The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 71: Horrible fan loyalty


Ye Fei didn't expect that Ma Cuihua would leave China and go to Bari to study fashion design. This news really caught him off guard.

But Ye Fei was more happy for Ma Cuihua.

For a person who has his or her own ideals and can do what he or she likes, you should be happy for him or her.

The car quickly arrived in Yinzhou city and its speed slowly slowed down.

"Have you ever taken a closer look at the city of Yinzhou? If not, can I accompany you to learn about it this afternoon?"

Ma Cuihua turned to look at Ye Fei, her eyes were a little red.

Ye Fei nodded: "Today... let's go shopping."

… … … …

Feng Tianlai is depressed, extremely depressed.

He has not sat down in his seat all day today. He walked around the office with his hands behind his back. As he walked, he muttered: "What's wrong with Ye Shen? Why did it suddenly stop broadcasting today? Why not?" Has it started broadcasting?"

Liu Ping and Tang Xiaomin were not in the mood to go to work anymore. In the past few days, they had slowly gotten used to Ye Fei's existence. The happiest thing about going to work every day was counting Ye Fei's rewards. Every time they saw the shocking numbers , they all felt that the mood of the day was bright and sunny.

But at around ten o'clock today, just when everyone was waiting for Ye Fei to start broadcasting at 12:10, Tang Xiaomin suddenly received news from Ye Fei that there might not be a live broadcast today.

This news directly blinded a bunch of people.

"Damn it, Ye Shen is a bit deceptive."

"Yesterday, I asked my girlfriend to watch Ye Shen's live broadcast today, but Ye Shen..."

"Yeah, no one thought that Ye Shen would stop broadcasting today."

"Ye Shen is also a human being, and he also needs to rest. After all, he has been live broadcasting for four days."

"Yes, Ye Shen should also have his own private time. Maybe he has more important things today."

"Hey, if Ye Shen doesn't start broadcasting, let's take a look at other people's live broadcasts."

"What's there to see? Everyone wants to be popular but not popular, wants to be rewarded but not rewarded. Hey, the days are back to the past. I should get off work early today."

"Shh~ don't let the supervisor hear it."

If these people in the food section are anxious, there is a group of people who are even more anxious than they are.

Ye Fei's god-level gourmet live broadcast room.

12:11 p.m.

Eat all over the world: "Hey, let me go, what happened today? Did Ye Shen oversleep? The show usually starts at 12:10, but today it is 12:11, why hasn't it started yet? ?”

Taotie: "In order to eat more at noon today, I specially prepared a table of food. I just started eating it just to watch Ye Shen's live broadcast later. Now... Damn it, there's a fly, go, go, go."

I am a foodie: "Everyone, calm down, Ye Shen may have more important things to deal with."

Mountain cannons are not cannons: "Holy crap, I prepared a reward of 100,000 yuan today, but Ye Shen didn't come?"

The great god Hao Bazhen Jade Food appeared: "Is there anyone more miserable than me? Originally, a beautiful woman asked me to go to Bari to see a fashion exhibition, but I refused directly. As a result... As a result... Ye Shen, please compensate me for being a beautiful woman." .”

"Pfft~~Bazhen Shenhao, you have suffered a big loss."

"Yeah, we don't have anything to do yet. The worst we can do is watch it during Ye Shen's live broadcast. If you, a beauty like you, run away, it won't be worth it. Besides, you should be able to watch the live broadcast in Bari, right? Haha."

Everyone was in admiration for Bazhen Jade Food. How delicious does this person have to be to do such a top-notch thing? A beautiful woman made an appointment to go to Bari to see a clothing exhibition and even declined, just to watch Ye Shen's live broadcast. But Ye Shen Not on air.

Just as everyone was rushing around anxiously, suddenly an audience member named Xiao Pingping spoke in the live broadcast room: "Everyone, Ye Shen has some personal matters today. The live broadcast will be suspended for one day."

"Holy shit, how did you know?"

"Inside information."

"real or fake?"

"Remember my ID. If it's fake, you'll scold me when you see my online name in the future."

"Uh, is it really not going to be broadcast anymore?"

"It's boring. If Ye Shen doesn't start broadcasting, my afternoon will be boring."

"It's over, it's over. I'm going to make some money so I can reward Ye Shen later. Every time I see you cheating on airplanes and cruises, I go crazy."

"I still have a client waiting for me."

"I'd better wait for a while, just in case Ye Shen comes back later and starts broadcasting."

