platform!"

When Ma Qingyun said these words, he could express his feelings sincerely and behave very sincerely.

Ye Fei didn't speak after listening, and just stared at the table.

After a while, he poured himself a glass of water, drank it, then put the bamboo cup on the table and said: "Mr. Ma, I am very happy that you trust me so much, but I have to say sorry to you. "

Ma Qingyun was stunned, but he didn't speak because he knew Ye Fei would have something to say next.

Seeing that Ma Qingyun didn't say a word, Ye Fei smiled and continued: "Qiuqiu Platform is your platform, and I am just using it. In other words, I am just one of the thousands of anchors on Qiuqiu Platform. , I just have a cooperative relationship with the platform. As for the future of the platform, it will not have a great impact on me. If you fail, I will change to another platform, maybe I will also go to the DD platform, you also said just now , for an anchor, the customer traffic of a platform is crucial, and no one wants to stay on an unpopular platform to develop."

"The same goes for me, Ye Fei. This is just one of them. The most important thing is that I think you made a mistake. You just said that for the sake of friends, you are the boss and I am just a small anchor. We can become friends. It is really my honor, but this is not the reason why I can give up everything to help you protect the platform. Also, I am not that great at all. I am not so great that I would risk everything for you. I am not that powerful either. I am not powerful enough to do it. To save a live broadcast platform by myself, and I don’t understand you at all, and I don’t want to understand you. Thank you for looking up to me, Ye Fei, but I, Ye Fei, am not as easy to talk to as you think, although Ma Cuihua and I are friends. , but this does not mean that I, Ye Fei, do not have my own principles."

"To put it most directly, Mr. Ma, you are you and I am me. Can you tell me why I should help you? Is it just because of your daughter? You are wrong. If you think so, I would be more It’s impossible for me to help you, because what I, Ye Fei, hate the most is when one person uses his feelings to kidnap another person!”

Ye Fei almost yelled when he said the last part. He was suddenly very disappointed with Ma Qingyun.

Ma Qingyun frowned when he heard what Ye Fei said.

Ma Cuihua was also anxious and said quickly: "Ye Fei..."

Ye Fei turned to look at Ma Cuihua and said: "I'm sorry, I can't help with this, and I can't help, but since I'm live broadcasting on the Qiuqiu platform, and I signed a contract with you, to put it bluntly, there are three stipulations in the agreement, I will Make sure that my words and deeds are consistent. As for the final result of your platform, this can only depend on God’s will.”

"Also, Mr. Ma, although you are a successful businessman, you are not a successful negotiator. Before you fully understand me, you should not kidnap the friendship between Ma Cuihua and me from the beginning. Me, because I really hate it when you do this!”

Ye Fei spoke loudly and stared at Ma Qingyun with a pair of eyes.

He was really angry. He didn't expect that Ma Qingyun was the boss of Qiuqiu Platform, and he didn't expect that Qiuqiu Platform would be in such a situation now. What was most unacceptable to him was that Ma Qingyun... He was bound by the feelings between him and Ma Cuihua, asking him to make a guarantee.

This is no longer a negotiation, this is an order!

Ye Fei knows that he is not a powerful figure, but he also has his own bottom line. Threatening him with feelings? This made him even more angry than Ma Cuihua threatening him with her house!

So as soon as the negotiation started, Ye Fei felt that there was no need to continue talking with Ma Qingyun. No matter he was a famous figure in Yinzhou City or a famous figure in the country, in Ye Fei's view, as long as he trampled on the line of friendship between friends, It is absolutely impossible for him to associate with such a person!

I am not a saint, but I am at least a mortal with principles and bottom line!

"I..." Ma Qingyun didn't expect that Ye Fei's reaction would be so big just after the conversation started.

But he didn't know what to say for a moment. Looking at Ye Fei, whose face was livid with anger, Ma Qingyun sighed secretly.

Maybe, I really started wrong.

Perhaps, I thought the relationship between Ye Fei and his daughter was too strong.

Perhaps, Ye Fei is really a person who will never look back for the sake of true friendship.


There may be many other situations, but Ma Qingyun knew that if he made one mistake or another, Ye Fei might really not be able to help him.

Having said this, Ye Fei felt that there was no need to eat this meal, so he stood up and left directly. He didn't even sit in Ma Cuihua's car and just walked out of the farm.

The scenery around the farm was very beautiful, but this did not make Ye Fei feel better at all. He just walked with his head down.

After walking half a mile, I heard the sound of a car behind me.

Ye Fei gave way to the roadside, and the red diamond rushed to Ye Fei's side and stopped.

Ma Cuihua sat in the driver's seat, glanced at Ye Fei, and said, "Get in the car."

Ye Fei ignored her at all and continued walking with his head down.

Ma Cuihua followed slowly in her car and said, "This is still dozens of kilometers away from the city. If you think you can walk back before dark, you don't have to come up."

Ye Fei stared at Ma Cuihua's exquisite face for a while, then opened the car door and got in.

The car starts.

Ma Cuihua drove the car very seriously.

Ye Fei sat aside and said nothing.

After a long time, Ma Cuihua suddenly said: "I'm sorry."

Ye Fei: "Yeah."

"I didn't expect you to be so angry."

"Because you don't know me at all!"

Ma Cuihua was silent.

After a while, Ma Cuihua said: "I'm leaving."

Ye Fei was stunned and said: "Where to go?"


"So far."

"Yeah, it's quite far."


"Fashion design. Bari is a city of art and fashion. I have been yearning to go there since I was very young. The reason why I don't want to inherit my father's career is because I prefer fashion design. I should have my own sky."

"Everyone has his or her own ambitions. If you have an ideal, just work hard."

"The road is difficult."

"The road you choose must be walked even on your knees."

"If I leave, will you forget me?"

"Will you let me move out of the house?"


"Then I won't forget you, you are the landlord."

"Ye Fei."


"If you were looking for a girlfriend, would you look for someone older than you?"

"How much bigger?"

"Five or six years old."

"A female who is a junior in college can hold a gold brick. If she is five or six years older, she can hold two gold bricks."

"Ye Fei."


"Why did you choose to be a host?"

"Because...because I like being a host."

(Oops, I’m really conflicted about writing these chapters. I know my brothers and sisters won’t be happy watching it, but there’s nothing I can do about it. The story has to develop. If I keep writing pretending to slap people in the face, you probably won’t be able to watch it. It looked like it was about to come and slap me in the face, but fortunately, these chapters have finally passed. I am not very good at writing emotional scenes, and I don’t know how well I wrote them. All in all, the relationship between Ye Fei and Ma Cuihua has reached a stage. , Hey, actually I am quite reluctant to part with Cuihua, Cuihua, can I serve you some sauerkraut before I leave?)

(End of chapter)