The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 87: I want to replace it with a 100-inch display screen


After hearing Ye Fei say that there was a spaceship flying over his live broadcast room, Longlonglong immediately fell to the ground.

As a loyal viewer of Qiuqiu Platform, he has been watching live broadcasts on this platform long before Ye Fei came. However, he used to watch more miscellaneous ones, such as singing and dancing, language, fitness or outdoor sports. , of course he knew everything about the reward props on Qiuqiu Platform.

He knew that although there was a big gap between the price of reward items on the Qiuqiu platform and other large platforms, the prices of spaceships and aircraft carriers were still a bit scary, because whether it was a spaceship or an aircraft carrier, each one cost 30,000 Huaxia Coin, that's money.

Now that I know that someone rewards Ye Fei's spaceship, Longlonglong is really shocked if he is not shocked.

Getting up from the ground, he ignored the orchid, wolfberry and roasted beef and rushed directly to Ye Fei's computer. He was seeing the last spaceship that was about to disappear.

"Go ahead, it's true! What kind of tycoon is this guy? He's so generous!"

With that said, Longlonglong hurriedly asked Chianwanxia: "Brother Tianxia, someone just rewarded Ye Shen with a spaceship. Who is it?"

Chi Wan Tian Xia laughed and said: "Long Longlong, are you sometimes surprised? Weren't you just squeaking?"

Longlonglong didn't care about the ridicule from all over the world, and asked: "Brother Tianxia, I was wrong just now, tell me quickly who it is? Is it Bazhen Shenhao?"

In Long Longlong's opinion, someone with such arrogant means must be the Bazhen Jade Food who uses money as money.

Sure enough, after eating all over the world, he stopped teasing Longlonglong and said, "Of course there is Brother Bazhen."

"Haha, I knew it was him... Wait, of course there is Brother Bazhen? You mean he is just one of them?"

Longlonglong was a little confused. He didn't expect that the spaceship he saw was only the last one, and there were others in front of him.

Eat all over the world chuckled and said: "It's necessary. Do you think Ye Shen's delicacies are only worth a spaceship? Let me tell you, the first person to reward Ye Shen's spaceship is not Bazhen Jade Food, but a food tyrant The great God!"

"Shi Ba Tian??"

It was the first time Longlonglong had heard of this person, but no matter what, he knew that there was another great person in Ye Fei's live broadcast room, and he was sincerely happy for Ye Fei.

At this time, Ye Fei came to the computer with the plate, put it down, and said with a smile: "Thank you so much for your support. I, Ye Fei, will do my best to do every live broadcast for you in the future."

What he said was true. Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room was so generous to him, he made up his mind not to let everyone's hearts fall.

With that said, Ye Fei picked up the plate, shook it in front of the camera, and said: "The orchid and wolfberry braised beef has been prepared. To be honest, I don't know what it tastes like. Let's try it now."

As he said that, Ye Fei picked up a piece of beef roll with his ivory chopsticks and put it in his mouth, chewed it lightly for a few times, and then... Then he frowned.

Everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back this plate of delicious and tempting food for a long time. Now seeing Ye Fei's brows furrowed, their hearts skipped a beat. What's going on? Isn't this dish delicious

"Ye Shen, tell me how it tastes. Don't just frown."

"Ouch, I feel itchy and uncomfortable. Ye Shen, is it delicious?"

"Nonsense upstairs, look at the appearance of this plate of food, can it be unpalatable?"

"Then why did Ye Shen frown after taking a bite?"

"Uh... guess."

"I*@#~I guess your sister, I guess, if I can guess, why should I ask?"

This fan is about to explode.

At this time, Chi Wan Tian Xia asked: "Ye Shen, how are you doing?"

Ye Fei suddenly smiled, then made a gesture of invitation and said: "I think it is most appropriate to let Brother Longlonglong tell you. After all, I made this dish. If I say it is delicious, it would be a bit of a boast." .”

People all over the world shouted "Xiao Longlong, would you like to try it quickly? Let me tell everyone, you are really getting an advantage today."


Longlonglong almost vomited blood when he heard what he was called by eating all over the world.

Xiaolonglong? Where am I young? I am a great dragon.