"Hey, it's possible. I'll wait too."

As people talked, some exited the live broadcast room, while more people chose to stay and wait.

Qiuqiu platform Silver Star anchor group.

"Damn it, Ye Fei is off the air today."

"I'm really convinced by him. It's only been four days since it started broadcasting, and he dared to stop broadcasting. I wonder how much loss this will cause a new anchor?"

"It's easy to lose the audience's trust."

"Made, it's so irritating that people are so popular. When I first started in this industry, I didn't dare to be lazy even a day in the first three months. I started broadcasting on time every day. Just like that, the growth rate of fans was slower than a tortoise."

"Me too, I really want to die. They are both anchors. Why is there such a big difference?"

"It's been more than half an hour, and there are still more than 20,000 people waiting in this guy's live broadcast room. God, are you kidding us?"

"The quality of the fans, the loyalty of the fans, holy shit, I'm so jealous all of a sudden."

"I was so jealous yesterday. When I think about that godly man who is desperate to reward you, I am filled with envy and jealousy."

At this time, Duanzi Wang showed up and asked a very important question: "I wonder why everyone went to watch Ye Fei's live broadcast again today?"

Everyone: "..."

"King Duanzi, you really want to die, don't you?"

"Can you give me a little wink? Is this the time to ask this question?"

"That's right, we go there with a learning attitude."

"Smart and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions."

"When three of us are together, we must have my teacher."

“There is no limit to the sea of learning.”

"People should live and learn."

Duan Ziwang: "... Damn it, you guys are so fucking shameless. You just say it openly and openly if you want to go see it, and you come up with so many excuses. I'm really impressed by you."

"Ahem, I just want to see what this guy cooks today."

"Me too. I want to learn how he cooks. Yesterday, my girlfriend didn't let me go to bed because I didn't cook the food well."

"Ye Fei still has some merits, such as his cooking."

"Although I don't like Ye Fei as a person, I like the food he cooks."

Duanziwang has thoroughly seen how shameless these Silver Star anchors are. He kept swiping ellipses in the chat group. He was really speechless.

There were also reactions in the company group of Qiuqiu Platform.

"Hey~~Ye Fei in the food section didn't start broadcasting today."

"No way? Is it true or false?"

"Really, our outdoor sports section didn't have any big names worthy of attention today. So I went to his live broadcast room and found that all his fans were talking about this topic."

"Did you also go to his live broadcast room? I just came back. Our fitness section started broadcasting today and there weren't many great people. I went to Ye Fei's live broadcast room to have a look, and I really saw that his fans were talking about this. thing."

"Haha, young people really don't know how big the world is. They are just a new anchor. Even if his results in the past few days are phenomenal, his fan base is not solid after all. He has only spent three days fishing and two days surfing the Internet. It’s strange that his fans don’t have any objections to the way it was launched.”

"Young people always do things without considering the consequences. You must know how difficult it is to become a true fan nowadays. If there are anchors like him, even a true fan will become a negative fan."

"What are you talking about? How can a loyal fan turn into a negative fan? Let me tell you, Ye Fei's fan loyalty will definitely scare your eyes. It's already past two o'clock, and there are nearly 20,000 people in his live broadcast room. The fans are all waiting."


"Your sister, are you serious? The anchor has been dating for more than an hour and hasn't even left a message. Are those people still waiting stupidly?"

"I'm really waiting. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself."

Each section of the platform has its own focus. This group of people is usually like that. If their own section has a master broadcasting, then their job is to serve these masters. If you want to go to other sections to anchor the broadcast, Want to see the room? Please, do you have that time? What would they think if the masters of your section knew that you were still watching another section's live broadcast

Therefore, although this group of people are usually shocked by Ye Fei's god-level performance, every time Ye Fei starts broadcasting, it coincides with the time of the master of their section. This also makes this group of people unable to understand Ye Fei's live broadcast. We can only see it from the video afterwards.

Today, there are no great figures in every section, and this group of people has nothing to worry about. When they heard that Ye Fei’s fans were so loyal, these people definitely didn’t believe it, so many people quietly sneaked into Ye Fei’s live broadcast room to watch. Look, everyone was speechless at this sight.

"You have 30,000 fans?"

“Damn it, it was around 20,000 just now, and now it’s increased again?”

"Just waiting?"

"Ye Fei... what the hell is the magic power of his live broadcast? The loyalty of these fans is too scary!!"

(End of chapter)