But now that the food was delicious, he couldn't care less about arguing with Shi Wan Xia. This guy was so excited that he was trembling a little. He turned to Ye Fei and asked: "Ye Shen, do you really want me to eat?"

Ye Fei laughed and said: "It's just a plate of food. It's just for eating."

Saying that, Ye Fei handed Long Longlong a pair of ivory chopsticks that he had prepared.

Longlonglong took the chopsticks and was no longer in the mood to look at the exquisite ivory work. Instead, he directly picked up the beef rolls on the plate.

It's just that this guy was so excited that his right hand holding the chopsticks kept shaking. As a result, he couldn't pick up a piece for a long time. He was so anxious that he was sweating, and he was so depressed that he wanted to chop his hands off.

"Don't shake, don't shake, stop shaking, I can't hold the bull in my arms!!"

This guy was wailing in his heart, annoyed with his unsatisfactory right hand.

"Haha, Longlonglong, we won't rob you, so don't be so excited."

"That's right, Longlonglong, although we envy you, you really shouldn't get excited now. Try it quickly and let us know if it tastes good."

"Longlonglong, your right hand lacks exercise. You must not insist on doing single men's exercises every night."

"Pfft~ It's so dirty upstairs."

"Haha, single men's health exercises, my brother is so talented in naming me."

When everyone was teasing Longlonglong, he finally picked up a piece of roast beef and put it into his mouth eagerly.

Everyone was silent. They all stared at Long Longlong's expression with bated breath, watching the guy's reaction. If he also frowned, it meant that the dish was not appetizing.

Longlonglong put the beef roll into his mouth and chewed it.

At this moment, Longlonglong almost jumped up.

This was a taste he had never tasted before. When his teeth bit into the beef roll, the first thing he could feel was that a lot of soup suddenly rushed out from the inside of the meat roll, and the soup fell into the meat roll. On the tongue, it's like volcanic lava is flowing everywhere, burning all the taste buds.

At this moment, Long Longlong felt that all the hairs on his body stood up suddenly, and his pores blew out, letting out all the troubles and sorrows in his body for so many years. He felt as if he had eaten a spirit. It feels like medicine, making my whole body feel indescribably comfortable.

After chewing the beef roll a few more times, a strange aroma exploded in my mouth!

It was the smell of beef, the smell of rose cooking oil, the sweet smell of wolfberry, the elegant fragrance of broccoli, and the smell of several inexplicable seasonings. These flavors mixed together directly brought Longlonglong's soul with him. Thousands of feet high in the sky, his whole body was about to float.

"Holy shit! Damn it! I've never tasted such delicious food. It's simply... I can't describe it. I don't know what the palace banquet tasted like in the past, but I dare say that even the royal banquets taste like this. No chef can make such delicious food, really... Ye Shen, can I have another piece?"

As he said that, Longlonglong looked at Ye Fei with a pleading look on his face.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Of course you can, but the beef rolls are best chewed with broccoli and wolfberry. Would that taste better?"

"Tastes better?"

Longlonglong didn't know what to say. The beef rolls alone made him fall into despair. Eating several ingredients together would taste better

He didn't know, but he wanted to eat.

So I picked up a beef roll, then put a piece of broccoli and a wolfberry in my mouth and chewed them together.

This time, Longlonglong completely realized what delicious food is.

"It's so damn delicious. It's so delicious. I... I never thought that there would be such delicious food in the world. I'm really going crazy."

Longlonglong was going crazy, but everyone in the live broadcast room was already crazy.

When they saw the expression of enjoyment on Long Longlong's face, they knew that this was definitely an unforgettable dish, but it was a pity that they couldn't eat it.

For a foodie, is there anything more cruel than looking at delicious food but not being able to eat it


So in reality, these people were all gulping saliva, wishing they could get into the computer and kick the dragons away so they could taste it themselves.

At this time, the rewards in the live broadcast room have reached the peak. Luxurious airplanes, luxury cruise ships, luxury sports cars, luxury... lollipops are emerging one after another, and they rush out one by one like chasing stars and chasing the moon.

The entire live broadcast room was once again flooded, and this time it was more flooded than ever before. Everyone could only see the screen full of reward props, and even no props could be seen clearly, because there were at least four more props on top of each prop. Five props are superimposed.

"Nima, I can't see anything anymore. I need to change to a 100-inch display screen!"

(End of chapter)